Xcode Unlock “SDKSettings.plist”? - xcode6

Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d) how do Unlock “SDKSettings.plist”? so I may edit it.
I have change the permissions yet I still get the same message
"Could not add write permission to the file because you do not own it. Try modifying the permissions of the file in the Finder or Terminal".


The file couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it. xcode

I renamed my xcode project from "SomeName" to "Tenant App". It is building fine but while running it encounters "The file “Tenant App” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it." error.
My compiler is set to default and every directory is duly set. Below is link to the image for corresponding error.
I request to all to help me here. Thanks all in advance

Gluon Install DLL

When I attempt to install SceneBuilder I get the following error message. I've tried installing as administrator and using compatibility settings but neither solve my issue. I was wondering if you could assist.
An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the desination directory:
MoveFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.
Retry does not work and if I ignore it, when I try to open an FXML file within Netbeans, nothing happens. Nor does anything happen when I manually try to run SceneBuilder.exe
This error occurs whether I use the default install location or not.
Has anyone else had this error, and if so how did you fix it?
I'm on Windows 10, and I'm trying to install SceneBuilder version 8.3.0.

xCode 6.1| stdlib-tool failed with exit code

for some reason I can't seems to run any project on my device.
For the experiment, I've created a new empty blank project named it: emptyApp.
I've deleted any certificate I had in Apple Developer webSite and start from scratch.
I've created developer certificate and download it -> save it to keychain
New app ID for my emptyApp, double checked the bundle ID.
New provision Profile for my app and download it with my device enabled inside the certificate.
So i've got a new project, with all the right settings and i'm getting this error:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Couldn't posix_spawn: error 1'
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift-stdlib-tool failed with exit code 6
Now I can Kill myself, but why i'm keep getting this error ?
I've did everything according to the book, and it's amazing I can't seems to run an empty project on my device (iPhone 6 plus).
any suggestion how to fix this error?
I had this problem after changing my apple id. Here is what i did.
Go to xcode -> select your project -> Build Phases -> open "Compile Sources" and "Copy Bundle Resources". Check if any files are listed in red color. If so , just delete it. Then clean and run.
You might have to restart (idk why but it worked for me).
Hope this helps.
In my case i changed my apple id and i had to redo the whole generating dev, sign in etc certificates. Its finally working on my device. It used to only work on the simulator
Code 6 means Code Sign error (system file).
the solution is to bring this file from backup or reinstall your current OSX.
Just restart your mac, that worked for me.

App failing validation: Unable to create Configuration directory: /user/username/.itmstransporter

I recently switched to a different computer for my programming. it was another collegue's computer and was not reformated. i installed xCode on it. This is the first time i've tried to update an app of ours on this machine. i archived w/out errors and i validated w/out errors. when i go to submit, i get these two errors:
*Unable to create configuration directory: /Users/username/.itmstransporter
*Your home folder must be writable in order to save run-time configuration data. Please
ensure your home folder exists and is writable.
i am not a mac OS person and can barely get around on a mac. a coworker checked and i do have read/write permisions for /Users directory.
can i fix this or do i need to re-install xCode or the OS?
I belive this is because your username on that machine can not write to your home directory (some how)..
Try opening a finder window and "get info" on your home folder. (from finder, Cmd-N opens a window, right click on the folder in the left that is your user name, that is your home folder, and select get info. Right click might not work, if it does not work, use ctrl-click.)
In the "get info" dialog, at the bottom you will see "Sharing & Permissions" you may have to turn the triangle by clicking on it. In the list, make sure your username has Read & Write prifileges, if not, you need to add them by logging in as an admin and changing them.
This photo is just for reference, but you can see justin (me) has Read & Write, that is what you need on your home directory.

Application Loader: "Cannot proceed with delivery: an existing transporter instance is currently uploading this package"

I have been unable to overcome this error in Application Loader. I've quit, restarted, tried different computers - it's like the server is hung up on an op that I never initiated and it won't time out. Has anyone seen it before and beaten it?
Basically, you need to clear out the transport tokens. This can happen if you were to close out of Xcode while in the middle of submitting an app to iTunes Connect.
The token files now appear in the
Library/Caches/com.apple.amp.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/ subfolder of the given user's home directory. Which, honestly, is a better place for them anyway.
Delete any .token files in this directory.
If you are unable to find the .token files, this is because they are hidden in Finder. To hide/show hidden files in Finder, use the following Terminal command (TRUE = UNHIDE, FALSE = HIDE):
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE;killall Finder
You need to clear out the transport tokens.
Open Terminal on your Mac, and paste:
rm /Users/<username>/Library/Caches/com.apple.amp.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/*.token
That should clear the stuck token. After this, try uploading the build again.
It might be because Xcode crashed as you were uploading your app. Either, all you need to do is delete the token files:
Open Terminal on your Mac, and paste:
rm ~/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/*.token
That should clear it. If it still doesn't work (at this point you should try re-uploading your app), run that command on Terminal again, or manually go to...
...and delete all the .token files.
Hope that helps!
token was in here
Appreciated #WrightsCS 's answer It helps me to overcome Application Loader issue.
I would like to highlight one more thing here.
I proceed as per #WrightsCS answer and it resolved Application loader error:
Can not proceed with delivery: an existing transporter instance is currently uploading this package
But I found one more issue after removing all tokens from
I went to iTunesConnect and clicked on "My Apps", what I saw a message that "Can not connect... please contact Apple".
Here I don't know why it suddenly stops working!
I submitted the same build which was there on iTunesConnect for submission but it has shown as processing.
After submission of that build, iTunesConnect works fine! Also, I am able to see last uploaded build in a list for submission.
In my case (I am using OSX Catalina), I was not able to find the folder:
Under my user home directory (even when showing hidden files and folders)
but it seems my problem was a bit different and I just closed xCode completely (every xCode window opened) and reopened it again then I archived my project and uploaded it without any issues
maybe this could help someone else fix this issue
You need to clear out the upload tokens that are "stuck". To do this, open the tokens file found in /users//.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/. You should see one line of text at the top that refers to your current upload token. Simply delete this line and save the file. You should now be able to submit your app again.