Styling of Mirage 2 using themes from - twitter-bootstrap-3

Based from the Readme files of Mirage 2, it says here:
If you want to base your theme on an existing Bootstrap theme (like the ones at you can do so by using the standard Bootstrap color scheme and replacing the import of Bootstrap in bootstrap_color_scheme/_main.scss:
#import "../vendor/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
with an import of just its _variables.sccs file (those variables need to be defined, because they are used in _dspace-bootstrap-tweaks.scss):
#import "../vendor/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables";
Then import the the css file(s) of your Bootstrap theme of choice below it. Depending on the theme you may also need to update the twbs-font-path function right above that import statement.
What I did:
Ok, so I activated the mirage2_bootstrap_color_scheme maven profile. Copied the bootstrap_color_scheme/_main.scss from dspace-xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/styles/ into dspace/modules/xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/themes/Mirage2/styles.
I changed the text in _main.scss that says #import "../vendor/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap"; into #import "../vendor/bootstrap-sass-official/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables";, and then I copied the bootstrap.min.css that I downloaded from and put it in the same directory with _main.scss and then I referenced it in _main.scss with an #import "bootstrap.min.css"; statement.
I'm having this error when running mvn package:
error styles/main.scss (Line 12: File to import not found or unreadable: variables.`
I also tried putting the _variables.scss under the bootstrap_color_scheme directory and used the #import "variables"; but I got the same not found or unreadable error.
Can someone guide me on how to correctly use the themes from to apply to Mirage 2? An example and a simple walk through of using a sample theme from would be great.
Thanks in advance.

I deleted my other answer because I was mistaken.
Here is an example of a working bootswatch theme:
The /styles/bootstrap_color_scheme/_main.scss file gets copied to /styles/main.scss during the build process, so the #import statements should be relative to /styles/main.scss.

Bootstrap-sass has updated its paths, and the Mirage 2 docs are not yet updated.
_variables.scss is now stored here: "../vendor/bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss"
Depending on which version you're using, it can even be in another place.
A general recommendation is to look at the vendor folder in:
Look for the path of the variables file there and use that path.


#import (reference) does not work with glyphicons

I have a Vue.js 3 project in which the server sends the glyphicons names. The application is Server-Side Rendering. Using #import (reference) the icons are displayed as a square instead of the actual icon. How does #import (reference) works in Less?
Another thing that worth be mentioned is the workflow: There are two Vue.Js project, A and B. When building the project A, the dist folder from project B is copied into project A (containing the styles from project B). Although the paths for #font-face are correct, the icons are still not displayed correctly. The server response is 200 so I guess the problem is not from the server.
I would say the problem might be related to #import (reference) since it works without (refernce) keyword.

how often do bootstrap variables change

Switching from "bootstrap": "~4.0.0-beta.2" to "bootstrap": "^4.0.0" added new variables in the _variables.scss. Boostrap classnames only change when there is a major version upgrade (AFAIK), but does the same apply to _variables.scss too?
It would change how we share the _variables.scss accross our application.
Does variable names change between releases?
The variable names shouldn't change as Bootstrap 4 is now in "real" release (out of beta).
The variables are there for a good reason: Your CSS shouldn't break when you upgrade. (not counting major versions of course).
Of course new variables can be added, as those shouldn't break your CSS.
If you are in any way unsure before upgrading, you can always check the changelogs. Those should tell about any breaking changes.
Using variables in SCSS
When you have set up your build tools, and created your SCSS file (let's say custom.scss), you can import Bootstrap and override any variable you want (you'll find them in _variables.scss in the Bootstrap source code):
//Your variable overrides
//Let us change the primary color which is set in the primary variable
$primary: #ce40c5;
//In this case we are importing everything
//Here we are using NodeJS with NPM, so your files should be here
#import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
Some things to note:
If you aren't using NodeJS, then just make sure that the import path directs to the bootstrap.scss file (don't put .scss in the import)
If you have checked the source code of Bootstrap 4, you may have seen !default after every variable. Don't include that in your override. It just tells Sass that the variable can be replaced
There's a bunch of good information about this in the docs, so feel free to check there if you are missing anything (or ask).

Swift to Objective-C header not created in Xcode 6

I have recently been working to add Swift to an existing project, to get to try it out in a real-world fashion.
Upon adding a Swift source file to the project, I have no problems about getting the "Bridging Header", that is, Objective-C to Swift.
But the *-Swift.h header file that is supposed to expose Swift classes either marked #objc or subclasses of ObjC classes, is nowhere to be found :-(
I don't see any specific instructions on how to accomplish the usage of my new subclass, written in Swift, in my main app code (which is still Objective-C).
The app that I am lead developer of has a fairly large codebase (70.000 lines), so transitioning it in one go is out of the question.
Now it works.
Project must have a Product Module Name that does not include spaces.
Defines Module must be set to Yes in Build Settings, under Packaging.
Finally works. Thanks to everyone for the help :-)
I had a similar problem and found that you can only add
#import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h"
to obj-c .m files, not .h files for the umbrella header to be found
I found that I had to fix all build errors before it would generate the file.
The problem for me was that it was a chicken/egg problem, in that I didn't see any build errors until I'd actually commented out the #import statement:
//#import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h"
which revealed a bunch of other errors in my Swift code.
Once I fixed these new errors and got the source building successfully, I uncommented out the #import and bingo! The header was created and importing correctly :)
If you're like me you've probably got the header name wrong. After bashing my head for a while I looked for the file in DerivedData and sure enough it's there. On my setup (using the standard derived data folder, I believe):
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
find * -iname '*Swift.h'
Will find it. If nothing in that folder matches then Xcode is not generating it.
I'm using Xcode Version 6.2 (6C86e)
If your project module name has spaces in it, you must replace the spaces with an underscore.
For instance, if your project name is "My Project", you would use:
#import "My_Project-Swift.h"
* The only important thing is: *
to use the defined "Product Module Name" in the target, followed by -Swift.h
#import <Product Module Name>-Swift.h
// in each ObjectiveC .m file having to use swift classes
// no matter in which swift files these classes sit.
No matter if "Defines Module" param is set to Yes or No or if "Product Module Name" Project is not set.
Reminder: Swift classes must deriving from NSObject or been tagged with #objc attribute in order to be exposed to ObjectiveC / Foundation || Cocoa ...
I wanted to add one more reason you might find an issue with this - I was creating a framework that mixed Swift and Objective-C code. I was not able to import the Swift classes outside the framework - I checked for the -Swift.h file and it was being generated but was empty.
The problem turned out to be very, very simple - I had not declared any of my Swift classes public! As soon as I added the public keyword to the classes, I was able to use them from classes inside and outside the framework.
Also of note, inside the framework (inside .m files only as another answer mentions) I had to import the -Swift.h file as:
#import <FrameworkName/FrameworkName-Swift.h>
I had the same problem. Seems like you have to adjust the settings (Defines Module and Product Module Name) before you add your first Swift file.
If you do it afterwards the "*-Swift.h" file will not be generated for this project even if you add further Swift files or delete the Swift file and create a new one.
Allow me to share my experiences trying to use Swift in an old objc project. I did not have to set Defines module to YES.
In my case I needed to manually make sure there was an objc Bridging Header. Only the generated interface header name was present in my build settings.
This lead to a MyApp-Swift.h file to being generated, but without any traces of my Swift classes.
The Apple documentation says that you will be prompted to create a bridging header when adding your first swift file. Well, I wasn't. I manually added a MyApp-Bridging-header.h file and pointed to it in the "Objective-C Bridging Header" field. That made my MyApp-Swift.h file become populated with my Swift classes.
Docs: Importing Swift into Objective-C
Here is another variation of the moduleName-Swift.h not being generated.
I decided to include IOS Charts in my project but did not want to mingle the sources in the same directory, so I placed the Charts Project folder next to my code's project folder. I dragged the Charts project into my Project's Navigator Bar and included the framework in the my project target's Embedded Binaries list in the General project settings and set the Embedded Content Contains Swift Code switch to yes in my project's Build Settings tab in the Build Options section.
My project's moduleName-Swift.h file would never generate no matter what other switches or settings suggested here. Finally, using Lou Z's method of seeking out the -Swift.h files, I saw that a Charts-Swift.h file was being generated deep in my project's xcode Build directory in Charts.framework/Headers/
The solution to using Daniel Gindi's ios-charts Swift package without including the code in my project's source directory was to add:
#import "Charts/Charts-Swift.h"
To the modules charting my project's data.
The file name is always preceded by your Target name. It is referred as Product name but practically it is the target name.
So if you want it to build for a new target be ready to expect that_target-Swift.h file.
One way to handle this is
Add a preprocessor for each of your target that is the name of your target itself (without spaces). Ex. MY_TARGET=1. Add this in Project settings->Build Settings->Preprocessor Macros for each of your targets.
If you are using a PCH file,
Add these lines in the PCH file
#if MY_TARGET==1
#include "My_Target-Swift.h"
#elif THAT_TARGET==1
#include "That_Target-Swift.h"
Advantage of using PCH file is that you don't have to include the headers everywhere.
If you are not using a PCH file, just add these same lines in a single header and include that header wherever you need to use the swift classes.
This should work just fine.
If Xcode is actually generating your -Swift.h header (deep inside DerivedData) but it doesn't refer to your Swift classes, make sure you also have a bridging header defined. The way I read the docs implied I only needed that for calling Objective-C from Swift, but it seems to be necessary for calling Swift from Objective-C too.
See my answer:
EDIT: It is because of public vs. internal access modifiers, as I eventually found explained in the Apple docs:-
By default, the generated header contains interfaces for Swift
declarations marked with the public modifier. It also contains those
marked with the internal modifier if your app target has an
Objective-C bridging header.
Seconding what a lot of people have here, but adding a pertinent screen shot. Swift and Obj-C code can certainly live together. It's not an all or none game.
To access Swift files in your Objective-C, all you need to do is add this call to your Obj-C file (in the .m / implementation file):
#import "{product_module_name}-Swift.h"
(Where {product_module_name} represents the product module name of your project). Rather than try to guess your product module name or figure out corner cases with spaces and special characters, just go to the build settings tab in the project and type in "product module name" - the inspector will reveal yours to you. Mine was something I did not expect it to be. Check out this screen shot if you're confused.
And to get Obj-c code working in Swift, you just need to add a bridging header file and import the relevant Obj-C headers there.
This answer addresses the use-case where you may already have some Objective-C code that calls Swift classes and then you start receiving this error.
How To Fix Issue
The following steps ultimately resolved all of the issues for me. I read above someone mentioning the "chicken and the egg" and it is exactly that concept which led me to this procedure. This explicit process shows that one has to remove any Objective-C code referencing Swift classes until after the header is generated.
Comment out the #import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" statement in
your Objective-C implementation file
Comment out any references in the Objective-C implementation file to
Swift Classes
Clean & Build
Resolve all errors/warnings
Remove the comment on the #import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" statement
Clean & build (successfully or fix any remaining errors, verify that you are not referencing any Swift classes in Objective-C at this point. If so temporarily comment these out)
Verify that "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" is generated by Cmd-Clicking
on the class name of the #import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" statement
Remove the comment on the code referencing Swift classes in the Objective-C implementation file.
Clean & Build as normal (the "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" should be
generated and your Objective-C code referencing Swift Classes can be
used as normal)
Nota Bene: The answers about changing spaces to underscores and the Defines Module to YES as given above still applies when performing this process, as do the rules specified in the Apple Documentation.
Bridging Header Path
In one error, the file ProductModuleName-Bridging-Header.h was not being found during the build process. This fact generated an error
< unknown>:0: error: bridging header
'/Users/Shared/Working/abc/abc-Bridging-Header.h' does not exist
Closer inspection of the error indicated that the file would never exist at the location described because it was actually located at (a wrong path)
'/Users/Shared/Working/abc/abc/abc-Bridging-Header.h'. a quick search of the target/projects build settings to make the correction manually and the abc-Swift.h file was again auto generated.
Ok, here are all the things you really need!
1.Remove all the swift files you have added, and compile the code, without any errors.
2.Go to the "Projects" build settings, and set the product module name.
Project must have a Product Module Name that does not include spaces.
3.Defines Module must be set to Yes in Build Settings, under Packaging, in your project, and not target!
4.Now create a swift file or a view controller, in file-> newFile->
It will ask to create a bridging-header, allow it to make one.
If you have declined it once, you will have to manually add a -Bridging-Header.h
5.Add #objc in the controller, to tell the compiler that there is some swift file, which needs to be exposed to ObjectiveC
6.Build the project and import #import "-Swift.h" in any of the objectiveC controller, and it will work! You can Command-click on it to see the actual file!
Hope this helps!
The most important thing is that This file is invisible!!! At least it is in Xcode6 beta5. There will be no such file named "YourModule-Swift.h" in your workspace. Just make sure you have module name and defines module set to yes, and use it in your Objective-C class.
You have to import a header in Objective-C classes, which is:
#import “ProductModuleName-Swift.h”
It is automatically generated, on the reference it says "Any Swift files in your target will be visible in Objective-C .m files containing this import statement."
An actual file in the project is not created ([ProductModuleName]-Swift.h). Cmd + Click on the import either generates it on-the-fly (and in-memory) so you can see how the linkage is done, or opens a file somewhere in some Xcode cache dir, but it's not in the project dir.
You need to set Defines Module project prop (in target's Build Settings) to Yes and if your module name has spaces or dashes - use _ in all imports of the [ProductModuleName]-Swift.h file.
You can import it in all .h and .m files where you use swift types or you can import it in the .pch.
So if my Module (project) is named "Test Project", I would import it like this, in the .pch file of my project (just there):
#import "Test_Project-Swift.h"
Just a heads up for anyone who used "." in there project name. Xcode will replace the "." with an underscore "_" for the Swift version of the bridging header file. Oddly enough the Bridging-Header.h that is generated does not replace the periods with underscores.
For example a project with the name My.Project would have the following Bridging Header file names.
Bridging-Header.h (Autogenerated)
I hope this helps anyone who used a period and was stuck like I was. This file can be found at the following location.
Macintosh HD/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/My.Project-fntdulwpbhbbzdbyrkhanemcrfil/Build/Intermediates/
Take care,
Project must have a Module Name not including spaces.
Defines Module must be set to Yes in Build Settings, under Packaging.
commented out the #import statement:
If still you are having error in importing "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" then
//#import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h"
which revealed a bunch of other errors in my Swift code.
Once I fixed these new errors and got the source building successfully, I uncommented out the #import and bingo! The header was created and importing correctly :)
I found a trick that always works on me.
Create your #import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" in your appDelegate.h file and in your ProductName-Prefix.pch file. If you don't have it in xcode 6 you can create it with this way Why isn't ProjectName-Prefix.pch created automatically in Xcode 6?
Command+shift+k to clean your code, if you receive an error about your "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" delete it from appDelegate.h file.
Clean your code again. Now everything will work like a charm
If you receive again error about the "ProductModuleName-Swift.h", now create again in appDelegate.h file and clean your code again.
Do this work (delete and create the "ProductModuleName-Swift.h" from appDelegate.h file and clean your code) everytime you receive this error to silent it.
I Found this solution
Create SwiftBridge.h
put #import “ProductModuleName-Swift.h”
Make this .h file public (important) Select the file -> In Show the file Inspector (right bar) -> Make it public
Now you can
#import "SwiftBridge.h"
instead of ProductModuleName-Swift.h
This's a workaround solution, for the next version of Xcode I think this problem will be solved.
Good luck
If you were able to build a project before, with no issues related to “ProductModuleName-Swift.h” not found error, and now you are getting that nasty errors again, the reason might sit in your recent changes.
For me this was by (accidental) incorrect .swift file encoding. Reverting changes and bringing the back manually, does the job.
I was having a hard time determining my module name/objective-c's import of swift's headers. I did read a lot of articles here too.
But the definitive answer for your project name with all its included special characters (be it '.' or a numeric or a space) - you can find the text that will work for you in the "Product Module Name" under the target's Build Settings.
For example my target name started with a numeric - "1mg" and the field mentioned above showed "_mg" as my module name.
so I used #import "_mg-Swift.h" and it worked.
This may be an obvious point (maybe too obvious), but you must have at least one swift file in the project for the header to generate. If you are writing boilerplate or config code with the intention of writing swift later the import won't work.
In my case I had to set the deployment target to at least “OS X 10.9” and the -Swift.h header was automatically generated. Keep in mind that you can get a lot of deprecation warnings when you change the deployment target version, especially when you have an older and very large Objective C code base. In our case we also had a lot of work to do in XIB files & view classes.
I had to delete WatchOS2 swift code from my Objective C project. And only after that XCode offered to generate -Swift.h
I had similar problem but my project was compiling before and suddenly got error after few files code change. It took me while to figure out why I am getting 'File not found' error for myproject-swift.h file. The code changes I had done had some errors. Xcode did not point put those error instead all time showing the 'File not found error'. Then got copy of previous version code and I compared with new code and merged file one by one. After each file merge complied the project to find the error. So bottom line is if you have error in your code Xcode may just display 'file not found error' for myproject-swift.h file. Most likely you have compilation error in your project. Clean those error and it will work.
If you're using something like Cocoapods (and working out of the workspace rather than the project) try opening the project and building it before opening the workspace and building. YMMV.
Sometimes you just need to unset and then set again the target membership on the obj-c .m file.

Easiest way to change when Bootstrap navbar collapses (using bootstrap gem)

I've got a rails app using the bootstrap-sass gem. I'd like to change the width the navbar collapses from tablet (979px) to phone (769px). Overriding a media query isn't a tidy solution.
I've edited #navbarCollapseWidth in variables.less and built bootstrap, then copied the contents bootstrap-responsive.css into responsive.scss in gems...vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap. Now however, I've lost the ability to update the gem without losing my changes.
What's the best method here? I'd like to make what I think is a simple change but keep my gem update-able. Perhaps using #import "bootstrap-responsive-mine"; in application.css.scss then manually updating that file when I need to?
Did you read some info about configuration this gem?
Import "bootstrap" in your SCSS file of choice to get all of Bootstrap's styles, mixins and variables!
#import "bootstrap";
Need to configure a variable or two? Simply define the value of the
variable you want to change before importing Bootstrap. Sass will
respect your existing definition rather than overwriting it with the
Bootstrap defaults.
$navbarCollapseWidth: 769px;
#import "bootstrap";
Or that is not what you need?

import "cocos2d.h" works in some files, but not all

Here is what I did:
In Xcode 4.3.1
File -> New -> Project -> Single view application
Dragged the file cocos2d-ios.xcodeproj into navigator.
In build phases settings : Added : libcocos2d.a (becomes highlighted in red), as a linked library (required).
Added OpenGles.framework, Quartzcore, and libz.dylib
Changed build settings - Set "Always Search User Paths" to YES
Added cocos2d source directory to "User Header Search Paths"
Now, it seems I can type: import "cocos2d.h" , in the app delegate and root view controller that Xcode created. But if I create a new file, and I add the line "import "cocos2d.h"" to the top, Xcode complains that the file is not found. But it seems to build fine. Also, in this new file code sense does not work.
What should I do? Why can I import only in the files that Xcode created? Is there some setting I need to change so that in the files I create, I can import cocos2d ?
EDIT: It seems to build and run fine. I can call methods in the cocos2d api. code sense just doesn't seem to see cocos2d.h in the new files I create.
EDIT - it seems that code sense suggests cocos2d.h when i type : import "
But it does not suggest classes / methods from the cocos2d api.
Turns out I had only added the "user header search paths" to my target, but not in the project settings.
Adding it fixed the problem. I guess the reason it compiled fine was because I had added it to the target, but it didn't work in the text editor since I hadn't added it to the project.
This happened to me as well, even though I did add it to both project and target.
However, what worked for me was to select the RECURSIVE checkbox under "User Header Search Prefixes" (which was set to "/lib/**")
I had same issue.
My project -> Build Settings
Look for the entry for Search Paths
Always Search User Paths - YES
User Header Search paths - "myProjectName/libs" //I put box2d folder here
Hope this help someone.