SQL query using CONTAINS doesn't work on specify keyword - sql

I am writing a simple query in SQL Server:
FROM Table1
but it doesn't return any results. While using like it returns results.
Is there any specific reason why the keyword 'MY' doesn't work?
If I use other keywords, it works, only the specific 'MY' seems to be that I cannot used. My column is already set into fulltext index. Also for performance purposes I prefer to use CONTAINS.

you could do something like
select * from Table1 where Column1 like '%MY%'

When you use linq you can use the statements like you use in C#. It will be translated to SQL, a language which database can execute. So, try something like this:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 like #Column1";
And in your command, try to add parameters to replace the #Column1
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Column1", "%MY%");
The % char, represents anything. So, if you want to do a command like StartWith like we do from string, just use MY%.


Case insensitive LIKE clause in Pervasive SQL

I'm attempting to write a query in Pervasive SQL which matches on a "LIKE" clause, but without case sensitivity.
As an example, I want the following query to match both "john", "John", and "JOHN". Currently, this is case sensitive.
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE ?
In T-SQL, I would just wrap UPPER around both parts of the WHERE clause, like this:
However, placing any functions to the right of the WHERE clause fails with a syntax error.
How can I achieve a case-insensitive search?
The only way I can think of is to change the case of the value that's coming in before you create the SQL Statement. Something like this C#ish code:
string value = "world";
sql = "SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE = '" + value.ToUpper();
Or, even better use Parameters and set your value before you set the parameter.
You're right, having a function on the right side the LIKE will cause a Syntax Error. You might want to report it as a bug to Actian.

Spring NamedParameterJdbcTemplate: get the resulting SQL query with parameters substituted

I need to get the final SQL query that is sent to the database from NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.
For example:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name = :name;
I need something like this:
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name ='mark';
Thanks a lot.
A quick look at the source code of the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate will show that all the queries get through getParsedSql() method and the NamedParameterUtils for parsing.
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name = :name;
Will probably get translated to something like
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name = ?;
And the parameter will be provided as a separate object, because that's how JDBC works.
If you just want to inspect the statements you can add some breakpoints and take a look. If you want to actually obtain the values you can change the code, to make it accessible, either by reflection or by actually using your own version of NamedparameterJdbcTemplate.
Note that you won't probably see what you expect.

How does phpmyadmin implement "search" feature?

In phpMyAdmin, there is a search in database feature by which I can input a word and find it in any table(s).
How to implement it by SQL statement? I know the LIKE operation, but it's syntax is:
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern
How to search in all columns? Any how to specify it's a exact keyword or regular express?
SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE your_column_name LIKE 'search_box_text';
Where search_box_text is what you enter in the search. It will also say in the result page what kind of query it made. The same query with regular expressions is:
SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE your_column_name REGEXP 'search_box_text';
Remember that the wildcard in mysql is %. Eg. "LIKE '%partial_search_text%'
If you want to search in multiple columns, you can check which columns are in table with:
DESCRIBE TABLE your_table_name;
Or if you already know your columns:
SELECT * FROM your_table_name
WHERE your_column_1 LIKE '%search%'
AND your_column_2 LIKE '%search%'
AND your_column_3 LIKE '%search%';

Make an SQL request more efficient and tidy?

I have the following SQL query:
SELECT Phrases.*
FROM Phrases
WHERE (((Phrases.phrase) Like "*ing aids*")
AND ((Phrases.phrase) Not Like "*getting*")
AND ((Phrases.phrase) Not Like "*contracting*"))
AND ((Phrases.phrase) Not Like "*preventing*"); //(etc.)
Now, if I were using RegEx, I might bunch all the Nots into one big (getting|contracting|preventing), but I'm not sure how to do this in SQL.
Is there a way to render this query more legibly/elegantly?
Just by removing redundant stuff and using a consistent naming convention your SQL looks way cooler:
FROM phrases
WHERE phrase LIKE '%ing aids%'
AND phrase NOT LIKE '%getting%'
AND phrase NOT LIKE '%contracting%'
AND phrase NOT LIKE '%preventing%'
You talk about regular expressions. Some DBMS do have it: MySQL, Oracle... However, the choice of either syntax should take into account the execution plan of the query: "how quick it is" rather than "how nice it looks".
With MySQL, you're able to use regular expression where-clause parameters:
SELECT something FROM table WHERE column REGEXP 'regexp'
So if that's what you're using, you could write a regular expression string that is possibly a bit more compact that your 4 like criteria. It may not be as easy to see what the query is doing for other people, however.
It looks like SQL Server offers a similar feature.
Sinec it sounds like you're building this as you go to mine your data, here's something that you could consider:
INSERT INTO Includes VALUES ('%ing aids%')
INSERT INTO Excludes VALUES ('%getting%')
INSERT INTO Excludes VALUES ('%contracting%')
INSERT INTO Excludes VALUES ('%preventing%')
Phrases P
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Includes I WHERE P.phrase LIKE I.phrase) AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Excludes E WHERE P.phrase LIKE E.phrase)
You are then always just running the same query and you can simply change what's in the Includes and Excludes tables to refine your searches.
Depending on what SQL server you are using, it may support REGEX itself. For example, google searches show that SQL Server, Oracle, and mysql all support regex.
You could push all your negative criteria into a short circuiting CASE expression (works Sql Server, not sure about MSAccess).
FROM phrases
WHERE phrase LIKE '%ing aids%'
WHEN phrase LIKE '%getting%' THEN 2
WHEN phrase LIKE '%contracting%' THEN 2
WHEN phrase LIKE '%preventing%' THEN 2
END = 1
On the "more efficient" side, you need to find some criteria that allows you to avoid reading the entire Phrases column. Double sided wildcard criteria is bad. Right sided wildcard criteria is good.

MySQL question about "reverse LIKEs"

Well given I have a value I want to check for potential matches in a database (in one varchar field) so I write something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE "%value%"
Which will work if the value is something like "test" and the column has a value of "this is a test" however if it is reversed then I will not get a match I have tried things along the lines of:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE CONCAT("%",column,"%") LIKE "value"
but don't know exactly how to phrase this to Google to get a response I need, please help!
You can reverse a like statement. Just using the same syntax as a regular like query:
'value' like concat('%', column, '%')
Of course, if you felt wild and crazy, you could also use instr:
select * from table where instr('value', column) > 0
I don't know which one is faster, since I don't have a MySQL instance to test against, but it's worth trying both to see which wins.
FROM table
WHERE 'value' LIKE CONCAT('%', column, '%')