Answering and ending skype calls using -

I am trying to use to answer and end Skype calls on button presses. I have tried this:
Public Sub oSkype_CallStatus(pCall As SKYPE4COMLib.Call, Status As
SKYPE4COMLib.TCallStatus) Handles oSkype.CallStatus
If Status = SKYPE4COMLib.TCallStatus.clsInProgress Then
End If
End Sub
Which works great but I'm trying to end a call on a button press and not depending on the call status. I have tried calling this method when a button is pressed, but I am not sure what to put as the parameter for pCall.

Make a boolean that changes value when you press the button. :)
Dim PressedEnd As Boolean = False
Private Sub ButtonEnd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonEnd.Click
PressedEnd = True
End Sub
Public Sub oSkype_CallStatus(pCall As SKYPE4COMLib.Call, Status As SKYPE4COMLib.TCallStatus) Handles oSkype.CallStatus
If Status = SKYPE4COMLib.TCallStatus.clsInProgress AndAlso PressedEnd = True Then
PressedEnd = False
End If
End Sub
Same goes for answering.

Skype is no longer supporting this API so it has lost some functionality. In order to end and answer calls I am sending keys via c# to Skype the corresponds to the hot keys that I have set in Skype. So I set Alt PGUP to answer a call and in code I send


How to do a backgroundworker about SAPI SPEAK

I want to create a SAPI speaking background worker in Visual Basic .NET in order to allow my client to continue doing something while listens to the SAPI talk.
I've reached that point, but the problem is if I want to reproduce another speaking, I cannot cancel the current speaking and occurs an exception.
I have the following code:
'MODULE IMPORTED IN THE MAIN WORK: argsBackgroundWorker.vb
Public Class argsBackgroundWorker
Public text_to_speak As String
End Class
Private talk As argsBackgroundWorker = New argsBackgroundWorker()
Private Sub sapitalk_background_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles sapitalk_background.DoWork
If (My.Settings.help_voice = True) Then 'PASS TRUE
Dim reproduceText
Dim text As argsBackgroundWorker = e.Argument
'I have put this code to cancel... So? :(
If sapotalk_background.CancellationPending Then Exit Sub
reproduceText = CreateObject("Sapi.spvoice")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btn_saysomething_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_saysomething.Click
'Support in order to cancel tasks.
sapitalk_background.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
talk.text_to_speak = "SOMETHING SOOOOOO SOO SOOOOOO LONG..."
'Cancel another text being spoken.
'Then, talk the new text.
End Sub
Private Sub principal_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Support in order to cancel tasks.
sapitalk_background.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
talk.text_to_speak = "SOMETHING SOOOOOO SOO SOOOOOO LONG..."
'Cancel another text being spoken.
'Then, talk the new text.
End Sub
It works great as background speaking but notice that when I compile the app, it starts speaking a long text. And if I click a button to cancel the current speaking and speak another text, it fails and shows me that it is running a current background worker.
The only idea I have is
While Not sapitalk_background.IsBusy
End While
If it gets stuck in this loop until the voice stops then I am thinking that you cant stop the voice once its running on a bg thread.

DataGridView.rows.Cells.Style.BackColor doesn't work with MdiParent in form load event

It really drives me crazy, I have a form, I am calling a public sub called "timerss" in the form load event, when i run my form the sub "timerss" works perfectly, but when i add "Me.MdiParent = MDIParent1" in load event the sub "timerss" doesn't work!! i am really confused here!! any idea please.
Private Sub Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.MdiParent = MDIParent1
End Sub
update1:\ check the print screen of the result when running my form with and without setting MdiParent!
update2: I managed to fix part of the problem which is i got the data but what i want now is to set the color of the time cells with red, as i said the sub don't want to work, the timerss sub is:
For m As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
If DataGridView1.Rows(m).Cells(4).Value > DataGridView1.Rows(m).Cells(9).Value Then
DataGridView1.Rows(m).Cells(4).Style.BackColor = Color.Red
End If
as u c in the above code i put a msgbox just to make sure that the code is working, so when i run my form the msgbox appears, but the backcolor function doesn't work when i set the MdiParent.
I don't know why the behavior is different without MDIParent, but you could try calling the sub from the DataBindingComplete event.
I had a similar problem and solved it using the event.

Making a event do two different things

I'm working on a simple VB.NET program (just using winforms) and am really terrible at UI management. I'd like to have a single button that starts a process, and then have that same button stop the process.
I'm thinking about having the main form initiate a counter, and the Click event iterate the counter. Then it does a simple check, and if the counter is even it will do thing A and odd does thing B.
Is there a better way, aside from using two buttons or stop/start radio buttons?
I've done that exact thing one of two ways. You can use a static variable or toggle the text of the button.
Since your button has two functions, Good design requires you to indicate that to the user. The following code assumes the Button's text is set in Design Mode to "Start", and the code to start and stop your process is in the Subs StartProcess and EndProcess.
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal Sender as Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs)
If Button1.Text ="Start" Then
End IF
End Sub
The above solution is fine for a single-language application developed by a small number of developers.
To support multiple languages, developers typically assign all text literals from supporting files or databases. In larger development shops, with multiple programmers, using a display feature of the control for flow-control may cause confusion and regression errors. In those cass, the above technique wouldn't work.
Instead, you could use the Tag property of the button, which holds an object. I would typically use a Boolean, but I used a string just to make more clear as to what's going on.
Public Sub New()
'Initialize the Tag
End Sub
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal Sender as Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs)
If Button1.Tag.ToString="Start" Then
End IF
End Sub
This is example in pseudo-code. I don't guarantee that names of methods and event are exactly match real names. But this should provide you a design that you could use for responsive form.
Lets say, your process is running on separate tread, using BackgroundWorker.
You setup your worker and start process
Class MyForm
private _isRunning as boolean
private _bgWorker as BackgroundWorker
sub buton_click()
If Not _isRunning Then
_isRunning = true;
End if
end sub
sub StartProcess()
' Setup your worker
' Wire DoWork
' Wire on Progress
' wire on End
End sub
sub StopProcess()
if _isRunning andAlso _bgWorker.IsBusy then
' Send signal to worker to end processed
end if
end sub
sub DoWork()
worker.ReportProgress(data) ' report progress with status like <Started>
' periodically check if process canceled
if worker.canceled then
worker.ReportProgress(data) ' report progress with status like <Cancelling>
end if
' Do your process and report more progress here with status like <In Progress>
' and again periodically check if process canceled
if worker.canceled then
worker.ReportProgress(data) ' report progress with status like <Cancelling>
end if
worker.ReportProgress(data) ' report progress with status like <Ending>
end sub
sub ReportProgress(data)
if data = <some process state, like "Started"> then
btnProcess.Text = "End Process"
end if
End sub
sub ReportEndOfProcess
btnProcess.Text = "Start Process"
_isRunning = false
end sub
End Class
Here you can pinpoint the names of methods and events
You have to substitute identifiers with real names and create you state or data object, which will carry information from background thread to UI thread, and also an Enum Status that can be part of your custom state object. This should work once translated into real code
Just want to show another approach for this task
Use .Tag property for your own purpose
If .Tag Is Nothing (by default in designer) then start process
If not Nothing -> stop process
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal Sender as Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs)
If Me.Button1.Tag Is Nothing Then
Me.Button1.Tag = New Object()
Me.Button1.Text = "End"
Me.Button1.Tag = Nothing
Me.Button1.Text = "Start"
End Sub

Check if any dialog is open

Does anybody see my mistake here?
I am unable to recognize if a form is shown as a dialog in my app.
Public Class Form1
Private m As Form2
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Me.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString & " " & IsAnyDialogShown()
End Sub
Public Function IsAnyDialogShown() As Boolean
For Each f As Form In Me.OwnedForms
If f.Owner Is Me Then
Return True
End If
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
m = New Form2
End Sub
End Class
What you are looking is for the property modal.
Check if the form's modal property is true (that is meaning that the form is showed with ShowDialog)
For Each f As Form In Me.OwnedForms
If f.Modal=True Then
'your code here
End If
Now for your mistake (I haven't visual studio to try it right now) but your IsAnyDialogShown(), it seems that it returns always true :
For Each f As Form In Me.OwnedForms ' (So f belongs to Me)
If f.Owner Is Me Then 'f.Owner is always me because you are seaching in forms that have as owner the Me form
Return True
End If
Hope I helped a little.
Tell me if I can do something more
So after your comments.
Try this:
For Each frm as Form In Application.OpenForms
If frm.Modal=True Then
'do something
'Actually you should have only one form because only one can be in modal state
end if
You need to check Visible property of the form, which is the boolean.
If it is true, then form is shown, else it's hidden.
That's just doing forms owned by Me. Nothing to do with whether they are dialog forms.
ie.e it will pick up normal forms.
Also if you want this to work as expected , you should use the overload where you pass the owner.
as in m.ShowDialog(Me);
Not something I've ever done but if Owner isn't me in Me.OwnedForms I want my money back.

VB.NET Form Hiding Issue

I have a custom form, B. B is created by A, which has a handle to B.VisibleChanged.
B only has an OK and Cancel button on it, and I want to do some logic when OK is hit.
B's OK button is dealt with like this:
Me.Result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
The code in A is properly hit and run, but it never hides B. When I check the values of the properties on B, it shows me Visible = False.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to the possible cause of this issue?
This form was shown using the Show() command, as I'm making a later call to have the form flash using FlashWindow().
Not exactly sure about your question.
why not use me.Close() instead of me.Hide?
Is it OK to have multiple instances of B at a time? If not, go for ShowDialog.
If you can rephrase the question, someone can probably resolve your problem.
I suppose you want to display a messagebox with an ok & cancel button. Instead of using a form use a mesagebox.
DialogResult dgResult = MessageBox.Show("Click Yes or No", "Test App", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
if (DialogResult.OK == dgResult)
//Do what you want.
//Do nothing.
If you are going to use a form, to do that & wanted to modify the parent's form, it would be advisable to use delegates to prevent form B from modifying form A's variables.
Else: (Not recommended)
Declare form B as a member variable of form A.
when required instantiate form B.
do B.ShowDialog();
internally in OK & cancel do this.dispose();
Again when you need form B just instantiate. re - instantiation will not be too much of an overhead if you dont call it very often.
But if you only need OK Cancel, use message box instead.
The show/hide approach works for me:
Public Class frmViewChild ' your form A
Private WithEvents _edit As frmEdit
Private Sub editCell()
Dim PKVal As String
Dim PKVal2 As String
Dim fieldOrdinalPos As Integer
Dim isLastField As Boolean
If _edit Is Nothing Then
_edit = New frmEdit
_edit.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent
End If
If Not _edit.isNothing Then
_edit.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End If
End Sub
Private Sub _edit_VisibleChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _edit.VisibleChanged
If Not _edit.Visible Then
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized ' revert after closing edit form
End If
End Sub
Public Class frmEdit ' your form B
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
Dim ret As Integer
If ret > -1 Then ' no error
Me.Hide() ' close form, but didn't cancel
End If
End Sub