Microsoft Access 2007 Report with Conditional Columns - sql

I am looking to make a very simple report to condense and show data side by side. All of the examples of reports I find are only row by row.
The query I will use will only have three schema "Company, Model, Total"
The format I am trying to get to is
Company Model Total Company Model Total
A 123 2 B 123 4
A 222 3 B 333 3
A 444 7 B 444 7
The idea is to present the information in a way that multiple companies side by side can compare inventory of the same model and find discrepencies. Ideally the report would eventually group all Model's that span every company at the top, but thats a next generation problem.
I have attempted conditional formating on multiple "Company" boxes, but the conditionals do not seem to be applying properly or for some reason every "Company" box is adopting the same conditionals.

I think you want a crosstab query grouping by model (the rowHeader), company as the column header, and first(total) as the value.
The results should look like
model A total B total
123 2 4
222 3
333 3
444 7 7
then you can create another query based on the crosstab results to calculate the difference between company totals, if you want.

You have to do this in two steps:
Build a query that gives you:
Company Model Total
A 123 2
A 222 3
A 444 7
B 123 4
B 333 3
B 444 7
Let's call q this query.
Build a second query
SELECT q1.Company, q1.Model, q1.Total, q1.Company, q2.Model, q2.Total
FROM q AS q1 INNER JOIN q AS q2 ON q1.Model = q2.Model
This will give you:
A 123 2 B 123 4
A 444 7 B 444 7
(There are no matching data for models 222 and 333)


Using SPSS Reference Variables and an Index to Create a New Variable

Essentially, I have a log which contains a Unique identifier for a subject which is tracked through multiple cases. I then used the following code, suggested previously through the great community here, to create an Index. Unfortunately, I've run into a new challenge that I can't seem to figure out. Here is a sample of the current data set to provide perspective.
Indexing function
sort cases by Unique_Modifier.
if $casenum=1 or Unique_Modifier<>lag(Unique_Modifier) Index=1.
if Unique_Modifier=lag(Unique_Modifier) Index=lag(Index)+1.
format Index(f2).
Unique Identifier Index Variable of interest
A 1 101
A 2 101
A 3 607
A 4 607
A 5 101
A 6 101
B 1 108
B 2 210
C 1 610
C 2 987
C 3 1100
C 4 610
What I'd like to do is create a new variable which contains the number of discrete, different entries in the variable of interest column. The expected output would be as the following:
Unique Identifier Index Variable of interest Intended Output
A 1 101 1
A 2 101 1
A 3 607 2
A 4 607 2
A 5 101 2
A 6 101 2
B 1 108 1
B 2 210 2
C 1 610 1
C 2 987 2
C 3 1100 3
C 4 610 3
I've tried a few different ways to do it, one was to use a similar index function, but it fails as if the variable of interest is different in subsequent lines, it works but, sometimes, we have a recurrence of a variable like 5 lines later. My next idea was to use the AGGREGATE function, but I looked through the IBM manual and it doesn't seem like there is a function within aggregate that would produce the intended output here. Anyone have any ideas? I think a loop is the best bet, but loops within SPSS are a bit funky and hard to get working.
Try this:
data list list/Unique_Identifier Index VOI (3f) .
begin data.
1 1 101
1 2 101
1 3 607
1 4 607
1 5 101
1 6 101
2 1 108
2 2 210
3 1 610
3 2 987
3 3 1100
3 4 610
end data.
string voiT (a1000).
compute voiT=concat(ltrim(string(VOI,f10)),",").
compute Intended_Output=1.
do if index>1.
do if index(lag(voiT), rtrim(voiT))>0.
compute Intended_Output=lag(Intended_Output).
compute voiT=lag(voiT).
compute Intended_Output=lag(Intended_Output)+1.
compute voiT=concat(rtrim(lag(voiT)), rtrim(voiT)).
end if.
end if .

SQL Server Cross Reference Query

I have limited experience with SQL and I am trying to build a query that 'automatically' uses the xyzDesc record in place of xyzID references in the result of the query.
I've included a sample of what I am looking for. It is important to keep in mind, that the recordset I am trying to produce has ~ 35 columns (where it is necessary to initially outer join 3 very large tables) where ~10 columns need to be xref as I hope will be demonstrated by the example. Additionally, the database I am querying has the underlining tables containing millions of rows.
Project table:
projectID projectDesc capitalSpend regionID statusID
1 Project A 200 1 7
2 Project B 300 1 2
3 Project C 200 1 5
4 Project D 100 2 4
5 Project E 300 2 3
6 Project F 500 3 1
7 Project G 400 3 1
StatusXref table
statusID statusDesc
1 Proposed
2 Prelim
3 Scheduled
4 Execute
5 Completed
6 On Hold
7 Decline
RegionXref table:
regionID regionDesc
1 New York
2 Houston
3 Los Angeles
4 Chicago
5 Denver
6 Dallas
7 Boston
Expected results when executing query:
projectID projectDesc capitalSpend Region Status
1 Project A 200 New York Decline
2 Project B 300 New York Prelim
3 Project C 200 New York Completed
4 Project D 100 Houston Execute
5 Project E 300 Houston Scheduled
6 Project F 500 Los Angeles Proposed
7 Project G 400 Los Angeles Proposed
This seems like it should be 'easy' as it would be a simple vlookup in excel but I'm reluctant to pull all the data into excel and then do these lookups as excel row limitations prevent full data.
Try something like this:
select p.projectID, p.projectDesc, p.capitalSpend, r.regionDesc, s.statusDesc
from Project p
inner join StatusXref s on p.statusID = s.statusID
inner join RegionXref r on p.regionID = r.regionID
A JOIN is exactly what you are looking for. There are several types of joins, but the most common one is an inner join.
Example query:
SELECT p.projectID, P.projectDesc, P.capitalSpend, R.regionDesc, S.statusDesc
FROM Project P
JOIN StatusXref S ON P.statusID = S.statusID
JOIN RegionXref R ON P.regionID = R.regionID;
This SQLFiddle will let you run queries on your small dataset. Be sure to use the select the correct version of SQL in the top left corner.!3/0ebc89
P.S. When querying on your large dataset, you may find the LIMIT clause to be useful to test and see if your query is working properly without running across the millions of rows.

update table from other table whithout join

Here is the deal. I have a table T with many columns but two of interest: gen_ID, ordernumber.
Records in this table are always by groups of 5 with the gen_ID being the same and the ordernumber being blank.
So in essence, it looks like this:
Gen_ID ordernumber
Now I have a query Q that, when executed, randomizes the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
I want to update ordernumber with the random numbers of Q so it looks like this:
Gen_ID ordernumber
233 3
233 4
233 1
233 2
233 5
234 4
234 5
234 3
234 2
234 1
Any idea on how to do this using MS Access 2010 SQL?
Udate query would be fine but I cannot join the two since I don't have a common ID.
Any suggestions? Note that I can run this magic query once a set of 5 records are created in the table (I don't need to have that done once I have more than one set).
I don't think this can be achieved by SQL alone and will need some VB running alongside. My approach would be to get your 1 - 5 numbers in a random order stored in an "Array", you can then open up a recordset to "T" and step through one by one assigning a number from your array. You could also loop this process to begin again whenever it detects a new Gen_ID in "T" and thus populate the whole table in one pass.

SQL comparing two tables with common id but the id in table 2 could being in two different columns

Given the following SQL tables:
id Name rating
1 Jeff 48
2 Albert 55
3 Ken 35
4 France 56
5 Samantha 52
6 Jeff 50
id originatorid Assitantid
1 3 5
2 6 3
3 1 2
4 6 4
I would like to generate a table from Ken's point of view (id=3) therefore his id could be possibly present in two different columns in the meetings' table. (The statement IN does not work since I introduce two different field columns).
Thus the ouput would be:
id originatorid Assitantid
1 3 5
2 6 3
If you really just need to see which column Ken's id is in, you only need an OR. The following will produce your example output exactly.
SELECT * FROM Meetings WHERE originatorid = 3 OR Assistantid = 3;
If you need to take the complex route and list names along with meetings, an OR in your join's ON clause should work here:
FROM Administrators
JOIN Meetings
ON = Meetings.originatorid
OR = Meetings.Assistantid
Where = 'Ken'

MS Access CrossTab query - across 3 tables

I have the following 3 tables:
1) Sweetness Table
FruitIndex CountryIndex Sweetness
1 1 10
1 2 20
1 3 400
2 1 50
2 2 123
2 3 1
3 1 49
3 2 40
3 3 2
2) Fruit Name Table
FruitIndex FruitName
1 Apple
2 Orange
3 Peaches
3) Country Name Table
CountryIndex CountryName
1 UnitedStates
2 Canada
3 Mexico
I'm trying to perform a CrossTab SQL query to end up with:
Fruit\Country UnitedStates Canada Mexico
Apple 10 20 400
Orange 50 123 1
Peaches 49 40 2
The challenging part is to label the rows/columns with the relevant names from the Name tables.
I can use MS Access to design 2 queries,
create the joins the fruit/country names table with the Sweetness table
perform crosstab query
However I'm having trouble doing this in a single query. I've attempted nesting the 1st query's SQL into the 2nd, but it doesn't seem to work.
Unfortunately, my solution needs to be be wholly SQL, as it is an embedded SQL query (cannot rely on query designer in MS Access, etc.).
Any help greatly appreciated.
How about:
TRANSFORM First(Sweetness.Sweetness) AS FirstOfSweetness
SELECT Fruit.FruitName
FROM (Sweetness
ON Sweetness.FruitIndex = Fruit.FruitIndex)
ON Sweetness.CountryIndex = Country.CountryIndex
GROUP BY Fruit.FruitName
PIVOT Country.CountryName;
I hate to rely on an outside post and present it as my answer, but this is a pretty steep topic and I can't do it justice. So I suggest you look at this article.