Update multiple row values to same row and different columns - sql

I was trying to update table columns from another table.
In person table, there can be multiple contact persons with same inst_id.
I have a firm table, which will have latest 2 contact details from person table.
I am expecting the firm tables as below:
If there is only one contact person, update person1 and email1. If there are 2, update both. If there is 3, discard the 3rd one.
Can someone help me on this?

This should work:
;with cte (rn, id, inst_id, person_name, email) as (
select row_number() over (partition by inst_id order by id) rn, *
from person
update f
person1 = cte1.person_name,
email1 = cte1.email,
person2 = cte2.person_name,
email2 = cte2.email
from firm f
left join cte cte1 on f.inst_id = cte1.inst_id and cte1.rn = 1
left join cte cte2 on f.inst_id = cte2.inst_id and cte2.rn = 2
The common table expression (cte) used as a source for the update numbers rows in the person table, partitioned by inst_id, and then the update joins the cte twice (for top 1 and top 2).
Sample SQL Fiddle

I think you don't have to bother yourself with this update, if you rethink your database structure. One great advantage of relational databases is, that you don't need to store the same data several times in several tables, but have one single table for one kind of data (like the person's table in your case) and then reference it (by relationships or foreign keys for example).
So what does this mean for your example? I suggest, to create a institution's table where you insert two attributes like contactperson1 and contactperson2: but dont't insert all the contact details (like email and name), just the primary key of the person and make it a foreign key.
So you got a table 'Person', that should look something like this:
1 100 abc abc#inst.com
2 101 efg efg#xym.com
3 101 ijk ijk#fg.com
4 101 rtw rtw#rtw.com
And a table "Institution" like:
100 1 NULL
101 2 3
If you now want to change the email adress, just update the person's table. You don't need to update the firm's table.
And how do you get your desired "table" with the two contact persons' details? Just make a query:
SELECT i.id, p1.name, p1.email, p2.name, p2.email
FROM institution i LEFT OUTER JOIN person p1 ON (i.contactperson1 = p1.id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN person p2 ON (i.contactperson2 = p2.id)
If you need this query often and access it like a "table" just store it as a view.


Create a additional row from join sql?

I have 2 tables: Person and House with 1-n relation.
I want to the result return as picture below:
Row always have a Person column with a null House column.
you can use unionall to join the result set with person table something like
select p.name,h.name as housename from person p join house h on p.id=h.personid
union all (select name,null from person)
order by name,housename

SQL JOIN to get the compare two values/row from table "A" and the same row from table "B"

I have two tables with the following rows
Table A (transaction)
Order Seller Customer
1 300 500
Table B (Persons)
PersonID FullName
300 Peter White
500 Scott Bold
I want a result like this
Order Seller Customer FullName (Seller) FullName (customer)
1 300 500 Peter White Scott Bold
I've tried multiple things however which makes more sense is a join a table twice, however I'm getting:
Ambiguous column name
This is SQL Server 2019.
Basically I'm looking to retrieve info from the same table instead of creating additional tables. Is that possible? If yes, how do you do? Thank you in advance.
As #jarlh wrote in comment:
select t.order, t.seller, t.customer, sel.fullname, cust.fullname
from transaction t
join persons sel -- sel is an alias to persons table
on sel.personid = t.seller
join persons cust
on cust.personid = t.customer;
Query with join will return the result as long as both seller and customer exist in persons table -- here it should as source table names transactions :).
I have another form of query it still join table B twice.
This is archaic syntax which I don't recommend but for beginner know the concept of JOIN:
select t.*,B.FullName as FullName (customer) from
select A.Order,A.Seller,A.Customer,B.FullName as FullName(Seller)
from A,B where A.Seller=B.PersionID
) t, B where t.Customer=B.PersionID
The proper way of JOIN:
select t.*,B.FullName as FullName (customer) from
select A.Order,A.Seller,A.Customer,B.FullName as FullName(Seller)
from A JOIN B ON A.Seller=B.PersionID
) t JOIN B ON t.Customer=B.PersionID
Hoping this can help you.

How to Limit Results Per Match on a Left Join - SQL Server

I have a table with student info [STU] and a table with parent info [PAR]. I want to return an email address for each student, but just one. So I run this query:
This gives me the below table:
Student ID ParentEmail
1 jim#email.com
1 sarah#email.com
2 paul#email.com
2 tim#email.com
3 bill#email.com
3 frank#email.com
3 joyce#email.com
4 greg#email.com
5 tony#email.com
5 sam#email.com
Each student has multiple parent emails, but I only want one. In other words, I want the output to look like this:
Student ID ParentEmail
1 jim#email.com
2 paul#email.com
3 frank#email.com
4 greg#email.com
5 sam#email.com
I've tried so many things. I've tried using GROUP BY and MIN/MAX and I've tried complex CASE statements, and I've tried COALESCE but I just can't seem to figure it out.
I think OUTER APPLY is the simplest method:
) PAR;
Normally, there would be an ORDER BY in the subquery, to give you control over which email you want -- the longest, shortest, oldest, or whatever. Without an ORDER BY it returns just one email, which is what you are asking for.
If you just want one column from the parent table, a simple approach is a correlated subquery:
s.id student_id,
(select max(p.em) from db1.par p where p.id = s.id) parent_email
from db1.stu s
This gives you the greatest parent email per student.

Two group by tables stich another table

I have 3 tables I need to put together.
The first table is my main transaction table where I need to get distinct transaction id numbers and company id. It has all the important keys. The transaction ids are not unique.
The second table has item info which is linked to transaction id numbers which are not unique and I need to pull items.
The third table has company info which has company id.
Now I've sold some of these with the first one through a group by id. The second through a subquery which creates unique ids and joins onto the first one.
The issue I'm having is the third one by company. I cannot seem to create a query that works in the above combinations. Any ideas?
As suggested here is my code. It works but that's because for the company I used count which doesn't give the correct number. How else can I get the company number to come out correct?
sum(f.TotalOne) as TotalOne,
count(f.DimCurrentcompanyID) company
FROM dbo.ReportOne F with (nolock)
INNER JOIN dbo.DSaleItem csi with (nolock)
on f.DSaleItemID = csi.DSaleItemID
INNER JOIN dbo.DimCurrentcompany cv
ON f.DimCurrentcompanyID = cv.DimCurrentcompanyID
INNER JOIN dbo.DimDate dat
on f.DimDateID = dat.DimDateID
where (
dat.date >='2013-01-29 00:00:00.000'
and dat.date <= '2013-01-30 00:00:00.000'
) as dep
vend.Name vendname
FROM dbo.DimCurrentcompany vend
) As company
on dep.company = company.DimCurrentcompanyID
FROM dbo.dimitem AS C
) AS c1
JOIN dbo.dimitem AS c2 ON c1.ItemIDAPK = c2.ItemIDAPK
) as appd
ON dep.ItemIDAPK = appd.ItemIDAPK
For further information my output is the following example, I know the code executes and the companyid is incorrect as I just put it with a (count) in their to make the above code execute:
Current Results:
Item Number TLS CompanyID Company Name Item Number Item Name
111111 300 303 Johnson Corp 29323 Soap
Proposed Results:
Item Number TLS CompanyID Company Name Item Number Item Name
111111 300 29 Johnson Corp 29323 Soap

How to fetch the non matching rows in Oracle

Can anyone help me fetch the non matching rows from two tables in Oracle?
Table: Names
Class_id Stud_name
Table: Course
Course_id Stud_name
I need the rows to display as
I have used Oracle joins to fetch the non matching names:
FROM Names, Course
WHERE Names.Class_id=Course.Course_id
AND Names.Stud_name<>Course.Stud_name
This query is returning duplicate rows.
If you insist on Join you can use this one:
FROM Names
FULL OUTER JOIN Course ON Names.Class_id=Course.Course_id
AND Names.Stud_name = Course.Stud_name
WHERE Names.Stud_name IS NULL or Course.Stud_name IS NULL
Fetches unmatched rows in Names table
(SELECT 'x' from Course
Names.Class_id = Course.Course_id AND
Names.Stud_name = Course.Stud_name)
Fetches unmatched rows in Names and Course too!
SELECT Names.Class_id,Names.Stud_name,C1.Stud_name
FROM Names , Course C1
WHERE Names.Class_id = C1.Course_id AND
(SELECT 'x' from Course C2
Names.Class_id = C2.Course_id AND
Names.Stud_name = C2.Stud_name);
When you ask for unmatching rows I assume that you want rows that exist in names but not in course.
If this is the case you're probably after
select * from names
where (class_id, stud_name ) not in
(select course_id, stud_name from course);
Your query returned duplicate rows beacuse for each row in names it selected all rows in course that satisfied the where condition.
So, for the row S001, PETER in names it faound that S001, JAMES and S001, KEITH matched that condition, thus, that row was "returned" twice.
EDIT Since it is not clear if stud_name is a primary key, or unique (and on second sight I think it's not), you'd probably want a
select * from names
where not exists (
select 1 from course where
names.class_id = course.course_id and
names.stud_name <> course.stud_name
Edit II if you insist on using a join (as per your comment) you might want to try a
select distinct names.* from...
Hope it helps you
with not_in_class as
(select a.*
from Names a
where not exists ( select 'x'
from course b
where b.Course_id = a.class_id
and a.Stud_name = b.Stud_name)),
not_in_course as
(select b.*
from course b
where not exists ( select 'x'
from Names a
where b.Course_id = a.class_id
and a.Stud_name = b.Stud_name))
select x.class_id,
x.Stud_name NOT_IN_CLASS,
y.stud_name NOT_IN_COURSE
from not_in_class x, not_in_course y
where x.class_id = y.course_id
| S001 | PETER | KEITH |
Only problem is that if multiple mismatches are there in both the tables for a given id, it works for single mismatch for a particular id. You need to rework if multiple mismatches are there for the same id.
Well, I am not sure if I understand correctly what you are asking. I think you want a list of all IDs where the student list in class table and course table differs. Then you want to show the id and the students that are in class but not in course and the students that are in course but not in class.
To do so you would full outer join the tables. That gives you students that are both in class and course, students that are in class and not in course, and students that are in course and not in class. Filter your results where either class_id or course_id is null then to get the students missing in course or class. At last group by id and list the students.
select coalesce(class.class_id, course.course_id) as id
, listagg(class.stud_name, ',') within group (order by class.stud_name) as missing_in_course
, listagg(course.stud_name, ',') within group (order by course.stud_name) as missing_in_class
from class
full outer join course
on (class.class_id = course.course_id and class.stud_name = course.stud_name)
where class.class_id is null or course.course_id is null
group by coalesce(class.class_id, course.course_id);
Here is the SQL fiddle showing how it works: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/8aaaa/2
EDIT: In Oracle 9i there is no listagg. You can use the inofficial function wm_concat instead:
select coalesce(class.class_id, course.course_id) as id
, wm_concat(class.stud_name) as missing_in_course
, wm_concat(course.stud_name) as missing_in_class
from class
full outer join course
on (class.class_id = course.course_id and class.stud_name = course.stud_name)
where class.class_id is null or course.course_id is null
group by coalesce(class.class_id, course.course_id);