Server stopping on deploying my war - glassfish

I am new here.
I am using glassfish server 4.0.
When i am deploying my war,it says classversionexception and deployment fails.
How to fix this? any suggestions would be apprepriated.


Automated deployment using MSBuild to remote Windows Server

I am using Teamcity as my continuous integration server.
I have a Visual Studio project which needs to be deployed to IIS as a new application in default website in a remote Windows server.
How can I achieve this , either from command line or from any one of the Teamcity build runners.
I am new to this and have no idea of what to do. Please help me out.
JetBrains provides documentation for this scenario.
In a nutshell:
Configure web.config transforms to modify application settings based on your target environment (i.e. your test/prod DB connection strings)
Enable WebDeploy on the IIS server (for automated delivery of the site package to IIS)
Set up TeamCity build step to WebDeploy your project to IIS.

Worklight Server 6.2 Context not found

I am trying to install and configure Worklight application center on liberty profile.
I have installed the worklight 6.2 using the installation manager. Along the installation process i have installed the appcenter as well.
The installation was successful. But when i try to access the console it giving me "Context root not found".
Also I have checked the server.xml of the liberty server. It contains the appcenterconsole.war and the applicationcenter.war mapped.
Does anyone experience this problem as well?
This might be the same problem as mentioned here: Worklight Development Server does not start
Please make sure you use Oracle Java, not IBM Java!

Attach and Configure JACOCO agent on Weblogic Server

My Application is deployed on weblogic server. I want to attach jacoco agent to the weblogic server.
Is there any way to attach it in weblogic server using startWeblogic or setDomainEnv.
is there any other way to implement this?
I tested this with Weblogic 12.1.3 on Linux and it worked.
setenv JAVA_OPTIONS -javaagent:$JACOCO_HOME/lib/jacocoagent.jar\=includes\=ccdemo.\*,output\=tcpserver,address\=\*
There were no changes to or other files needed.

How to deploy the war in remote Weblogic server with eclipse.

I am using weblogic 9 and i tried connecting to a remote server.
But first of all it is asking for Weblogic Home. Since i am connecting to a remote system how can i did not had the weblogic home directory on my system.
Again just to test i also installed the Weblogic on my local system and tried accessing the remote server.
I provided all the necessary values. It detected the running server.
But when i tried deploying a JSF web app it gave an error.
It is as follows:-
Module named 'HelloWorldJSF' failed to deploy. See Error Log view for more detail.
weblogic.deploy.api.spi.exceptions.ServerConnectionException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260041]Unable to upload 'E:\eclipseWorkspace.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources.projects\HelloWorldJSF\beadep\remote_weblogic\HelloWorldJSF.war' to 't3://'
Exception received from deployment driver. See Error Log view for more detail.
If i try to run the same JSF web app in my local server it is working fine.
can you please let me know how to configure the remote server connection in eclipse without having the Weblogic Home successfully.
Thanks a lot indeed!

Downloading application from weblogic server

I have requirement for testing a j2ee application which is deployed in a weblogic server.
I have to get the ear add my testclasses into that and depoly it back.
Since weblogic server takes so much memory , I want to run my testcases to run in another box , connect to the weblogic server and download the ear from there and modify and deploy it back.
I know that it is possible to remotely deploy application in weblogic.
But is it possible to download the application from weblogic ? using JMX ?
Thanks in advance.
JMX is for the runtime configuration and management (Java Management Extensions). What you're looking for is much simpler - On the WebLogic console, go to the deployments and click on the application of interest.
Next, figure out what the path of the deployed application is and then manually copy (scp if you're in UNIX) the ear file over to your local directory.
If you don't have access to the hosting server then it's not possible to download the app.