Overwriting Values From SQL Table to Another SQL Table [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have 2 databases, a live and backup. I want to overwrite the the values in a specific field in the live database from those that are in the backup. The database structure is identical the only difference is there name.
How do I do this?

Try this
SET column2 = src.column2 -----Whichever column you want
FROM BackupDB.dbo.Table1 AS src
INNER JOIN LiveDB.dbo.Table1 AS dest
ON src.column1 = dest.column1;
SET l.ola_m_1= b.ola_m_1
FROM live.dbo.order_line l
JOIN backup.dbo.order_line b
ON --Whatever is Similar column between two


How to get data from a table with a certain prefix? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a table where the name is like "id,name" and I know the id portion and I need to get all the rows from the table by giving that id. The ID is always unique for the table. I've tried selecting the table out from information_schema.tables and I can get the table selected but then can't figure out how to get the data from it.
You're looking to use AS (alias):
SELECT test1.id AS id_test1, t2.id AS id_test2
FROM table1 AS test1
INNER JOIN table2 AS t2 ON (...)

How to update a table from one database to another? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have two database like A and B and a common table as TBL where the table TBL from A database has 1555 rows but the table TBL from database has only 1000 rows. I need to update the TBL in B database from A database.
1.How can I do it if these A and B database on same server name
2.what if these both database are on different server names .
Thanks in advance
INSERT INTO YourDbToBeInsertedInto..YourTable
FROM YourDbToBeInsertedFrom..YourTable
WHERE PrimaryKey NOT IN (SELECT PrimaryKey
FROM YourDbToBeInsertedInto..YourTable)
Use linked servers

Subtract two column values and store result in another column [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have the one table eg tbl_1 and i have column eg A B C. When I insert into column A and B its result store into C like c=a-b.
If you wish to create virtual/computed columns while creating a table structure, Since you dint specified which RDBMS you are using, please following links (the one that suits you) :
Hope it helps you.
A int,
B int,
C AS A - B

Insert into a backup table based on date [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My table in Oracle 11g has 6 fields. I also have a backup table also with no values. The original table has 2 date values. I need to insert into the backup table from the original table the orders having an order-date 5 months back as of today.
The table has a field names ORDER-DATE and has records entered inside.
insert into backup_table
select * from original_table
where order-data > add_months(sysdate,-5);

Problems with SQL query finding three names with the most records [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a table and I want to display the 3 names (Ted, Ringo, Paul) that have the most records using an SQL query.
It's a primitive question, but please help me.
my table:
FROM YourTable