Reverting to original state GSAP - TweenlineMax - css-animations

I was looking through GSAP documentation and couldn't find a way to revert an animation to it's original state without going throught the whole reversed cycle. Basicly I want to Tween an element and after it ends I want it to jump back to it's original state without animation. Is there any good practice on how to do this?

Sure, there are tons of ways:; //jumps to the 0 position and then pauses
timeline.pause(0); //shortcut for the line above
(any single line above will do)
And "timeline" above is a reference to your TimelineMax instance. (you said "TweenlineMax" but I'm sure you meant TimelineMax).
Happy tweening!


Variable increasing by 3 instead of 1

In Scratch I have a variable that is supposed to change by one every time a broadcast is recieved, however in testing it changes by three per broadcast and I can't find why. The button used to send the broadcast has 3 clones of it but each have a different function and sending the broadcast depends on the "button selected" variable being set to "fight" so don't think that would effect the outcome.
I looked through all my code and it's not duplicated, theres nothing else changing the variable, and the broadcast is only being sent once at a time. It even works perfectly fine if I click the blocks to run them myself, but when it does it as the function in-game it changes it by three and I can't understand why.
The code for changing the variable is:
When I recieve "attack"
Change "attacktimes" by 1
The code for sending the broadcast is this:
When key "z" pressed
if "enemy turn" = "0"
if "button type" = "fight"
broadcast "fight"
Does anybody know a solution?
Also here is the shared project, it is incomplete though.
My project
Steps for recreating the bug are listed in the instructions
Broadcasts are a powerful mechanism, but they can be hard to control,
especially in a project that uses clones.
I looked through all my code and it's not duplicated
That's irrelevant. It's all in the name: broadcasts go everywhere.
What may seem like a single action when looking at the (static) code, may explode in all directions at runtime.
In general, be very careful when cloning a sprite that has a 'when I receive' message handler.
The message handler will be triggered for every clone, as well as the original sprite.
In your case, sprite 'Error404 Sans' has two clones. Together with the original sprite, that's a total of three objects.
When message 'Attack' comes in, the 'when I receive Attack' script will be executed for each of the three objects.
Since variable 'AttackTimes' is a global variable, it will be incremented three times.
So how to fix this? In this case, the easiest way is to move the whole 'when I receive Attack' script to the stage, to a dummy sprite or any other sprite that is not cloned.
It's cute to have a Sans sprite made up of three parts, giving him that 'breathing' look.
But that is already a big responsibility for a sprite; better implement the 'attacking' part elsewhere.
Otherwise, you'll find yourself being attacked independently by Sans's head, torso and legs.
A more clumsy solution would be use an 'if-then' block to ensure only one specific clone will proceed with the attack.
For the 'if' condition, you will need a 'for this sprite only' variable or anything else that is clone-specific (e.g. position, costume name).

GSAP after clear timeline reverse animation not working

I am facing an issue when I clear the timeline using timeline.clear() to move back all the elements to it's original position because of immediateRenderer = true, now issue I am facing is after clear timeline revert is not working.
Please suggest a proper solution that includes immediateRenderer to true with on complete of animation elements should reset to it's original position and revert should work after clear the timeline
I have also search into GSAP forum but not get any proper solution for this issue.
When you clear() a timeline, that literally deletes all of its child animations, so it'd make sense that if you try to revert by doing something like seek(0), it would have no effect (there are no child tweens to re-render at their staring values). It sounds like maybe you just shouldn't call clear() before reverting.
If your goal is to revert the changes that a tween or timeline made, you should be able to simply seek(0) to jump back to the starting time, and if you want to pause it there so that it doesn't continue playing just pause(0) like:
var tl = new TimelineLite();;
//then later...
Is that what you're looking for?
If not, it'd be super helpful if you could provide a reduced test case in codepen or jsfiddle so that we can see what's going on.
Also, were you saying that you posted in the GreenSock forums but you didn't receive an answer? We're usually very good about answering every question, typically in less than 24 hours. Let me know if there's something we missed.


I have made like an "Asteroid" copy, that works pretty well! I made it with different modules (enemies, controls and background). Now I have also made like a starting screen, where the player can choose to play the game, view highscores etc.
The problem is that I have no clue how to implement this into a storyboard.. I might have misunderstood the use of modules.
I am starting in a Scene1, which is the intro+buttons to start the game. Next, I want to move to scene2(when player presses start button), and that seems to be no problem, and scene 1 gets purged. But when I die, I want to move to scene1 again. Problem is that some listeners dont get removed, and the game crashes shortly after scene switch.
I guess the main problem is that in my scene2, I have put in require("background"), enemies and controls in my enterscene, which I dont know how to remove when it should be purged.
Ive entered all of the modules and put them in the same group that gets purged on exitscene, but not everything gets removed.
How do you think I would fix this the easiest way? I am very new to Corona and still in a early learning stage.
Display objects, like display.newImageRect()'s and display.newText() that are created in the createScene() function and added to the "group" display group will be automatically removed when the scene is purged.
Any timers, transitions, or audio.plays that have onComplete handlers, as well as network requests and any event handler that attaches to the Runtime must be removed by hand. If you're various object you are creating are doing any of these things, their remove functions should undo these actions so that removing them will clean them up.
I find it best if I'm adding runtime handlers, timers, etc. to do it in enterScene() and make sure I undo them in exitScene(). Then if its something that is done in createScene() it should be cleaned up in destoryScene().
modules are kind deprecated to start.
Second, putting stuff in other files and calling them with "require" is supposed to be used to call libraries, not code that will run. "require" is not a dofile, or a eval, it will run once, and only once (when the first "require" of the file is made).
If you still want to put things in other files, like loading your background, you need to do a "background.lua" file that has a "background.load()" function and a "background.unload()" function, and call them in appropriate places.

Sencha Touch 2 Memory Management Options

I'm looking into ways to save memory in Sencha Touch 2. I see two options, as I'll describe below.
I'd like to get advice on the difference of memory consumption between the two options, and to know if I'm missing anything.
Memory-saving options
Remove and Destroy
Remove unused components from their containers, and destory them. When they're needed again, re-create them.
this approach can be greatly assisted by container ref's 'autoCreate' option and by container config's 'autoDestroy' option.
to re-create the view as it was before destruction, you need to make sure every important piece of information you wish to recreate (e.g. scroll-location in list, map-center in map) is kept as state elsewhere.
Remove unused components from their containers WITHOUT destroying them. When they're needed again, re-attach them to their containers.
no need to keep GUI-related information somewhere as state.
the component could be updated even when not appearing in the DOM.
the component is cleared from the DOM, but the Sencha object is still kept in memory
you'd need to keep detached components somewhere, and make sure to check for - and attach - existing ones before creating new ones
I also posted this on the Sencha forums:
I got the following, rather general answer:
If you remove the component but do not destroy it, you minimize DOM size but of course you still have that component in device memory. The benefit is since DOM size is down, you have better performance and DOM size is going to have a larger impact than having some components in memory.

create a new object

I want to create a new object so as to instantiate and use it several times;
For example, if I want to create an object that has a label and a button inside, how do I? I created a new NSObject but inside it has nothing, then how do I make everything from scratch since there was a viewDidLoad for example (obviously, since it has a view)?
Your questions lead me to think that you're really just starting out. There's nothing wrong with that, but rather than trying to summarize several megabytes of documentation in a few paragraphs, I'm just going to point you to the iOS Starting Point. I think that you're just trying to create a container that can hold other UI components? If so, use a UIView for that. However, don't jump in and try to get something specific done without first reading through some of the Getting Started documents -- you'll just end up back here, and we'll just point you back to the docs. You might like the Your First iOS Application guide, as that lets you get your feet wet but explains things along the way.