Where to place login dialog for 3-legged Auth for restful API - api

I'm trying to wrap my head around 3-legged authentication to secure a restful API.
Currently I have a client application at app.host.com which needs to be accessed by multiple users with different account permissions and data, as well as the JSON RESTful api which holds all data at app_api.host.com
For 3-legged auth, I understand I first need a consumer key and secret belonging to the client app.host.com... I also understand an unauthorized request token must be provided by the service provider, which is given to the client, which is then redirected back to the service provider for authorization with a login dialog.
So does the login dialog then exist as a user interface on the API host at app_api.host.com? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of me building a purely JSON restful API separately to the client?
Or can I build the login dialog on the client which would then post the user/pwd details to another auth endpoint on the API and provide a 200 code when the request token is authorized? And then in turn the client would ask for permissions from the user which would again be posted to another endpoint which then responds with the appropriate access token for that user?
TL;DR: Am I able to have the login dialog exist on the client, which then posts data to the service provider? All guides I've read suggest having the dialog on the service provider, which in this case would defeat the purpose of having the api as a separate app altogether. How should I go about building this? Any available guides?

OAuth 2.0 defines different flows to use with different clients, depending on how much you trust the client.
Authorization code
The first and most secury flow is the authorization token flow. It is used with a traditional web application in which you can store secrets relatively securely (only people with admin privileges should have access to the client ID and secret stored in the configuration).
When the user (resource owner) wants to authenticate, the user-agent is redirected to the authorization server which belongs to the domain of the resource server (the data the client wants to consume, for example Facebook or Google). The authorization server presents the user with logon UI. When the user authenticates successfully, it presents the consent UI to ask if the user wants the client application to access the resource. If the user consents, the user-agent is redirected back to the client application with an authorization code. The client application can now use this code, its client ID and secret to talk to the authorization server directly and get an access token. In this flow, the access token is never in the hands of the user-agent.
Implicit flow
In the implicit flow, the user-agent (here typically a native (mobile) application or JavaScript client) redirects to the authorization server or opens a browser window to navigate to the authorization server. When the user authenticates successfully and grants permission to the client application, the access token itself is returned to the client. So the user-agent never sees the username and password the user enters (as this happens on a HTML page that is controlled by the resource server), but does have control over the access token.
Resource owner password credential flow
Here the user-agent is fully trusted and asks the user for username and password. It then communicates with the authorization server to get a access token. Even though the user-agent knows the credentials of the user, it only uses them once to get an access token. It does not need to send them along each request to the resource server.
So to answer your question, you can build the login dialog in your app if you think your users will trust your application enough to give you their credentials. Otherwise you should probably go for one of the other flows. You can read more on OAuth 2 here and here.


ID token usage when using "Log in with Google" in a mobile app

Suppose that I have a mobile app with a frontend and a backend server.
My understanding is that -- when a user logs in the app with "Login with google", the frontend sends a request to the google auth server, and gets back an ID token. The documentation says that the frontend can then send the token to the backend server to establish a session. I imagine that means the token can be used in session-based authentication?
If I were to use token-based authentication (as opposed to session-based), do I just attach the ID token in every server request, and have the backend verifies it each time when processing a request? this page suggests the ID token should not be sent to the backend API. Which leaves me wonder what the correct procedure is for token-based authentication when using log in with Google.
So my question is: Does my server need to create an access token from the ID token from Google, and send it to the frontend, so the frontend can attach that access token in the API requests for authentication?
Login with Google is an identity provider (IDP) operation. A full OAuth solution, including an authorization server (AS) looks like this:
Mobile app uses system browser to redirect to AS
AS returns a redirect response to the system browser, which routes to the IDP
User signs in at the IDP
IDP returns an authorization code to AS
AS swaps it for IDP tokens and carries out validations
AS issues a set of tokens to the app. This includes an access token (AT) with whatever scopes and claims are needed for business authorization to work.
Mobile app sends AT in API requests
API authorizes using scopes and claims from the access token
So ideally plug in an authorization server, to get this out-of-the-box behaviour. Another option is to implement your own token service, and issue your own tokens. That is less recommended though, since it requires more detailed understanding of the underlying security.

Separate authentication and authorization servers for SPA app

I have
UI (a single page app)
an external authentication server
my own authorization server
resource server (my own backend APIs)
Here's what I am trying to do
UI/User gets an AuthN token from the external authentication server.
UI sends the AuthN token to get the an AuthZ token from my own authorization server
UI uses the AuthZ token to retrieve data from the resource server
But the problem is I don't know if the user is still authenticated anymore because I stopped using the AuthN token from step 3. Should I use both tokens together? or somehow consolidate the 2 tokens into one? Hope to get some ideas from here. Thanks!!
This is the standard way of managing components:
UI makes an OpenID Connect redirect to the Authorization Server (AS)
AS makes a second OpenID Connect redirect to the authentication system. There could be more than one of these, eg Google, Facebook.
After user sign in the AS issues the same tokens for your UI and resource server, regardless of how the user signs in. The UI sends access tokens to the resource server which can authorize based on scopes and claims received.
Unless you have special reasons, do not use foreign tokens from authentication systems in your own applications. This is because you are not in a position to control their contents.
The OpenID Connect prompt and max-age parameters can be used to control how frequently the user is prompted to re-authenticate, and the auth_time claim can be issued in ID tokens to inform the UI of the last authentication time.
For example your app could use access tokens that last 15 minutes. Whenever they expire you could send a request with a prompt-none parameter to see if the user is still authenticated. If not then you will receive a login_required response and you could then redirect the user to re-authenticate.
Knowing if the user is still authenticated suggests you need to know if they signed out in another app. OpenID Connect has four Single Logout Mechanisms that you should be aware of, and which may possibly work for your scenario.
This is a technical area that has never worked perfectly in any Single Sign On technology though. This may be because you do not control all apps, or because of technical limitations, eg Google may not inform the Authorization Server if the user signs out of Gmail.
Your apps should only use the authorization server tokens. Use OIDC request parameters to control when the user must re-authenticate.

Is HTTP Basic Authentication and OAuth 2.0 same?

One of a vendor API documentation mentions that their API calls require to use HTTP Basic Authentication scheme, i.e. user:password Base64 encoded but, their token API (Login equivalent) documentation mentions that "..this service implements OAuth 2.0 - Resource Owner Password & Credential Grant"
Isn't HTTP Basic Authentication different from OAuth ?
Yes, HTTP Basic Authentication different from OAuth 2.0. However, the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant utilizes Basic Authentication Scheme within the Authorization Request for the Client's credentials as described with section 4.3.1. Authorization Request and Response
The Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is typically used to convert legacy systems to OAuth 2.0 and no more secure than Basic Authentication Scheme.
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is intended to be used when no other Grant Types are available and ONLY when there is a high degree of trust between the Resource Owner and the OAuth Client .
Yes, they both are different.
Http Basic : This is for authentication and user credentials are encoded then passed in HTTP header to the client server.
Basic example for HTTP Basic : Just like traditional web application which asked user to provide credentials and these credentials sent to server in HTTP header. Later server utilize those credentials to authenticate the user.
OAuth 2 : This is for authorization, here the client server required authorization of user data(resource owner) from authorization server.
Basic example for OAuth 2 : Let say there is a online game application running on a server, the user accessed the application which starts loading into user's browser. Now that application asking grants from user to post data about games on his Facebook account. Here user authorize his that application to access his Facebook posts through OAuth Standard. Refer the internal mechanism https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749
Basic access authentication usage is comparable to OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Type.
A session can be created using Basic Authentication and services can be accessed using a sessionid in a stateful environment.
But if you do not want to use the session due to session limitations or stateless services, you can use the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Type instead, which creates a token instead of session and sessionid. This token provides access to the services.
HTTP basic access authentication:
This is the simpler method for meeting the requirements to access a web service. It is simple because it doesn’t require any of the usual processes in a credentials system: cookies, session IDs or access pages. The whole HTTP basic authentication process is based on standard fields in the HTTP header. Thus, it avoids handshaking: the automated process by which two entities establish authenticated communication before starting normal communication via the established channel. This means equipment can communicate with an external device only if there is successful authentication; otherwise, the communication channel is not created. The connection via modem would fail, for example. The secure development of the basic HTTP access authentication method is HTTPs.
To prevent the basic HTTP access authentication method causing the browser to launch a username and password request for each access, the browser must store this information in the cache for a prudent length of time that doesn’t reduce security excessively. These security credentials are usually stored for 15 minutes.
What is this basic HTTP access authentication method like in the real world?
The access credential provided to third-party developers who want to connect to a mobile API is a totally secret alphanumerical ID.
This alphanumerical API key is stored in a secure space on the server.
The developer making requests for a particular service contained in this API should place this secret ID within the HTTP authorization header along with the word Basic. The two elements together allow the server to recognize the alphanumerical credential and provide access.
GET /private/index.php HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Authorization: Basic alphanumerical ID
OAuth 2.0:
OAuth represents a step forward in the use of credentials for authentication of API service users. It is a major advance on the basic HTTP access authentication method. Today it is practically the only security method that is almost 100% reliable, and its reliability is based on creating unique authentication tokens for each user. If this access token is compromised, it is deleted and a new one is issued. This means that the API’s own credentials are safeguarded.
The authentication process is as follows:
A user launches a native application and is asked to give a username or email address and a password to identify themselves as a user.
The type of request used to send this credential to the API is a POST request, which ensures private delivery of secret data. This request is sent via the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, designed to enable applications to transmit outbound data securely. SSL facilitates giving and receiving encryption keys between applications.
This request allows to validate user credentials and to create ad hoc an authentication or access token that will expire after a time, or if the user or developer responsible for the API believes it to have been breached.
This authentication token is stored in the device to facilitate access to the API’s services that support the application itself.
If we compare both methods, OAuth 2.0 provides better security criteria because any initial request for credentials is made under the SSL protocol and because the guaranteed access object is a temporary token. In the basic HTTP access authentication process, access to API services always relies on sending credentials via the web, specifically in the HTTP header, which makes it much vulnerable to third parties.

API oauth2 which grant type should I choose

I'm working on a personal project composed of an API and 4 clients (web, android, iOS, windows phone).
I'm using django-rest-framework and oauth2 toolkit on the API side and I wonder which grant_type would be more suitable in my situation.
I read somewhere that the implicit grant_type is appropriate for working with mobile clients.
I'm currently using the resource owner password credentials system.
My current workflow is:
The user creates an account on the API registration page (http://mysite/api/register) then gets redirected on the web client.
The user have to authenticate himself on the API from the web client (the secret and client ID are store in the web client). If the authentication is successful the access_token and refresh_token are both stored in the user session.
Each time the user want to access a page I verify if he is authenticated by requesting the API using his access_token. If the request fails, I retry with the refresh_token. If it's fails again I redirect the user on the auth page.
The user can use the API on a mobile client with the same account without extra manipulations (the secret and client ID are store in a secure location ex. share preferences or keychain)
I like this workflow, it's simple and convenient for the user: he registers once and can use all the clients and I get a perfect separation between the logic (API) and the UI (client). But I'm worried about the security of this system. I don't want to expose my users to threats. Do you guys have any thoughts, recommendations, suggestions?
You help in this matters would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

How to get a JWT?

When reading about securing an app with JWTs, it is often said that the client initially gets a token from the server and then sends this token along with every request to the API.
This approach works great, once you have a token. As far as I can see, the default way of transferring a token is using an HTTP header, namely Authentication with Bearer as the prefix of the token as value.
But - is there also a default way of how to get the token initially? In samples you often see that this is just a simple request to and HTTP endpoint, that then returns JSON. But I was wondering whether there is something more of a standard workflow that e.g. describes what should be the name of this endpoint, as in OAuth2?
Any hints?
JWT is a token format which is used in security protocols like OAuth2 and OpenID Connect.
How to get the token from the authorization server depends on the grant flow you are using.
There are 4 grant flows defined in OAuth 2.0 that are intended for different clients and uses.
Authorization code grant
This grant is intended for web applications. The user's browser is redirected (HTTP 302) to the authorization server. The authorization server takes care of authenticating the user (via username/password, smartcard, 2-factor auth whatever).
The authorization server then redirect the browser back to a preregistered endpoint in the web application with a code. The web application then uses it's own credentials (client id and client secret) and the authorization code to request an access token from the authorization server.
The authorization server returns an access token and a refresh token to the web application. Note that the browser (untrusted) never sees the access token. Only the web application (trusted) has access to the access token and refresh token.
This grant is difficult to use from other clients than web applications as it's based on HTTP redirection.
Implicit grant
This grant is used for untrusted clients like JavaScript applications or 3rd party mobile clients (the ones you download from the app-store).
It also redirects a browser (or browser control) to the authorization server, but instead of returning a code to the browser after successful authentication, it returns an access token directly. Because the client is not trusted, the grant does not return a refresh token. The access token needs to be stored somewhere and is vulnerable to XSS attacks.
Even though you do not get a refresh token, some implementations do provide a way to get a new access token by communicating to the authorization server in a hidden IFRAME and using cookies to authenticate with the authorization server itself.
Resource Owner Password Credentials grant
This grant is for trusted clients, for example a desktop application or a first party mobile app with secure storage capabilities. The client application asks the user (the resource owner) for their username/password and then sends this to the authorization server to acquire an access token and refresh token.
Once the client has the access token, it can discard the password as it can use the refresh tokens to get new access tokens. This makes it more secure than basic authentication.
This grant does not depend on browser redirects and can be easily used from any application that can execute HTTP requests.
Client Credentials grant
This grant is meant to authenticate the client (application) instead of the user of the client.
In this case, the client submits its client id and secret directly to the authorization server to acquire an access and refresh token.
So basically the first two grants depend on browser-like capabilities (HTTP redirects, HTML login pages), where the other two grants only need an HTTP stack to communicate with the authorization server.
Every OAuth2 server has its own endpoints. The client can discover the name of relevant endpoints using discovery protocols like http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderMetadata.