Freebase MQLWrite Login Fail 401 Gone - authentication

I am trying to write to freebase. I read this documentation:
and tried login to both
but am getting (410) Gone error.
can someone help me please?

That API endpoint was retired some time ago. Check the current documentation for the new endpoints.


Google OAuth2 Demo fails with 403 ["message": "Cannot determine user location for geographically restricted operation."]

While I was checking out some of the Google public APIs for OAuth2, encountered above error message.
I basically didn't change a lot, tried not to add anything invalid as well
but when it goes to Step 3. Configure request to API; it's failing.
When I clicked on the link from the first screenshot, it takes me to the website where I get the second screenshot.
Has anyone worked on this resolved, or anyone who's knowledgeable in this area can help with this?
Thank you in advance!!

How to get API endpoint info on an index page

i was using something that displays all the API endpoints in an index page. it showed me all the endpoints and what they accept and allowed me to try the API out.
I cant for the life of me remember what it was.
Can anyone help please
if someone says what it is i will defo remember if it that i was using and cant find it on google
Thanks in advance

Which API should I use to get Github feed?

I'm currently working on Github API. I'd like to get news feed like we can see at . I'd like to get information same as the authenticated user can see on the top page of I'm browsing Github's api documentation here: . But I can't tell which is the right for my purpose. Anyone give a help to detect which is the best API for me?
I finally found which API is right for me by checking response from each API.
GET /users/:username/received_events is the one that I was looking for.

Flattr API v2 Get Subscriptions

I have some problems to read the users subscriptions.
As I can read in the api documentation, I have to send the following request:
After that, I receive a response, but with weired content:
I have one active subscription to gramocast.
Is this a bug in the flattr api or am I doin' something wrong?
Thanks for your help.
That weird response was the result of a bug in the Flattr API.
I deployed a patch yesterday so it should work as intended now.
I'm sorry it took so long to fix it. :(
// Leif

Instagram Api comment post

I am building an instagram application. However, when I try to post comment I get this Error message
This client ID is not permitted to POST comments
I am able to like and unlike though
Has anyone experience this?
Thank you!
It's a restricted endpoint. You have apply and be approved (whitelisted) by Instagram.