docbook webhelp part toc blocked by possibly a div block - docbook-5

When generating webhelp from ant script the toc for part element is blocked by a box. This box appears to be connected with toc in left pane. When toc pane is resized the box in main window also resizes. Anyone experience this and know how to fix. Using sample build.xml and properties file in docbook webhelp folder with no special customizing.

I switched to another jquery ui theme instead of the default redmond theme and commented out the embedded style section in webhelp-common.xsl file. Solved the problem. Didn't track down cause of default theme.


How to embed PDF viewer in DSPACE

How can I embed PDF viewer in my DSPACE instance. I have tried many solution but nothing works. There are many suggestion on DSPACE official site
No soluton has a documnetation how to configure these viewer in dspace code.
I want a step wise soultion for embeding PDF Viewer. Please help me out of this problem. Thanks in advance.
I have researched through these site -
It depends which version and which UI of DSpace you are using. I will describe roughly what we did to embed PDF.js into DSpace 6.3 JSPUI. We released all necessary code changes on github, so please take a look over there for details.
DSpace uses maven overlays to separate local code changes from the officially released code. Therefore, I will use paths within these overlays in the following description. If files that we changed do not exists within your local code repository, you have to copy them from there original location within [dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/src/main. It should also work if you do the code changes directly there, but I would consider that bad practice.
We added PDF.js and all files it needs to dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/static/pdfjs. We then changed dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/webui/jsptag/ This class builds the item view. While I wish there would be a better separation of concerns, some HTML code is generated by this class, including the section of the item view that list all bitstreams. For every file that is listed, we check if its mime type is set to application/pdf and add a "preview" button for those files. The preview button links to the html site that renders the pdf viewer and loads the targeted file. We also added an attribute "download" to the default "Open/View" button, to ensure that it does not start another PDF viewer of the browser, but downloads the file. This is important to have one button called "preview" that opens the embeded PDF viewer and one button "download" that downloads the file to the user's computer. You can change the name of the button from "open/view" into "download" in the DSpace's message catalog. Last but not least we added JavaScript to dspace/modules/jpsui/src/main/webapp/display-item.jsp. The JavaScript suppress that the PDF viewer is loaded as a normal site, but loads it as an overlay over the item view, using JQuery UI. Then we wrote a small CSS file that helps us to position that overlay within the item view and referenced that file in dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/layout/header-default.jsp.
As mentioned above all these changes are published as open source under the DSpace Source Code BSD License on github.

edit custom content in bigcommerce stencil

As we're currently moving from Blueprint to Stencil, we would like to add some blocks of custom content to our home page.
A block of custom content would contain an image, a line of text, as well as a link to a product, a brand, or a page.
Is there a way to add a text block (text input field) in the Stencil Theme Editor in order to edit a line or block of text (besides just (background) colors, image size dropdown, etc.) without having to upload a new version of the theme?
An option would be to use the language file (en.json) to store the content. Is there a way to modify the en.json file without having to upload a new version of the theme for every update?
Or, is there another way to deal with custom content blocks in Stencil?
To give more context, the user/client should be able to replace a background image, (promotional) content, links etc. through the Theme Editor without having to "hand-code"... to make it more like a WYSIWYG "WordPress"-style.
The problem we first encountered was that the option "Edit Theme Files" from within the Theme Editor didn't do anything.
The answer to the problem is to go to "Storefront Design" > "My Themes" > "Edit Theme Files".
This option opens up the editor allowing us to edit the "en.json" file that contains the actual content for the handlebars we added to the html file.

Embedding SVG edit as a inline editor

How can this be accomplished in a HTML page:
Click on the SVG image will open SVG editor in another window. On closing the window (after Y/N prompt) the svg code in the opener window will be updated.
Well I found a solution: having opened the editor with'svg-edit-2.7/svg-editor.html','SVG-edit');
I then add the onbeforeunload event:
where svgClose is my function getting the SVG HTML string:
Anyway I think I have to abandon SVG-Edit as there are too many critical bugs for my purpose. (Connectors not working, hangups etc)

Changes in skin do not apply

I changed a few parameters in the video-js.less file (center the big button) but the changes do not show up in the HTML page (button is still above left). I tried theses changes before in the skin designer, and they worked fine. I suppose I still do not understand the logic behind player.js skins. Isn't video-js.less the players's default skin? If it isn't, how do I connect it to the player's tag in the HTML page? A short code example would help.
After editing the .less file in the designer, you need to copy the resulting CSS and include it in the same html page as the player. If you're editing the .less file outside of the designer, you still need to convert it to CSS, and you can just copy and paste it into the designer to do that.
You also should make sure you've got the latest and the same version of both the less file and the video.js library.

PDF Tags don't show up in tags panel or reading order

I am tagging a small PDF (4pg), and midway through the second page the tags stopped appearing in the tags and the reading order panel after I chose the tag I wanted via TouchUp Reading Order. If I open the content panel, correct containers are created, so i see:
- Container <H3>Some text
- Container <H3>Some text
- Container <H3>Some text
- Text: Some Text
Does anybody know how to get the three panels synced again?
The PDF mentioned above has some major internal errors, specifically "General Format Errors."
To find these, I ran a PDF Syntax Issue report - which provides details about the PDF in question. This PDF had ~4 pages of errors.
The conclusion was to regenerate the PDF from the source file. (I don't have this yet so I will edit this after I get it.)
To run the Report
Acrobat 9.5- Advanced menu > Print Production > Prefllight. By default, all reports/profiles will be shown. The Syntax Report is under the PDF analysis section, or use the find. Highlight the report then click analyze.
Acrobat X- The Print Production is now a panel, and there is a Preflight section.