CRM 2013 Updating the Quote Product section - dynamics-crm-2013

Has anyone tried to create a plugin that updates the record's values in the Quote Product form? I created one, because I need a custom formula that calculates the Extended Amount field, but there are automatic calculations in the CRM that fill these fields. This doesn't allow me to update the formula of calculation at all.
What my plugin do, is:
Gets the values from the fields Price per unit, Quantity and Discount % (which is a custom field);
Calculates the value that I need;
Sets it at the extended amount field.
But, none of this works because I get a "Business Process Error";
Basically this error tells me that I can't use the record's guid to access it.
Here is my code:
protected void ExecutePostQuoteProductUpdate(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
Guid quoteProductID = (Guid)((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]).Id;
ColumnSet set = new ColumnSet();
set.AllColumns = true;
var quote = service.Retrieve("quotedetail", quoteProductID, set);
var priceperunit = quote.Attributes["priceperunit"];
var teamleader = quote.Attributes["new_disc"];
var manualdiscountamount = quote.Attributes["manualdiscountamount"];
var volumediscountamount = quote.Attributes["volumediscountamount"];
var VAT = (int)quote.Attributes["new_vat"];
var discountamount = (double)priceperunit * (double)teamleader / 100;
var baseamount = (double)priceperunit - discountamount;
var tax = baseamount * VAT / 100;
var extendedamount = baseamount + tax;
quote.Attributes["new_discountamount"] = discountamount;
quote.Attributes["baseamount"] = baseamount;
quote.Attributes["tax"] = tax;
quote["description"] = priceperunit;
quote.Attributes["extendedamount"] = extendedamount;
Please, tell me if there is a way to access those fields and use/set them.
Thanks in Advance!

You cannot update extendedamount directly - instead if you use the built-in fields which automatically calculate it then CRM will take care of this for you.
Those fields are: baseamount, quantity, discountamount, and tax. These are Money fields so you will need to store them as such:
quote.Attributes["baseamount"] = new Money(baseamount); // Money and decimal numbers use the "decimal" datatype and not double.
As for your custom calculation, you just need to convert the percentage stored in your custom field into the actual amount and assign it to the discountamount attribute. Something like:
var discountamount = (decimal)priceperunit * (decimal)teamleader / 100;
// Assigning the actual discount amount will automatically recalculate the extended amount on the line.
// No need to recalculate all fields.
quote.Attributes["discountamount"] = new Money(discountamount);
Note that tax may need to be recalculated to reflect the discount, but the process should work exactly the same.


Prestashop quantity in database is 0 but actual quantities shows in BO

I have a fully mysterious issue with Prestashop 1.7.7.
In database, in ps_product table, all quantities are set to 0. However, in BO, I can see actual quantities.
EDIT: I found the table ps_stock_availabe. Quantities are here. I added this code in my controller:
$champion->loadStockData(); // This is a Product instance.
$chevalier->loadStockData(); // This is a Product instance.
$porter->loadStockData(); // This is a Product instance.
$potions->loadStockData(); // This is a Product instance.
$pepites->loadStockData(); // This is a Product instance.
With no luck.
How could I get stock informations in my product instance in controller please ?
Thanks for your time.
I found the way to come across my issue.
$champion = new Product(27);
$chevalier = new Product(28);
$porter = new Product(24);
$potions = new Product(25);
$pepites = new Product(26);
$champion->quantity = Product::getQuantity($champion->id); // Get the actual quantity
$chevalier->quantity = Product::getQuantity($chevalier->id);
$porter->quantity = Product::getQuantity($porter->id);
$potions->quantity = Product::getQuantity($potions->id);
$pepites->quantity = Product::getQuantity($pepites->id);
$champion->price = $champion->getPrice(true, null, 2); // Get the actual price with tax
$chevalier->price = $chevalier->getPrice(true, null, 2);
$porter->price = $porter->getPrice(true, null, 2);
$potions->price = $potions->getPrice(true, null, 2);
$pepites->price = $pepites->getPrice(true, null, 2);

Need a more efficient solution than looping

I am building a spreadsheet that tracks work in progress as it moves through steps of a manufacturing process.
Each step of the process has a column with the total parts moved to each stage. To the left of this column is a column for number of parts moved to the stage (parts move through a few at a time).
My scrpit then takes the values in the "add" column, adds them to the "total" column, then reset the "add" column to "".
Here's the code:
function addColumns() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// ss is now the spreadsheet the script is associated with
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0]; // sheets are counted starting from 0
// sheet is the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
for (var i=4; i<500; i++ ) {
if(sheet.getRange(i,1).getValue()>0){ //Only run if order number not empty
//Breakout Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,6);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,7);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//CNC Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,8);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,9);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//CutSand Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,10);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,11);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//Lasered Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,12);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,13);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//To Finishing Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,14);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,15);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
// Defective Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,17);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,18);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//Etsy Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,20);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,21);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
if(sheet.getRange(i,4).getValue()<1){i=500} //Once you find a blank order exit the loop
My code as written does accomplish this; it does exactly what I need. The problem is that since the code is accessing the spreadsheet on each loop it takes almost a full second per cell to run, and with 7 steps per order it can take minutes at a time to run through with lots of orders...
This is a pretty simple mathematical task, so there has to be a more efficient way of doing it, I just haven't been able to find the right keywords to describe what I need to do.
I am quite happy to learn whatever needs to be done, just need to know what direction to head.
Thanks in advance!
I would suggest to do something like this: (not tested)
function addColumns() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0]; // Refers to the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // Acquires all values of the sheet
for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i++) { // Loop over every row
if (data[i][0].length > 0) { // Check if first column has a value
// Breakout
sheet.getRange(i+1,7).setValue(parseFloat(data[i][6]) + parseFloat(data[i][5]));
// Repeat code above for other columns
This code acquires all the data from the sheet instead of looping over a fixed amount of 500 rows. Assuming that your data starts at row 4, I've implemented this in the code above as well.
Variable data acquires all the data at one moment instead of trying to fetch values of every range (cell) all the time. I expect that this will save your script quite some time.
Because we acquire the data at once, the script sees the value as a string. Before we calculate the new value of the total column, we parse the value as a float (a number with decimals).
The code above is not tested as I don't have a sheet ready in the same format as you do but I think the logic is clear and if it doesn't work I suppose you should be able to adjust it to work for your sheet.

Automatically increase stock after order - Prestashop

I manually manage my stocks on Prestashop. I am looking for a solution to automatically return the initial stock after a sales order.
For example, a product is ordered in two copies with an initial stock of 7. I would like the stock to remain at 7 after the order and not at 5.
Do you know a technique that would allow me to realize this automatically?
Put a Hook on Order Confirmation (displayOrderConfirmation) in a new module (you can generate one at and check whats inside the cart then put it again in your stocks :
public function hookDisplayOrderConfirmation($params) {
$order = $params['order'];
$cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);
$products = $cart->getProducts();
foreach ($products as $product) {
$removed_qty = (int) $product['quantity'];
$past_qty = (int) StockAvailable::getQuantityAvailableByProduct($product['id_product'], $product['id_product_attribute']);
$new_qty = $removed_qty + $past_qty;
StockAvailable::setQuantity($product['id_product'], $product['id_product_attribute'], $new_qty);

How can check history information for a certain customer by using scripting in NetSuite?

I want to create a Script in NetSuite which needs some history information from a customer. In fact the information I need is to know if the user has purchased an item.
For this, I would need in some way to access to the history of this customer.
Try including this function and passing customer's internalID and item internalID
function hasPurchasedBefore(customerInternalID, itemInternalID){
var results = [];
var filters = [];
var columns = [];
filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('internalidnumber', 'customermain', 'equalto', [customerInternalID]))
filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('anylineitem', null, 'anyof', [itemInternalID]));
filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof', ['CustInvc']));
columns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid', null, 'GROUP'));
results = nlapiSearchRecord('transaction', null, filters, columns);
if (results && results.length){
return true;
return false;
var record = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(),nlapiGetRecordId());
var customerInternalID = record.getFieldValue('entity');
var itemInternalID = record.getLineItemValue('item', 'item', 1); //Gets line 1 item Internal ID
if( hasPurchasedBefore(customerInternalID, itemInternalID) ) {
//Has bought something before
You could use a saved search nlapiLoadSearch or nlapiCreateSearch for invoices, filtered by customer, and also reporting invoice items (or just a particular item). Using nlapiCreateSearch can be tricky to use, so I'd recommend building the saved search using the UI, then load it using nlapiLoadSeach(type, id)
This will give you an array of invoices/customers that bought your item.

xpages currency incomplete entry failing

I have a form that accepts currency from several fields and depending on what I enter into one, it calculates others. For this most part the code below works (example being the invoice amount field)
<xp:inputText value="#{FInvoiceDoc.InvoiceAmount}" id="InvoiceAmount">
<xp:convertNumber type="currency"></xp:convertNumber></xp:this.converter>
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="false" id="eventHandler5">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var rate = XSP.getElementById("#{id:ExchangeRate}").value;
var stAmount = XSP.getElementById("#{id:InvoiceAmount}").value;
var stTvat = XSP.getElementById("#{id:TVAT}").value;
var stTst = XSP.getElementById("#{id:TST}").value;
var stToop = XSP.getElementById("#{id:Toop}").value;
var tmp;
// get the dojo currency code
// get the numeric values using parse
amount = dojo.currency.parse(stAmount,{currency:"USD"});
total = rate * amount;
XSP.getElementById("#{id:EstUSAmount}").innerHTML = dojo.currency.format(total,{currency:"USD"});
XSP.getElementById("#{id:InvoiceAmount}").value = dojo.currency.format(amount,{currency:"USD"});
if (amount != 0) {
tvat = dojo.currency.parse(stTvat,{currency:"USD"});
tst = dojo.currency.parse(stTst,{currency:"USD"});
toop = dojo.currency.parse(stToop,{currency:"USD"});
tmp = (tvat / (amount-tvat-tst-toop)) * 100;
XSP.getElementById("#{id:VP}").innerHTML = tmp.toFixed(2);
tmp = (tst / (amount-tvat-tst-toop)) * 100;
XSP.getElementById("#{id:STP}").innerHTML = tmp.toFixed(2);
tmp = (toop / (amount-tvat-tst-toop)) * 100;
XSP.getElementById("#{id:OoPP}").innerHTML = tmp.toFixed(2);
Like I said, for the most part this works, but if I enter only a partial number like
instead of
then it fails. Most data entry folks will want to not have to key in the last "0" just so it's legal.
btw, if I enter it in as just 200 with no cents, it's OK.
It's as if the statement;
amount = dojo.currency.parse(stAmount,{currency:"USD"});
requires a 2 digit penny amount or no pennys, but doesn't like just the leading cents digit.
Any way around this?
The currency format is very restrictive and needs the certain number of decimal places for a given currency. As you can see here there can be different number of decimal places depending on currency. For most currencies it needs two decimal places though. But, you can trick the parser. Just try it with standard number of decimal places and if it fails try it with one decimal place again. Your code would look like this then:
var amount = dojo.currency.parse(stAmount,{currency:"USD"});
if (!amount && amount!==0) {
amount = dojo.currency.parse(stAmount,{currency:"USD",places:"1"});
This accepts inputs like
But it is still very picky. It doesn't accept spaces or more decimal places then currency allows.
If you want more flexibility for your users and need USD currency only I'd go for dojo.number or other number parsing instead and show the "$" outside the input field. Then, you'd be able to accept much more formats and could add functions like rounding.
Yeah, I've played with the converters. Thing is I want the converter to stay "Currency". The data I receive from the notes database is always correct and formats properly. Its the manipulation that I''m having a problem with. Since this is all on the client side, I've created a function that I can reuse throughout the page.
function isNumeric(n) {
n = parseFloat(n);
return !isNaN(n) || n != n;
// We call this if its a currency amount. If they only entered one number after
// the decimal, then we just append a 0. We're expecting a string and we send
// the string back.
function cMask(Amount)
if (Amount == "") { return "0.00" }
a = Amount.split(".");
if (a.length == 2)
if (a[1] != null)
if (a[1].length == 1)
Amount = Amount + "0";
// get the dojo currency code
b = dojo.currency.parse(Amount,{currency:"USD"});
if (isNumeric(b)) {return Amount} else {return "0.00"}
Then its a matter of just changing the initial variable load line.
var stAmount = cMask(XSP.getElementById("#{id:InvoiceAmount}").value);
Seems to work and I've just taught myself how to create reusable client-side javascript for my page.