How to format a table cell into one? - formatting

So I am having an issue, (or me just being a complete Derp. I am pretty sure it's the latter) with tables and formatting.
I need to recreate a table from a Word document into my InDesign, and I basically need to make two header row into one so that two columns fit under it...
See the attached image to fully understand what I mean.
What's the easiest way to do this?
Any answers/solutions will be highly appreciated. :-)

Select the cells to merge.
Invoke Menu "Table" / "Merge Cells".


Is there a way in SSMS to auto expand the results header columns to see the full name of the column?

I don't understand why I'm looking at results and am not able to see the full column name. And then have to manually click through and expand each column I want to see. Is there really no way to do this?
Non expanded columns in results
I've researched but have found no one asking or even wondering about this. Am I the only one in the world who has a problem with this?!

Identify Pivot Field using VBA

I am trying to write a macro which automatically identifies which field is the data taken from in a pivot.
I have some columns with different level of org information dragged under one another in "Row Labels" to create a structure. Now I need to identify which row in the pivot is linked to which field.
I am a self-taught coder and am very new to advanced vba so need some help.
How my pivots look
I am trying to get the name of the field in the blue circle
Thank you!
Nevermind guys, It was simpler than I thought. I am just an idiot for not figuring it out earlier.
Anyhow, the solution is that "ActiveCell.PivotField" returns the Pivot row's field.

extract data in exel sheet using macro

you most probably going to think "what an idiot" but remember i never done any type of coding before so this is all new to me,
My problem are that i'm working on a HUGE excel sheet with loads of data that is not needed. i need to sort the data into a few columns, i only need column "A,K,AN,AQ" but in column "AS" i only need certain values (yes,no,blank) i only want the yes and blank values. like i said never done any coding before but i know that you can use an macro to do it so please help, how do i go about this?
before trying to get into macros, try to use functions with if else statements. They are quite easy to handle. Like: If (yes) then put it into X. Later, you could select all needed. Also, check the, how the dollar sign is used
use this links to see, if it is something for you.
One quick and dirty way of getting this job done would be to:
Delete the columns you don't need.
Select all cells in the range you're interested in, click the Insert menu, and choose "Table". If your columns have titles, select the box for "My Table has Headers."
-This turns your data into an array so that Excel recognizes that each row is an entry (instead of thinking that the cells are unrelated).
Now you can use the filter icon in the column headers to select and display only the rows containing the values in column X that you're interested in.
Note that there are some limitations to what the table feature is good for, so, as always, whether this is a good solution for you depends on what you want to do with the data.

VBA to match across 2 tabs and multiple columns

I have what should be a simple one, but I'm have few concerns about the performance.
I have a spreadsheet that gets data from a crystal report and uses that to derive some supplier information. If the date received is incorrectly entered into the source system we can unfairly "black mark" the supplier, so we update the data in the spreadsheet, but obviously this gets overwritten daily.
I have some code that archives off any updates, but after a refresh I'd like to put that back.
So, where Tab1.A$1 = Tab2.A$1 AND Tab1.A$2 = Tab2.A$2 AND Tab1.A$3 = Tab2.A$3 AND Tab1.A$4 = Tab2.A$4 AND Tab1.A$5 = Tab2.A$5
then I need to update Tab1.A$6 = Tab2.A$6
I could probably fathom this out, (I'm a DBA rather than a programmer), but the way I'd do it would involve looping through the Tab1 and then for each line loop through Tab2, swapping of tabs etc and is probably a very poor way of doing it. Is there a better way?
Just to understand this question correctly, can you please let me know if I am getting it right.
As I understand you are foucusing on updating the 6th(rows that are different) row of a sheet to match the other sheet's 6th row if all other fields matches. Am I correctly understanding this ?
If So why don't you copy all the data from one sheet to another ?
From another point of view, if the tab to be updated consists of a subset of objets (say supliers), then it cannot be done in a static manner....
Can you please explain little more may be with an example ?

VBA - Excel - Display one section of sheet using different column widths

I couldn't figure out how to word the question, so please comment if you have a better wording.
I am creating a report the has multiple sections, all displayed on one sheet. One of the sections need to be displayed at equal column widths, while the rest of the report has varying column widths. What I would like to do is display this section as some sort of chart/table that will display as if it was part of a continuous report. Should I be using listboxes or is there a better option?
Thanks for any help.
I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but from what I do understand, maybe what you could do is put the part with the fixed column widths on another part of your sheet and then:
Copy it
Go to where you want it in the report and Paste Special > Linked Picture (I)
I think that would give you what you're looking to accomplish, otherwise, please clarify a bit more...