Sed: individuate region and clean before and after - awk

I have some pages, they all contain at a certain point<article> and after another certain point</article>
How can I use sed to delete every line before and every line after these tags?
I tried:
sed '/<article>/,/</article>/ !d'
but it didnt work.

In your sentence is just mising a \ to espace the / character:
sed '/<article>/,/<\/article>/ !d'
Another way to accomplish the same:
sed '\#<article>#,\#</article># !d'
From man sed:
Match lines matching the regular expression regexp.
The c may be any character.


replace strings between two patterns

I would like to replace (using sed/awk/tr) all the strings between CleanAgrobacterium and _gene by ZZZ in my file A.nwk:
sed "/CleanAgrobacterium/,/gene-/d" A.nwk
Instead of using a range, you could make the pattern more specific for the example data matching 1 or more alphanumeric chars or - or _ in between using [[:alnum:]_-]\+ and replace the match(es) with zzz
sed "s/CleanAgrobacterium[[:alnum:]_-]\+_gene/zzz/g" A.nwk
This replaces all the text between CleanAgrobacterium and _gene by ZZZ:
sed -E 's/(CleanAgrobacterium).*(_gene)/\1ZZZ\2/g' A.nwk
But the result is probably not what you would expect. I assume you want ungreedy matching of the text in-between (.*). For that, use perl:
perl -pe 's/(CleanAgrobacterium).*(_gene)/\1ZZZ\2/g' A.nwk
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/CleanAgrobacterium/&\n/g
s/\n//g' file
Append a newline to CleanAgrobacterium and prepend a newline to gene-.
Replace everything that is not a newline between the desired words.
Remove any introduced newlines.
N.B. This does not cater for matches on separate lines. In this case use something like:
sed -E 'H;1h;$!d;x
s/###NEWLINE%%%/\n/g' file
This slurps the whole file into memory, replaces all newlines by a unique string, then applies the first solution and tidies up afterwards.
try this:
sed 's/gene-/gene-\n/g' < A.nwk | sed 's/CleanAgrobacterium.*gene-/CleanAgrobacteriumZZZgene-/g' | sed -n ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g;p' > output.txt
works with GNU Sed 4.9 using Linux .
Yet another sed solution. It replaces all THIS with THAT (with your samples in reality but more readable here) between START and END in "fooSTARTTHISENDfooSTARTTHISENDfoo"
and outputs "fooSTARTTHATENDfooSTARTTHATENDfoo".
$ sed -E 's/(CleanAgrobacterium)([^_]|_(_|g(_|e(_|n_)))*([^_g]|g([^_e]|e([^_n]|n[^_e]))))*(_(_|g(_|e(_|n_)))*(g(e?|en))?)?(_gene)/\1ZZZ\2/g' file
The solution is non-greedy and relies on regex capturing groups (CleanAgrobacterium)and (_gene), their backreferences \1, \2 and what is between them
(not _gene) getting replaced by ZZZ. You could use it in, for example; GNU awk's gensub() which supports backreferencing:
$ gawk '{print gensub(/(CleanAgrobacterium)([^_]|_(_|g(_|e(_|n_)))*([^_g]|g([^_e]|e([^_n]|n[^_e]))))*(_(_|g(_|e(_|n_)))*(g(e?|en))?)?(_gene)/,"\\1ZZZ\\2","g",$0)}' file

print dir path after matching its name with wildcards

Have been stuck with this little puzzle. Thank you in advance for helping.
I have a directory path and would like print its path after match.
echo /Users/user/Documents/terraform-shared-infra/services/history_book_test | awk -F "terraform-|tfRepo-" '{print $(NF)}'
echo /Users/user/Documents/tfRepo-shared-infra/services/history_book_test | awk -F "terraform-|tfRepo-" '{print $(NF)}'
When i try to add wildcard in terraform-* it doesn't work.
I would like to print path after match with terraform-* or tfRepo*.
services/history_book_test/../.. so on.
with sed:
echo /Users/user/Documents/terraform-shared-infra/services/history_book_test | sed 's|.*terraform.\([^/]*\)/.*|\1|'
Have tried different ways with awk and grep but no luck. Any leads or idea that I can try. Please.
Thank you.
You're confusing regular expressions with globbing patterns. Both have wildcards and look similar but have quite different meanings and uses. regexps are used by text processing tools like grep, sed, and awk to match text in input strings while globbing patterns are used by shells to match file/directory names. For example, foo* in a regexp means fo followed by zero or more additional os while foo* in a globbing pattern means foo followed by zero or more other characters (which in a regexp would be foo.*). So never just say "wildcard", say "regexp wildcard" or "globbing wildcard" for clarity.
This might be what you're trying to do, using a sed that has a -E arg to enable EREs, e.g. GNU or BSD sed:
$ sed -E 's:.*/(terraform|tfRepo)-[^/]*/::' file
or using any awk:
$ awk '{sub(".*/(terraform|tfRepo)-[^/]*/","")} 1' file
Regarding your attempt with sed sed 's|.*terraform.\([^/]*\)/.*|\1|' - if you're going to use a char other than / for the delimiters, don't use a char like | that's a regexp or backreference metachar as at best that obfuscates your code, pick some char that's always literal instead, e.g. :.

How to delete the "0"-row for multiple fles in a folder?

Each file's name starts with "input". One example of the files look like:
I want to delete the lines which only includes '0' and the expected output is:
I have tried with
sed -i 's/^0\n//g' input_*
grep -RiIl '^0\n' input_* | xargs sed -i 's/^0\n//g'
but neither works.
Please give some suggestions.
Could you please try changing your attempted code to following, run it on a single Input_file once.
sed 's/^0$//' Input_file
OR as per OP's comment to delete null lines:
sed 's/^0$//;/^$/d' Input_file
I have intentionally not put -i option here first test this in a single file of output looks good then only run with -i option on multiple files.
Also problem in your attempt was, you are putting \n in regex of sed which is default separator of line, we need to put $ in it to tell sed delete those lines which starts and ends with 0.
In case you want to take backup of files(considering that you have enough space available in your file system) you could use -i.bak option of sed too which will take backup of each file before editing(this isn't necessary but for safer side you have this option too).
$ sed '/^0$/d' file
In your regexp you were confusing \n (the literal LineFeed character which will not be present in the string sed is analyzing since sed reads one \n-separated line at a time) with $ (the end-of-string regexp metacharacter which represents end-of-line when the string being parsed is a line as is done with sed by default).
The other mistake in your script was replacing 0 with null in the matching line instead of just deleting the matching line.
Please give some suggestions.
I would use GNU awk -i inplace for that following way:
awk -i inplace '!/^0$/' input_*
This simply will preserve all lines which do not match ^0$ i.e. (start of line)0(end of line). If you want to know more about -i inplace I suggest reading this tutorial.

Get the line number of the last line with non-blank characters

I have a file which has the following content:
10 tiny toes
this is that tree
5 funny 0
There are spaces at the end of the file. I want to get the line number of the last row of a file (that has characters). How do I do that in SED?
This is easily done with awk,
awk 'NF{c=FNR}END{print c}' file
With sed it is more tricky. You can use the = operator but this will print the line-number to standard out and not in the pattern space. So you cannot manipulate it. If you want to use sed, you'll have to pipe it to another or use tail:
sed -n '/^[[:blank:]]*$/!=' file | tail -1
You can use following pseudo-code:
Replace all spaces by empty string
Remove all <beginning_of_line><end_of_line> (the lines, only containing spaces, will be removed like this)
Count the number of remaining lines in your file
It's tough to count line numbers in sed. Some versions of sed give you the = operator, but it's not standard. You could use an external tool to generate line numbers and do something like:
nl -s ' ' -n ln -ba input | sed -n 's/^\(......\)...*/\1/p' | sed -n '$p'
but if you're going to do that you might as well just use awk.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/\S/=' file | sed -n '$p'
For all lines that contain a non white space character, print a line number. Pipe this output to second invocation of sed and print only the last line.
grep -n '\S' file | sed -n '$s/:.*//p'

Replace character except between pattern using grep -o or sed (or others)

In the following file I want to replace all the ; by , with the exception that, when there is a string (delimited with two "), it should not replace the ; inside it.
For sed I have: sed 's/;/,/g' input.txt > output.txt but this would replace everything.
The regex for the " delimited string: \".*;.*\" .
(A regex for hexadecimal would be better -- something like: [0-9a-fA-F]+)
My problem is combining it all to make a grep -o / sed that replaces everything except for that pattern.
The file size is in the order of two digit Gb (max 99Gb), so performance is important. Relevant.
Any ideas are appreciated.
sed is for doing simple s/old/new on individual strings. grep is for doing g/re/p. You're not trying to do either of those tasks so you shouldn't be considering either of those tools. That leaves the other standard UNIX tool for manipulating text - awk.
You have a ;-separated CSV that you want to make ,-separated. That's simply:
$ awk -v FPAT='[^;]*|"[^"]+"' -v OFS=',' '{$1=$1}1' file
The above uses GNU awk for FPAT. See What's the most robust way to efficiently parse CSV using awk? for more details on parsing CSVs with awk.
If I get correctly your requirements, one option would be to make a three pass thing.
From your comment about hex, I'll consider nothing like # will come in the input so you can do (using GNU sed) :
sed -E 's/("[^"]+);([^"]+")/\1#\2/g' original > transformed
sed -i 's/;/,/g' transformed
sed -i 's/#/;/g' transformed
The idea being to replace the ; when within quotes by something else and write it to a new file, then replace all ; by , and then set back the ; in place within the same file (-i flag of sed).
The three pass can be combined in a single command with
sed -E 's/("[^"]+);([^"]+")/\1#\2/g;s/;/,/g;s/#/;/g' original > transformed
That said, there's probably a bunch of csv parser witch already handle quoted fields that you can probably use in the final use case as I bet this is just an intermediary step for something else later in the chain.
From Ed Morton's comment: if you do it in one pass, you can use \n as replacement separator as there can't be a newline in the text considered line by line.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E ':a;s/^([^"]*("[^"]*"[^"]*)*"[^";]*);/\1\n/;ta;y/;/,/;y/\n/;/' file
Replace ;'s inside double quotes with newlines, transpose ;'s to ,'s and then transpose newlines to ;'s.