High CPU with ImageResizer DiskCache plugin - imageresizer

We are noticing occasional periods of high CPU on a web server that happens to use ImageResizer. Here are the surprising results of a trace performed with NewRelic's thread profiler during such a spike:
It would appear that the cleanup routine associated with ImageResizer's DiskCache plugin is responsible for a significant percentage of the high CPU consumption associated with this application. We have autoClean on, but otherwise we're configured to use the defaults, which I understand are optimal for most typical situations:
<diskCache autoClean="true" />
Armed with this information, is there anything I can do to relieve the CPU spikes? I'm open to disabling autoClean and setting up a simple nightly cleanup routine, but my understanding is that this plugin is built to be smart about how it uses resources. Has anyone experienced this and had any luck simply changing the default configuration?
This is an ASP.NET MVC application running on Windows Server 2008 R2 with ImageResizer.Plugins.DiskCache 3.4.3.

Sampling, or why the profiling is unhelpful
New Relic's thread profiler uses a technique called sampling - it does not instrument the calls - and therefore cannot know if CPU usage is actually occurring.
Looking at the provided screenshot, we can see that the backtrace of the cleanup thread (there is only ever one) is frequently found at the WaitHandle.WaitAny and WaitHandle.WaitOne calls. These methods are low-level synchronization constructs that do not spin or consume CPU resources, but rather efficiently return CPU time back to other threads, and resume on a signal.
Correct profilers should be able to detect idle or waiting threads and eliminate them from their statistical analysis. Because New Relic's profiler failed to do that, there is no useful way to interpret the data it's giving you.
If you have more than 7,000 files in /imagecache, here is one way to improve performance
By default, in V3, DiskCache uses 32 subfolders with 400 items per folder (1000 hard limit). Due to imperfect hash distribution, this means that you may start seeing cleanup occur at as few as 7,000 images, and you will start thrashing the disk at ~12,000 active cache files.
This is explained in the DiskCache documentation - see subfolders section.
I would suggest setting subfolders="8192" if you have a larger volume of images. A higher subfolder count increases overhead slightly, but also increases scalability.


Visual Basic .NET limit a process to a single thread

How do you keep a Visual Basic program (or, better, only a single portion of it) to a single thread? For example
[Hypothetical thread limiting command here]
my code and such
[End thread limitation]
Is there any way to do this? Sorry if I am being ambiguous.
Unless you are explicitly starting other threads, or are using a 3rd party library that uses threads, Visual Basic (or any other .NET language) will not run with multiple threads. You may see some debugging messages about threads starting and shutting down, but those are from the garbage collector running in the background and not your application.
Web projects are an exception to this, as each request will be handled on a separate thread.
What you are seeing is most likely a combination of multiple effects.
The most important being something called Hyper-threading. Despite it's name, it has nothing to do with threads at the application level. Most likely the CPU in your computer has only 2 physical cores that support Hyper-threading (HT). HT will make each physical core show up as 2 logical cores in the operating system. The CPU will decide to process instructions on one or both of these cores on its own. This isn't true multi-threading, and you will never have to worry about any effects from HT in your code.
Another cause for what you are seeing is called Processor affinity(PA), or more properly, the lack of PA. The operating system has the choice of which logical CPUs to execute your code on. It also has the option of moving that execution around to different CPUs to try and optimize its workload. It can do this whenever it wants and as often as it wants; sometimes it can happen very rapidly. Depending on your OS you can "pin" a program to a specific core (or set of cores) to stop this from happening, but again, it won't should not affect your program's execution in any way.
As far as the rise in CPU temperature you are seeing across all core, it can be explained pretty easily. The physical cores on your CPU are very close together, under a heat-sink. As one core heats up it will warm up the other core near it.

Which takes longer time? Switching between the user & kernel modes or switching between two processes?

Which takes longer time?
Switching between the user & kernel modes (or) switching between two processes?
Please explain the reason too.
EDIT : I do know that whenever there is a context switch, it takes some time for the dispatcher to save the status of the previous process in its PCB, and then reload the next process from its corresponding PCB. And for switching between the user and the kernel modes, I know that the mode bit has to be changed. Isn't it all, or is there more to it?
Switching between processes (given you actually switch, not run them in parallel) by an order of oh-my-god.
Trapping from userspace to kernelspace used to be done with a processor interrupt earlier. Around 2005 (don't remember the kernel version), and after a discussion on the mailing list where someone found that trapping was slower (in absolute measures!) on a high-end xeon processor than on an earlier Pentium II or III (again, my memory), they implemented it with a new cpu instruction sysenter (which had actually existed since Pentium Pro I think). This is done in the Virtual Dynamic Shared Object (vdso) page in each process (cat /proc/pid/maps to find it) IIRC.
So, nowadays, a kernel trap is basically just a couple of cpu instructions, hence rather few cycles, compared to tenths or hundreds of thousands when using an interrupt (which is really slow on modern CPU's).
A context switch between processes is heavy. It means storing all processor state (registers, etc) to RAM (at a magic memory location in the user process space actually, guess where!), in practice dirtying all cached memory in the cpu, and reading back the process state for the new process. It will (likely) have nothing still in the cpu cache from last time it ran, so each memory read will be a cache miss, and needed to be read from RAM. This is rather slow. When I was at the university, I "invented" (well, I did come up with the idea, knowing that there is plenty of dye in a CPU, but not enough cool if it's constantly powered) a cache that was infinite size although unpowered when unused (only used on context switches i.e.) in the CPU, and implemented this in Simics. Implemented support for this magic cache I called CARD (Context-switch Active, Run-time Drowsy) in Linux, and benchmarked rather heavily. I found that it could speed-up a Linux machine with lots of heavy processes sharing the same core with about 5%. This was at relatively short (low-latency) process time slices, though.
Anyway. A context switch is still pretty heavy, while a kernel trap is basically free.
Answer to at which memory location in user-space, for each process:
At address zero. Yep, the null pointer! You can't read from this entire page from user-space anyway :) This was back in 2005, but it's probably the same now unless the CPU state information has grown larger than a page size, in which case they might have changed the implementation.

How to avoid Boost ASIO reactor becoming constrained to a single core?

TL;DR: Is it possible that I am reactor throughput limited? How would I tell? How expensive and scalable (across threads) is the implementation of the io_service?
I have a farily massively parallel application, running on a hyperthreaded-dual-quad-core-Xeon machine with tons of RAM and a fast SSD RAID. This is developed using boost::asio.
This application accepts connections from about 1,000 other machines, reads data, decodes a simple protocol, and shuffles data into files mapped using mmap(). The application also pre-fetches "future" mmap pages using madvise(WILLNEED) so it's unlikely to be blocking on page faults, but just to be sure, I've tried spawning up to 300 threads.
This is running on Linux kernel 2.6.32-27-generic (Ubuntu Server x64 LTS 10.04). Gcc version is 4.4.3 and boost::asio version is 1.40 (both are stock Ubuntu LTS).
Running vmstat, iostat and top, I see that disk throughput (both in TPS and data volume) is on the single digits of %. Similarly, the disk queue length is always a lot smaller than the number of threads, so I don't think I'm I/O bound. Also, the RSS climbs but then stabilizes at a few gigs (as expected) and vmstat shows no paging, so I imagine I'm not memory bound. CPU is constant at 0-1% user, 6-7% system and the rest as idle. Clue! One full "core" (remember hyper-threading) is 6.25% of the CPU.
I know the system is falling behind, because the client machines block on TCP send when more than 64kB is outstanding, and report the fact; they all keep reporting this fact, and throughput to the system is much less than desired, intended, and theoretically possible.
My guess is I'm contending on a lock of some sort. I use an application-level lock to guard a look-up table that may be mutated, so I sharded this into 256 top-level locks/tables to break that dependency. However, that didn't seem to help at all.
All threads go through one, global io_service instance. Running strace on the application shows that it spends most of its time dealing with futex calls, which I imagine have to do with the evented-based implementation of the io_service reactor.
Is it possible that I am reactor throughput limited? How would I tell? How expensive and scalable (across threads) is the implementation of the io_service?
EDIT: I didn't initially find this other thread because it used a set of tags that didn't overlap mine :-/ It is quite possible my problem is excessive locking used in the implementation of the boost::asio reactor. See C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU
However, the question remains: How can I prove this? And how can I fix it?
The answer is indeed that even the latest boost::asio only calls into the epoll file descriptor from a single thread, not entering the kernel from more than one thread at a time. I can kind-of understand why, because thread safety and lifetime of objects is extremely precarious when you use multiple threads that each can get notifications for the same file descriptor. When I code this up myself (using pthreads), it works, and scales beyond a single core. Not using boost::asio at that point -- it's a shame that an otherwise well designed and portable library should have this limitation.
I believe that if you use multiple io_service object (say for each cpu core), each run by a single thread, you will not have this problem. See the http server example 2 on the boost ASIO page.
I have done various benchmarks against the server example 2 and server example 3 and have found that the implementation I mentioned works the best.
In my single-threaded application, I found out from profiling that a large portion of the processor instructions was spent on locking and unlocking by the io_service::poll(). I disabled the lock operations with the BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_THREADS macro. It may make sense for you, too, depending on your threading situation.

Webservice wcf performance counters for queue

Am trying to performance test a wcf webservice which should get a lot of traffic. Which performance counters are sensible to use and for which purpose..Naturally I am looking at CPU and RAM, but I would like to know when IIS is queing and when its having trouble...
Any advice on sensible performance counters gratefully received...
Cheers alex
MSDN has an entire section on WCF administration and diagnostics, and specifically, for performance counters in WCF.
There are also specific sections for performance counters hosted service calls, as well as for the endpoint and for operations.
I would suggest looking through those first, as there is a good amount of valuable information there.
Analysing performance counters is complicated and takes a lot of practice, which is my way of saying that I am not experienced enough to give a complete list.
You are going to look for some specific things to start with.
First off is of course how long it takes to return the webservice calls. This tells you if you even have a performance issue at that load.
Next every one looks at CPU. This really does not tell you a lot however.
RAM is good, but you want to know how often your app is paging to disk, so check the Page Faults/sec.
Check your logical and physical disks for Current Disk Queue Length. If your physical disk is queing at all, you are reading/writing to much to the disk.
Beyond that you would normally be trying to find a specific and likely obscure problem.
I usually take performance testing in stages. Do a first test with the basics and if a particular page is having a problem look at the load it is causing.
If the whole production server is not performing adequately, it is easier to add more hardware, but I prefer looking at the code that is running and make that better.
Before you run your performance monitors, you want to add the registry key:
Add ServiceModelService
under that add Performance then add a DWORD FileMappingFile.
The size for that will be number of services exposed * 33 * 350.
In your config you would then add
<diagnostics performanceCounters="ServiceOnly"/>
You can watch the following counters:
CPU / RAM (for memory leaks) / for each service Call and Call Duration as well as Calls Outstanding
CPU will show you how heavily your are saturating your server
RAM will show if you have memory leaks if it continues to grow and grow and grow
Calls will show the number of calls you are getting accumulative,
Calls Per Second will give you the volume you're handling
Calls Outstanding are clients that are waiting because your services could not handle the volume.
If you find some questionable numbers in these groupings then start looking at other elements like Calls Faulted or Calls Failed. (not sure of the difference between a failure and a fault)
It is rare that you would need to dig further into the issues than what the service only numbers will provide. When you get into the other two sets of counters your shared memory utilization gets really high.

How To Simulate Lower CPU Processor Machines For Browser Testing

We have some users which are using lower-CPU powered machines and they're encountering slow response times using our web application. Is there any way for me to do testing so that I can simulate lower CPU rates?
For example, I have 2.3 Ghz computing power, can I lower it to 1.6 Ghz or lower so that I may be able to test it?
BTW, our customers are using Windows. I have to simulate low computing power on Internet Explorer as browser.
Most new CPUs multiplier can easily be lowered (Intel: Speedstep, AMD: PowerNow!). This is used to save power. With RMclock you can manually adjust your multiplier and thus lower your frequency and make your pc slower. I use this tool myself so I can tell you that it works.
The virtual machine Bochs(pronounced boxes) allows you to set a instructions per second directive. It's probably the slowest emulator out there as it is though...
Create some virtual machines.
You can use VirtualPC or VirtualBox both are free.
I would recommend to start something on the background which eats up all your processor cycles.
A program which finds primenumbers or something similar.
Another slight option in addition to those above is to boot windows in a lower resource config. Go to the start menu,, select run and type MSCONFIG. You can go to the boot tab, click on advanced options and limit the memory and number of of processsors. It's not as robust as the above, but it does give you another option.
Lowering the CPU clock doesn't always give expected results.
Newer CPUs feature architecture improvements which make them more efficient on an equvialent clock basis than older chips. Incidentally, because of this virtual machines are a bad way of testing performance for "older" tech as well.
Your best bet is to simply buy a couple of older machines. Using similar RAM (types and amounts), processor, motherboard chipsets, hard drives, and video cards. All of which feed into the total performance of the machine itself.
I bring the other components up because changing just one of them can have an impact on even browser performance. A prime example is memory. If your clients are constrained to something like 512MB of RAM, the machines could be performing a lot of hard drive access for VM swaps, even for just running the browser. In this situation downgrading the clock speed on your processor while still retaining your 2GB (assuming) of RAM would still not perform anywhere near the same even if everything else was equal.
Isak Savo'sanswer works, but can be a bit finicky, as the modern tpl is going to try and limit cpu load as much as possible. When I tested it out, It was hard (though possible with some testing) to consistently get the types of cpu usages I wanted.
Then I remembered, http://www.cpukiller.com/, which does this already. Highly recommended. As an aside, I found this util from playing old 90s games on modern machines, back when frame rate was pegged to cpu clock time, making playing them on modern computers way too fast. Great utility.
Another big difference between high-performance and low-performance CPUs is the number of cores available. This can realistically differ by a factor of 4, way more than the difference in clock frequency you're likely to encounter.
You can solve this by setting the thread affinity. Even IE6 will use 13 threads just to show google.com. That means it will benefit from a multi-core CPU. But if you set the thread affinity to one core only, all 13 IE threads will have to share that one core.
I understand that this question is pretty old, but here are some receipts I personally use (not only for Web development):
BES. I'm getting some weird results while using it.
Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings\Change Advanced Power Settings, then go to the "Processor" section and set it's maximum state to 5% (or something else). It works only if your processor supports dynamic multiplier change and ACPI driver is installed correctly.
Run Task Manager and set processor affinity to a single core (or whatever number of cores you want) for your browser's (or any other's) process. Not a best practice for browsers, because JavaScript implementations are usually single-threaded, but, as far as I see, modern browsers actually DO use multiple cores.
There are a few different methods to accomplish this.
If you're using VirtualBox, go into the Settings for the VM you want to slow the CPU speed for. Go to System > Processor, then set the Execution Cap. The percentage controls how slow it will go: lower values are slower relative to the regular speed. In practice, I've noticed the results to be choppy, although it does technically work.
It is also possible to set the CPU speed for the whole system. In the Windows 10 Settings app, go to System > Power & Sleep. Then click Additional Power Settings on the right hand side. Go to Change Plan Settings for the currently selected plan, then click Change Advanced Power Plan Settings. Scroll down to Processor Power Management and set the Maximum Processor State. Again, this is a percentage. Although this does work, I find that in practice, it doesn't have a big impact even when the percentage is set very low.
If you're dealing with a videogame that uses DirectX or OpenGL and doesn't have a framerate cap, another common method is to force Vsync on in your graphics driver settings. This will usually slow the rendering to about 60 FPS which may be enough to play at a reasonable rate. However, it will only work for applications using 3D hardware rendering specifically.
Finally: if you'd rather not use a VM, and don't want to change a system global setting, but would rather simulate an old CPU for one specific process only, then I have my own program to do that called Old CPU Simulator.
The main brain of the operation is a command line tool written in C++, but there is also a GUI wrapper written in C#. The GUI requires .NET Framework 4.0. The default settings should be fine in most cases - just select the CPU you'd like to simulate under Target Rate, then hit New and browse for the program you'd like to run.
https://github.com/tomysshadow/OldCPUSimulator (click the Releases tab on the right for binaries.)
The concept is to suspend and resume the process at a precise rate, and because it happens so quickly the process will appear to just be running slowly. For example, by suspending a process for 3 milliseconds, then resuming it for 1 millisecond, it will appear to be running at 25% speed. By controlling the ratio of time suspended vs. time resumed, it is possible to simulate different speeds. This is completely API agnostic (it doesn't hook DirectX, OpenGL, etc. it'll work with a command line program if you want.)
Old CPU Simulator does not ask for a percentage, but rather, the clock speed to simulate (which it calls the Target Rate.) It then automatically determines, based on your CPU's real clock speed, the percentage to use. Although clock speed is not the only factor that has improved computer performance over time (there are also SSDs, faster GPUs, more RAM, multithreaded performance, etc.) it's a good enough approximation to get fairly consistent results across machines given the same Target Rate. It also supports other options that may help with consistency, such as setting the process affinity to one.
It implements three different methods of suspending and resuming a process and will use the best available: NtSuspendProcess, NtQuerySystemInformation, or Toolhelp Snapshots. It also uses timeBeginPeriod and timeEndPeriod to achieve high precision timing without busy looping. Note that this is not an emulator; the binary still runs natively. If you like, you can view the source to see how it's implemented - it's not a large project. On my machine, Old CPU Simulator uses less than 1% CPU and less than 1 MB of memory, so the program itself is quite efficient (unlike running intensive programs to intentionally slow the CPU.)