Hadoop Cluster deployment using Apache Ambari - apache

I have listed few queries related to ambari as follows:
Can I configure more than one hadoop cluster via UI of ambari ?
( Note : I am using Ambari 1.6.1 for my hadoop cluster deployment purpose and I am aware that this can be done via Ambari API, but not able to find via ambari portal)
We can check the status of services on each node by “jps” command, if we have configured hadoop cluster w/o ambari.
Is there any way similar to “jps” to check from back end if the setup for hadoop cluster was successful from the backend ?
( Note : I can see that services are showing UP on the ambari portal )
Help Appreciated !!
Please let me know if any additional information is required.

The ambari UI is served up by the ambari server for a specific cluster. To configure another cluster you need to point your browser to the URL for that other cluster's ambari server. So you can't see the configuration for multiple servers on the same web page, but you can set browser bookmarks to jump from configuration to configuration.


ambari cluster + poor connection between ambari-agent to ambari server

we have ambari cluster with 872 data-nodes machines , when ambari version is 2.6.x
we have for now some network problem ,
after long investigation we found that , ambari agent that runs on some machine not communicate well with the ambari server
therefore we get some strange behaviors as 5 dead data-nodes from ambari dashboard , while for sure datanodes machine are healthy
is it possible to give more tolerated value in ambari agent configuration so the ack between ambari agent to ambari server will be after more little time in order to ignore the network problems ?
something like timeout or time connection between the ambari agent to ambari server
First of all, you need to get the root cause of the issue why Data Node is showing as Dead.
Ambari agent runs on every node. It is responsible for sending
metrics and heartbeat to the Ambari server which then publishes to
your Ambari web UI.
The name node waits for 10 minutes till it declares the data node as dead and copies
the blocks to other data nodes.
If it's showing that data node is dead then please check the Ambari agent status in
the specific node by running-service ambari-agent status. Parallelly you can check the ambari-agent.log in the worker node to check why Ambari agent stopped working.
You can configure your http timeouts in ambari-agents for service tasks, http timeouts
There's a HTTP Timeout section you can configure it based on your network throughput.
The file should be in /etc/ambari-agent/ambari.properties

flink web.port can not be configured correctly in yarn mode

I want to get flink's metrics information via REST api, my flink is managed by YARN, but after changing web.port configuration in flink-conf.yaml, the change has no affect, and the web.port in the flink dashboard is always 0. So I can not get the flink metrics information via REST api.
ubuntu 16.04
flink 1.4.0
When running Flink on Yarn, Flink will pick a random port (0) for the web UI in order to avoid port conflicts with other applications running on the same machine.
In order to access the Flink web UI you can query the Yarn web application proxy (YarnResourceManagerURL/proxy/application_/...). But be aware that only GET requests are properly forwarded to the Yarn application.
Alternatively, Flink logs the web UI URL to stdout when starting a Yarn session. Moreover, you can retrieve the chosen port from the log files. In newer versions (>= 1.5) Flink will log Rest endpoint listening at hostname:port on INFO level and in older versions (<= 1.4 or if using the legacy mode) Flink will log Web frontend listening at hostname:port.

Is it possible to install Apache Ambari on top of an existing cluster

We have an existing Hadoop cluster that is not managed by Ambari. Is it possible to install Apache Ambari on top of an existing Hadoop cluster?
No, Ambari must provision the cluster it's monitoring.
Ambari is designed around a Stack concept where each stack consists of several services. A stack definition is what allows Ambari to install, manage and monitor the services in the cluster.

How to monitor hadoop cluster using Ambari on centos 7

I have a small hadoop cluster i.e one master and three slave nodes. I have to monitor cluster. I have found that we can use Ambari. CentOS 7 is installed on all machines. Please provide a complete details how I can do that ?. I have found that Ambari can be used for new cluster i.e you have to install new cluster. It does not work with already running cluster?
At the moment Ambari does not support CentOS 7, so that's not going to work.
However, Ambari does not perform cluster monitoring on its own. It uses Nagios for the purpose. Nagios is an independent software project that you can setup independently. That said it's kinda painful to do.
ambari-server for Ambari 2.2+ can be installed and works good on CentOS 7.
You have to installed ambari-server on one of the hosts (master node) and can use the webUI hostname:8080 for installing ambari agents on other hosts. Alternatively, ambari agents can be installed manually on other hosts can can be linked to communicate with the ambari-server.

WSO2 AM 1.6: Publish service to cluster

We create and publish a service through the web console (/publisher). This is environment is a 2 node WSO2 AM cluster with a loadbalancer on top of it (HAProxy).
When we invoke the service (SoapUI), via this load balancer, one request succeeds and the next one fails and so on.
IMHO: The cluster configuration should be correct. I can see the published service on both nodes if I start the /publisher app on each node.
- Hazelcast clustering is enabled
- Using multicast
- pointing to Oracle database
- pointing to jdbc string in master-datasources.xml
Does anyone have some tips.
It seems that the Synapse Artifact is not deployed on two Gateways correctly. Can you go to /repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default/api and see if the both node have an xml file for the published API. If you haven't enabled Deployment Synchroniser the artifact will only be created in one node.