Table Join issue - sql

Right now I've got a Main table in which I am uploading data. Because the Main table has many different duplicates, I Append various data out of the Main table into other tables such as, username, phone number, and locations in order to keep things optimized. Once I have everything stripped down from the Main table, I then append what's left into a final optimized Main table. Before this happens though, I run a select query joining all the stripped tables with the original Main table in order to connect the IDs from each table, with the correct data. For example:
Original Main Table
--Name---------Number------Due Date-------Location-------Charges Monthly-----Charges Total--
John Smith 111-1111 4/3 Chicago 234.56 500.23
Todd Jones 222-2222 4/3 New York 174.34 323.56
John Smith 111-1111 4/3 Chicago 274.56 670.23
Bill James 333-3333 4/3 Orlando 100.00 100.00
This gets split into 3 tables (name, number, location) and then there is a date table with all the dates for the year:
Name Table Number Table Location Table Due Date Table
--ID---Name------ -ID--Number--------- ---ID---Location---- --Date---
1 John Smith 1 111-1111 1 Chicago 4/1
2 Todd Jones 2 222-2222 2 New York 4/2
3 Bill James 3 333-3333 3 Orlando 4/3
Before The Original table gets stripped, I run a select query that grabs the ID from the 3 new tables, and joins them based on the connection they have with the original Main table.
Select Output
--Name ID----Number ID---Location ID---Due Date--
1 1 1 4/3
2 2 2 4/3
1 1 1 4/3
3 3 3 4/3
My issue comes when I need to introduce a new table that isn't able to be tied into the Original Main Table. I have an inventory table that, much like the original Main table, has duplicates and needs to be optimized. I do this by creating a secondary table that takes all the duplicated devices out and put them in their own table, and then strips the username and number out and puts them into their tables. I would like to add the IDs from this new device table into the select output that I have above. Resulting in:
Select Output
--Name ID----Number ID---Location ID---Due Date--Device ID---
1 1 1 4/3 1
2 2 2 4/3 1
1 1 1 4/3 2
3 3 3 4/3 1
Unlike the previous tables, the device table has no relationship to the originalMain Table, which is what is causing me so much headache. I can't seem to find a way to make this there anyway to accomplish this?

Any two tables can be joined. A table represents an application relationship. In some versions (not the original) of Entity-Relationship Modelling (notice that the "R" in E-R stands for "(application) relationship"!) a foreign key is sometimes called a "relationship". You do not need other tables or FKs to join any two tables.
Explain, in terms of its column names and the values for those names, exactly when a row should turn up in the result. Maybe you want:
FROM the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Original AS o
JOIN the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Device AS d
USING NameID, NumberID, LocationID and DueDate
FROM the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Original AS o
JOIN the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Device AS d
ON o.NameID=d.NameId AND o.NumberID=d.NumberID
AND o.LocationID=d.LocationID AND o.DueDateID=d.DueDate.
Suppose p(a,...) is some statement parameterized by a,... .
If o holds the rows where o(NameID,NumberID,LocationID,DueDate) and d holds the rows where d(NameID,NumberID,LocationID,DueDate,DeviceID) then the above holds the rows where o(NameID, NumberID, LocationID, DueDate) AND d(NameID,NumberID,LocationID,DueDate,DeviceID). But you really have not explained what rows you want.

The only way to "join" tables that have no relation is by unioning them together:
select attribute1, attribute2, ... , attributeN
from table1
where <predicate>
union // or union all
select attribute1, attribute2, ... , attributeN
from table2
where <predicate>
the where clauses are obviously optional
optionally you could join the tables together by stating ON true which will act like a cross product


Strict Match Many to One on Lookup Table

This has been driving me and my team up the wall. I cannot compose a query that will strict match a single record that has a specific permutation of look ups.
We have a single lookup table
room | member
A | Michael
A | Josh
A | Kyle
B | Kyle
B | Monica
C | Michael
I need to match a room with an exact list of members but everything else I've tried on stack overflow will still match room A even if I ask for a room with ONLY Josh and Kyle
I've tried queries like
SELECT room FROM room_member_lookup
WHERE member IN (Josh, Michael)
However this will still return room A even though that has 3 members I need a exact member permutation and that matches the room even not partials.
FROM room_member_lookup a
WHERE member IN ('Monica', 'Kyle')
-- Make sure that the room 'a' has exactly two members
and (select count(*)
from room_member_lookup b
-- and both members are in that room
Depending on the SQL dialect, one can build a dynamic table (CTE or select .. union all) to hold the member set (Monica and Kyle, for example), and then look for set equivalence using MINUS/EXCEPT sql operators.

relational link within one table

I have Table User, which consists of two columns - id_user and name_user?
I need to make relation between two users. If I understood correctly I should make Table relation_ids:
Tell me please do I need to double relationships between two users (for example 1-2 and 2-1)? Is there another ways to make relation within one table?

Updating a table in oracle with data from another table that has duplicates

I have two Oracle tables, table car and table automobile.I am updating Car to add two fields that exist in Automobile make and model. Both tables have 3 foriegn keys, Code1, Code 2 and Code 3 that link them where I need at least 1 of the keys to match to update the table and the columns can be blank so we would have to be careful there. The codes are unique to each record except in the case of duplicates which I mention below. To visualize let me make the tables here:
Table Car
ID | Code1 | Code2| Code3| Color | Salesman
1 1A2B3C 555HGG H1H1H1 Red John
2 2H4H6H 777JHH J1J1J1 Blue Steve
3 3J7K4A 222QYY I1I1I1 Yellow Maria
4 K2K2K2 Pink Clara
5 999YII Red Tim
Table Automobile
Code1| Code2| Code3 | Make | Model | ID
1A2B3C 555HGG H1H1H1 Nissan Sentra 234
2H4H6H J1J1J1 Chevy Malibu 235
K2K2K2 Nissan Maxima 236
K2K2K2 Nissan Maxima 237
999YII Ford Focus 238
Updated Table Car:
ID | Code1 | Code2| Code3| Color | Salesman | Make | Model
1 1A2B3C 555HGG H1H1H1 Red John Nissan Sentra
2 2H4H6H 777JHH J1J1J1 Blue Steve Chevy Malibu
3 3J7K4A 222QYY I1I1I1 Yellow Maria
4 K2K2K2 Pink Clara Nissan Maxima
5 999YII Red Tim Ford Focus
So Table Car initially does not have the Make and Model fields but we need to take that from table Automobile. Assume the fields exist in the table now and just need to be populated. Also Duplicate records with unique IDs are possible as you see in the Nissan Maxima example in table automobile. In that case I would just need one of the records only doesn't matter which since ID from Automobile is irrelevant and not needed. The Two ID fields have no connection. At least 1 of the code fields will be populated there will never be a situation where all are null. I am aware this is a somewhat messy question so if you need clarification ask away and I will make adjustments to my OP. Also once again this is for Oracle so keep that in mind. Any help would be appreciated, this has been nagging me for days.
The following uses row_number() to get one row and then matches on the codes:
select c.*, a.make, a.model
from car c left join
(select a.*,
row_number() over (partition by code1, code2, code3 order by id) as seqnum
from automobile a
) a
on (c.code1 = a.code1 or c.code1 is null and a.code1 is null) and
(c.code2 = a.code2 or c.code2 is null and a.code2 is null) and
(c.code3 = a.code2 or c.code3 is null and a.code3 is null) and
a.seqnum = 1
Joins on OR conditions are pretty slow since they can't take advantage of indexes on your columns. (It would help if you had indexes on Code1, Code2 and Code3 in your tables.) I would rather split the job into three separate updates, using one column at a time. Also, in the second and third update I would check for NULLs in the new columns to make sure I don't update a row to the same values it contains already (that may seem like a minor thing, but undo and redo may add significant overhead, over and above the redundant assignments).
Since you need to de-duplicate the Automobile table, you may be better off creating a temporary table (since you are going to use it three times). Something like:
create global temporary table auto
on commit preserve rows -- if you want to commit after each update
as (
select code1, code2, code3, min(make) as make, min(model) as model
from automobile
group by code1, code2, code3
Then the second update, using code2 (code3 would be similar, and code1 would not need the where clause). You will see that I prefer the merge statement, but you can use update with a join.
merge into car c
using auto a
on (c.code2 = a.code2)
when matched then update
set c.make = a.make,
c.model = a.model
where c.make is null

Populating column for Oracle Text search from 2 tables

I am investigating the benefits of Oracle Text search, and currently am looking at collecting search text data from multiple (related) tables and storing the data in the smaller table in a 1-to-many relationship.
Consider these 2 simple tables, house and inhabitants, and there are NEVER any uninhabited houses:
ID Address Search_Text
1 44 Some Road
2 31 Letsby Avenue
3 18 Moon Crescent
ID House Name Nickname
1 1 Jane Doe Janey
2 1 John Doe JD
3 2 Jo Smythe Smithy
4 2 Percy Plum PC
5 3 Apollo Lander Moony
I want to to write SQL that updates the HOUSE.Search_Text column with text from INHABITANT. Now because this is a 1-to-many, the SQL needs to collate the data in INHABITANT for each matching row in house, and then combine the data (comma separated) and update the Search_Text field.
Once done, the Oracle Text search index on HOUSE.Search_Text will return me HOUSEs that match the search criteria, and I can look up INHABITANTs accordingly.
Of course, this is a very simplified example, I want to pick up data from many columns and Full Text Search across fields in both tables.
With the help of a colleague we've got:
select id, ADDRESS||'; '||Names||'; '||Nicknames as Search_Text
from house left join(
SELECT distinct house_id,
i on = i.house_id;
which returns:
1 44 Some Road; Jane Doe, John Doe; JD, Janey
2 31 Letsby Avenue; Jo Smythe, Percy Plum; PC, Smithy
3 18 Moon Crescent; Apollo Lander; Moony
Some questions:
Is this an efficient query to return this data? I'm slightly
concerned about the distinct.
Is this the right way to use Oracle Text search across multiple text fields?
How to update House.Search_Text with the results above? I think I need a correlated subquery, but can't quite work it out.
Would it be more efficient to create a new table containing House_ID and Search_Text only, rather than update House?

How to specify row names in MS Access 2007

I have a cross tab query and it pulls only the row name if there is data associated with it in the database. For example, if I have three types of musical instruments:
My results will show up as:
Guitar 1
Drums 2
It doesn't list Piano because there is no ID associated with Piano in the DB. I know I can specify columns in the properties menu, i.e. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" will put columns in the DB for each, regardless of whether or not there is data to populate them.
I am looking for a similar solution for rows. Any ideas?
Also, I need NULL values to show up as 0.
Here's the actual SQL (forget the instrument example above)
TRANSFORM Count(Research.Patient_ID) AS CountOfPatient_ID
[Age]<22,"21 and under",
[Age]>=22 And [AGE]<=24,"Between 22 And 24",
[Age]>=25 And [AGE]<=29,"Between 25 And 29",
[Age]>=30 And [AGE]<=34,"30-34",
[Age]>=35 And [AGE]<=39,"35-39",
[Age]>=40 And [AGE]<=44,"40-44",
[Age]>44,"Over 44"
) AS Age_Range
FROM (Research
SELECT ID, DateDiff("yyyy",DOB,Date()) AS AGE FROM Demographics
) AS Demographics ON Research.Patient_ID=Demographics.ID)
INNER JOIN [Letter Status] ON Research.Patient_ID=[Letter Status].Patient_ID
WHERE ((([Letter Status].Letter_Count)=1))
GROUP BY Demographics.AGE, [Letter Status].Letter_Count
PIVOT Research.Site In (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
In short, I need all of the rows to show up regardless of whether or not there is a value (for some reason the LEFT JOIN isn't working, so if you can, please use my code to form your answer), and I also need to replace NULL values with 0.
I believe this has to do with the way you are joining the instruments table to the IDs table. If you use a left outer join from instruments to IDs, Piano should be included. It would be helpful to see your actual tables and queries though, as your question is kind of vague.
What if you union the select with a hard coded select with one value for each age group.
select 1 as Guitar, 1 as Piano, 1 as Drums, 1 as Other
When you do the transform, each row will have a result that is +1 of the result you want.
foo barTmpCount
-------- ------------
Guitar 2
Piano 1
Drums 3
Other 1
You can then do a
select foo, barTmpCount - 1 as barCount from <query>
and get something like this
foo barCount
-------- ---------
Guitar 1
Piano 0
Drums 2
Other 0