Complex menu design in bootstrap 3? - twitter-bootstrap-3

I'm a beginner on twitter bootstrap. I have to integrate this image on web site using bootstrap 3. How to make this menu using bootstrap element without adding images? Thank you

You can create some white cols (for some li's) inside a black row. Use the hover tag to choose what is appear white or not.
You can create these cols inside a bigger col too.
Hope my words help! :)


Bootstrap buttons for DataTables

Im In need of assistance when it comes to implementing Bootstrap buttons in a DataTable where the purpose is to toggle the columns with these buttons.
This is how it looks like by default in the DataTables design, what I am trying to do is to use the Bootstrap design instead and also place the buttons to the left of the table which seem rather impossible...
If you have any suggestions please feel free to discuss it!
Check This
Bootstrap 3
This example shows DataTables and the Buttons extension being used with the Bootstrap framework providing the styling. The DataTables / Bootstrap integration provides seamless integration for DataTables to be used in a Bootstrap page.

How do I make the menu collapse to mobile earlier in Bootstrap?

I'd like to be able to manipulate the breakpoint at which the menu collapses to it's mobile version with the 3 stacked horizontal bars.
You can do this by creating your own customized version of Bootstrap. The easiest way to do this is to go to and to set the #grid-float-breakpoint variable.
This will keep the breakpoints for mobile, tablet & desktop at their regular values and only change the point at which the .navbar collapses.
You can customise bootstrap with your own required break points.
Go here and in the ‘Media queries breakpoints’ section and adjust the #screen-sm (mobile), #screen-md & #screen-lg parameters as required ...then generate and then replace your custom bootstrap over the existing bootstrap assets.

QSS Horizontal TabWidget Styling

So, I'm trying to create a theme for Ninja-IDE. Ninja-IDE uses PyQt, so the themes are made in qss. I'm trying to make my Ninja-IDE look like VS2012. I was just wandering, if it is possible to have separate styles for horizontal and vertical tabs in qss.
isn't working for me.
Any Ideas?
please check this answer QTabWidget tabPosition when using stylesheets

H tags in CKEditor

I was simply wondering if there's an easy way of creating H tags through CKEditor (without going to HTML view) ?
I need this in order for SEO as well as making the content nicer to read by breaking it up.
One would have thought there's a button on the toolbar for this but no :)
The Format dropdown allows you to select such options.
You can also customize the Styles dropdown or create a new plugin if you want each option available as a toolbar button, this is a sample of such plugin.

Using art from Expression Design, in Expression Web

I built a round rectangle in Expression Blend, and would like to bring it into Expression Web as a background for my #welcometext div. I want to be able to position it and then add text over it.
I brought it in with CSS but it's too big, how can I resize it to fit the div?
Sounds more like a job for CSS than an image. The following website provides a way of automatically generating suitable backgrounds: