String concatenation in stringtemplate - stringtemplate

I'm trying to make a lookup to a hash table m.notes using concatenated value of position.qid and literal ".qid" like this:
$tag(name="itemId", content=m.notes.(position.qid".qid").itemId)$
I tried different options, but I get runtime error. Can someone correct my syntax?

Put the 2 items in an array. StringTemplate concatenates all items in an array (or as they call it, a multi-valued-attribute) when it executes a ToString() on it.
[position.qid, ".qid"]
So, if position.qid evaluates to "hello", this expression would become

Not sure whether such concatenation is possible in string template. Why don't you use a different method that could do the concatenation and return the value.
position.fullQid instead of position.qid
public String getFullQid(){
return getQid() + ".qid";

in template group, I can do like this, first, define a concantenate template:
then use as following


VB.NET + LINQ: Save in a single class attribute the result of querying two columns from different tables

I have two tables: Estructura (with two fields I want: descripcion_morologica and interpretacion) and estrato (with two fields I want: descripcion_larga and interpretacion_explic). On the other side I hace a class in VS with the attributes descripcion and interpretacion. Both tables have a common field called id_excavacion, which I pass to the method as a parameter.
What I'm trying to achieve is to make a query which saves in the "descripcion" attribute the results of t1.descripcion_morfologica and t2.descripcion_larga and also saves in "interpretacion" the results of t1.interpretacion and t2.interpretacion_explic.
So far, I've tried like this:
'GET: api/Excavacions/ListadoUE/5
Function GetListadoUEs(ByVal idExcavacion As Integer) As IQueryable(Of ListadoUEDto)
Dim listado =
From estru In db.Estructura
Join estra In db.Estrato On estra.id_excavacion Equals estru.id_excavacion
Where estru.id_excavacion = idExcavacion
Select New ListadoUEDto With {
.Descripcion = estru.descripcion_morfologica And estra.descripcion_larga,
.Interpretacion = estru.interpretacion And estra.interpretacion_explic
End Function
But I only get null, despite the id I pass actually exists.
Thanks a lot in advance!!
You should almost certainly not be using And there. That is a Boolean operator, for combining True and False values. As is always the case, if you want to concatenate Strings then you use &, which is the string concatenation operator.
You should have Option Strict On and then the compiler would have warned you that you were doing something that doesn't make sense. You should turn it On in the project properties and also in the VS options, so it is On by default for future projects. That will force you to put more thought into what data types you use and, therefore, make you write better code.

Can you build an expression inside of a custom code function in Report Builder?

I need to provide my RDL files to teammates so that they can make minor customizations for each client. One of the ways I thought I might improve the efficiency is if I could build more complex expressions inside of custom code functions so that they can input some simple arguments and have the function handle the "heavy lifting" of adjusting the expression accordingly.
This is a very simple example, and not one I would take this step for, but I thought it the easiest place to start figuring out if I can make this work. For instance, in a tablix we want a count returned based on a value where the value is customized per client (and isn't a parameter).
Is there a way I could build a function so that my teammates would just need to enter the following?
My understanding is that the custom code in Report Builder can't query datasets, or at least not in the way that an expression within a tablix would be able to. I've built custom functions that work with the results of an expression added as the argument, but I can't seem to wrap my head around if there's a way to construct an expression within a custom function and pass it back to the expression.
For instance:
Public Function CustomFunction(field As String) As String
Dim customExpression As String = "Count(iif(trim(Fields!Category.Value)=" & field & ",1,nothing))"
Return customExpression
End Function
As expected, this just returns a string with the text of the expression, but not an executed expression. Is what I'm trying to achieve possible with Report Builder?
Or, as an alternative approach, can I somehow place variables at the beginning of an expression that are used later so that anyone else working on the expression just needs to worry about the beginning? Essentially create multiple custom functions and call them later on?
Honestly not sure how I would go about building the functions themselves from here.
You can use a function instead of the related field. The function takes the field string as an argument and the filter string for which will increase the counter. Finally it returns the original field value
Private Dim Counter As Integer
Public Function SetCounter( Expr As String, Filter As String) As String
If Expr = Filter Then Counter = Counter + 1
Return Expr
End Function
Public Function GetCounter( ) As Integer
Return Counter
End Function
For the field value you can use the following expression (yellow color)
=Code.SetCounter( Fields!MyString.Value,"OPTION A")
To get the counter value you can either use the following expression calling a function (orange color)
= Code.GetCounter()
Or make the variable public and use Code.Counter as the expression

String template to set the default value of PARAMETER

Is it possible, in ABAP, to evaluate string templates dynamically?
Normally, you will have some string template in code that will be checked by the compiler. (The variables in the curly brackets are checked by the compiler at compile time).
However, is it possible to have a string evaluated at runtime?
So, instead of:
data(val) = |System ID: { sy-sysid }|.
I would like the string to be interpolated to come from elsewhere, for example:
parameter: p_file type string lower case default '/mnt/{ sy-sysid }/file.txt'.
In this case, I would like to have the value of p_file to be evaluated at runtime to substitute the variable (sy-sysid) with the runtime value.
You could, of course, program your own substitution by finding all occurrences of variables with curly brackets with a regex expression, then evaluate the variable values with ASSIGN and substitute them back into the string, but I am looking for a built-in way to do this.
Sorry, this is maybe a stupid example, but hopefully you understand what I mean. (If not, please let me know in the comments and I will try and clarify).
The problem in your snippet is not with string template but with PARAMETER behavior. It does not allow dynamics in DEFAULT clause.
To achieve what you want you should use INITIALIZATION and set path value in runtime:
parameter: p_file type string lower case.
p_file = | /mnt/{ sy-sysid }/file.txt |.
Unfortunately, the example you gave, does not make any sense to me. ABAP String templates are evaluated at run-time and type-checked at compile-time.
In your example, it is always the run-time value of SY-SYSID that will be written to the variable.
I guess what you want to do is circumvent compile-time checks for expressions inside a string template.
Please try to give us your actual use case, so maybe we find an even better solution to your problem.
However, here is what I think could help you:
Personally, I do not recommend to write code like the one below, because it is extremely error-prone likely to mislead other programmers and because there is very likely a better solution.
Given that you know the name of a variable at run-time, try this:
".. say LV_VARNAME is a charlike variable that contains a
" variable name at runtime.
"NOTE that the variable LV_VARNAME must be visible in the scope of the
"following code.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <my_var> TYPE any.
ASSIGN (lv_varname) TO <my_var>.
DATA(lv_str) = |The value is { <my_var> }|.

Difference between replaceCharacterInRange and stringByReplacingOccurrenceOfString

I m very confused with the string replacing methods of objective c.
Please tell where to use ReplaceCharacterInRange method and Where to use
stringByReplacingOccurrenceOfString Method.
These two methods differ a lot.
replaceStringWithCharactersInRange: withString:replaces all characters in the given range with the new string. It works on a NSMutableString and changes the string object you call it on.
In contrast stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString: replaces all occurrences of a given string, but returns a new string object. So it does work with immutable string as well.
So you use the first method if you want to keep your string but change parts of it while you use the second when you want to replace certain substrings within the string without changing the original string.

Pass Java List to SQL query Grails

i have a populated list:
def someList=... (string values)
and I want to pass this into a SQL statement to restrict which columns the query selects.
db.rows("select ${someList} from arch_application")
However, I get this error when I try to do so:
There is a ? parameter in the select list. This is not allowed.
Anyone have an ideas? Thanks!
When you pass a GString to Sql.rows, it gets parsed differently than normal in groovy. In particular, it creates a PreparedStatement with replaceable parameters for ${} substitutions. In your case this is probably not what you want. Try forcing the GString to a Java string:
db.rows("select ${someList.join(',')} from arch_application" as String)