How to Extract the Flow Name and MessageProcessor Name using MEL - MULE ESB - mule

I'm not sure, how can we extract the flow-name and message-processor Name through MEL. For example I have multiple message processor. For logging, i need to extract the flow Name and Message-processor, so that I can find out transaction has crossed this particular flow and its message processor. Is there any simple way to find out. Please guide me. Please find the screenshot below. Here i need to Extract - set payload and its flowName (flow1)
Thanks in advance.

For mule 3.8+ version onwards #[] don't work.
Use #[mule:context.serviceName] expression in logger or component to extract the name of the flow

I know this post is old but I have been trying to find a way to do this in MEL for error handling emails.
For the flow name you can use #[]
for the failing message processor you can use #[exception.failingMessageProcessor].
Both of these work in MEL without the need to use an flowVar.
Please note however, that the failing processor does not always come back with a value but comes back with null, I'm not sure why.

You can extract the flow-name with MEL : #[]
<flow name="name" doc:name="name">
<http:inbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:8090/resources" doc:name="HTTP" />
<logger message="name of flow: #[]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<set-payload value="name" doc:name="Set Payload"/>
flowConstruct.getName() in a Message Processor

Two ways to acthive this (from current flow name)
First one is -
<logger message="Current flowName: #[]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
and the second one is -
<logger message="Current flowName: #[context:serviceName]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>


How to concatenate in mule logger?

I need to concatenate text with json payload in logger component. I have tried below ways but no luck
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="38de876a-a64f-4d83-86a1-ef4cbbda167c" message="#['payload is:' + payload]"/>
Even i don't see any transformers like 'object to string converter' in mule 3.
Please suggest syntax for mule 4
Try separating the text from your dataweave
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" mesage="Payload is: #[payload]" doc:id="38de876a-a64f-4d83-86a1-ef4cbbda167c" />
All the various transformers were removed in Mule 4 due to the payload always being "accessible". That is, regardless of the payload type (XML, JSON, Java, CSV...) you can access fields through payload.{fieldname}. In Mule 3.x the payload had to be coerced to a Java object to allow that. You can explicitly set the output type of any dataweave expression, so you can also try:
mesage="Payload is: #[output application/java --- payload]"
It is working with below syntax
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="38de876a-a64f-4d83-86a1-ef4cbbda167c" message="#['payload is:' ++ payload]"/>
I had the same issue and the below worked for me...
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="35d4566e-02ba-495a-bd40-c30aa5a90413" message="#['Get Accounts Response Paylaod : #[payload]']"/>

mule org.json.JSONObject returning property value as null though the json property does have value for it

I am using the below code to convert the input payload string to json in mule. The below code sometimes working and sometimes not. its not working on standalone and working on studio. Not able to nail down the exact cause for it. but based on the loggers that i see that the property value is coming null after the expression statement. i am suspecting this could be with the jar that's getting used here. i am still digging further on it.
<logger message="input: #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<set-payload value="#[payload.'data']" mimeType="application/json" doc:name="Set Payload" encoding="ISO-8859-2"/>
<logger message="createConnection: #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<expression-component doc:name="Expression"><![CDATA[String input = payload;
payload = new org.json.JSONObject(input);
<logger message="before json to object: #[payload.con_id] #[payload.'con_id']" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<json:json-to-object-transformer returnClass="java.util.HashMap" doc:name="JSON to Object"/>
Input JSON:
data: {"name":"QA_tst2","description":"tst","con_id":10,"con_connection_id":null,
I don't think that notation will work for JSONObject, try using
as per the javadoc:
The reason this won't work with the notation you have tried, is that Mule supports that notation for Maps, and org.json.JSONObject does not implement java.util.Map. You could try using javax.json.JSONObject instead, which will support that notation.
I have figured out the current issue. if there is any logger added to fetch the properties from the payload right after the expression component then its screwing up further. if you just remove the logger that was added after the expression component then after json to object conversion, i am able to fetch the values. that solves the current issue. but i would like to understand the difference between fetching the properties #[payload.con_id] vs #[payload.'con_id']. i can start a separate conversation for the same.

How to send array in url in mule esb?

I need to send array in url. I have tried different ways like
Please assist me.
Sorry but I really dont think this is possible or even if by some miracle it is, I dont see it as practical...
One solution would be to send your data as normal and maybe process it into an array via datamapper?
Hope I have been of some help.
The following works using your third option:
<flow name="request-testFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<set-payload value="#[message.inboundProperties.'http.query.params'.getAll('RedundedItems')]" doc:name="Set Payload"/>
<object-to-string-transformer doc:name="Object to String"/>
So hitting http://localhost:8081/?RedundedItems=00&RedundedItems=11 the output is: [00, 11].
The right way is http://localhost:8081/?RedundedItems=00,11 . You can't specify the parameter is an array.

To create multiple records in salesforce using mule salescloud connector

I am trying to upload many records to salesforce via mule using (create bulk) operation.
I created the flow as below
<flow name="bulk_salesFlow1" doc:name="bulk_salesFlow1">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<sfdc:create-bulk config-ref="Salesforce12" type="BulkMule__c" doc:name="Salesforce">
<sfdc:inner-object key="Component__c">Transformer</sfdc:inner-object>
<sfdc:inner-object key="Use__c">Transforms the payload</sfdc:inner-object>
<sfdc:inner-object key="Use__c">Iterator</sfdc:inner-object>
<sfdc:inner-object key="Component__c">ForEach</sfdc:inner-object>
<logger message="#[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
I am getting error "Element: Object is not allowed to be repeated". I would like to know if I'm trying in the right way, if so what is wrong in the above flow.
Thank you in advance
I think this is just a problem with Mule Studio, and you should be able to run your flow if you just ignore the warnings.
If the warnings bother you, you can always use <sfdc:objects ref="#[something]"/> with a list of maps with field names corresponding to your SF object.

How to parse inbound e-mail when using Mule's IMAP transport?

I am just starting to learn mule so please forgive me if this is a very basic question.
I have successfully configured mule to monitor my mail box so whenever a mail comes in I write the mail to text file (just for testing).
Now I need to parse this mail and get the message / From / To from the mail.
<flow name="testFlow" doc:name="testFlow">
<imap:inbound-endpoint host="ip"
port="143" user="username" password="pwd" doc:name="IMAP"
responseTimeout="10000" transformer-refs="Message_Properties">
<file:outbound-endpoint path="C:\"
outputPattern="#[function:datestamp].dat" doc:name="File">
I thought I would be able to get the header information using the below expression (using expression transformer)
but this doesn't seem to work. I also tried the below expressions but didn't work,
Can someone help? Also does anyone know if there is a document with the list of available expressions?
I included the logger to view the properties and it displayed all the properties but I couldnt find the body.. Also, I tried getting the fromAddress using
#[map-payload:fromAddress] and #[inboundProperties['fromAddress']]
but didn't work, can someone let me know where I am wrong?
The properties are something like below,
inbound.fromAddress=Service <>
inbound.subject=Test Final inbound.toAddresses=Service
Edit 2:
This is what I have tried but doesnt work :(
I am trying to retrieve the email subject and write to file or just show it using logger based on email subject but I am getting the below error.
ERROR 2013-02-07 19:22:45,275 [[test].connector.file.mule.default.dispatcher.01] org.mule.exception.DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy:
Message : Could not find a transformer to transform "SimpleDataType{type=javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage, mimeType='*/*'}" to "SimpleDataType{, mimeType='*/*'}".
Code : MULE_ERROR-236
Can you let me know where I am making mistake?
<flow name="testFlow1" doc:name="testFlow1">
<imap:inbound-endpoint host="ip"
port="143" user="uname" password="pwd" doc:name="IMAP"
responseTimeout="10000" disableTransportTransformer="true">
<logger message="#[message.inboundProperties['inbound.fromAddress']]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<choice doc:name="Choice">
<when expression="message.inboundProperties['inbound.subject']=='plain test'">
<logger message="#[message.inboundProperties['inbound.fromAddress']]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<file:outbound-endpoint path="C:\mule" outputPattern="#[function:datestamp].dat" responseTimeout="10000" disableTransportTransformer="true" doc:name="File">
Unfortunately the IMAP connector documentation doesn't list the message properties created when a new message is received. You can find all the created properties by adding:
<logger level="WARN" />
after the imap:inbound-endpoint. This will log all the message meta information, including properties, at WARN level.
You can also find the property names in the MailProperties JavaDoc. For example inbound.fromAddress is the inbound property that contains the sender's email address.
The message body is the text email content, unless it's a multi-part email. In that case, if the first part is text/plain, it will be set as the message payload, otherwise all parts will be available as inbound message attachments.