self concept ,if i use self in class method not in instance method - objective-c

#interface hello:SKScene
#implementation hello
[self here];
[hello method];
here,when i call this class method without allocating memory for object then method self,belong to whom????
my question is self belong to class that contain the method calling on then because i did not define object then ,why i still can use self on this?????
is it still belong to class on which it calling ??please give me proper concept of self on instance method and class method.

When you refer to self in class method, self refers to the class, itself, not to a particular instance of that class. By using self rather than the actual class name in these class methods, it makes it easier to subclass the class in question. Specifically, the class method will be inherited, but the self references will now refer to the subclass rather than the base class. If you refered to the base class by name, this would not be true.
Consider this factory method:
#implementation BaseClassObject
+ (BaseClassObject *)object {
return [[BaseClassObject alloc] init];
And consider this subclass:
#interface SubClassObject : BaseClassObject
Then consider code that does:
SubClassObject *object = [SubClassObject object]; // WRONG
The problem is that the object factory method will return a BaseClassObject rather than a SubClassObject. But that is remedied if we alter the definition of that factory class method to use self:
#implementation BaseClassObject
+ (instancetype)object {
return [[self alloc] init];
Now when I refer to [SubClassObject object], I'll get an instance of SubClassObject rather than BaseClassObject.
Note: In my contrived example, it's rather important to use self. You may, though, encounter code where it does not appear to be immediately relevant (for example, you might have a base class, but no subclass at this time).
Even in this case, you probably should be in the habit of using self in these class methods, regardless, to "future-proof" your code, so that if you ever subclass this base class at some unforeseen date in the future, these class methods are more likely to function properly even when subclassed.

Just to add a little to Rob's answer: the class object is created automatically by the compiler and/or Objective-C runtime. (It doesn't matter to you which it is.) For all intents and purposes, it's permanent. There's no need for it to be managed.


How to allocate an NSObject subclass instance FROM an instance of its superclass?

Given a class structure such as...
#interface SuperClassView : NSView #end
#interface SubClassedView : SuperClassView #property int aProp; #end
How can one instantiate a SubClassedView from an instance of a SuperClassView?
Say a method returns an instance of the superclass SuperView....
SuperClassView *superInstance = [ViewFactory makeSuperClassView];
but I want to get an instance of the subclass SubClassedView? It is not possible to simply "cast" it...
SubClassedView *subClsInstance = (SubClassedView*)[ViewFactory makeSuperClassView];
and there is no built-in (or easily-imagined implementation of an) NSObject method like
self = [super initWithInstance:[superInstance copy]];`
Is the only way to either copy the superclass instance's desired properties to the newly instantiated subclass object, like...
SubClassedView *subClsInstance =;
for (NSString* someKey in #["frame",#"color",#"someOtherProperty])
[subClsInstance setValue:[superInstance valueForKey:someKey] forKey:someKey];
Or add (swizzle at runtime) the subclass' "additional property methods" (in this case setAProp: and aProp) to the superclass instance (and also cast it upwards)...
SubClassedView *subClsInstance = (SubClassedView*)[ViewFactory makeSuperClassView];
[subClsInstance addSwizzleMethod:#selector(setAProp:) viaSomeMagic:....];
[subClsInstance addSwizzleMethod:#selector(aProp) viaSomeMagic:....];
Hopefully this is an easy runtime trick that I simply don't know... not a sad sign that I am haplessly trying to trick ObjC into multiple-inheritance via some embarrassing anti-pattern. Either way, ideas?
EDIT: Pending #BryanChen posting his comment as an answer this is achieved easily via his suggested runtime function, or as a category on NSObject รก la..
#implementation NSObject (SettingClass)
- (void)setClass:(Class)kls { if (kls) object_setClass(self, kls); } #end
What you are trying to do is pretty non-idiomatic... it feels like you are trying to do something like prototype based OOP. A couple of quick points:
Don't do the swizzle. You can't swizzle onto an instance, you swizzle onto the class definition, so if you do that you won't be adding the subclasses methods onto "an" instance of the superclass, you will be adding them onto all instances of the superclass.
Yes, if you want to do this you just need to copy the the properties you want from the super into the new instance of the subclass.
You can have a factory method in the superclass that returns a subclass, and encapsulate all the the copying in there (so, -[SuperClassView makeSubclassView] that returns SubClassedView *. That is actually relatively common, and is how many of the class clusters are implemented (though they return private subclasses that conform to the implementation of the superclass)
object_setClass is not the droid you're looking for.
Yes, it will change the class of the instance. However, it will not change the size of it. So if your SubClassView declares extra properties or instance variables that are not declared on SuperClassView, then your attempts to access them on this frankenstein instance will result in (at best) buffer overflows, (probably) corrupted data, and (at worst) your app crashing.
It sounds like you really just want to use self in your factory method:
+ (instancetype)makeView {
return [[self alloc] init];
Then if you call [SuperClassView makeView], you get back an instance of SuperClassView. If you call [SubClassView makeView], you get back an instance of SubClassView.
"But," you say, "how do I customize the properties of the view if it's a SubClassView?"
Just like you would with anything else: you override the method on SubClassView:
#implementation SubClassView
+ (instancetype)makeView {
SubClassView *v = [super makeView];
v.answer = 42;
return v;
object_setClass may or may not be the "runtime trick" you are looking for. It does isa swizzle which change the class of an instance at runtime. However it does have many constrains such as that the new class cannot have extra ivars. You can check this question for more details.
I think the better way to do is that instead of making view using [ViewFactory makeSuperClassView], make it [[SuperClassView alloc] initWithSomething]. Then you can do [[SubClassView alloc] initWithSomething]
or if you really want use ViewFactory, then make it [ViewFactory makeViewOfClass:]

Accessing a method in a super class when it's not exposed

In a subclass, I'm overriding a method that is not exposed in the super class. I know that I have the correct signature as it is successfully overriding the superclass implementation. However, as part of the the new implementation, I need to call the superclass's implementation from the subclass's implementation.
Because it's not exposed I have to invoke the method via a call to performSelector:
SEL superClassSelector = NSSelectorFromString(#"methodToInvoke");
[super performSelector:superClassSelector];
However, in my application this results in an infinite recursive loop where the subclass's implementation is invoked every time I try to invoke the superclass's implementation.
Any thoughts?
I realize this is an atypical situation but unfortunately there's no way to get around what I'm trying to do.
The way I've dealt with this is to re-declare your super class' interface in your subclass implementation file with the method you want to call from the subclass
#interface MySuperclass()
- (void)superMethodIWantToCall;
#implementation MySubclass
- (void)whateverFunction {
//now call super method here
[super superMethodIWantToCall];
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do things but it is simple and works for me!
This doesn't work because you're only sending performSelector:, not the selector you pass to that, to the superclass. performSelector: still looks up the method in the current class's method list. Thus, you end up with the same subclass implementation.
The simplest way to do this may be to just write in your own call to objc_msgSendSuper():
// Top level (this struct isn't exposed in the runtime header for some reason)
struct objc_super
id __unsafe_unretained reciever;
Class __unsafe_unretained superklass;
// In the subclass's method
struct objc_super sup = {self, [self superclass]};
objc_msgSendSuper(&sup, _cmd, other, args, go, here);
This can cause problems in the general case, as Rob Napier has pointed out below. I suggested this based on the assumption that the method has no return value.
One way to go is to create a category of your class in a separate file with the method you are trying to expose
#interface MyClass (ProtectedMethods)
- (void)myMethod;
and on the .m
#implementation MyClass (ProtectedMethods)
- (void)myMethod {
Then, import this category from your .m files, and you're good to go. It's not the prettiest thing, but it'll do the trick

Swizzling a single instance, not a class

I have a category on NSObject which supposed to so some stuff. When I call it on an object, I would like to override its dealloc method to do some cleanups.
I wanted to do it using method swizzling, but could not figure out how. The only examples I've found are on how to replace the method implementation for the entire class (in my case, it would override dealloc for ALL NSObjects - which I don't want to).
I want to override the dealloc method of specific instances of NSObject.
#interface NSObject(MyCategory)
#implementation NSObject(MyCategory)
// do some cleanup here
[self dealloc]; // call actual dealloc method
IMP orig=[self methodForSelector:#selector(dealloc)];
IMP repl=[self methodForSelector:#selector(newDealloc)];
if (...) // 'test' might be called several times, this replacement should happen only on the first call
method_exchangeImplementations(..., ...);
You can't really do this since objects don't have their own method tables. Only classes have method tables and if you change those it will affect every object of that class. There is a straightforward way around this though: Changing the class of your object at runtime to a dynamically created subclass. This technique, also called isa-swizzling, is used by Apple to implement automatic KVO.
This is a powerful method and it has its uses. But for your case there is an easier method using associated objects. Basically you use objc_setAssociatedObject to associate another object to your first object which does the cleanup in its dealloc. You can find more details in this blog post on Cocoa is my Girlfriend.
Method selection is based on the class of an object instance, so method swizzling affects all instances of the same class - as you discovered.
But you can change the class of an instance, but you must be careful! Here is the outline, assume you have a class:
#instance MyPlainObject : NSObject
- (void) doSomething;
Now if for just some of the instances of MyPlainObject you'd like to alter the behaviour of doSomething you first define a subclass:
#instance MyFancyObject: MyPlainObject
- (void) doSomething;
Now you can clearly make instances of MyFancyObject, but what we need to do is take a pre-existing instance of MyPlainObject and make it into a MyFancyObject so we get the new behaviour. For that we can swizzle the class, add the following to MyFancyObject:
static Class myPlainObjectClass;
static Class myFancyObjectClass;
+ (void)initialize
myPlainObjectClass = objc_getClass("MyPlainObject");
myFancyObjectClass = objc_getClass("MyFancyObject");
+ (void)changeKind:(MyPlainObject *)control fancy:(BOOL)fancy
object_setClass(control, fancy ? myFancyObjectClass : myPlainObjectClass);
Now for any original instance of MyPlainClass you can switch to behave as a MyFancyClass, and vice-versa:
MyPlainClass *mpc = [MyPlainClass new];
// masquerade as MyFancyClass
[MyFancyClass changeKind:mpc fancy:YES]
... // mpc behaves as a MyFancyClass
// revert to true nature
[MyFancyClass changeKind:mpc: fancy:NO];
(Some) of the caveats:
You can only do this if the subclass overrides or adds methods, and adds static (class) variables.
You also need a sub-class for ever class you wish to change the behaviour of, you can't have a single class which can change the behaviour of many different classes.
I made a swizzling API that also features instance specific swizzling. I think this is exactly what you're looking for:
It works by creating a dynamic subclass for the specific instance that you're swizzling at runtime.

Difference between class methods and instance methods?

I always confusing to when i used of instance method and class method in programming. Please tell me difference between instance method and class methods and advantages of one another.
All the other answers seem to have been caught out by the incorrect tag that has now been fixed.
In Objective-C, an instance method is a method that is invoked when a message is sent to an instance of a class. So, for instance:
id foo = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[foo someMethod];
// ^^^^^^^^^^ This message invokes an instance method.
In Objective-C, classes are themselves objects and a class method is simply a method that is invoked when a message is sent to a class object. i.e.
[MyClass someMethod];
// ^^^^^^^^^^ This message invokes a class method.
Note that, in the above examples the selector is the same, but because in one case it is sent to an instance of MyClass and in the other case it is sent to MyClass, different methods are invoked. In the interface declaration, you might see:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
+(id) someMethod; // declaration of class method
-(id) someMethod; // declaration of instance method
and in the implementation
#implementation MyClass
+(id) someMethod
// Here self is the class object
-(id) someMethod
// here self is an instance of the class
Sorry, missed out the second part. There are no advantages or disadvantages as such. It would be like asking what is the difference between while and if and what are the advantages of one over the other. It's sort of meaningless because they are designed for different purposes.
The most common use of class methods is to obtain an instance when you need one. +alloc is a class method which gives you a new uninitialised instance. NSString has loads of class methods to give you new strings, e.g. +stringWithForma
Another common use is to obtain a singleton e.g.
+(MyClass*) myUniqueObject
static MyUniqueObject* theObject = nil;
if (theObject == nil)
theObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return theObject;
The above method would also work as an instance method, since theObject is static. However, the semantics are clearer if you make it a class method and you don't have to first create an instance.
If we don't want to create the object of class then we use the class method
if we want call the method through object of a class then we use the instance method
I don't know if we can talk of any advantage, this is rather a matter of what you are implementing.
Instance methods apply on instances of classes, so they need an object to be applied on and can access their caller's members:
Foo bar;
On the other hand class methods apply on the whole class, they don't rely on any object:
Static member functions are informally called class methods (incorrectly). In C++ there are no methods, there are member functions.
Read up on the static keyword, that pretty much covers it.
Google search:
Class methods are used with classes but instance methods are used with objects of that class i.e instance
//Class method example
className *objectName = [[className alloc]init];
[objectName methodName];
//Instance method example
[className methodName];
instance methods use an instance of a class, whereas a class method can be used with just the class name. + sign is used before the Class Method where as single desh (-) is used before the instance variable.
#interface MyClass : NSObject
+ (void)aClassMethod;
- (void)anInstanceMethod;
They could also be used like so,
[MyClass aClassMethod];
MyClass *object = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[object anInstanceMethod];
or another example is:
NSString string]; //class method
NSString *mystring = [NSString alloc]init];
[mystring changeText]; //instance Method
Like most of the other answers have said, instance methods use an instance of a class, whereas a class method can be used with just the class name. In Objective-C they are defined thusly:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
+ (void)aClassMethod;
- (void)anInstanceMethod;
They could then be used like so:
// class methods must be called on the class itself
[MyClass aClassMethod];
// instance method require an instance of the class
MyClass *object = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[object anInstanceMethod];
Some real world examples of class methods are the convenience methods on many Foundation classes like NSString's +stringWithFormat: or NSArray's +arrayWithArray:. An instance method would be NSArray's -count method.

Get class type in shared objective-c method?

In Objective-C there is the Alloc/Init metaphor. They've also added a shared convenience method called 'new' that internally just calls both in succession. And if I create a subclass of NSObject called FooClass, FooClass picks up those shared methods, including 'new'.
BUT... how the heck is that implemented??
It can't simply delegate to the base class because that would just instantiate an instance of NSObject, not your derived class FooClass, yet it still works! So how would someone write something similar?
In other words, the base class shouldn't be this...
+ (id) somethingLikeNew{
return [[NSObject alloc] init];
But rather this...
+ (id) somethingLikeNew{
return [[<SomethingThatMapsToFooClassType> alloc] init];
...where 'SomethingThatMapsToFooClassType' is the type of the derived class that inherits from NSObject and which needs to pick up the shared method 'somethingLikeNew'.
Basically I'm adding a category off of NSObject and I have shared methods that need to know the type, but the implementations are all generic, hence going in a category on NSObject and not all over the place in my class files (the same way you don't have 'new' all over the place. It's just there.)
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Within any Objective-C method, the self (implicit) parameter refers to the receiver. In the case of a class method, self is the Class object. So polymorphic class methods can be implemented like
+ (id)somethingLikeNew
return [[self alloc] init];
Ha! Found it myself two seconds after posting this! You can use 'self' in a shared method to represent the class type for the derived class, so the above would simply be...
+ (id) somethingLikeNew{
return [[self alloc] init];
Damn, that was easy! Hope this helps someone else!