Import Oracle User Schema - sql

I've got an oracle database with several users (Other Users?), and I would like to import an schema which is in an .sql file.
My doubt is how to specify on my .sql file that the import is for an specific user.
Thank you in advance.

Examine your sql file. If the commands in there specify a schema name, then you'll need to modify it before you can import it into a different schema.
For example, does it have commands like this:
CREATE TABLE scott.mytable (...)
or like:
CREATE TABLE mytable (...)
If the schema name (e.g. "scott") has been hard-coded, then you'll need to edit your sql script to carefully remove it.
If not, then you just need to log in as the target username and run your sql script.

That depends on the content of your SQL file. You're not doing an import, you are running an SQL file, and that is a bit like "running a script" : it can contain anything. So, it's hard for us to tell from here, how you should run a file, to which we have no clue what is the content. There are many ways of defining the owner of an object. It can be done explicit, or implicit. So, that's a first thing to check : is a user (schema) specified IN the script ? If it is, where is it specified, and how ?
In the most simple case, people would just write a script that connects, and installs objects - in the current schema. Sometimes even without the connect. So, in that case you can call the script as any user you want the objects to be created in.
In the totally other way, you can have a script where a given owner, is specified at each object reference. In that case, you'll probably end up doing a global search and replace.
So, let us know how your script works, and we can detail.


Extract and recreate DDL of database schema elsewhere

I guess I just cannot formulate the search query appropriately, but I cannot find an answer to the following simple question: how to use extracted DDL pieces to recreate tables, views etc. in a different database or a different schema?
For example, when I extract table DDL with
SELECT dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl ('TABLE', TABLE-NAME, SCHEMA) FROM dual
I get output with FOREIGN KEY there. If I now naively issue the resulting CREATE TABLE statements on a different database in e.g. alphabetical order of table names, I get "table or view doesn't exist" error, because constraints reference to non-yet-created tables.
What is the normal procedure of using DDL? Is it (easily) possible to recreate full scheme structure (short of full database dump) without using external tools?
You can use datapump export CONTENT option to only export the metadata for a schema:
ALL unloads both data and metadata. This is the default.
DATA_ONLY unloads only table row data; no database object definitions are unloaded.
METADATA_ONLY unloads only database object definitions; no table row data is unloaded. Be aware that if you specify CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY, then when the dump file is subsequently imported, any index or table statistics imported from the dump file will be locked after the import.
The import process will create the objects and constraints, taking the dependencies into account.
If you want to see the DDL, and optionally run it manually, you can use the datapump import SQLFILE option to put the DDL into a file instead of executing it:
Specifies a file into which all of the SQL DDL that Import would have executed, based on other parameters, is written.
You can do similar things through SQL Developer and other clients, but those are 'external tools', whereas datapump might not fall into that category, even if you have to run it from the command line. There is a datapump API so you can even avoid the command line if you want to, though in some ways it's more complicated than using the expdp and impdp utilities.

Execute service builder generated sql file on postgresql

I would like to execute sql files generated by the service builder, but the problem is that the sql files contains types like: LONG,VARCHAR... etc
Some of these types don't exist on Postgresql (for example LONG is Bigint).
I don't know if there is a simple way to convert sql file's structures to be able to run them on Postgresql?
execute ant build-db on the plugin and you will find sql folder with vary vendor specific scripts.
Daniele is right, using build-db task is obviously correct and is the right way to do it.
But... I remember a similar situation some time ago, I had only liferay-pseudo-sql file and need to create proper DDL. I managed to do this in the following way:
You need to have Liferay running on your desktop (or in the machine where is the source sql file), as this operation requires portal spring context fully wired.
Go to Configuration -> Server Administration -> Script
Change language to groovy
Run the following script:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.db.DB
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.db.DBFactoryUtil
db.buildSQLFile("/path/to/folder/with/your/sql", "filename")
Where first parameter is obviously the path and the second is filename without .sql extension. The file on disk should have proper extension: must be called filename.sql.
This will produce tables folder next to your filename.sql which will contain single tables-postgresql.sql with your Postgres DDL.
As far as I remember, Service Builder uses the same method to generate database-specific code.

Import dump with SQLFILE parameter not returning the data inside the table

I am trying to import the dump file to .sql file using SQLFILE parameter.
I used the command "impdp username/password DIRECTORY=dir DUMPFILE=sample.dmp SQLFILE=sample.sql LOGFILE=sample.log"
I expected this to return a sql file with contents inside the table. But it created a sql file with only DDL queries.
For export I used, "expdp username/password DIRECTORY=dir DUMPFILE=sample.dmp LOGFILE=sample.log FULL=y"
Dump file size is 130 GB. So, I believe the dump has been exported correctly.
Am I missing something in the import command? Is there any other parameter should I use to get the contents?
Thanks in advance!
Your expectation was wrong, I'm afraid. You're asking it to do something it isn't designed for.
The documentation for SQLFILE says:
Specifies a file into which all of the SQL DDL that Import would have executed, based on other parameters, is written.
So it will only ever contain DDL.
There isn't a mechanism to turn a .dmp file into a .sql containing insert statements. If you need to put the data into a table, just use the native import.
Individual insert statements - if you could generate them, which SQL Developer will do as a separate task unrelated to your data pump export - would be slower, would have problems with LOBs, and would have to be careful about the order they were run unless integrity constraints were disabled. Data pump takes care of all of that for you.

Batch file to get sql backup scripts

Is there any way where I can use Batch files to get backup of the selected scripts from the SQL database...?
Say - I have one stored procedure, one function and one view in a folder.
Before run the batch file I want to take the backup of these files.
Kindly note: I do not want to take entire database backup. Just the provided scripts alone.
Help me to achieve this one pls...
The specific answer depends entirely on the flavor of your database engine. But the general answer is you need to SELECT the definition from your database's data catalog (meta data). The function and procedure definition will probably come out intact. But the view definition may come out as just the SELECT statement - you might have to prefix it with the CREATE VIEW XXXXXXX AS part.

create function sql server 2005 disable errors

I'm trying to write a *.bat file which runs all sql-scripts in given folder (every file in this folder has a create function script):
for /r "%~dp0\Production\Functions" %%X in (*.sql) do (
sqlcmd -S%1 -d%2 -b -i "%%X"
But some functions in the folder are depended on others. So I get Invalid object name error. Is there a way to disable this error?
Rename your files so that they're listed in the correct order of precedence. So, for example, if FuncA.sql uses FuncB.sql, then rename the files as 001-FuncB.sql, 002-FuncA.sql.
It is not possible to disable errors generated by SQL when you run (what I think of as) code-based object: stored procedures, functions, views, triggers, and anything else that has to be the sole object of a batch submitted to SQL.
It is also awkward at best to work around this problem. Some options:
One way, as Joe Stefanelli recommends, is to name your files such that they get executed in proper order (by name, or perhaps by date created or something more esoteric).
Another way is to group related functions in single scripts, such that referenced objects must be created before referencing objects.
Or combine the above two, putting all your dependent objects in one script you can guarantee will always run first. Not so useful if your have nested references.
A last (and more kludgy) way is to iterate over your scripts several times (assuming your "create" script will properly deal with an object that already exists), until a given pass raises no errors.
For development purposes, we store code-based objects in individual files, but when it comes time to wrap the code up for push to Production systems, I glom the files together, test it, and shuffle the contents around and retest until no more errors are generated.