i18next json dot in key or label - i18next

JSON: "SOME TEXT TO BE TRANSLATED.": "Een stukje tekst om te vertalen"
If I remove the "." (dot) from the label and the function t, than the text is translated.
How to solve this?

Documentation explains that dot is by default treated as a key separator. You can
replace dot with .
put dot outside translated string i18n.t("SOME TEXT TO BE TRANSLATED") + "."
change key separator
You can change namespace and/or key separator by setting options on init:
nsSeparator: ':::'
keySeparator: '::'

You can set "keySeparator" : false in your init option.

You could try using https://github.com/cheton/i18next-text. It allows you using i18next translation without having the key as strings, and you do not need to worry about i18n key naming. Furthermore, you can also register the i18n helper with Handlebars.
Following is a simple example:
var i18n = require('i18next');
// extends i18n object to provide a new _() method
i18n._ = require('i18next-text')._;
i18n._('Save your time and work more efficiently.');
Check out the demo on JSFiddle.


Prevent i18n from converting special characters to HTML

I want to translate a sentence with i18n within an express app using a google cloud function. Everything works despite that special characters are transformed into HTML special notation.
var STRING_TO_TRANSLATE = "{{name}} is here",
var translation = i18n.__(STRING_TO_TRANSLATE, {
name: "A & B"
This results in a translation "A & amp; B is here".
The expected result would be "A & B is here".
As I'm not using the translation in an HTML context, thus I need to get rid of the & amp. Any idea how to configure i18n to skip the HTML special character handling?

How to limit the textarea size

I need to limit the textarea to 4 characters...
my current javascript
name : "pin",
title : "PIN",
Can anyone tell me how can I do that please?
You can use following methods both on TextAreaItem and TextItem:
You can use TextAreaItem field of smartgwt to create multi-line text area.
To restrict the number of characters for this field, setLength can be used.
For example:
private TextAreaItem text = new TextAreaItem("pin", "PIN");

Sitecore MVC Custom Link

I am trying to create a custom link from sitecore into my view
#Html.Sitecore().Field("CTA display", Model.Item, new { text = "<span>" + + "</span>"})
I am not 100% sure what the correct way to do this is, but I want to wrap the text from the link into a for styling. I've tried to put the Model.Rendering.Item.Fields["CTA display"] into there with .Text and it doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.
First, I'd start by creating a SitecoreHelper extension method that allows you to modify the inner html of the element you're rendering:
public static HtmlString Field(this SitecoreHelper helper, string fieldName, Item item, object parameters, string innerHtml)
if (helper == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("helper");
if (innerHtml.IsNullOrEmpty())
return helper.Field(fieldName, item, parameters);
return new HtmlString(helper.BeginField(fieldName, item, parameters).ToString() + innerHtml + helper.EndField().ToString());
This will allow you to pass an optional innerHtml string that will be inserted between opening and closing tags of your element (in this case, an <a> tag).
From here, pass your html string containing your CTA label to the above method, or modify the method to output the field's Text value wrapped in a <span>.
I used the solution posted above by computerjules which worked a treat. You can then called the extended method like follows
#Html.Sitecore().Field("Link", Html.Sitecore().CurrentItem, new {Class = "some-class"}, "<span class='some-other-class'></span>")
and the span is rendered within the anchor tabs

how to hide dojo validation error tooltip?

I'm using dojo to validate input fields and if there is an error (for eg: required field) it appears in the dojo tooltip. But, I would like to show error in the custom div instead of tooltip.
So, I'm wondering if there is a way to hide/disable the validate error to appear in the tooltip? If so, I can capture the error message shown in the hidden tooltip and show the result in custom div, which will be consistent with error styling across the application.
Please advise. Thanks.
I would recommend to use the standard Dojo validation mechanism, contrary to what vivek_nk suggests. This mechanism works great in most cases, and covers most situations (required, regular expressions, numbers, dates etc.).
To solve your issue: you can overrule the "dispayMessage" function of a ValidationTextBox (for example).
displayMessage: function(/*String*/ message){
// summary:
// Overridable method to display validation errors/hints.
// By default uses a tooltip.
// tags:
// extension
if(message && this.focused){
Tooltip.show(message, this.domNode, this.tooltipPosition, !this.isLeftToRight());
Just create your own ValidationTextBox widget, extend dijit/form/ValidationTextBox, and implement your own "displayMessage" function.
Simple solution for this scenario is not to add the "required" condition at all to those fields. Instead add a separate event handler or function to check for this validation.
For eg: add a function for onBlur event. Check if the field is a mandatory. If so, show message in the custom div as expected.
<input data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox"
id="sampleText" type="text" mandatory="true" onBlur="checkMandatory(this)"/>
function checkMandatory(field) {
if(field.mandatory=='true' && field.value=="") {
alert('value required'); // replace this code with my showing msg in div
} else {
This above code snippet does not use Dojo for validation, rather manual. Dojo actually helps to ease this by just adding the attribute "required". If that is not required, then just ignore Dojos help for this case and go native.
So, for all fields, just add the attributes - "mandatory" & "onBlur", and add the above given function for onBlur action for all these fields.

Create new paragraph with Docx4j

I'm having problem creating a Paragraph with docx4j. Well, actually not the paragraph itself, but it's contents. I'm putting together a new document from paragraphs (actually "blocks" made of paragraphs) and everything is working fine. I'm appending them to a list, and when all needed paragraphs are there, I assemble the document. Now, between these blocks, I need new paragraphs, with custom text added. I'm using this function to create the paragraph:
private P createParagraph(String content) {
P result = factory.createP();
R run = factory.createR();
Text text = factory.createText();
System.out.println("HEADER : " + result.toString());
return result;
The print only prints "HEADER : ", the result.toString() is an empty string. Why is that?
BONUS question : I did not want to open a new thread for this. Is it possible, to add an id for a paragraph, which will appear in the generated html? (like p id="xyz" ...>
Thank you very much!
If you want to see the XML your P object will become, use:
XmlUtils.marshaltoString(result, true, true) );
org.docx4j.wml.P is a class generated by JAXB's xjc.
There are a couple of plugins listed at https://java.net/projects/jaxb2-commons/pages/Home which we could have used to generate a toString method, but we didn't.
If you want the text content of the paragraph, you can use TextUtils
