Complexity of subset sum solver algorithm - time-complexity

I made a subset sum problem but I am still confused about its complexity.
Please find the algorithm here:
Basically the essence is:
i = 0;
if(func1(i + 1))
return true;
func1(i + 2, with few modifications in other arguments);
Here, i is index of an element in an integer set like {1,1,1,1,1,1}.
Worst case for above algorithm comes when all elements are 1 and we need a sum which is 1 more than the total sum of all elements.
I want to know the complexity of this algorithm as someone told me it is non polynomial(Exponential time - 2^n. If it is polynomial then it would be a big achievement.
In my view also it is not polynomial as T(n)=2T(n-1)+6 but that is in worst case that is every time the 1st recursive call fails.
Please help..


Randomly increasing sequence- Wolfram Mathematica

Good afternoon, I have a problem making recurrence table with randomly increasing sequence. I want it to return an increasing sequence with a random difference between two elements. Right now I've got:
RecurrenceTable[{a[k+1]==a[k] + RandomInteger[{0,4}], a[1]==-12},a,{k,1,5}]
But it returns me an arithmetic progression with chosen d for all k (e.g. {-12,-8,-4,0,4,8,12,16,20,24}).
Also, I will be really grateful for explaining why if I replace every k in my code with n I get:
RecurrenceTable[{4+a[n] == a[n],a[1] == -12},a,{n,1,10}]
Thank You very much for Your time!
I don't believe that RecurrenceTable is what you are looking for.
Try this instead
which returns, this time,
and returns, this time,

Iterative solution to compute powers

I am working on developing an efficient iterative code to compute mn. After some thinking and googling I found this code;
public static int power(int n, int m)
// Efficiently calculates m to the power of n iteratively
int pow=m, acc=1, count=n;
return acc;
This logic makes sense to me except the fact that why are we squaring value of pow towards the end each time. I am familiar with similar recursive approach, but this squaring is not looking very intuitive to me. Can I kindly get some help her? An example with explanation will be really helpful.
The accumulator is being squared each iteration because count (which is the inverse cumulative power) is being halved each iteration.
If the count is odd, the accumulator is multiplied by the number. This algorithm relies on integer arithmetic, which discards the fractional part of a division, effectively further decrementing by 1 when the count is odd.
This is a very tricky solution to understand. I am solving this problem in leetcode and have found the iterative solution. I have spent a whole day to understand this beautiful iterative solution. The main problem is this iterative solution does not work as like its recursive solution.
Let's pick an example to demonstrate. But first I have to re-write your code by replacing some variable name as the name in your given code is very confusing.
// Find m^n
public static int power(int n, int m)
int pow=n, result=1, base=m;
while(pow > 0)
if(pow%2 == 1) result = result * base;
base = base * base;
pow = pow/2;
return result;
Let's understand the beauty step by step.
Let say, base = 2 and power = 10.
2^10= (2*2)^5 = 4^5
We have changed the base to 4 and power to 5. So it is now enough to find 4^5. [base multiplied with itself and power is half
4^5= 4*(4)^4 = 4^5
We separate single 4 which is the base for current iteration. We store the base to result variable. We will now find the value of 4^4 and then multiply with the result variable.
4^4= (4*4)^2 = 16^2
We change the base to 16 and power to 2. It is now enough to find 16^2
16^2= (16*16)^1 = 256^1
We change the base to 256 and power to 1. It is now enough to find 256^1
256^1 = 256 * 256^0
We separate single 256 which is the base for current iteration. This value comes from evaluation of 4^4.So, we have to multiply it with our previous result variable. And continue evaluating the rest value of 256^0.
Power 0. So stop the iteration.
So, after translating the process in pseudo code it will be similar to this,
If power is even:
base = base * base
power /= 2
If power is odd:
result = result * base
power -= 1
Now, let have another observation. It is observed that floor(5 / 2) and (5-1) / 2 is same.
So, for odd power, we can directly set power / 2 instead of power -= 1. So, the pseudo code will be like the below,
if power is both odd or even:
base = base * base
power /= 2
If power is odd:
result = result * base
I hope you got the behind the scene.

What is the time complexity of below function?

I was reading book about competitive programming and was encountered to problem where we have to count all possible paths in the n*n matrix.
Now the conditions are :
1. All cells must be visited for once (cells must not be unvisited or visited more than once)
2. Path should start from (1,1) and end at (n,n)
3. Possible moves are right, left, up, down from current cell
4. You cannot go out of the grid
Now this my code for the problem :
typedef long long ll;
ll path_count(ll n,vector<vector<bool>>& done,ll r,ll c){
ll count=0;
done[r][c] = true;
if(r==(n-1) && c==(n-1)){
for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){
for(ll j=0;j<n;j++) if(!done[i][j]) {
return 0;
else {
if((r+1)<n && !done[r+1][c]) count+=path_count(n,done,r+1,c);
if((r-1)>=0 && !done[r-1][c]) count+=path_count(n,done,r-1,c);
if((c+1)<n && !done[r][c+1]) count+=path_count(n,done,r,c+1);
if((c-1)>=0 && !done[r][c-1]) count+=path_count(n,done,r,c-1);
done[r][c] = false;
return count;
Here if we define recurrence relation then it can be like: T(n) = 4T(n-1)+n2
Is this recurrence relation true? I don't think so because if we use masters theorem then it would give us result as O(4n*n2) and I don't think it can be of this order.
The reason, why I am telling, is this because when I use it for 7*7 matrix it takes around 110.09 seconds and I don't think for n=7 O(4n*n2) should take that much time.
If we calculate it for n=7 the approx instructions can be 47*77 = 802816 ~ 106. For such amount of instruction it should not take that much time. So here I conclude that my recurrene relation is false.
This code generates output as 111712 for 7 and it is same as the book's output. So code is right.
So what is the correct time complexity??
No, the complexity is not O(4^n * n^2).
Consider the 4^n in your notation. This means, going to a depth of at most n - or 7 in your case, and having 4 choices at each level. But this is not the case. In the 8th, level you still have multiple choices where to go next. In fact, you are branching until you find the path, which is of depth n^2.
So, a non tight bound will give us O(4^(n^2) * n^2). This bound however is far from being tight, as it assumes you have 4 valid choices from each of your recursive calls. This is not the case.
I am not sure how much tighter it can be, but a first attempt will drop it to O(3^(n^2) * n^2), since you cannot go from the node you came from. This bound is still far from optimal.

Calculating the expected running time of function

I have a question about calculating the expected running time of a given function. I understand just fine, how to calculate code fragments with cycles in them (for / while / if , etc.) but functions without them seems a bit odd to me. For example, lets say that we have the following code fragment:
public void Add(T item)
var newArr = new T[this.arr.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(this.arr, newArr, this.arr.Length);
newArr[newArr.Length - 1] = item;
this.arr = newArr;
If my logic works correctly, the function Add has a complexity of O(1), because in the best/worst/average case it will just read every line of code once, right?
You always have to consider the time complexity of the function calls, too. I don't know how Array.Copy is implemented, but I'm going to guess it's O(N), making the whole Add function O(N) as well. Your intuition is right, though - the rest of it is in fact O(1).
If you have multiple sub-operations with O(n) + O(log(n)) etc and the costliest step is the cost of the whole operation - by default big O refers to the worst case. Here as you copy the array, it is an O(n) operation
Complexity is calculated following this 2 rules :
-Calling a method (complexity+ 1)
-Encountering the following keywords : if, while, repeat, for, &&, ||, catch, case, etc … (complexity+ 1)
In your case , given you are trying to copy an array and not a single value , the algorithm will complete N copy operations giving you an O(N) operation.

Constrained Single-Objective Optimization

I need to split an array filled with a certain type (let's take water buckets for example) with two values set (in this case weight and volume), while keeping the difference between the total of the weight to a minimum (preferred) and the difference between the total of the volumes less than 1000 (required). This doesn't need to be a full-fetched genetic algorithm or something similar, but it should be better than what I currently have...
Current Implementation
Due to not knowing how to do it better, I started by splitting the array in two same-length arrays (the array can be filled with an uneven number of items), replacing a possibly void spot with an item with both values being 0. The sides don't need to have the same amount of items, I just didn't knew how to handle it otherwise.
After having these distributed, I'm trying to optimize them like this:
func (main *Main) Optimize() {
for {
difference := main.Difference(WEIGHT)
for i := 0; i < len(main.left); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(main.right); j++ {
if main.DifferenceAfter(i, j, WEIGHT) < main.Difference(WEIGHT) {
main.left[i], main.right[j] = main.right[j], main.left[i]
if difference == main.Difference(WEIGHT) {
for main.Difference(CAPACITY) > 1000 {
leftIndex := 0
rightIndex := 0
liters := 0
weight := 100
for i := 0; i < len(main.left); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(main.right); j++ {
if main.DifferenceAfter(i, j, CAPACITY) < main.Difference(CAPACITY) {
newLiters := main.Difference(CAPACITY) - main.DifferenceAfter(i, j, CAPACITY)
newWeight := main.Difference(WEIGHT) - main.DifferenceAfter(i, j, WEIGHT)
if newLiters > liters && newWeight <= weight || newLiters == liters && newWeight < weight {
leftIndex = i
rightIndex = j
liters = newLiters
weight = newWeight
main.left[leftIndex], main.right[rightIndex] = main.right[rightIndex], main.left[leftIndex]
main.Difference(const) calculates the absolute difference between the two sides, the constant taken as an argument decides the value to calculate the difference for
main.DifferenceAfter(i, j, const) simulates a swap between the two buckets, i being the left one and j being the right one, and calculates the resulting absolute difference then, the constant again determines the value to check
Basically this starts by optimizing the weight, which is what the first for-loop does. On every iteration, it tries every possible combination of buckets that can be switched and if the difference after that is less than the current difference (resulting in better distribution) it switches them. If the weight doesn't change anymore, it breaks out of the for-loop. While not perfect, this works quite well, and I consider this acceptable for what I'm trying to accomplish.
Then it's supposed to optimize the distribution based on the volume, so the total difference is less than 1000. Here I tried to be more careful and search for the best combination in a run before switching it. Thus it searches for the bucket switch resulting in the biggest capacity change and is also supposed to search for a tradeoff between this, though I see the flaw that the first bucket combination tried will set the liters and weight variables, resulting in the next possible combinations being reduced by a big a amount.
I think I need to include some more math here, but I'm honestly stuck here and don't know how to continue here, so I'd like to get some help from you, basically that can help me here is welcome.
As previously said, your problem is actually a constrained optimisation problem with a constraint on your difference of volumes.
Mathematically, this would be minimise the difference of volumes under constraint that the difference of volumes is less than 1000. The simplest way to express it as a linear optimisation problem would be:
min weights . x
subject to volumes . x < 1000.0
for all i, x[i] = +1 or -1
Where a . b is the vector dot product. Once this problem is solved, all indices where x = +1 correspond to your first array, all indices where x = -1 correspond to your second array.
Unfortunately, 0-1 integer programming is known to be NP-hard. The simplest way of solving it is to perform exhaustive brute force exploring of the space, but it requires testing all 2^n possible vectors x (where n is the length of your original weights and volumes vectors), which can quickly get out of hands. There is a lot of literature on this topic, with more efficient algorithms, but they are often highly specific to a particular set of problems and/or constraints. You can google "linear integer programming" to see what has been done on this topic.
I think the simplest might be to perform a heuristic-based brute force search, where you prune your search tree early when it would get you out of your volume constraint, and stay close to your constraint (as a general rule, the solution of linear optimisation problems are on the edge of the feasible space).
Here are a couple of articles you might want to read on this kind of optimisations:
UCLA Linear integer programming
MIT course on Integer programming
Carleton course on Binary programming
Articles on combinatorial optimisation & linear integer programming
If you are not familiar with optimisation articles or math in general, the wikipedia articles provides a good introduction, but most articles on this topic quickly show some (pseudo)code you can adapt right away.
If your n is large, I think at some point you will have to make a trade off between how optimal your solution is and how fast it can be computed. Your solution is probably suboptimal, but it is much faster than the exhaustive search. There might be a better trade off, depending on the exact configuration of your problem.
It seems that in your case, difference of weight is objective, while difference of volume is just a constraint, which means that you are seeking for solutions that optimize difference of weight attribute (as small as possible), and satisfy the condition on difference of volume attribute (total < 1000). In this case, it's a single objective constrained optimization problem.
Whereas, if you are interested in multi-objective optimization, maybe you wanna look at the concept of Pareto Frontier: . It's good for keeping multiple good solutions with advantages in different objective, i.e., not losing diversity.