using Pivot in SQL Query - sql

I have the following table structure also I have mention my expected output please help me with query
As per My previous question
Get count for multiple fields using group by in SQL
i am getting output as follows using below query
select data.category, cl.combovalue as esilocation, cd.combovalue as esidispensary,
year(date) as year, month(date) as month,
sum(data.joins) as [Joining Count], sum(data.terms) as [Termination Count]
from (
select category, esilocation, esidispensary, dateofjoining as date,
1 as joins, 0 as terms
from dbo.employeedetail
where dateofjoining is not null
union all
select category, esilocation, esidispensary, terminationdate as date,
0 as joins, 1 as terms
from dbo.employeedetail
where terminationdate is not null
) data
left join dbo.combovalues cl on = data.esilocation
left join dbo.combovalues cd on = data.esidispensary
where category in ( 1, 2 )
and date >= '2014-01-01'
and date <= '2014-12-31'
group by data.category, cl.combovalue, cd.combovalue, year(date), month(date)
Query output :
category esilocation esidispensary year month Joining Count Termination Count
1 mumbai mumbai 2014 8 1 0
1 mumbai mumbai 2014 11 0 1
1 pune mumbai 2014 6 1 0
1 pune mumbai 2014 8 1 1
2 pune mumbai 2014 10 1 0
2 pune mumbai 2014 11 0 1
2 pune pune 2014 9 2 0
2 pune pune 2014 11 0 2
But problem is i want Pivot of this above table i.e
Expected Output
category esilocation esidispensary 8/2014 join 8/2014 term 11/2014 join 11/2014 term
1 mumbai mumbai 1 0 0 1
1 pune mumbai 1 1 null null
2 pune mumbai null null 0 1
2 pune pune null null 0 2


Calculate value using previous and current month

I have below three tables
Stock Table
ID GlobalStock Date Country
1 10 2017/01/01 India
1 20 2017/01/01 India
2 5 2017/02/01 Africa
3 6 2017/08/01 Japan
4 7 2017/04/01 Japan
5 89 2017/08/01 Japan
2 10 2017/03/01 Japan
5 8 2017/03/01 Japan
1 20 2017/02/01 India
ID GlobalStock Date Country
2 10 2017/03/01 Africa
3 60 2017/08/01 India
11 70 2017/08/01 India
1 8 2017/02/01 India
1 9 2017/02/01 India
2 4 2017/03/01 Japan
2 5 2017/04/01 Japan
5 3 2017/03/01 Japan
3 8 2017/08/01 Japan
ID GlobalStock Date Country
2 10 2017/03/01 India
2 20 2017/03/01 Africa
3 30 2017/08/01 Japan
7 5 2017/02/01 Japan
8 8 2018/01/01 Japan
1 9 2017/02/01 India
1 70 2017/02/01 Africa
13 10 2017/08/01 Japan
10 60 2017/11/01 Japan
I want to calculate -> StockTable(Month - 1) + ShipFile (Month) - Sales (Month)
For example
For ID 1 suppose we are considering Jan (GlobalStock -> 10 + 20) data then in other tables we must take Feb values and country should be same for all tables.
So calculation would be
(10 + 20) + (8 + 9) - (9) = 38
If we consider Feb ID of stocktable then we must consider March data from other tables and so on..
the joining all table i am considering ID and Country.
You can query using subquery or cte as below:
;With cte_Stock as (
Select ID, [Date], Country, sum(GlobalStock) Sum_GlobalStock from Stock
group by Id, [Date], Country
), cte_ShipFiles as (
Select ID, [Date], Country, sum(GlobalStock) Sum_GlobalStock from ShipFile
group by Id, [Date], Country
, cte_SalesFiles as (
Select ID, [Date], Country, sum(GlobalStock) Sum_GlobalStock from SalesFiles
group by Id, [Date], Country
select s.ID, s.[Date], sf.[Date], s.Country,
YourOutput = s.Sum_GlobalStock+sf.Sum_GlobalStock-sales.Sum_GlobalStock
from cte_Stock s
join cte_ShipFiles sf
on s.ID = sf.ID
and s.Country = sf.Country
and s.[Date] = dateadd(mm,-1, sf.[Date])
join cte_SalesFiles sales
on s.ID = sales.ID
and s.Country = sales.Country
and s.[Date] = dateadd(mm,-1, sales.[Date])
Output as below:
| ID | Date | Date | Country | YourOutput |
| 1 | 2017-01-01 | 2017-02-01 | India | 38 |
| 2 | 2017-02-01 | 2017-03-01 | Africa | -5 |
Here is an approach with derived tables:
DECLARE #CurrentMonth date = '20180101'
DECLARE #NextMonth date = DATEADD(MONTH,1,#CurrentMonth)
SELECT s.Country, SUM(s.GlobalStock) + ShipSum - SaleSum
FROM stock s
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(GlobalStock),0) ShipSum, Country
FROM ShipFile
WHERE Date >= #NextMonth
AND Date <= EOMONTH(#NextMonth)
GROUP BY Country) sh on s.Country = sh.Country
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(GlobalStock),0) SaleSum, Country
FROM SalesFile
WHERE Date >= #NextMonth
AND Date <= EOMONTH(#NextMonth)
GROUP BY Country) sa on s.Country = sa.Country
WHERE s.Date >= #CurrentMonth
AND s.Date <= EOMONTH(#CurrentMonth)
GROUP BY s.Country, ShipSum, SaleSum
This uses Country for the joins because ID seems to change between tables.
It also uses a date range assuming that the day portion of your date column is not always the first of the month - if it is always the first that can be simplified to date = #CurrentMonth or date = #NextMonth

SQL Server: group by, coalesce and select one of coalesce'd

I have a table called Regions:
city district1 district2 district3 district4
Michigan 2 NULL NULL 2
Michigan 2 20 NULL 20
Michigan 2 NULL 3 3
Ontario 3 NULL NULL 3
Quebec 4 1 NULL 1
Quebec 4 NULL NULL 4
Edmonton NULL 7 NULL 7
Edmonton NULL NULL 11 11
district4 is (coalesce(district3, district2, district1))
And I'd like to get a distinct grouped by City also with district1
city district1 district_final
Michigan 2 3
Ontario 3 3
Quebec 4 1
Edmonton NULL 11
district_final is not max; it's coalesce of group
select distinct, r1.district1, coalesce(r3.district3, r2.district2, r1.district1) district_final
from Regions r1
left outer join Regions r2 on = and r2.district2 is not null
left outer join Regions r3 on = and r3.district3 is not null
Following code should solve the purpose i guess:
SELECT CITY,dct1 as district1,MAX(DCT) as district_final FROM
SELECT CITY, district1 as dct1, district1 AS DCT FROM [TABLE]
SELECT CITY, district1 as dct1, district2 AS DCT FROM [TABLE]
SELECT CITY, district1 as dct1, district3 AS DCT FROM [TABLE]
) tempTable
group by CITY,dct1;

simple sql over (partition by) not working as expected

Feels like it should be simple but my mind has gone blank so would appreciate any help!
Let's say I have this dataset
Date sale_id salesperson Missed_payment_this_month
01/01/2016 1001 John 1
01/01/2016 1002 Bob 0
01/01/2016 1003 Bob 0
01/01/2016 1004 John N/A
01/02/2016 1001 John 1
01/02/2016 1002 Bob 1
01/02/2016 1003 Bob 0
01/02/2016 1004 John 1
01/03/2016 1001 John 1
01/03/2016 1002 Bob 0
01/03/2016 1003 Bob 0
01/03/2016 1004 John 1
And want to add these two columns to the end. They look at the number of missed payments previously, by sales_id and salesperson.
Previous_missed_payment_by_sale_id Previous_missed_payment_by_sales person
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 1
2 3
1 1
0 1
1 3
sales_id is ok but getting it over sales persons is giving me an error (group by) or adding in extra columns. I need to keep the rows constant.
My best guess that returns extra columns:
select t1.Date, t1.sale_id, t1.salesperson
,sum(case when t2.Missed_payment_this_month = '1' then 1 else 0 end) previous_missed_sales_id
,sum(case when t2.Missed_payment_this_month = '1' then 1 else 0 end) OVER (PARTITION by t1.salesperson) previous_missed_salesperson
from [dbo].[simple_join_table2] t1
inner join [dbo].[simple_join_table2] t2 on
(t2.[Date] < t1.[Date] AND t1.[sale_id] = t2.[sale_id])
group by t1.Date, t1.sale_id, t1.salesperson
,case when t2.Missed_payment_this_month = '1' then 1 else 0 end
this is the output:
Date sale_id salesperson previous_missed_sales_id previous_missed_salesperson
01/02/2016 1002 Bob 0 1
01/02/2016 1003 Bob 0 1
01/03/2016 1002 Bob 0 1
01/03/2016 1002 Bob 1 1
01/03/2016 1003 Bob 0 1
01/02/2016 1001 John 1 3
01/02/2016 1004 John 0 3
01/03/2016 1001 John 2 3
01/03/2016 1004 John 0 3
01/03/2016 1004 John 1 3
Is this possible without another sub query? I guess another way to put it is i'm trying to mimic the sumx and earlier functions of Powerpivot.
If you are on 2012+ use windowing aggregates. Previous = sum all_previous_including_curret - sum current. Ms sql default window is exactly ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW
with [simple_join_table2] as(
-- sample data
select cast(valuesDate as Date) valuesDate, sale_id, salesperson, Missed_payment_this_month
from (
('20160101',1001,'John', 1)
,('20160101',1002,'Bob ', 0)
,('20160101',1003,'Bob ', 0)
,('20160201',1001,'John', 1)
,('20160201',1002,'Bob ', 1)
,('20160201',1003,'Bob ', 0)
,('20160201',1004,'John', 1)
,('20160301',1001,'John', 1)
,('20160301',1002,'Bob ', 0)
,('20160301',1003,'Bob ', 0)
,('20160301',1004,'John', 1)
) t(valuesDate, sale_id, salesperson, Missed_payment_this_month)
select valuesDate,sale_id, salesperson, Missed_payment_this_month,
byidprevmonth = sum(Missed_payment_this_month ) over(partition by sale_id order by valuesDate)
- sum(Missed_payment_this_month) over(partition by valuesDate, sale_id),
bypersonprevmonth = sum(Missed_payment_this_month) over(partition by salesperson order by valuesDate)
- sum(Missed_payment_this_month) over(partition by valuesDate, salesperson)
from [simple_join_table2]
order by salesperson, valuesDate

How to replace all values in grouped column except first row

I have table like this:
ID Region CreatedDate Value
1 USA 2016-01-01 5
2 USA 2016-02-02 10
3 Canada 2016-02-02 2
4 USA 2016-02-03 7
5 Canada 2016-03-03 3
6 Canada 2016-03-04 10
7 USA 2016-03-04 1
8 Cuba 2016-01-01 4
I need to sum column Value grouped by Region and CreatedDate by year and month. The result will be
Region Year Month SumOfValue
USA 2016 1 5
USA 2016 2 17
USA 2016 3 1
Canada 2016 2 2
Canada 2016 3 13
Cuba 2016 1 4
BUT I want to replace all repeated values in column Region with empty string except first met row. The finish result must be:
Region Year Month SumOfValue
USA 2016 1 5
2016 2 17
2016 3 1
Canada 2016 2 2
2016 3 13
Cuba 2016 1 4
Thank you for a solution. It will be advantage if solution will replace also in column Year
You need to use SUM and GROUP BY to get the SumOfValue. For the formatting, you can use ROW_NUMBER:
[Year] = YEAR(CreatedDate),
[Month] = MONTH(CreatedDate),
SumOfValue = SUM(Value),
FROM #tbl
Region, YEAR(CreatedDate), MONTH(CreatedDate)
Region = CASE WHEN Rn = 1 THEN c.Region ELSE '' END,
FROM Cte c
c.Region, Rn
Although this can be done in TSQL, I suggest you do the formatting on the application side.
Query that follows the same order as the OP.

Multiple joins with aggregates

I have the two following tables:
EntityId FirstName LastName
----------- ------------------ -----------------
1 Ion Ionel
2 Fane Fanel
3 George Georgel
4 Mircea Mircel
SalesQuotaId EntityId SalesQuota SalesOrderDate
------------ ----------- ----------- -----------------------
1 1 1000 2014-01-01 00:00:00.000
2 1 1000 2014-01-02 00:00:00.000
3 1 1000 2014-01-03 00:00:00.000
4 3 3000 2013-01-01 00:00:00.000
5 3 3000 2013-01-01 00:00:00.000
7 4 4000 2015-01-01 00:00:00.000
8 4 4000 2015-01-02 00:00:00.000
9 4 4000 2015-01-03 00:00:00.000
10 1 1000 2015-01-01 00:00:00.000
11 1 1000 2015-01-02 00:00:00.000
I am trying to get the SalesQuota for each user in 2014 and 2015.
Using this query i am getting an erroneous result:
SELECT p.EntityId
, p.FirstName
, SUM(sqh2014.SalesQuota) AS '2014'
, SUM(sqh2015.SalesQuota) AS '2015'
FROM Person p
LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesQuotaHistory sqh2014
ON p.EntityId = sqh2014.EntityId
AND YEAR(sqh2014.SalesOrderDate) = 2014
LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesQuotaHistory sqh2015
ON p.EntityId = sqh2015.EntityId
AND YEAR(sqh2015.SalesOrderDate) = 2015
GROUP BY p.EntityId, p.FirstName
EntityId FirstName 2014 2015
--------- ----------- ---------- --------------------
1 Ion 6000 6000
3 George NULL NULL
4 Mircea NULL 12000
In fact, Id 1 has a total SalesQuota of 3000 in 2014 and 2000 in 2015.
What i am asking here, is .. what is really happening behind the scenes? What is the order of operation in this specific case?
Thanks to my last post i was able to solve this using the following query:
SELECT p.EntityId
, p.FirstName
, SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(sqh.SalesOrderDate) = 2014 THEN sqh.SalesQuota ELSE 0 END) AS '2014'
, SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(sqh.SalesOrderDate) = 2015 THEN sqh.SalesQuota ELSE 0 END) AS '2015'
FROM Person p
LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesQuotaHistory sqh
ON p.EntityId = sqh.EntityId
GROUP BY p.EntityId, p.FirstName
EntityId FirstName 2014 2015
----------- --------------------- ----------- -----------
1 Ion 3000 2000
2 Fane 0 0
3 George 0 0
4 Mircea 0 12000
but without understanding what's wrong with the first attempt .. i can't get over this ..
Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
Is easy to see what is happening if you change your select to
and remove the group by
You first approach need something like this
Sql Fiddle Demo
SELECT p.[EntityId]
, p.FirstName
, COALESCE(s2014,0) as [2014]
, COALESCE(s2015,0) as [2015]
FROM Person p
LEFT JOIN (SELECT EntityId, SUM(SalesQuota) s2014
FROM SalesQuotaHistory
WHERE YEAR(SalesOrderDate) = 2014
) as s1
ON p.[EntityId] = s1.EntityId
LEFT JOIN (SELECT EntityId, SUM(SalesQuota) s2015
FROM SalesQuotaHistory
WHERE YEAR(SalesOrderDate) = 2015
) as s2
ON p.[EntityId] = s2.EntityId
Joining with the result data only if exist for that id and year.
| EntityId | FirstName | 2014 | 2015 |
| 1 | Ion | 3000 | 2000 |
| 2 | Fane | 0 | 0 |
| 3 | George | 0 | 0 |
| 4 | Mircea | 0 | 12000 |
You have multiple rows for each year, so the first method is producing a Cartesian product.
For instance, consider EntityId 100:
1 1 1000 2014-01-01 00:00:00.000
2 1 1000 2014-01-02 00:00:00.000
3 1 1000 2014-01-03 00:00:00.000
10 1 1000 2015-01-01 00:00:00.000
11 1 1000 2015-01-02 00:00:00.000
The intermediate result from the join produces six rows, with these SalesQuotaId:
1 10
1 11
2 10
2 11
3 10
3 11
You can then do the math -- the result is off because of the multiple rows.
You seem to know how to fix the problem. The conditional aggregation approach produces the correct answer.
You could improve the speed of your query by adding a WHERE condition to filter only the years over which you're looking for data:
SELECT p.EntityId
, p.FirstName
, SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(sqh.SalesOrderDate) = 2014
THEN sqh.SalesQuota ELSE 0 END) AS '2014'
, SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(sqh.SalesOrderDate) = 2015
THEN sqh.SalesQuota ELSE 0 END) AS '2015'
FROM Person p
LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesQuotaHistory sqh
ON p.EntityId = sqh.EntityId
WHERE YEAR(sqh.SalesOrderDate) IN (2014, 2015)
GROUP BY p.EntityId, p.FirstName
Otherwise, the query that you found is the way to go (good job!)