leafref inside grouping to grouping - schema

I want to create a leafref from one grouping to another, is it possible?
I have the following files:
module a
namespace "http://something.com/a";
prefix a;
import b
prefix b;
description "a configuration";
container a
uses b:group1;
uses b:group2;
so, module a has two instances, group1 & group2.
I want a leafref from group2 to point on a leaf from group1.
module b
namespace "http://something.com/b";
prefix b;
description "b configurations";
grouping group1
container group1
leaf parameter-x
type uint8;
grouping group2
container group2
leaf ref-parameter-x
type leafref
path "????/parameter-x of group1";

Solved with augment.
I do not know if possible with grouping.

This is not possible in YANG and, if you think about it, with good reason. When you create a grouping, you create a hierarchy of reusable non-namespaced data nodes which only start to make sense once the grouping is used. You can use those anywhere and they may even be used by someone else who imports your module (provided that groupings are defined at module top-level). By anywhere, I mean at any level within a YANG module. This means that you cannot use absolute nor relative paths to identify a leaf from your grouping:
container top {
uses group1;
container foo {
uses group1;
There are already two paths that could identify your leaf (again assuming top-level):
So which one of these absolute expressions is the correct one to specify in your second grouping? If the answer is "either one", you cannot model this. If however you have a specific leaf in mind, you could do this (used a typedef to make it obvious that we are talking about a specific leaf):
typedef my-special-leaf {
type leafref {
path "/top/foo/group1/parameter-x";
grouping group-2 {
container group-2 {
leaf special {
type my-special-leaf;
Leafrefs are used for leafs that may get instantiated and you know this for a fact (are part of the schema tree). If you only define the leaf inside a grouping, it has not yet become a part of the schema tree. Not until used (anywhere but inside another grouping).
A good reusable grouping definition assumes nothing about the location at which it will be used.


Is there precedence for object oriented syntax for a relative path?

I'm creating my own extended version of JSON for various reasons. One thing that I'm adding is the ability to self reference and I'm trying to come up with an OO syntax for relative paths.
To illustrate, lets say I have a nested object that is supposed to reference its parent object
{ my_item: { parent: ??? } }
??? symbolizes the missing syntax.
Now in most operating systems, going up one level is notated as .. so we could try doing the same
{ my_item: { parent: .. } }
Looks pretty neat, however, if I tried to reference anything else in the parent, I'd end up with
{ my_item_sibling: {}, my_item: { sibling_of_parent: ...my_item_sibling } }
Which is not as neat as its the same as spread syntax ... which I'm also adding
I could do something with parentheses, like so
{ my_item_sibling: {}, my_item: { sibling_of_parent: (..).my_item_sibling } }
Which is not terrible but I'd prefer something cleaner.
Maybe I'll reserve a symbol?
{ my_item_sibling: {}, my_item: { sibling_of_parent: #.my_item_sibling } }
In any case, these examples are just to illustrate what I'm doing. If there is an established or a particularly nice looking way to do it, I'll just copy that.
The question is: Is there a precedence to this? A relative path implemented in a c-like language?

How to remove element from iterator if condition depends on property of the object the iterator is based on?

Let me elaborate:
I need to be able to iterate over a list of objects. Each of the objects has a property which is a list, and I have to check if that list contains any elements that are not in another list.
When I tried to do it by using nested for loops, it kept giving me concurrent modification exceptions, so I tried to use an iterator, but now I'm stuck, since if I make an iterator based on the list of objects, I can't access the individual object's properties to then iterate over.
Here's some example code of what I was trying to accomplish:
for (preference in preferencesWithRestaurant) {
for (restaurantID in preference.restaurantIDs) {
// One method I tried using
preferencesWithRestaurant.removeIf{ !listOfIds.contains(restaurantID) }
/* alternate method I tried using
if (!listOfIds.contains(restaurantID)) {
If you can replace the value of preferencesWithRestaurant or store the result in another variable then you can filter it:
preferencesWithRestaurant = preferencesWithRestaurant.filter { preference ->
preference.restaurantIDs.all { it in listOfIds }
Depending on the exact type of preferencesWithRestaurant you may need to convert it to the proper type, e.g. invoke toMutableList() at the end.
If you prefer to modify preferencesWithRestaurant in-place, then you can use retainAll() (thanks #Tenfour04):
preferencesWithRestaurant.retainAll { preference ->
preference.restaurantIDs.all { it in listOfIds }
Alternatively, you can keep your original approach, but use a mutable iterator to remove an item while iterating:
val iter = preferencesWithRestaurant.listIterator()
for (preference in iter) {
for (restaurantID in preference.restaurantIDs) {
if (!listOfIds.contains(restaurantID)) {

When performing a collections operation, is it possible to modify the underlying collection?

For example, I have the following code to recursively copy a directory's contents.
private fun copyContentDirectory(directory : File): List<File> {
val files = directory.listFiles().toList()
val filesToTransform = mutableListOf<File>()
// Add each file + directory. Then, recursively add the files in each directory.
.onEach { filesToTransform += it }
.filter { it.isDirectory }
.forEach { filesToTransform += copyContentDirectory(it) }
return filesToTransform
Is it possible to have something like the following? If not, why not?
private fun copyContentDirectory(directory : File): List<File> {
return directory.listFiles().toList()
.filter { it.isDirectory }
.onEach { <thisList> += copyContentDirectory(it) }
Where thisList is some symbol that allows me to reference the underlying list. Does such a thing exist?
As per comments, your intentions aren't very clear.
Looking at the second example, the obvious answer would seem to be to replace this line:
.onEach { <thisList> += copyContentDirectory(it) }
with one using flatMap(), e.g.:
.flatMap{ copyContentDirectory(it) }
That collects together the results from all the recursive calls, and returns them as a single list — which I think is what you want.
However, that just reveals deeper problems:
Despite the name, the method isn't actually copying anything, just collecting together a list.
The list will always be empty — it recurses over directories, but never returns any files, so will only every be combining empty lists.
Here's a version which addresses the second problem. I've also renamed it, recast it as an extension function, and used partition() to avoid filtering twice.  (The first result is those files matching the predicate, i.e. directories, over which it recurses; the second is files not matching, i.e. non-directories, which it includes directly.)  And because listFiles() can return null in some circumstances, it has to handle that too.
private fun File.listContents(): List<File>
= listFiles()
?.partition{ it.isDirectory }
?.let{ it.first.flatMap{ it.listContents() } + it.second }
?: listOf()
(That doesn't address the copying, but the question doesn't indicate how you plan to approach that.)

More concise way to build a configuration class using environment variables?

I have a class Configuration that reads in environment variables:
class Configuration {
has $.config_string_a;
has $.config_string_b;
has Bool $.config_flag_c;
method new() {
sub assertHasEnv(Str $envVar) {
die "environment variable $envVar must exist" unless %*ENV{$envVar}:exists;
return self.bless(
config_string_a => %*ENV{'CONFIG_STRING_A'},
config_string_b => %*ENV{'CONFIG_STRING_B'},
config_flag_c => Bool(%*ENV{'CONFIG_FLAG_C'}),
my $config = Configuration.new;
say $config.config_string_a;
say $config.config_string_b;
say $config.config_flag_c;
Is there a more concise way to express this? For example, I am repeating the environment variable name in the check and the return value of the constructor.
I could easily see writing another, more generic class that encapsulates the necessary info for a config parameter:
class ConfigurationParameter {
has $.name;
has $.envVarName;
has Bool $.required;
method new (:$name, :$envVarName, :$required = True) {
return self.bless(:$name, :$envVarName, :$required);
Then rolling these into a List in the Configuration class. However, I don't know how to refactor the constructor in Configuration to accommodate this.
The most immediate change that comes to mind is to change new to be:
method new() {
sub env(Str $envVar) {
%*ENV{$envVar} // die "environment variable $envVar must exist"
return self.bless(
config_string_a => env('CONFIG_STRING_A'),
config_string_b => env('CONFIG_STRING_B'),
config_flag_c => Bool(env('CONFIG_FLAG_C')),
While // is a definedness check rather than an existence one, the only way an environment variable will be undefined is if it isn't set. That gets down to one mention of %*ENV and also of each environment variable.
If there's only a few, then I'd likely stop there, but the next bit of repetition that strikes me is the names of the attributes are just lowercase of the names of the environment variables, so we could eliminate that duplication too, at the cost of a little more complexity:
method new() {
multi env(Str $envVar) {
$envVar.lc => %*ENV{$envVar} // die "environment variable $envVar must exist"
multi env(Str $envVar, $type) {
.key => $type(.value) given env($envVar)
return self.bless(
|env('CONFIG_FLAG_C', Bool),
Now env returns a Pair, and | flattens it in to the argument list as if it's a named argument.
Finally, the "power tool" approach is to write a trait like this outside of the class:
multi trait_mod:<is>(Attribute $attr, :$from-env!) {
my $env-name = $attr.name.substr(2).uc;
$attr.set_build(-> | {
with %*ENV{$env-name} -> $value {
Any ~~ $attr.type ?? $value !! $attr.type()($value)
else {
die "environment variable $env-name must exist"
And then write the class as:
class Configuration {
has $.config_string_a is from-env;
has $.config_string_b is from-env;
has Bool $.config_flag_c is from-env;
Traits run at compile time, and can manipulate a declaration in various ways. This trait calculates the name of the environment variable based on the attribute name (attribute names are always like $!config_string_a, thus the substr). The set_build sets the code that will be run to initialize the attribute when the class is created. That gets passed various things that in our situation aren't important, so we ignore the arguments with |. The with is just like if defined, so this is the same approach as the // earlier. Finally, the Any ~~ $attr.type check asks if the parameter is constrained in some way, and if it is, performs a coercion (done by invoking the type with the value).
So I mentioned this in a comment but I figured it would be good as an actual answer. I figured this would be useful functionality for anyone building a Docker based system so took Jonanthan's example code, added some functionality for exporting Traits Elizabeth showed me and made Trait::Env
Usage is :
use Trait::Env;
class Configuration {
has $.config_string_a is env;
has $.config-string-b is env(:required);
has Bool $.config-flag-c is env is default(True);
The :required flag turns on die if not found. And it plays nicely with the is default trait. Attribute names are upper cased and - is replaced with _ before checking %*ENV.
I have a couple of planned changes, make it throw a named Exception rather than just die and handle Boolean's a bit better. As %*ENV is Strings having a Boolean False is a bit of a pain.

Writing an attribute trait

I'm about to choose what language to use for a new project: Perl5 or Perl6. 6 wins so far except that it is missing Moo's lazy attributes. The two implementations I found in modules are missing the key functionality. Hence, my attempt write my own implementation.
Role vs. Class
First problem I've got into is the content of attribute's .package for one declared in a role. Consider the followin:
role HOW1 {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
note "HOW1.compose";
role HOW2 {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
note "HOW2.compose";
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$mooish!) {
note "Attribute's package.HOW: ", $attr.package.HOW;
$attr.package.HOW does HOW1;
class Foo {
has $.bar is mooish;
role FooRole {
has $.baz is mooish;
The output of the script follows:
Attribute's package.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
$*PACKAGE.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW.new
Attribute's package.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::GenericHOW.new
$*PACKAGE.HOW: Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW.new
As it is clearly seen from the output, applying a role to a metaclass always works for classes and only works for $*PACKAGE.HOW with roles. Use of $*PACKAGE instead of .package could be considered a solution, but not the one I'd really like to use. (Though, if there is no better way...)
I would like to provide lazy functionality for private attributes too. Yes, this will be availabe with self!bar syntax only, but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 😉 The problem is that all the examples of custome-made accessor I found so far are using Attribute.set_value() method which is way too low-level. I'd like to have something like this:
role MooishHOW {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
my $accessor = $class.^add_private_method( 'bar1',
method () is rw {
note self.WHO, ".bar1";
FETCH => -> $o {
STORE => method ( $val ) {
note "Storing";
$!bar1 = $val;
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$mooish!) {
$attr.package.HOW does MooishHOW unless $attr.package.HOW ~~ MooishHOW;
class Foo {
has $.bar is mooish;
has $!bar1 is mooish;
method to-bar1 {
note "bar1 val:",self!bar1;
my $inst = Foo.new;
But $!bar1 notation doesn't compile because of the scope (MooishRole). Are there a trick I'm missing which would allow referencing a private attribute on self?
Tricky one
Perhaps it is possible to make an attribute to be a Proxy container? This would greatly simplify the overall logic of laziness implementation.
I have answered all my questions by finally achieving the target and released AttrX::Mooish module.
So far, the answer for the first question is: no. $*PACKAGE is currently the only way.
Second question: have no answer, but the final code has to rely on set_value() anyway.
The tricky one happened to be possible: set_value() does binding of an attribue to a container making it possible to bind to a Proxy object. No need to for sacrifices, private attributes can be accessed directly with lazyness working on them.
Thanks everybody, your answers let me work around some rough edges!