Click dynamic div of menubar which is loaded via jquery - selenium

Im using Selenium 2.44 library with IE 9 browser
The menubar is loaded dynamically via js.I tried to locate the element via findElement - used Xpath. It ends up in throwing nosuchElement exception. below is snippet of Dom element
<html><body class="page">
<div id="dynamicMenu" style="display: block;">
<ul class="sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-shadow">
<li sequence="7">
<a class="sf-with-ul" href="UserContentStart.aspx?category=17">Type
<span class="sf-sub-indicator"> ยป</span></a>
<ul style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">
<li sequence="0">
<li sequence="1">
Direct mail
<li sequence="2">
<li sequence="3">
<li sequence="4">
<li sequence="5">
<li sequence="6">
Do I need to execute the javascript before finding the element.
I dont have access to source code.All I inspect is via DOM element source from F12 dev tool.
Thanks !

//li[#sequence='5']/a should work for you. And, before that you have to make sure the element is visible.

Below Code will find the 5th element and will wait untill it gets visible for 20 sec .
Once its visible it will click the element.
In your case 5th element is the link to 'Presentation' which is in 'a' tag.
WebDriverWait Test = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement Fifth_Link = Test.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'Presentation')]")));;
Let me know if it does not works.


robot framework selenium get all names in a list

I'm fairly new to selenium. Please bear with me.
I have a html code as shown below. I'm producing only the relevant port.
<div id="id1" style="display: block;">
<li id="id2" title="title1">
<ins class="icon"> </ins>
<a href="#" class="">
<ins class="icon"> </ins>
<li id="id3" title="title2">
<ins class="icon"> </ins>
<a href="#" class="">
<ins class="icon"> </ins>
Using Robot framework selenium library, I have to display the names of the rows [row1, row2 etc...].
I am unable to find a suitable keyword which does this.
(note: the answer here refers to the original question. It was edited to ask something completely different so this answer no longer applies to the question in its present form)
You can use Get element count.
Using the html in the question as an example, it would look like this:
${count}= get element count //div[#id='id1']//li
That xpath says to find a div with the id "id1", then find any "li" elements anywhere under that div.

Trying to automate the Logout of a page but element not found exception being thrown repeatedly

I am trying to automate a website.I am performing the following steps :
I am able to log in successfully. After the Log in step, the Log Out option is present under a button/tab called as MyAccount. But the Log Out option is displayed when one hovers over the MyAccount button. I am trying to write the Selenium code for Log Out step. But i am consistently getting No Element Found Exception.I am using css Selector .The DOM structure of the Log Out element is :
<li class="_2sYLhZ _2mEF1S" data-reactid="31">
<a class="_1AHrFc _2k0gmP" data-reactid="32" href="/account/?rd=0&link=home_account">My Account</a>
<ul class="_1u5ANM" data-reactid="33">
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="34">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="35" href="/account/?rd=0&link=home_account">Account</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="36">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="37" href="/account/orders?link=home_orders">Orders</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="38">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="39" href="/account/wallet?link=home_wallet">Wallet</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="40">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="41" href="/wishlist?link=home_wishlist">Wishlist</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="42">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="43" href="/account/ebookslibrary">eBooks Library</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="44">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="45" href="/profile?link=home_review">Reviews & Ratings</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="46">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="47" href="/recommendations?link=home_recommendations">Recommendations</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="48">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="49" href="/account/subscriptions?link=home_preferences">Email Preferences</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="50">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="51" href="/account/Clickme">Click Me</a>
<li class="_2f5Jjv" data-reactid="52">
<a class="_2k0gmP" data-reactid="53" href="#">Log Out</a>
Below is the peice of code that i am writing for the clicking the Log Out button.
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[text='Log Out'])")).click();
Could someone please tell me what is the error in the css Selector code that I am using.
There is no such possibility in css selector to select element by child text node. You might use one of attributes as below:
or to use search by XPath selector if you still want to use text content as identifier:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[text()='Log Out'])")).click();
or by link text:
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Log Out")).click();
Try to move mouse over My Account button using selenium actions like this( Im writing c# code but am sure that methods and classes are the same in java, maybe they differ in case):
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
Then, use webdriverwait and explicitly wait for some seconds.
Afrer waiting, find your element(logout button) and perform click.
But...instead of .click() method, use .sendKeys(keys.Enter) or .sendKeys(keys.Return)
click method sometimes do not work on elements(my personal experience on different sites)
PS: your logout link has href set to '#'.
Try this in your cssSelector:

Dropdown-large - Bootstrap

im trying to do a big dropdown menu but when i click on a main dropdown-toggle TEXT it only highlight but nothing happen... - check the picture
<li class="dropdown dropdown-large">
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-large row">
<li class="col-sm-3">
<li class="dropdown-header">Glyphicons</li>
<li>Available glyphs</li>
<li class="disabled">How to use</li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="dropdown-header">Dropdowns</li>
<li>Aligninment options</li>
<li>Disabled menu items</li>
Only Highlight but do not show dropdown
I think this may be causing the problem : TEXT You don't want your toggle button to be a direct link, instead use the intended Bootstrap class
Check this JSFiddle, I think this is what you are trying to do : Answer
If this answer solves your problem, please do accept it.

Selecting a drop down list element

A drop down list appears on mouse over on a link, so there is no need to click to open a dropdown list.
<ul id="XenForoUniq4">
<li class="PrefixGroup">
<h3>some header</h3>
<li class="PrefixOption">option 1
<li class="PrefixOption">option 2
<li class="PrefixOption selected">
no option selected
How to select one of the elements in such case?
There is an Actions class in Selenium that exposes a MoveToElement() method that allows you to hover the link in order to make visible the list.

Selenium: Unable to click on menu item

I'm not able to click on the menu item (Create Defect...) as shown in the figure while testing my webapplication and getting below error
**org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Cannot click on element**
the below code clicks on the image (hand image) as shown in the figure
and then the menu opens. Now I would like to click on the menu item.
I'm using below code for this
but I got the above mentioned exception
This what I have in the html:
<div class="mmenu" style="display: block; left: 49px; top: 37px;">
<div class="mmenu-content">
<div class="mmenu-border" style="width: 231px;">
<div class="mmenu-inset" style="width: 231px;">
<div class="mmenu-group first-child last-child">
<div class="mmenu-column first-child last-child">
<li id="liemx360120335239.81635" class="link" menuuid="emx360120335239.81635">
<span class="icon">
<span>Create Defect...</span>
<li id="liemx172704021676.66638" class="link" menuuid="emx172704021676.66638">
Can you please suggest?
have you tried driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Create Defect...']")).click();
I think your problem is that the second menu is invisible, and WebDriver throws ElementNotVisibleException if he operates on a locator which is not visible.
I think you have to keep the first menu open, as the second one to be visible when you try to click it.
I use Actions class.
Try to do following :
new Actions(getWebDriver()).moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.xpath(...))).perform();
and right after try to click the second locator. If you still have problem, try to chain both commands in the same action.