Generic set returning function - sql

I have a plpgsql function which act as a wrapper around several other functions, all of which are set returning functions of different data types. Through this function, I am trying to get a generic set returning function which can return set of any data type. The data type of record is decided based on the input table name and column name.
Here is the code snippet:
create function cs_get(tablename text, colname text) returns setof record as $$
type_name text;
ctype text;
loadfunc text;
result record;
select data_type into type_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = tablename and column_name = colname;
if type_name is null then
raise exception 'Table % doesnot exist or does not have attribute % ',tablename, colname;
end if;
ctype := cs_get_ctype(type_name);
loadfunc := 'select * from cs_get_'||ctype||'('''||tablename||''','''||colname||''')';
for result in execute loadfunc loop
return next result;
end loop;
end; $$ language plpgsql;
Suppose the column is of type integer (corresponding c type is int64), loadfunc would be
select * from cs_get_int64(tablename, colname)
cs_get_int64 is a set-returning function defined in a C library which returns values of type int64.
However, this gives an error saying
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record" at character 15
The easiest way to achieve this is to return a setof text for every data type. But that of course is not a clean way to do this. I have tried replacing loadFunc with
select cs_get_int64::integer from cs_get_int64(tablename, colname)
which is required to use records. But, this did not help.
My question now is:
Is it possible to create such a generic set returning function? If yes, how?

The answer is yes. But it's not trivial.
As long as you return anonymous records (returns setof record) a column definition list is required for the returned record to work with it in SQL. Pretty much what the error message says.
There is a (limited) way around this with polymorphic types:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cs_get(_tbl_type anyelement, _colname text)
Detailed explanation int this related answer (climax in the last chapter!):
Refactor a PL/pgSQL function to return the output of various SELECT queries


PostgreSQL call function returning setof record with table and additional columns

I am trying to call a function returning all columns of an existing table + some unrelated additional ones and retrieve the returned data using the following syntax:
select *
from test_func(...)
as (a_table my_table_name, rows_count numeric);
The function has the following format:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.test_func(...)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
_sql := 'SELECT mtn.*, count(*) over() as rows_count
from public.my_table_name mtn
... inner joins and other stuff';
return query
execute _sql using ..._sql params...;
However, it doesn't work. The error I receive:
ERROR: structure of query does not match function result type
Detail: Returned type numeric does not match expected type "my_table_name" in column 1.
If the query in your function should return a my_table_name (a “whole-row reference), you should write it like
SELECT mtn, count(*) OVER () ...

Infer row type from table in postgresql

My application uses multiple schemas to partition tenants across the database to improve performance. I am trying to create a plpgsql function that will give me an arbitrary result set based on the union of all application schemas given a table. Here is what I have so far (inspired by this blog post):
schema RECORD;
sql TEXT := '';
FOR schema IN EXECUTE 'SELECT distinct schema FROM tenants' LOOP
sql := sql || format('SELECT * FROM %I.%I %s UNION ALL ', schema.schema, tbl);
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE left(sql, -11);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This works great, but has to be called with a row type definition at the end:
select * from app_union('my_table') t(id uuid, name text, ...);
So, how can I call my function without providing a row type?
I know that I can introspect my tables using information_schema.columns, but I'm not sure how to dynamically generate the type declaration without a lot of case statements (columns doesn't report the definition sql the way that e.g., pg_indexes does).
Even if I could dynamically generate the row declaration, it seems I would have to append it to my former function call as dynamic sql anyway, which sort of chicken/eggs the problem of returning a result set of an arbitrary type from a function.
Instead of providing the table as a string, you could provide it as type anyelement to specify the actual type of the returning data, then infer the table's name using pg_typeof. You can also use string_agg rather than a loop to build your sql:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app_union(tbl anyelement)
RETURNS setof anyelement AS $$
return query execute string_agg(
distinct format('select * from %I.%I', schema, pg_typeof(tbl)::text),
' union all '
) from tenants;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
select * from app_union(null::my_table);
Simplified example

Postgresql, function returns query by calling another function

Postgresql 12. Want a function to return query by calling another function but don't know how to call.
create or replace function getFromA()
returns table(_id bigint, _name varchar) as $$
RETURN QUERY SELECT id, name from groups;
end; $$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function getFromB()
returns table(_id bigint, _name varchar) as $$
return query select getFromA();
end; $$ language plpgsql;
select getFromB();
gets error:
SQL Error [42804]: ERROR: structure of query does not match function result type
Detail: Returned type record does not match expected type bigint in column 1.
Where: PL/pgSQL function getfromb() line 3 at RETURN QUERY
How to fix this?
The problem is in getFromB():
return query select getFromA();
Unlike some other databases, Postgres allows set-returning functions directly in the select clause. This works, but can be tricky: this returns a set, hence not the expected structure.
You would need to select ... from getFromA() instead: this way it returns the proper data structure.
create or replace function getFromB()
returns table(_id bigint, _name varchar) as $$
return query select * from getFromA();
end; $$ language plpgsql;
Demo on DB Fiddle

Return set of records with unknown table_name

I want to return a row from a table with this function (I don't know the name of the table, it's random)
CREATE FUNCTION foo( text ) RETURNS setof record AS $$
table_name ALIAS FOR $1;
SELECT * from table_name ;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
and then I want to do this:
select col1,col2 from foo('bar');
Any ideas?
SQL demands to know the return type at call time. And functions require you to define a return type as well. What you are after is not trivial.
If you don't know the return type at call time, you are basically out of luck. You cannot solve the problem with a single function call.
If you know the type at call time, there is an option with polymorphic types and dynamic SQL with EXECUTE:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_data_of_table(_tbl_type anyelement)
'SELECT * FROM ' || pg_typeof(_tbl_type);
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM f_data_of_table(NULL::my_table_name);
Details in this related answer:
Refactor a PL/pgSQL function to return the output of various SELECT queries
Be wary of SQL injection:
Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter
Only makes sense if you do more than just SELECT * FROM tbl, or you'd simply use the SQL command.
Do not use ALIAS to attach names to parameter values. That's outdated and discouraged. Use named parameters instead.

postgresql function error: column name does not exist

i've implemented a function that check if a value appears in a specific row of a specific table:
CREATE FUNCTION check_if_if_exist(id INTEGER, table_name character(50), table_column character(20) ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$
SELECT table_column INTO res
FROM table_name
WHERE table_column = id;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
i've create and fill a simple test table for try this function:
and i call function like
SELECT check_if_exist(10, tab, f);
but i occurs in this error:
ERROR: column "prova" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT check_if_exist(10, tab, f);
********** Error **********
ERROR: column "tab" does not exist
SQL state: 42703
Character: 27
In addition to Elmo response you must be careful with types. You have got:
ERROR: column "tab" does not exist
because SQL parser do not know how to deal with tab which is without quote. Your query must be like:
SELECT check_if_exist(10, 'tab', 'f');
As Elmo answered you use dynamic query, so even if you quote tab you will got error:
ERROR: relation "table_name" does not exist
so you can use EXECUTE, example:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_if_exist(id INTEGER, table_name varchar, table_column varchar) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$
sql varchar;
cnt int;
sql := 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' || quote_ident(table_name) || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(table_column) || '=$1';
RAISE NOTICE 'sql %', sql;
RETURN cnt > 0;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
You can also use VARCHAR instead of character(N) in function arguments and use CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ... instead of just CREATE FUNCTION ... which is very handy at debugging.
Your code has no chance to work - when dealing with different tables in PLPGSQL you need to utilize dynamic queries, so EXECUTE is required -
But first of all - there is nothing bad in using PostgreSQL EXISTS - instead of inventing your own - performance of your solution will be significantly worse than using included batteries...
Hopefully this is helpful. Good luck.