Does reverse proxy provide security? - apache

I have an old apache web server, with some security issues, that running an old application exposed by internet. Before upgrading apache version, I must perform a lot of tests in a dev environment. During this time I would put a reverse proxy (with last apache web server version) in front of this application.
This temporary workaround can resolve some old apache security issues or it is totally useless?
Thanks in advice and I'm sorry for my bad english.

This temporary workaround can resolve some old apache security issues ... ?
Yes, with "can" and "some" emphasized. A reverse proxy handles incoming requests and rewrites them in a canonical form, which is safer for the application server to parse. A reverse proxy can also reject malformed requests so that they never reach the application.
It might not resolve every security issue, but you imagine one that this would resolve. For example, if a specially crafted causes the older version to execute arbitrary code, while the new version would drop the request, then having the reverse proxy would help prevent this bug from affecting the application server.
It's not as much of a defense as using a web application firewall, but it's kind of related.


Mixed Mode for HTTP/2 on Windows 2016 IIS

I have a scenario where I run two websites, Website A is hosted on Server 2016 running IIS 10 and Website B is hosted on CentOS 6 running Apache 2.2. Both websites are served using HTTPS and work just fine on the local network. Publicly, I use SNI and URL Rewrite Rules on the IIS server to gain access to the Apache 2.2 server.
Most user agents can access Website B without issue, however, iOS will report back the error "failed to load resource the operation couldn’t be completed. protocol error" and present a blank screen. I have determined the cause to be related IIS serving back an HTTP/2 response even though Apache 2.2 can't support those requests.
Is there any way to disable HTTP/2 responses on just a specific site on IIS 10? I found many instructions to disable it entirely, but the performance improvements are too great to ignore on Website A.
I'm not aware of how to do this. HTTP/2 allows connection coalescing so will attempt to reuse HTTP/2 connections for as many sites as it can.
However your setup should work fine. I'd suggest the problem is probably a bad HTTP header in your Apache 2.2 setup. HTTP/2 is more strict about these, whereas HTTP/1 would try it's best to carry on despite there being bad headers, so a bad multi-line header which wasn't closed properly, or a header with spaces in the name or double colons, can cause issues. Weird that it's just iOS though. You don't see this on Chrome? Chrome has a nice way of debugging these, but that might be more difficult if just on iOS. Unless you are sending an specific bad header back to iOS only clients?
Oh and btw upgrade Apache 2.2. It's been end of life for over a year now and is no longer being patched! Do yourself a favour and upgrade to 2.4. If on Windows then it should be fairly easy to install, though some of the config options have been changed. You could always assign a separate IP address to this and host it directly rather than through IIS if you can find no other way around the issue, though for that you certainly shouldn't be using old, unsupported software.

Using mod_security, either with Apache 2.4 or with mod_proxy as a reverse proxy

I would like to setup mod_security as a stand alone instance protecting Tomcat instances against web application attacks. Would anyone know the pros and cons of doing this via installing mod_security as an Apache module versus installing mod_security on a reverse proxy? Has anyone implemented mod_security in either of these fashions? And if so is one preferred over the other?
There's really no difference in your two options. What non reverse proxy would you install the module on to protect Tomcat?
The question doesn't really make sense as they are both the same to you.
If you already have an Apache server, then you install ModSecurity in one of two ways:
In embedded mode by installing ModSecurity as module in the existing Apache instance you already have. The advantages are that you won't have to set up a separate Apache instance, and that the ModSecurity will have access to the environment that Apache runs under (so can see environment variables for example or log to same log files).
In a reverse proxy mode. This involves setting up a separate Apache instance, with ModSecurity on it only, and funnel all requests through it, before sending on the requests to your normal Apache. The advantages here are a dedicated web server just for ModSecurity, so you will not share resources with your existing version of Apache, if it is already resource hungry. Disadvantages are that it doubles your infrastructure and the complications that brings.
Personally I prefer option 1.
However, as you want to set up a dedicated web server in front of TomCat, the two options are identical for you. The new instance of Apache (or Nginx) that you set up will be running it in embedded mode and will act as a reverse proxy to your Tomcat server.
Personally I always think it's best to run a dedicated web server like Apache in front of any app server like Tomcat - especially on a public facing website. Granted Tomcat does include a pretty good web server (called Coyote), which may serve most of your web server needs, but a dedicated web server like Apache is more geared towards serving static content and contains other features for performance and security which make it a better end point server (including the ability to run ModSecurity for example!).
And just in case there is any confusion, Apache is actually short for Apache HTTP Server, and is sometimes called Apache httpd after the process that it runs. It is Apache's most popular bit of software hence why the name gets shortened, but Apache actually have lots of bits of software (including Apache Tomcat - usually shortened just to Tomcat).

Apache Reverse Proxy Using a Network Proxy Credential?

I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy on Apache 2.2 (Windows). I am able to do it on a non-corporate network without any problems. I am attempting to reverse proxy content from a vendor domain, but keep it under my own domain for SEO reasons. ===>
However, when I try to incorporate this on my internal network, the Internet Gateway proxy is blocking the request, presumably as I'm not properly authenticating the call to the external domain. ===> Internet Proxy =X=>
I've been googling every term I can think of and reading the Apache docs and can't find anything which seems to work. I have tried running Apache as a service with a network account which would have access, but naturally, it's probably not trying to use the proxy at all.
Is there any way to tell Apache to send external ProxyPass requests to use a specific proxy server, and perhaps a specific username/password as well? I'd love to avoid modifying the proxy or firewall too heavily to accomplish this.
Never quite did figure out the "with passing credentials" part, but using the ProxyRemote directive, we could pass everything for our domain through our network proxy. From there, we had a proxy exception put in to allow from our web server IPs without authentication, since this was an approved arrangement anyhow.
Though, in hindsight, even after solving this, we ended up backing up one step further and just going straight out the firewall for performance reasons (both for the end user with too many hops) as well as negative impacts to our proxy server.

Why do some setups front-end Glassfish with Apache?

I've been trying to mug up on Glassfish and one thing that keeps coming up is the "how-to" on fronting Glassfish with Apache. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a description of why you would want to do this!
From my experimentation, Glassfish seems like a pretty fully featured web server-type service; but I might be missing a lot. So, is the notion of front-ending Glassfish more of a solution to integrate it with an existing architecture, or does front-ending (in a pure Java environment) provide extra benefits?
There's also another valid use case as to why we front Glassfish with Apache. Apache in this instance would function as a reverse proxy for increased security of your Glassfish. The RP is configured to allow only certain URLs to be passed through to the application server. For e.g., you may have app contexts /myApp and /myPrivApp deployed in Glassfish. In the RP server, you only configure /myApp to be passed to Glassfish. Anybody requesting for /myPrivApp would see a 404 'cos the request stops right at the RP level.
In one of my deployments, I have a bunch of WARs deployed, some for users coming from the internet, some for intranet only. I have 2 RPs running, one for internet users and the other for intranet. I configure the internet RP to only allow URLs for approved internet applications to pass through while intranet users get to see everything.
Hope that helps.
It is usually used to speed things up. Since apache is a very fast web server it is used to deliver static content. Like images, CSS files and so on. Glassfish serves the dynamic content (servlets, JSPs) in this scenario.
Another reason for using Apache as a frontend to Glassfish is the possibility to provide load balancing across a Glassfish cluster. See for details.
A other reason is that glassfish cannot run (easily) on port 80, without giving it root rights of course.
So, for most users it's easer to run a proxy (apache, nginx, varnish) some sort in front of apache and have both servers run under a normal user.
Then you have a other advantage of some configurations options of your front end. Like others mentioned, caching for example.

How to put up an off-the-shelf https to http gateway?

I have an HTTP server which is in our internal network and accessible only from inside it. I would like to put another server that would listen to an HTTPS port accessible from outside, and forward the requests to that HTTP server (and send back the responses via HTTPS). I know that there are several ways to do this with some programming involved (and I myself made a temporary solution with Tomcat and a very simple servlet I wrote), but is there a way to do the same just plugging parts already made (like Apache + modules)?
This is the sort of use-case that stunnel is designed for. There is a specific example of using stunnel to wrap an HTTP server.
You should consider whether this is really a good idea, though. Web applications designed for use inside a corporate firewall are often fairly lax about security. Merely encrypting the connections prevents casual eavesdropping, but does not secure the site. If an attacker finds your outward facing server and starts connecting to it, they can still try to find exploitable flaws in the web service (SQL injection, cross-site scripting, etc).
With Apache look into mod_proxy.
Apache 2.2 mod_proxy docs
Apache 2.0 mod_proxy docs