I'm trying to save the outputs of a model (written in fortran 77) in netCDF4 format. I'm using gfortran. Since I'm a fresher in fortran, I wrote a simple code in which I create dummy variables and add it to my test netcdf file emulating dimensions,variables and attributes of the model. It works perfectly.
I proceeded to the next step knowing that my code works. Well, the thing is that the very same code does not work and I cannot find out why. The model code is old and "organized" in one single .for file. Interestingly enough, the main code was written as a subroutine. The basic structure of the program is:
implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
character dummy*80
call main(delt,npl)
subroutine main(delt, npl)
*variable declarations*
My approach was to create the netcdf file outside the "main" subroutine. It works and the netcdf file was created. Inside "main" I define dimensions and variable (since they're based on the data generated inside the subroutine). The code works like a charm when I add only the dimensions:
Setting dimensions
nc_status = nf_def_dim(ncid,'parcel_id', ntot, prcl_dimid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
nc_status = nf_def_dim(ncid, 'time', icomp, time_dimid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
End define mode.
nc_status = nf_enddef(ncid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
Close the file
nc_status = nf_close(ncid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
The nc file generated has the right dimensions with the right size. The problem comes when I try to add the variables:
nc_status = nf_def_dim(ncid,'parcel_id', ntot, prcl_dimid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
nc_status = nf_def_dim(ncid, 'time', icomp, time_dimid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
dimids(1) = prcl_dimid
dimids(2) = time_dimid
**nc_status = nf_def_var(ncid, 'latitude', NF_FLOAT, 2, dimids,
+ lat_varid)**
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
End define mode.
nc_status = nf_enddef(ncid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
Close the file
nc_status = nf_close(ncid)
if (nc_status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(nc_status)
I get the following error from the bold-font part of the code.
Error: NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch
First, this code (exactly like that) works when I create my simple fortran file with dummy values. Second, no fillvalue was defined by me. And third, NF_FLOAT is a valid data type according to UNIDATA website.
I've also tried to create the whole netcdf4 inside the "main" subroutine but I get the same error. I've used all my imagination trying to figure out what is happening and, apparently, no one else had the same problem (or at least did not mention it online...). But I'm a beginner in fortran and everything is possible.
All the best and sorry if it is a stupid question for you. It hasnt been stupid for me at all!
I have a class which has BaseScheduler as an attribute, nothing fancy, no frameworks etc.
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, ...):
self.Scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
Later on I define methods that a) schedule jobs based on a schedule definition passed as kwargs, and b) handle the jobs when they are triggered:
def _schedule_Events(self, *args, **kwargs):
Schedule_Def = kwargs.copy()
Schedule_Def['func'] = self._handle_scheduled_Event
job = self.Scheduler.add_job(**Schedule_Def)
except Exception as e:
self.Logger.exception('%s: exception in schedule_Events, details: %s' %(self.Name, e))
def _handle_scheduled_Event(self, Event_Action):
""" Callback function for scheduled jobs """
.... do stuff ....
However, adding jobs with _schedule_Events fails with:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/apscheduler/util.py", line 381, in check_callable_args
', '.join(unsatisfied_args))
ValueError: The following arguments have not been supplied: Event_Action
The reason is apparently that the 'func' argument must be globally callable, ie. not within a class instance scope. I also don't see how using a 'textual reference' as described in the documentation will help.
If I replace the 'func' callable with a function defined at the module level then it works, but I need to make it call a method within my instance object. Any ideas how to make this work ? Custom trigger ? Wrapping APS Scheduler inside another class and pass the callback ? Other ideas ?
Many thanks in advance.
I'm trying to do something like this
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
print $line_number_when_alarm_went_off;
alarm 10;
# rest of the script
I'm using ALRM as an example, I will end up using a different signal to kill from the outside to trigger it. Is there a neat way of doing this sort of operation?
I have some slow scripts and sometimes I would like to send them a signal to know where the code is at that moment.
I want to make this as unobtrusive as possible so I could package it and add it to legacy code.
You can use caller in list context to get the package, file and line number of the place that the current sub got called from.
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
CORE::say $line;
alarm 2;
while (1) {
This will output 11 (if I counted correctly, in my file it's 1740, and the $SIG line is 1730.
It also works with other signal handlers, like warn.
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
CORE::say $line;
warn 'foo';
This will output 7
Note that your code has a syntax error. You are assigning a hash reference as a signal handler, not a sub reference!
A plugin defines a function named HLMarks():
hi Marks term=reverse ctermfg=0 ctermbg=40 guibg=Grey40
function! HLMarks(group)
call clearmatches()
let index = char2nr('a')
while index < char2nr('z')
call matchadd( a:group, '\%'.line( "'".nr2char(index)).'l')
let index = index + 1
I want the HLMarks() function to run automatically every time vim opens a file.
It works when I call the function manually:
:call HLMarks("Marks")
Adding this line to the end of the plugin didn't do anything:
call HLMarks("Marks")
Calling the function from vimrc got this error:
E117: Unknown function: HLMarks
How to automatically call the HLMarks("Marks") function when a file is opened?
The plugin is described on http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3394
and down loaded from http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=21611
The plugin's markHL.vim file is in my ~/.vim/plugin/ directory.
The ":function" command lists:
function HLMarks(group)
The solution is to add this line to vimrc:
autocmd BufReadPost * call HLMarks("Marks")
Details are at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vim_use/i2HWD_9V-28
If you define the function in .vimrc then:
function! yourFunc()
" ...
call yourFunc()
simply adding the call yourFunc() after the definition will work.
I have a class file myClass.m in a package folder +myPack that's on the path. A simple example of the class file is:
classdef myClass
function obj = myClass(x)
obj.prop = x;
Now if I directly call the method and access the property using the full package name, i.e.:
x = myPack.myClass(2).prop;
returns x = 2 correctly. Now, if I try the same by importing this class (and not use the package name):
import myPack.myClass
y = myClass(2).prop
it gives me the following error:
Static method or constructor invocations cannot be indexed.
Do not follow the call to the static method or constructor with
any additional indexing or dot references.
Why does this work in the first case and not the second? As far as I understood, importing a class mainly allowed one to use the class name without the long package name (among other considerations). What is the difference in these two that causes this error and how can I work around it?
Here is some more weird for you: the behavior is different if you are running in the command window, from a script, or from a function!
1) command prompt (1st: ok, 2nd: error)
This is what you've already shown
>> x = myPack.myClass(2).prop
x =
>> import myPack.myClass; y = myClass(2).prop
Static method or constructor invocations cannot be indexed.
Do not follow the call to the static method or constructor with
any additional indexing or dot references.
2) Script (1st: error, 2nd: error)
x = myPack.myClass(2).prop
import myPack.myClass; y = myClass(2).prop
>> testMyClassScript
Static method or constructor invocations cannot be indexed.
Do not follow the call to the static method or constructor with
any additional indexing or dot references.
Error in testMyClassScript (line 1)
x = myPack.myClass(2).prop
(the second line would also throw the same error)
3) Function (1st: ok, 2nd: ok)
function testMyClassFunction()
x = myPack.myClass(2).prop
import myPack.myClass; y = myClass(2).prop
>> testMyClassFunction
x =
y =
I would definitely call that a bug :) The expected behavior is to give an error in all cases.
I'm trying fileinput to read some compressed files, and I tried the following three methods, however, none of them really works.
for i,line in enumerate(fileinput([file], openhook=gzip.open)):
for i,line in enumerate(fileinput.input(openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed(file1,'r'))):
for i,line in enumerate(fileinput.FileInput(openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed(file1,'r'))):
For the first command, errors are like:
'module' object is not callable
For the third command, errors like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "read_file.py", line 15, in <module>
for i,line in enumerate(fileinput.input(openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed(file1,'r'))):
File "/share/lib/python2.6/fileinput.py", line 103, in input
_state = FileInput(files, inplace, backup, bufsize, mode, openhook)
File "/share/lib/python2.6/fileinput.py", line 230, in __init__
raise ValueError("FileInput openhook must be callable")
ValueError: FileInput openhook must be callable
I don't understand why openhook cannot be callable here?
Can anyone help me with this?
You should pass in the function object as the hook parameter, not call the function.
for i, line in enumerate(fileinput.input(openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed)):
sys.stdout.write("%-6i %s" % (i, line))
In more detail, if function is a function object (something somebody declared with def or lambda), then
variable = function()
calls the function, and stores the result in variable. When instead you say
variable = function
you assign (a reference to) the function object to variable, so that you now can use
as effectively a synonym for
This usage is relatively rare otherwise, but definitely the norm for hook variables (and indeed, the whole point of hook variables - they offer a "hook" where you can place your own function inside the flow of another class or function. They are alse known as callbacks, if this term should be more familiar).