Using media queries to interchange content on Foundation 5 - media-queries

thanks for helping me out.
I'm using Foundation 5 and I can't seem to work out how to properly interchange content.
For mobile resolutions I have designed 10 accordions and in a duplicated index.html file I have created vertical tabs that are working for desktop resolutions. On the foundation 5 documentation, the details around using interchange content are specific to images, which become interactive for larger resolutions.
How do I setup my code so I can display accordions on mobile and vertical tabs on desktop?
Would be greatly appreciated if someone can assist with this.

Since accordion and tabs have a different markup, what I suggest is to use visibility classes, I don't thing interchange will work and also you can save some js using only css (you can find them here:


Implementing different styles within a Silverlight 5 application

I have a Silverlight 5 application, it is an image viewing system photographers use to show their images to their customers. My photographers want to be able to change the styling of the application. At a minimum they want both a light and dark option, in the end, they want a lot more customization then that.
I have used styles within the application (yes, there is a lot of clean up that needs to be done) but once I have one xaml file with all the colors, how do I set it up so that the customer can pick between to different looks, the light and the dark?
Does anyone know of any examples out there on how to do this?
Chris, you hit the nail on the head with that link! I didn't know there was such a thing as DynamicResource, which lead me to what I am seeking:
Silverlight 5’s New Style Data Binding

How to apply page background images in tabris, preferable using stylesheets for iOS and/or Android devices

this is not clear to me from the documentation and from the current behavior I see in my app: The stylesheets work nice using a web browser, but not on the mobile app.
So what I was looking for is how to apply different background images in our mobile app (or at least colors) to the navigation page (top level pages list) and any other pages. We would like to apply different styles to the our current, I guess default style but don't know how to do this. So at this point I do not know what I can ask our graphics designer to provide.
Any docs that I missed or examples I can look at?
The styles you are using for the web are applied by RAP's theming. Currently Tabris does not support theming. The only option you have at the moment is to use the SWT setBackground.Image methods on the widget itself. To behave different as in the web you could use RWT.getClient().getService( ClientDevice.class ).getPlatform(); to distinguish between the mobile and web client.

Switching plone themes according to visitor's screen size

For plone 4.2.5 is there a non-complicated way to set up theme switching between desktop/mobile versions based on visitors screen size?
Something like "if less than 640x480 then" serve the mobile version ?
Talking about 2 non-Diazo themes for instance?
What is ++skin++ for skin switching, may it work?
I am quite new to plone and not really a programmer so a "sane" solution would be really appreciated !
Take a look in portal_css (via the Zope Management Interface) and search for "mobile." In the ""CSS Media" field, you'll find:
handheld, screen and (max-device-width: 480px)
This sets up a media query that causes browsers to use the mobile.css stylesheet if they know (admit) they are a handheld device or if they have a screen width of 480px or less. This is all done through completely standard CSS, and you may use the same principles to achieve completely different page designs for different screen widths. There are several great books on responsive design ("responsive" is the magic word). You may customize this stylesheet, or add your own media query style sheets.
You can also see a thorough and popular use of media queries and responsive design in "Twitter Bootstrap," which provides all sorts of class selectors that you may use to change designs at various screen widths. A bootstrap example is included with the newer version of that is included with Plone 4.3.
Note, if you want design to change when you reduce a window size (not just the screen size), use "max-width" rather than "max-device-width."
I don't think so. However, you should look into responsive design and media queries. I suspect you can achieve what you want using standards compliant CSS in a single theme.
This is an alternative implementation you can use. From the description:
This addon has been designed to easily support new switcher. At the moment the only switcher that is implemented is the "mobile switcher" based on user agent from (python version).

Multiple text Alignments in UITextView (iOS 4 compatible)

I need to use Multiple textAlignments in single UITextView i.e. one para LeftAligned and other Para Right.
I achieved this using NSMutableAttributedString but that's only for iOS 6 as it's crashing on devices with older OS. I am looking for some solution which works on previous iOS versions too. Ideally iOS4.3 compatible solutions. I had checked several solutions uploaded on SO here but couldn't find which does set multiple alignments to be exact. May be due to my little knowledge regarding core text, I am unable to use it. Some specific help with sample code will help much.
If you are only displaying the text (without editing), you could use a UIWebView and CSS for text styling.

Displaying Webpages From RSS Feed in iOS Xcode

Currently, I have an RSS Feed Reader in a UITableView within a Navigation Control. I would like to click on the links and Open up a formatted page (containing all of the information from the website formatted for the iOS screen). I'm not sure if I should do this using the RSS data and a UITextView? I'm currently attempting to use UITextView in hopes that I can separate the information (title, author, body) without anything looking promising. I want to be able to move around the data and format it to my liking in the actual application itself. I read around and noted that you can include HTML and custom CSS. Would this be the way to go? I'm not quite sure how to tackle this. I want the page that opens up to be entirely scrollable (Like the IGN application or Slashgear application). Many apps for websites utilize this (and I am a bit new to this). How do they go about this? I also want to note, at some point I will like to cache the data so it may load what is already loaded without being connected to the internet. Does anyone have any ideas?
Ok, I believe I found the correct path to go down from playing around and a lot of googling (nothing directly says what a decent way of doing this is). My particular way as of now is the route of a UIScrollView in general. Now the part I don't understand is how to divide up the long text into 'pages' for scrolling (and I am using the paging feature. This situation has led me into this question: How To Separate Strings For UIScrollView/UITextView based on the size of the frame
Ok, I believe I found the correct path to go down from playing around and a lot of googling (nothing directly says what a decent way of doing this is). My particular way as of now is the route of a UIScrollView in general. Now the part I don't understand is how to divide up the long text into 'pages' for scrolling (and I am using the paging feature. This situation has led me into this question: How To Separate Strings For UIScrollView/UITextView based on the size of the frame