Two authentication modes in Testlink - authentication

I've just installed Testlink and am trying to get familiar with it.
I've even managed to configure authentication using LDAP (Microsoft AD).
But strangely, as soon as I set LDAP as default authentication method, my local test users cannot log on anymore.
If I change back to DB authentication as default auth method, my LDAP users cannot log in anymore.
I've the following set in the configuration file:
$tlCfg->authentication['domain'] = array('DB','LDAP');
$tlCfg->authentication['method'] = 'LDAP';
It seems as if both authentication modes are enabled and LDAP is used as the default.
When editing the user settings of a user, I have a dropdown box named "Authentication method"
It has three entries. One is "Default", the other is "0" and the third is "1".
This led me to the assumption, that I can select the type of authentication used for this account.
But strangely, regardless of which option I choose, the behavior is identical to what I mentioned above.
Is anyone experienced in Testlink?
Does anyone use two authentication modes in parallel with Testlink?
Did anyone see the same issue before? What did you do to solve this issue?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Best regards,

You can use testlink DB authentication as well as LDAP authentication. You have to set this option when you create user

Dropdown box named "Authentication method" has three entries. One is "Default (LDAP)", the other is "DB" and the third is "LDAP". If you see different options then something is messed up with your TestLink installation. I'm using v1.9.14 on MySQL.


Persistent access control exception error message on Moodle

I am trying to enroll a user on my Moodle site via using the Moodle API.
My Moodle instance is hosted on AWS and all relevant ports are open and listening. So, from the network perspective, I can commit that is all ok.
The steps I have already done based on Moodle Documentation:
I have enabled web services on Administration > Mobile app >Mobile settings
I have gone through the 10 steps on the overview of allowing an external system to control Moodle as explained in the documentation (shown also in this Youtube video)
For testing purposes, I am using Postman. Some requests are going through (e.g. getting the token for a certain user, getting the list of all courses, etc.)
But when I try to i.e. create a user or enroll a user in an existing course I am getting this error:
"exception": "webservice_access_exception",
"errorcode": "accessexception",
"message": "Access control exception"
The way I am trying to i.e. create the user is as follows:
In the body section I am sending the following data:
Based on my research, most of the contributors suggested enabling web services, but as mentioned above I have enabled them but the problem persists.
Can someone help me solve the issue here or maybe suggest a way of debugging it?
Fortunately, I managed to solve the issue for both user creation and user enrollment.
Here is a great guide that helped me. In addition, you need to add some additional functions to the web service (roles wary based on what you want to do in Moodle) and also you need to alter the permissions of the new user (again depending on what you want to do)...

User confirmation is not enabled on this site : Moodle Web Service

When i try to check if user is valid or not (using username and password) using the web service function
'core_auth_confirm_user' then it says 'User confirmation is not enabled on this site' with errorcode
'confirmationnotenabled'. If anyone knows to fix this, then please help.
Logged in your Moodle as an admin, go to admin/search.php and search for the setting registerauth. Get sure the setting has a value set other than Disable. For example, you can set it as Email-based self-registration, in this case the auth plugin that will handle the confirmation would be auth_email. It is also possible that this error may arise if you have somehow selected other auth plugin and that plugin does not implement the can_confirm() as returning true in its auth.php config file, but this is very unlikely IMO.

Using CKAN with the Cosign SSO system and LDAP

I'm using CKAN with Apache and an SSO system called Cosign. Cosign works as an authenticator in Apache and ends up setting REMOTE_USER before the python code fires up. What I'm trying to do is use LDAP user lookup based on that preset REMOTE_USER. Can I do that with the CKAN ldap plugin ( Any advice greatly appreciated - I'm a Python and CKAN novice.
The short answer is that ckanext-ldap doesn't do that. What it does is provide a custom login form (username and password) that authenticates the credentials via LDAP. It then creates a session for the corresponding CKAN user, creating a user account first if required. Having it do anything else would require customisation of the extension although there are a number of options documented in its readme that alter the behaviour in small ways.
Whether ckanext-ldap would be a suitable extension to build upon to achieve what you want depends on what you want to do, which isn't clear from your question.

how to disable user in Apache Directory Ldap

Iam using Apache Directory Ldap. I started using it just recently. I had one query:
I had one attribute called 'user-last-date', so as soon as this user end-date reaches, I should be able to disable the user account in ldap and also should send out an automated email to his manager. So, Is that possible to disable the user automatically in ldap as soon as the 'user-last-date' reached?
I already searched in google on this, not finding much info on this.
No, it is not possible by default, however you can write a custom interceptor to achieve this.
Or you can set the value of attribute pwdAccountLockedTime to 000001010000Z to permanently lock the account, but this will be effective only if the passwordpolicy is enabled.

Ajax File Explorer: Avoid login popup (SSO)

We want to integrate "AFE (Ajax File Explorer) into our Drupal application. Our users are authenticated in Drupal and it is not possible for us to ask a second time there login/pwd while opening AFE.
We received a first answer from ITHIT:
Here is how to set login and password:
ajaxFileBrowser.GetSession().SetCredentials('User1', 'pwd');
Please note that this API sets password in XHR. Setting login and
password in XHR does not provide any feedback on weather the login was
successful. That is why in general I would suggest to rely on web
browser login dialog which is displayed automatically instead of
calling SetCredentials.
However it is not clear if it is a real and robust SSO solution. We discovered that Drupal has an webdav SSO module (, we will also investigate that part. But any comment/help welcomed.
To my understanding there is no way to totally get rid of login dialog when using Basic, Digest, NTLM or Kerberos authentication with Microsoft Office.
Microsoft Office applications always ask for the authentication when used with Basic or Digest authentication. This is a Microsoft Office and Microsoft Mini-redirector limitation and there are no workaround in case your server is using Basic or Digest.
However, if you check "Remember my password" check-box it will still display the login dialog, but the user name and password will be already filled-in, so you just click "OK".
Here are some options to consider if you need to totally suppress login dialog with Microsoft Office:
Use NTLM or Kerberos authentication. In case of NTLM or Kerberos MS
Office asks for credentials only 1 time during first document access.
Implement Office Forms Based Authentication Protocol (MS-OFBA).
Implement Url-authentiation. Your urls will look like:[SessionID1234567890]/path/file.docx.
In case of Url-authentiation make sure you do not include the session ID in query string, Microsoft Office will truncate it. You will have to put session ID somewhere in the path, as in the above example, which is not very convenient, when you need to mount a WebDAV folder in you file system, but still works in most cases.
Possible duplicate here Stackoverflow
I solved that problem in the same manner.