Bigquery related links are not working. - google-bigquery

I am trying to open links related to Google Bigquery; however they are not working. Those are the links specified in lot of documents and links. It is the same link that is being referenced from Google Developers Page ( )
I had tried opening following link:
Are these links changed or is there any other way to access Google Bigquery or Am I missing anything?

That link should work, and it does for me--at least, the UI loads and bounces me to a project that I actually have access to.
By the way, bug reports are probably best filed at BQ's public issue tracker rather than on StackOverflow.


How to get github edit history of issue and issue comments via api?

I only found api to get issue list, issue content, issue comments list and content, no issue content edit history, no issue comments edit history.
No, this cannot currently be done purely from the API.
However, if we reverse engineer the way GitHub loads past edits in the web interface, and do a bit of scraping, we can accomplish the same thing without the API. Unfortunately, this means that we don't have the reliability of an API - GitHub's web interface is liable to change at any time, breaking our code. But it's better than nothing!
So, first we need a log of all the edits for a comment. Let's do this with the comment (from a test repo provided by the gentleman who set the bounty on this question). On order to get a log of this issue's comments, we will need to base64 encode the issue number with '05:' then the word 'Issue' at the beginning. Why '05:'? I have no idea. But it's always there and it won't work with out it. So we'll be base64 encoding the string "05:Issue874033952", which gives us MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI=
Great, now we insert MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI= into this URL scheme:{BASE64 ENCODING HERE}/comments/comment_edit_history_log, resulting in a link to
Following that link, we see an edit history, but not the contents of the edits themselves:
However, this gives us the information we need! If we look at the HTML, we see that all edits prior to the current edit are defined as buttons with a link to that edit:
class="btn-link dropdown-item p-2"
The URL pointed to by the data-edit-history-url is the same URL loaded via the browser's networking tab when clicking to view a past edit in the web interface!
Unfortunately, if you attempt to view that page on it's own, you get a 404. It is intended to be viewed only from the web interface. But that's no problem, just go to the web interface, view one of the edits, and copy the headers it sends along. In my case I'm using Chromium, so I just find the request to the edit in my networking tab, right click and hit 'copy as Fetch request (nodejs)' and viola, with those headers I'm good to go!
For example, for the comment we've been using this whole time, I make that request and get back a bunch of HTML. The content of the original edit is near the end:
<ins><p class="rich-diff-level-zero">before edit</p></ins>
There it is! I could write a script to automate this, but then I'd be doing everything for you :3 Suffice it to say that with a day's work of cleverly organized scraping, this is roughly what you must to in order to view these revisions. If someone does make such a tool, the OSINT community will surely be immensely grateful!
To see the features of github api, it is better to read the following link
The best source to get the answer:
Check the issues you mentioned, ie issue comments, edit history issue, etc. in the link above
As far as I saw it is possible to receive issue comments but I did not see a section for edit history issue
I also suggest you see the following links for the edit history issue:

Is there anyway to get this table data into iOS app?

I work with a company who outsources their website. I'm trying to retrieve data from the site without having to contact those who run it directly. The table data I'm trying to retrieve can be found here:
My methodology thus far has been to use google chrome's Developer Tools to find the source page, but when I filter under the network tab for XHL, only the info of the current games can be found. Is there anyway to scrape this data (I have no idea how to do that; any resources or direction would be appreciated) or another way to get it? Am I missing it in the developer tools?
If I had to contact those who run the website, what exactly should I ask for? I'm trying to get JSON data that I can easily turn into my own UITableViewController.
Thank you.
Just load the page source and parse the html.
Depending on your usage there may well be a copyright issue, the page has an explicit copyright notice so you will need to obtain explicit permission for your use.

Multiple comment plugin loading on Blogger

on my blog I’m using from a long time the IntenseDebate pluging as commenting system in place of the default one.
I would replace it with Google+ comment system but I don’t want to lose all comments already left by the users via IntenseDebate, so I would figure out if there’s any way to load on the old posts the IntenseDebate pluging in place of the default Google+.
As possible solution, I’m thinking something like a tag in the html post code that (if defined) load the IntenseDebate pluging.
What do you think?
its not posible to migrate IntenseDebate comment on google plus. Their is one solution that you can use multiple comment system in your blogger blog. just few month ago i had written trick for the same. I hope that this will be useful to you.

How to show someone came from a link on my website?

It must be the full url, not just history or type. I have seen, on, where they show stats regarding where the referrer of our site came from. I want to show the exact link like statcounter shows under a tab.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You will want to use Google Analytics.
Google will generate a unique javascript code for you, you then paste it in your html, which activates the service. It's very easy to get started and the dashboard is very robust considering it's free. To get started, you can check this out:

Author data not being recognized in Google structured data testing tool

I've searched all over the place and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. No matter what I still get a Page does not contain authorship markup on the structured data testing tool
I have two sites with almost identical pages. The rel=author tags are inserted the same way.
Here is an example of one page that works:
Here is an example of one page that doesn't:
I tried adding ?rel=author to the end of the Google+ profile URL, which doesn't seem to work on either site. I am not blocking anything via nofollow or robots.txt. The tool is not being blocked by a firewall or anything. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong here and why it works for one site, but not the other?
FYI, the site that does not work used to work without a problem. I hadn't changed anything with how the author markup was organized until I realized it wasn't working anymore.
When I test both of those pages in Google's structured data test tool, it shows that authorship is working correctly for both pages.
Here are the results for the page you said was working:
Here are the results for the page you said wasn't working: