SPARQL-Query results invalid? - sparql

I run a Virtuoso Server and missed a number of results when making a SPARQL-Select request. I tracked it down and find a really strange behaviour, that I cannot explain.
But to start from the beginning.
The endpoint I query can be found at
I) Check for a specific triple:
<>. }
The query returns TRUE
II) Now getting a bit more unspecific:
<>. }
If the first returns true, the second shall do as well, shouldn't it? But it doesn't. It return FALSE!
If I replace the predicate or the object with a variable, it returns true as expected. Only when setting a variable for the subject, it returns false.
That the data really exists in the triple store can be tested by running the query
<>. }
You will see, that both results comw with p = - which is exactly the predicate I am asking for in the former query.
To make it even more strange, there ARE triples with the aforementioned format, that return the triples:
select * {
<>. }
Any idea, what is happening here?
Thanks in advance,

The Virtuoso being used is an original 07.00.3203 build from 2013.
I would suggest upgrading to the latest Virtuoso 07.10.3211, open source or commercial, depending on which is in use here, and see if the problem persists ...


How to filter query SPARQL for property "type"

I have a data source file that one of its properties is an actual class instance:
<clinic:Radiology rdf:ID="rad1234">
<clinic:diagnosis>Stage 4</clinic:diagnosis>
<clinic:ProvidedBy rdf:resource="#MountSinai"/>
<clinic:ReceivedBy rdf:resource="#JohnSmith"/>
so clinic:ProvidedBy is pointing to this:
<clinic:Radiologists rdf:ID="MountSinai">
<clinic:name>Mount Sinai</clinic:name>
How do I query using the property clinic:providedBy (which is of type clinic:Radiologists)? Whatever I have tried does not bring back results.
It's also not clear what exactly you want to have, so my answer will return "all radiology resources that are provided by MountSinai":
?s clinic:ProvidedBy :MountSinai
But, I really suggest to start with an RDF and SPARQL tutorial, since form your comment your query
SELECT * WHERE { ?x rdf:resource "#MountSinai" }
is missing fundamental SPARQL basics. And for writing a matching SPARQL query it'S always good to have a look at the data in Turtle resp. N-Triples format both of which being closer to the SPARQL syntax.

Path queries in Wikidata endpoint?

Consider the following snippet
ASK WHERE { wd:Q734774 wdt:P31 wd:Q3918. }
This works fine in Wikidata. I want to use some of the path syntax in the this snippet. Specifically I want to limit the number of the times "wdt:P31" used in the path. According to the guidelines this should be the right syntax:
ASK WHERE { wd:Q734774 wdt:P31{,3} wd:Q3918. }
But it's giving me weird error messages. Any ideas?
The final version of SPARQL 1.1 Property Paths lets you do this with the following query --
{ wd:Q734774
wdt:P31? / wdt:P31? / wdt:P31?
For clarity, I've put the full Property Path Predicate (wdt:P31? / wdt:P31? / wdt:P31?) on a separate line between Subject (wd:Q734774) and Object (wd:Q3918). The trailing ? asks for one-or-zero instances of the wdt:P31 predicate, and the / asks for a sequence, so this full path asks for a sequence of zero-or-one-or-two-or-three instances.

how to exclude one instance from SPARQL query result

I have a query to get some similar instances for a specific instance, which is owbes:Dies_Irae instance. This is the query:
CONSTRUCT { ?recommendable0 ?predicate0 ?similarity0 } WHERE {
?recommendable0 ?predicate0 ?object0.
owbes:Dies_Irae ?predicate0 ?object0.
?predicate0 owbes:hasSimilarityValue ?similarity0.
?recommendable0 rdf:type ?someType.
?someType rdfs:subClassOf owbes:Recommendable.
It works fine, I get in the results what I'm supposed to. However, I also get the same instance owbes:Dies_Irae. Is there a way to exclude it from the result?
Well, I'm sure there is. I tried to search, I found that there is a filter, I tried to use it, but no succeed. This is the filter that I apply FILTER (?recmmendable0 != owbes:Dies_Irae)
I also tried to check if both of them have the same rdf:about but it didn't work.
Here you go the result:
"0.4"^^xsd:double .
"0.4"^^xsd:double .
"0.4"^^xsd:double .
as you see, the last instance is the one that I'd like to exclude
FILTER (?recmmendable0 != owbes:Dies_Irae)
You didn't spell recommendable0 correctly in your filter. Since the variable isn't used anywhere else, it never has a value, so the filter doesn't have anything to compare.

DBpedia get all cities in the world - missing a few

I use this sparql query to get as much cities as possible:
select * where {
?city rdf:type dbo:PopulatedPlace
However, some expected ones are missing e.g.
(neither that nor one of its wikiRedirects)
which is of a dbo:PopulatedPlace as this query returns true (in JSON):
ask {
:Heidelberg a dbo:PopulatedPlace
I need that list to be exhaustiv because later I will add constraints based on user input.
I use to test the queries.
Any help is appreciated.
One of the Devs told me the public endpoint is limited ( about 1K ).
I'll come up with a paginated solution and see if it contains the 'outlier'.
The outlier is definitly in the resultset of rdf:type dbo:Town.
Using dbo:PopulatedPlace yields too many results to check per hand, though.
The public endpoint limits results to about 1K. Pagination or use of a smaller subclass of dbo:PopulatedPlace yields the result.

SPARQL Update not working

I am trying to perform a simple update of the value of a property that that has a given resource as its subject.
Here is my query:
DELETE { <> <> ?o0 .
<> <> "creator1" .
WHERE { <> <> ?o0 .
The result of this is that the delete is executed, but the insert is not; I end up destroying all instances of the property, but no new value is added.
If I remove the WHERE clause, I end up with duplicate triples, because it seems the DELETE is not executed.
What am I doing wrong?
This code produces the duplicates:
<> <> ?o0 .
<> <> "creator1" .
The query without the WHERE clause is not a legal SPARQL expression, and should have resulted in a syntax error. If the engine you're using accepts this, then that is a bug in that engine.
At first glance, ditto for the earlier operation, which you say deletes but does not insert: as far as I can see the SPARQL expression is correct, and if as you say the insert part does not get executed, that means you've discovered a bug in the engine that executes it. I recommend you get in touch with the developers directly.
Here is a workaround I used to get this working (finally thank God). It seems you can specify several operations to be executed over the graph in a single operation using the semicolon ;.
I ended up specifying the DELETE statement and then the UPDATE one
Check this out for code sample : SPARQL Update example for updating more than one triple in a single query