T-SQL parameter sniffing recompile plan - sql

I have the SQL command
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (10) * FROM mytableView WHERE ([Name]) LIKE (''%'' +
(#Value0) + ''%'') ORDER BY [Id] DESC',N'#Value0 varchar(5)',#Value0='value'
this sql command execute near 22 seconds. I fount that it happens because I have a parameter sniffing..
If add to end of SQL command option(recompile) it's work fast: 0 seconds was shown in Managements studio
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (10) * FROM mytableView WHERE ([Name]) LIKE
(''%'' + (#Value0) + ''%'') ORDER BY [Id] DESC
option(recompile)',N'#Value0 varchar(5)',#Value0='value'
Is it possible to recompile/recreate/erase/update execution plan for my SQL command to work without option(recompile)?
I have tried to apply
unfortunately all this actions didn't help me.

You could try the OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN hint instead of RECOMPILE:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (10) *
FROM mytableView
WHERE ([Name]) LIKE (''%'' + (#Value0) + ''%'')
N'#Value0 varchar(5)',
#Value0 = 'value';
The MSDN page for Query Hints states that OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN:
Instructs the query optimizer to use statistical data instead of the initial values for all local variables when the query is compiled and optimized, including parameters created with forced parameterization.
This hint instructs the optimizer to use the total number of rows for the specified table divided by the number of distinct values for the specified column (i.e. average rows per value) as the row estimate instead of using the statistics of any particular value. As pointed out by #GarethD in a comment below: since this will possibly benefit some queries and possibly hurt others, it needs to be tested to see if the overall gain from this is a net savings over the cost of doing the RECOMPILE. For more details check out: How OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN Works.
And just to have it stated, depending on the distribution of the data and what values are passed in, if there is a particular value being used that has a distribution that is fairly representative of most of the values that could be passed in (even if wildly different from some values that won't ever be passed in), then you can target that value by using OPTIMIZE FOR (#Value0 = 'representative value') rather than OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN.
Please note that this query hint is only needed for queries that have:
parameters supplied by variables
the field(s) in question do not have a fairly even distribution of values (and hence different values passed in via the variable could generate different plans)
The following scenarios were identified in comments below and do not all require this hint, so here is how to address each situation:
select top 80 * from table order by id desc
There is no variable being passed in here so no query hint needed.
select top 80 * from table where id < #lastid order by id desc
There is a variable being passed in here, but the [id] field, by its very nature, is evenly distributed, even if sparse due to some deletes, hence no query hint needed (or at least should not be needed).
SELECT TOP (10) * FROM mytableView WHERE ([Name]) LIKE (''%'' + (#Value0) + ''%'') ORDER BY [Id] DESC
There is a variable being passed in here, and used in such a way that there could be no indication of consistent numbers of matching rows for different values, especially due to not being able to use an index as a result of the leading %. THIS is a good opportunity for the OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) hint as discussed above.
If there is a situation where a variable is passed in that has a greatly varying distribution of matching rows, but not many possible values to get passed in, and the values that are passed in are re-used frequently, then those can be concatenated (after doing a REPLACE(#var, '''', '''''') on it) directly into the Dynamic SQL. This allows for each of those values to have their own separate yet reusable query plan. Other variables should be sent in as parameters as usual.
For example, a lookup value for [StatusID] will only have a few possible values and they will get reused frequently but each particular value can match a vastly different number of rows. In that case, something like the following will allow for separate execution plans that do not need either the RECOMPILE or OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN hints as each execution plan will be optimized for that particular value:
;THROW 50505, '#StatusID was not a valid INT', 55;
SET #SQL = N'SELECT TOP (10) * FROM myTableView WHERE [StatusID] = '
+ REPLACE(#StatusID, N'''', N'''''') -- really only needed for strings
+ N' AND [OtherField] = #OtherFieldVal;';
EXEC sp_executesql
N'#OtherFieldVal VARCHAR(50)',
#OtherFieldVal = #OtherField;
Assuming two different values of #StatusID are passed in (e.g. 1 and 2), there will be two execution plans cached matching the following queries:
SELECT TOP (10) * FROM myTableView WHERE [StatusID] = 1 AND [OtherField] = #OtherFieldVal;
SELECT TOP (10) * FROM myTableView WHERE [StatusID] = 2 AND [OtherField] = #OtherFieldVal;


Are there any existing, elegant, patterns for an optional TOP clause?

Take the (simplified) stored procedure defined here:
create procedure get_some_stuffs
#max_records int = null
set NOCOUNT on
select top (#max_records) *
from my_table
order by mothers_maiden_name
I want to restrict the number of records selected only if #max_records is provided.
The real query is nasty and large; I want to avoid having it duplicated similar to this:
if(#max_records is null)
select *
from {massive query}
select top (#max_records)
from {massive query}
An arbitrary sentinel value doesn't feel right:
select top (ISNULL(#max_records, 2147483647)) *
from {massive query}
For example, if #max_records is null and {massive query} returns less than 2147483647 rows, would this be identical to:
select *
from {massive query}
or is there some kind of penalty for selecting top (2147483647) * from a table with only 50 rows?
Are there any other existing patterns that allow for an optionally count-restricted result set without duplicating queries or using sentinel values?
I was thinking about this, and although I like the explicitness of the IF statement in your Problem 1 statement, I understand the issue of duplication. As such, you could put the main query in a single CTE, and use some trickery to query from it (the bolded parts being the highlight of this solution):
CREATE PROC get_some_stuffs
#max_records int = NULL
WITH staged AS (
-- Only write the main query one time
SELECT * FROM {massive query}
-- This part below the main query never changes:
-- A little switcheroo based on the value of #max_records
SELECT * FROM staged WHERE #max_records IS NULL
SELECT TOP(ISNULL(#max_records, 0)) * FROM staged WHERE #max_records IS NOT NULL
) final
-- Can't use ORDER BY in combination with a UNION, so move it out here
ORDER BY mothers_maiden_name
I looked at the actual query plans for each and the optimizer is smart enough to completely avoid the part of the UNION ALL that doesn't need to run.
The ISNULL(#max_records, 0) is in there because TOP NULL isn't valid, and it will not compile.
You could use SET ROWCOUNT:
create procedure get_some_stuffs
#max_records int = null
set NOCOUNT on
IF #max_records IS NOT NULL
SET ROWCOUNT #max_records
select top (#max_records) *
from my_table
order by mothers_maiden_name
There are a few methods, but as you probably notice these all look ugly or are unnecessarily complicated. Furthermore, do you really need that ORDER BY?
You could use TOP (100) PERCENT and a View, but the PERCENT only works if you do not really need that expensive ORDER BY, since SQL Server will ignore your ORDER BY if you try it.
I suggest taking advantage of stored procedures, but first lets explain the difference in the type of procs:
Hard Coded Parameter Sniffing
--Note the lack of a real parametrized column. See notes below.
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[USP_TopQuery]', 'U') IS NULL
ALTER PROC [dbo].[USP_TopQuery] #MaxRows NVARCHAR(50)
, #Option NVARCHAR(50) = 'TOP (' + #MaxRows + ') *'
IF ISNUMERIC(#MaxRows) = 0
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL
SET #SQL = REPLACE(#SQL, '*', #Option)
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL
Local Variable Parameter Sniffing
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[USP_TopQuery2]', 'U') IS NULL
ALTER PROC [dbo].[USP_TopQuery2] #MaxRows INT NULL
SET #Rows = #MaxRows;
FROM dbo.THisFile
SELECT TOP (#Rows) *
FROM dbo.THisFile
No Parameter Sniffing, old method
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[USP_TopQuery3]', 'U') IS NULL
ALTER PROC [dbo].[USP_TopQuery3] #MaxRows INT NULL
FROM dbo.THisFile
SELECT TOP (#MaxRows) *
FROM dbo.THisFile
SQL Server initializes variables in Stored Procs at the time of compile, not when it parses.
This means that SQL Server will be unable to guess the query and will
choose the last valid execution plan for the query, regardless of
whether it is even good.
There are two methods, hard coding an local variables that allow the Optimizer to guess.
Hard Coding for Parameter Sniffing
Use sp_executesql to not only reuse the query, but prevent SQL Injection.
However, in this type of query, will not always perform substantially better since a TOP Operator is not a column or table (so the statement effectively has no variables in this version I used)
Statistics at the time of the creation of your compiled plan will dictate how affective the method is if you are not using a variable on a predicate (ON, WHERE, HAVING)
Can use options or hint to RECOMPILE to overcome this issue.
Variable Parameter Sniffing
Variable Paramter sniffing, on the other hand, is flexible enough to work witht the statistics here, and in my own testing it seemed the variable parameter had the advantage of the query using statistics (particularly after I updated the statistics).
Ultimately, the issue of performance is about which method will use the least amount of steps to traverse through the leaflets. Statistics, the rows in your table, and the rules for when SQL Server will decide to use a Scan vs Seek impact the performance.
Running different values will show performances change significantly, though typically better than USP_TopQuery3. So DO NOT ASSUME one method is necessarily better than the other.
Also note you can use a table-valued function to do the same, but as Dave Pinal would say:
If you are going to answer that ‘To avoid repeating code, you use
Function’ ‑ please think harder! Stored procedure can do the same...
if you are going to answer
with ‘Function can be used in SELECT, whereas Stored Procedure cannot
be used’ ‑ again think harder!
SQL SERVER – Question to You – When to use Function and When to use Stored Procedure
You could do it like this (using your example):
create procedure get_some_stuffs
#max_records int = null
set NOCOUNT on
select top (ISNULL(#max_records,1000)) *
from my_table
order by mothers_maiden_name
I know you don't like this (according to your point 2), but that's pretty much how it's done (in my experience).
How about something like this (you're have to really look at execution plans and I didn't have time to set anything up)?
create procedure get_some_stuffs
#max_records int = null
set NOCOUNT on
select *, ROW_NUMBER(OVER order by mothers_maiden_name) AS row_num
from {massive query}
WHERE #max_records IS NULL OR row_num < #max_records
Another thing you can do with {massive query} is make a view or inline table-valued function (it it's parametrized), which is generally a pretty good practice for anything big and repetitively used.

Performance Dynamic SQL vs Temporary Tables

I'm wondering if copying an existing Table into a Temporary Table results in a worse performance compared to Dynamic SQL.
To be concrete i wonder if i should expect a different performance between the following two SQL Server stored procedures:
#Tablename VARCHAR(100)
SELECT #SQL = 'Insert into Table2 Select Sum(ValColumn) From '
+ #Tablename + ' Where ID=' + #ID
#Tablename Varachar(100)
Create Table #TempTable (ValColumn float, ID int)
SELECT #SQL = 'Select ValColumn, ID From ' + #Tablename
+ ' Where ID=' + #ID
EXEC ( #SQL );
FROM #TempTable;
DROP TABLE #TempTable;
I'm asking this since I'm currently using a Procedure build in the latter style where i create many Temporary Tables in the beginning as simple extracts of existing Tables and am afterwards working with these Temporary Tables.
Could I improve the performance of the stored procedure by getting rid of the Temporary Tables and using Dynamic SQL instead? In my opinion the Dynamic SQL Version is a lot uglier to programm - therefore i used Temporary Tables in the first place.
Table variables suffer performance problems because the query optimizer always assumes there will be exactly one row in them. If you have table variables holding > 100 rows, I'd switch them to temp tables.
Using dynamic sql with EXEC(#sql) instead of exec sp_executesql #sql will prevent the query plan from being cached, which will probably hurt performance.
However, you are using dynamic sql on both queries. The only difference is that the second query has the unnecessary step of loading to a table variable first, then loading into the final table. Go with the first stored procedure you have, but switch to sp_executesql.
In the posted query the temporary table is an extra write.
It is not going to help.
Don't just time a query look at the query plan.
If you have two queries the query plan will tell you the split.
And there is a difference between a table variable and temp table
The temp table is faster - the query optimizer does more with a temp table
A temporary table can help in a few situations
The output from a select is going to be used more than once
You materialize the output so it is only executed once
Where you see this is with a an expensive CTE that is evaluated many times
People of falsely think a CTE is just executed once - no it is just syntax
The query optimizer need help
An example
You are doing a self join on a large table with multiple conditions and some of conditions eliminate most of the rows
A query to a #temp can filter the rows and also reduce the number of join conditions
I agree with everyone else that you always need to test both... I'm putting it in an answer here so it's more clear.
If you have an index setup that is perfect for the final query, going to temp tables could be nothing but extra work.
If that's not the case, pre-filtering to a temp table may or may not be faster.
You can predict it at the extremes - if you're filtering down from a million to a dozen rows, I would bet it helps.
But otherwise it can be genuinely difficult to know without trying.
I agree with you that maintenance is also an issue and lots of dynamic sql is a maintenance cost to consider.

Performance issue when inserting large XML parameters into temp table [duplicate]

I'm trying to insert some data from a XML document into a variable table. What blows my mind is that the same select-into (bulk) runs in no time while insert-select takes ages and holds SQL server process accountable for 100% CPU usage while the query executes.
I took a look at the execution plan and INDEED there's a difference. The insert-select adds an extra "Table spool" node even though it doesn't assign cost. The "Table Valued Function [XML Reader]" then gets 92%. With select-into, the two "Table Valued Function [XML Reader]" get 49% each.
Please explain "WHY is this happening" and "HOW to resolve this (elegantly)" as I can indeed bulk insert into a temporary table and then in turn insert into variable table, but that's just creepy.
I tried this on SQL 10.50.1600, 10.00.2531 with the same results
Here's a test case:
declare #xColumns xml
declare #columns table(name nvarchar(300))
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#columns') is not null drop table #columns
insert #columns select name from sys.all_columns
set #xColumns = (select name from #columns for xml path('columns'))
delete #columns
print 'XML data size: ' + cast(datalength(#xColumns) as varchar(30))
--raiserror('selecting', 10, 1) with nowait
--select ColumnNames.value('.', 'nvarchar(300)') name
--from #xColumns.nodes('/columns/name') T1(ColumnNames)
raiserror('selecting into #columns', 10, 1) with nowait
select ColumnNames.value('.', 'nvarchar(300)') name
into #columns
from #xColumns.nodes('/columns/name') T1(ColumnNames)
raiserror('inserting #columns', 10, 1) with nowait
insert #columns
select ColumnNames.value('.', 'nvarchar(300)') name
from #xColumns.nodes('/columns/name') T1(ColumnNames)
Thanks a bunch!!
This is a bug in SQL Server 2008.
insert #columns
select ColumnNames.value('.', 'nvarchar(300)') name
from #xColumns.nodes('/columns/name') T1(ColumnNames)
This workaround is from an item on the Microsoft Connect Site which also mentions a hotfix for this Eager Spool / XML Reader issue is available (under traceflag 4130).
The reason for the performance regression is explained in a different connect item
The spool was introduced due to a general halloween protection logic
(that is not needed for the XQuery expressions).
Looks to be an issue specific to SQL Server 2008. When I run the code in SQL Server 2005, both inserts run quickly and produce identical execution plans that start with the fragment shown below as Plan 1. In 2008, the first insert uses Plan 1 but the second insert produces Plan 2. The remainder of both plans beyond the fragment shown are identical.
Plan 1
Plan 2

Optional parameters, "index seek" plan

In my SELECT statement i use optional parameters in a way like this:
SELECT name FROM some_table WHERE (id = #p1 OR #p1 IS NULL) AND (name = #p2 OR #p2 IS NULL)
In this case the optimizer generates "index scan" (not seek) operations for the entity which is not most effective when parameters are supplied with not null values.
If i add the RECOMPILE hint to the query the optimizer builds more effective plan which uses "seek". It works on my MSSQL 2008 R2 SP1 server and it also means that the optimizer CAN build a plan which consider only one logic branch of my query.
How can i make it to use that plan everywhere i want with no recompiling? The USE PLAN hint seemes not to work in this case.
Below is test code:
-- see plans
CREATE TABLE test_table(
name varchar(10),
INSERT INTO test_table(name) VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c')
SELECT name FROM test_table WHERE id = #p OR #p IS NULL
DROP TABLE test_table
Note that not all versions of SQL server will change the plan the way i shown.
The reason you get a scan is because the predicate will not short-circuit and both statements will always be evaluated. As you have already stated it will not work well with the optimizer and force a scan. Even though with recompile appears to help sometimes, it's not consistent.
If you have a large table where seeks are a must then you have two options:
Dynamic sql.
If statements separating your queries and thus creating separate execution plans (when #p is null you will of course always get a scan).
Response to Comment on Andreas' Answer
The problem is that you need two different plans.
If #p1 = 1 then you can use a SEEK on the index.
If #p1 IS NULL, however, it is not a seek, by definition it's a SCAN.
This means that when the optimiser is generating a plan Prior to knowledge of the parameters, it needs to create a plan that can fullfil all possibilities. Only a Scan can cover the needs of Both #p1 = 1 And #p1 IS NULL.
It also means that if the plan is recompiled at the time when the parameters are known, and #p1 = 1, a SEEK plan can be created.
This is the reason that, as you mention in your comment, IF statements resolve your problem; Each IF block represents a different portion of the problem space, and each can be given a different execution plan.
See Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL.
This explains comprehensively the versions where the RECOMPILE option works and alternatives where it doesn't.
Look at this article http://www.bigresource.com/Tracker/Track-ms_sql-fTP7dh01/
It seems that you can try to use proposal solution:
`SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE IsNull(column, -1) = IsNull(#value, -1)`
`SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE COALESCE(column, -1) = COALESCE(#value, -1)`

Print Dynamic Parameter Values

I've used dynamic SQL for many tasks and continuously run into the same problem: Printing values of variables used inside the Dynamic T-SQL statement.
Declare #SQL nvarchar(max), #Params nvarchar(max), #DebugMode bit, #Foobar int
select #DebugMode=1,#Foobar=364556423
set #SQL='Select #Foobar'
set #Params=N'#Foobar int'
if #DebugMode=1 print #SQL
exec sp_executeSQL #SQL,#Params
The print results of the above code are simply "Select #Foobar". Is there any way to dynamically print the values & variable names of the sql being executed? Or when doing the print, replace parameters with their actual values so the SQL is re-runnable?
I have played with creating a function or two to accomplish something similar, but with data type conversions, pattern matching truncation issues, and non-dynamic solutions. I'm curious how other developers solve this issue without manually printing each and every variable manually.
I dont believe the evaluated statement is available, meaning your example query 'Select #FooBar' is never persisted anywhere as 'Select 364556243'
Even in a profiler trace you would see the statement hit the cache as '(#Foobar int)select #foobar'
This makes sense, since a big benefit of using sp_executesql is that it is able to cache the statement in a reliable form without variables evaluated, otherwise if it replaced the variables and executed that statement we would just see the execution plan bloat.
updated: Here's a step in right direction:
All of this could be cleaned up and wrapped in a nice function, with inputs (#Statement, #ParamDef, #ParamVal) and would return the "prepared" statement. I'll leave some of that as an exercise for you, but please post back when you improve it!
Uses split function from here link
set nocount on;
declare #Statement varchar(100), -- the raw sql statement
#ParamDef varchar(100), -- the raw param definition
#ParamVal xml -- the ParamName -to- ParamValue mapping as xml
-- the internal params:
declare #YakId int,
#Date datetime
select #YakId = 99,
#Date = getdate();
select #Statement = 'Select * from dbo.Yak where YakId = #YakId and CreatedOn > #Date;',
#ParamDef = '#YakId int, #Date datetime';
-- you need to construct this xml manually... maybe use a table var to clean this up
set #ParamVal = ( select *
from ( select '#YakId', cast(#YakId as varchar(max)) union all
select '#Date', cast(#Date as varchar(max))
) d (Name, Val)
for xml path('Parameter'), root('root')
-- do the work
declare #pStage table (pName varchar(100), pType varchar(25), pVal varchar(100));
c_p (p)
as ( select replace(ltrim(rtrim(s)), ' ', '.')
from dbo.Split(',', #ParamDef)d
c_s (pName, pType)
as ( select parsename(p, 2), parsename(p, 1)
from c_p
c_v (pName, pVal)
as ( select p.n.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(100)'),
p.n.value('Val[1]', 'varchar(100)')
from #ParamVal.nodes('root/Parameter')p(n)
insert into #pStage
select s.pName, s.pType, case when s.pType = 'datetime' then quotename(v.pVal, '''') else v.pVal end -- expand this case to deal with other types
from c_s s
join c_v v on
s.pName = v.pName
-- replace pName with pValue in statement
select #Statement = replace(#Statement, pName, isnull(pVal, 'null'))
from #pStage
where charindex(pName, #Statement) > 0;
print #Statement;
On the topic of how most people do it, I will only speak to what I do:
Create a test script that will run the procedure using a wide range of valid and invalid input. If the parameter is an integer, I will send it '4' (instead of 4), but I'll only try 1 oddball string value like 'agd'.
Run the values against a data set of representative size and data value distribution for what I'm doing. Use your favorite data generation tool (there are several good ones on the market) to speed this up.
I'm generally debugging like this on a more ad hoc basis, so collecting the results from the SSMS results window is as far as I need to take it.
The best way I can think of is to capture the query as it comes across the wire using a SQL Trace. If you place something unique in your query string (as a comment), it is very easy to apply a filter for it in the trace so that you don't capture more than you need.
However, it isn't all peaches & cream.
This is only suitable for a Dev environment, maybe QA, depending on how rigid your shop is.
If the query takes a long time to run, you can mitigate that by adding "TOP 1", "WHERE 1=2", or a similar limiting clause to the query string if #DebugMode = 1. Otherwise, you could end up waiting a while for it to finish each time.
For long queries where you can't add something the query string only for debug mode, you could capture the command text in a StmtStarted event, then cancel the query as soon as you have the command.
If the query is an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, you will need to force a rollback if #DebugMode = 1 and you don't want the change to occur. In the event you're not currently using an explicit transaction, doing that would be extra overhead.
Should you go this route, there is some automation you can achieve to make life easier. You can create a template for the trace creation and start/stop actions. You can log the results to a file or table and process the command text from there programatically.