cocoa app integrating with linked in cocoa app OSX mac (not iOS) - objective-c

i need to integrate linked-in with cocoa app. send invitations to linked-in contact list from my app please help me in doing it. registered my app in linked-in developers got the app key secret key..etc
problem with how to use OAuth help me friends... i used this one but not able to do help me friends. i am new to cocoa programming


Integrate login with facebook with cocoa app osx

I have searched it for so long but can't find any proper source of it facebook didn't provide any sdk for it. Do anyone know about how to integrate it with osx app?
you can use facebook sdk for cocoa
I hope it is helpful to u

Twitter SDK for cocoa (OSX)

I'm looking for a simple Twitter SDK for cocoa (OSX app). I've heard about MGTwitterEngine but it's been like 2 years since last commit so I'm wondering if you guys have another one to recommend :-)
MGTwitterEngine has not been updated because it is not needed anymore. OS X provides two frameworks that provide building blocks to create authenticated requests to social services.
Accounts.framework gives you access to accounts configured by the user in Mountain Lion. See the ACAccountStore and ACAccount classes.
Social.framework provides you with a SLRequest class to make authenticated requests on behalf of an ACAccount.

PIN authentication on iOS app and then listing all ios apps

I want to list all my published iOS apps list on my main ios app .
My main iOS app will perform like this: First screen will ask to enter PIN (an authorization code, user will have this code from my other web url ) after validation, next screen will show all published app (published from my developer a/c) of iTunes store. apps will be a free type category, if user click on any specific app, the itunes app should be launch to download that app on device.
Could some one please suggest me , is there any violation of Apple's rule to show my apps in this way authentication to my customers? Will apple reject my app?
Although i was trying to understand a search API of iTunes
Thanks a lot,

Is there any sample code to integrate Facebook chat into our own iphone application?

Is there any sample code to integrate Facebook chat into my own iphone application.
Anyone's help will be deeply appreciated,
Thanks to all,
Have a look at the cocoa framework xmppframework which has instructions on how to implement facebook chat here
Failing that there is the Pidgin Facebook Chat plugin, which is written in C. You should be able to write a wrapper for the plugin to make using your own methods fairly easily. Also it seems to have been updated fairly recently (2 months ago), so should be in a working state.
Also read through the Facebook chat docs.

Getting info on other apps via Objective-C

Is it possible via objective-c to find information (such as the names) for other apps installed on an iPhone from my app?
If you mean a "legal" way to do this and get the app in the AppStore, then no, Apple does not provide such an API. And they probably never will, because this will go against the users' privacy.