How to sort the string 'MH/122020/[xx]x' in an Access query? - sql

I am trying to sort the numbers,
How can I sort these in an Access query?
I tried format(mid(first(P.PFAccNo),11),"0") but it didn't work.

You need to use expressions in your ORDER BY clause. For test data
-- -------------
1 MH/122020/101
2 MH/122020/2
3 MH/122020/145
4 MH/122020/12
5 MH/122021/1
the query
------------- --
MH/122020/2 2
MH/122020/12 4
MH/122020/101 1
MH/122020/145 3
MH/122021/1 5

you have to convert your substring beginning with pos 11 to a number, and the number can be sorted.

How about this ?

Given the following data in my test_table, column DATETIMESTAMP:
my Statement:
SELECT CInt(Mid(datetimestamp,4)) AS Ausdr1
FROM test_data
sorts my data. please hange 4 to 11 and it will work for you


Postgres Group by like fuzzy logic

I want to group by data present table. but the problem in all names is similar not the same.
id name subject_id
1 Ganeash 1
2 Ganesha P 2
3 Shree Ganesh Pai 1
4 Gaanesh shree G 1
5 Ramesh shri 2
In this data everywhere Ganesh is common so the output should contain.
name count
Ganesh 4
Ramesh 1
If I use soundex function.
postgres=# SELECT soundex('hello world!');
ERROR: function soundex(unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT soundex('hello world!');
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
You can also use CASE
select name,count(*) from (
select case when name like '%Ganesh%' THEN 'Ganesh'
when name like '%Ramesh%' THEN 'Ramesh' end as name
from test) a
group by name
Check Demo Here
It is pretty simple, you just need to split the text field into an array of words and then unnest the arrays into rows. Then you manipulate the rows using standard SQL (count(), GROUP BY, etc.):
SELECT count(*),
unnest(regexp_split_to_array(name, E'\\s+')) AS name2
FROM names
GROUP BY name2

How can i get incremental counter with sql?

Can you help me with sql query to get the desired result
Database used :- Redshift
requirement is
I have 3 columns as:- dish_id,cateogory_id,counter
So i want counter to increase +1 if the dish_id is repeated and if not it should remain 1
the query i need should be able to query the source table and get the results as
dish_id category_id counter
21 4 1
21 6 2
21 6 3
12 1 1
Unless I missunderstood your question, you can accomplish that using window functions:
SELECT *,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dish_id) FROM my_table;

SQL - Min difference between two integer fields

How I can get min difference between two integer fields(value_0 - value)?
value_0 >= value always
value_0 | value
15 | 10
12 | 10
15 | 11
11 | 11
Try this:
SELECT MIN(value_0-value) as MinDiff
FROM TableName
WHERE value_0>=value
With the sample data you have given,
Output is 0. (11-11)
See demo in SQL Fiddle.
Read more about MIN() here.
Here is one way:
select min(value_0 - value)
from table t;
This is pretty basic SQL. If you want to see other values on the same row as the minimum, use order by and choose one row:
select (value_0 - value)
from table t
order by (value_0 - value)
limit 1;
The limit 1 works in some databases for getting one row. Others use top 1 in the select clause. Or fetch first 1 rows only. Or even something else.

how to select one tuple in rows based on variable field value

I'm quite new into SQL and I'd like to make a SELECT statement to retrieve only the first row of a set base on a column value. I'll try to make it clearer with a table example.
Here is my table data :
chip_id | sample_id
1 | 45
1 | 55
1 | 5986
2 | 453
2 | 12
3 | 4567
3 | 9
I'd like to have a SELECT statement that fetch the first line with chip_id=1,2,3
Like this :
chip_id | sample_id
1 | 45 or 55 or whatever
2 | 12 or 453 ...
3 | 9 or ...
How can I do this?
i'd probably:
set a variable =0
order your table by chip_id
read the table in row by row
if table[row]>variable, store the table[row] in a result array,increment variable
loop till done
return your result array
though depending on your DB,query and versions you'll probably get unpredictable/unreliable returns.
You can get one value using row_number():
select chip_id, sample_id
from (select chip_id, sample_id,
row_number() over (partition by chip_id order by rand()) as seqnum
) t
where seqnum = 1
This returns a random value. In SQL, tables are inherently unordered, so there is no concept of "first". You need an auto incrementing id or creation date or some way of defining "first" to get the "first".
If you have such a column, then replace rand() with the column.
Provided I understood your output, if you are using PostGreSQL 9, you can use this:
SELECT chip_id ,
string_agg(sample_id, ' or ')
FROM your_table
GROUP BY chip_id
You need to group your data with a GROUP BY query.
When you group, generally you want the max, the min, or some other values to represent your group. You can do sums, count, all kind of group operations.
For your example, you don't seem to want a specific group operation, so the query could be as simple as this one :
SELECT chip_id, MAX(sample_id)
FROM table
GROUP BY chip_id
This way you are retrieving the maximum sample_id for each of the chip_id.

removing duplicates in ms access

please tell me how to write this query
i have an access table
i want a query that gives
number count
2 5
1 3
3 1
any help appreciated
something like...
SELECT number, count(number) AS count
FROM table
GROUP BY number
It's a bad idea to have a column named number since it is a reserved keyword.
You probably want something like
select number_, count(*) as count from ... group by number_