How to simulate the Local Notification in apple Watch App? - objective-c

I am trying to simulate the local notification view in apple watch simulator. Does any one known how to simulate the local notifications in apple watch ?
I have done some research for that but didn't found any answer for the above. There is a way to simulate the PUSH NOTIFICATION but not for the LOCAL NOTIFICATION.

It is not possible to have a Watch app react to a UILocalNotification in the simulator. However, it is almost identical to reacting to a push notification, except it gets routed through a couple of different methods.
If you're presenting an actionable notification, your WKUserNotificationInterfaceController subclass would override -didReceiveLocalNotification:withCompletion: instead of -didReceiveRemoteNotification:withCompletion:.
If your Watch app is getting launched in response to interacting with one of your actionable notifications, then your root WKInterfaceController would implement -handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification: or -handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:, as appropriate.
From WatchKit's point-of-view, those are the only distinctions between remote and local notifications.

Run your watch app (notification target) on simulator, dismiss the notification and stay on clock face.
Switch to iOS simulator and create a notification. For testing purposes setup fireDate to something reasonable like:
notification.fireDate = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10)
Here goes the trick. Hit ⌘L to lock iOS simulator.
Enjoy notification arriving to watch app.


Is it possible for macOS to handle a scheduled local notification?

Please note that I am referring to macOS, and to scheduled local notifications. I want for the application to be able to handle when the notification is presented, not when the user actually taps the notification.
UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate has methods for handling a notification when the app is in the foreground:
However it appears there is no way to handle one that is presented when the application is in the background
Any ideas on how to do this?

How get pusher events when the iOS app go to the background?

I need to get triggered eventos from pusher, and when the app go the background I don't get them (only the first one).
I have this:
#property(strong, nonatomic) PTPusherPresenceChannel *taxi_channel;
PTPusherPresenceChannel *taxi = [PusherController sharedApp].taxi_channel;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[taxi bindToEventNamed:#"client-driver-cancel-service" handleWithBlock:^(PTPusherEvent *event)
DDLogDebug(#"%#: %#",,;
[self cancelServiceAcepted];
The problem is that I get a single event when get into the background, but after the first I don't get them anymore.
I have implemented the code at
If the app go the foreground it work fine.
I'm the author of libPusher. I answered your question on Github but I thought I'd post it here as it might be helpful for others.
Unfortunately its not really possible to use Pusher in the background and its not really what it is designed for. Pusher works great for receiving events in realtime while your app is running but to get background notifications, you really need to be looking at using Apple push notifications OR period fetch, depending on whether you'd prefer push or pull.
My suggestion would be:
Use Pusher while your app is in the foreground to receive real-time updates
Use push notifications to send significant events to your app while it is in the background (these should be less frequent) AND/OR
Possibly use background fetch to pull the latest changes/events from your server
Restart listening to events from Pusher when your app resumes in the foreground

NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification called before application is ready to use (launched)

I'm using both NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification and NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification notifications to know which app the user is interacting with.
The problem is that, if an application is just opened and still launching, I first receive a activate notification, and soon afterwards a launch notification.
Is there any way to know within the activate method that the app is still launching and not yet ready for use? (Still bouncing in the dock)
I see that the ichat sample project by apple does not use the above approach and instead only listens to launch notifications. It then uses kAXApplicationActivatedNotification to add an AXObserver to the app. Is this the preferred way? (And also NSRunningApplications to add an observer to all already loaded apps).
I wanted to keep using just plain simple NSNotifications because I think it may be less memory intensive. (No need to keep an observer around for each and every app loaded).
check the NSRunningApplication object passed in the userinfo of the NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification
NSRunningApplication *app = [note.userInfo objectForKey:NSWorkspaceApplicationKey];

Resuming iPod Playback after calling AVAudioSession setActive:NO

What's the best way to resume playback of the ipod or other audio sessions after your app has completed using its session?
NOTE I've already tried calling...
[_session setActive:NO
I'm building an iOS VoIP app which uses AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord as its category and kAudioSessionMode_VoiceChat as its mode. To simplify handling of audio session management, I've got a singleton which listens for notifications on application state and other important events. However, the above code does not seem to cause the music to resume on the iPod app.
Finally, we've also noticed that the music controls that are shown on the bottom of the screen when the home button is double tapped act as if our application is the one playing audio. Yet we've already set it to be inactive.
Would love to understand more about what's going on here if anyone has any clue.
I seems to me that you are unable to notify the iOS that you no longer require an audio session. Are you sure that the call to "setActive" doesn't fail? Or maybe somewhere else in the code you reactivate your session.
Other than that, the Music application should be able to re-gain it's audio as soon as the system realizes you are not using it. This can be accomplished by third-party applications using the AVAudioSessionInterruptionNotification notification. For debugging you might try adding yourself as observer and see if your callback gets called. So, if you successfully deactivate your session, other applications should be able to do the rest.

Cancel Local Notification When app goes to Suspended state.(removed from background)

I am using Local notification in my is working fine in foreground and background.
Now, What i need,if i remove my app from background then i want to cancel all notification
before that.
so , there are not any method are calling in appdelegate when i am going to remove my app from background, obviously it is going to Suspended state so no method is going to called.
so is there any other way to do this ?
Thanks in advance...
Considering your app is not one of the supported background execution modes, like audio, VoIP, or navigation,
Your app will generally never see willTerminate, because the system generally only terminates your app once it's already suspended (in the background). Once your app is suspended, it gets no further chance to act, so there's no callback for that.
The didEnterBackground delegate message or notification should be considered your last chance to clean things up or save state before possible termination.
Here and here are good overview of the application lifecycle notifications & delegate messages on iOS 4.0 and later.