UNION or JOIN for SELECT from multiple tables - sql

My Issue
I am trying to select one row from multiple tables based on parameters, but my limited knowledge of SQL joining is holding me back. Could somebody possibly point me in the right direction?
Consider these table structures:
+-----------------------+ +---------------------+
| Customers | | Sellers |
+-------------+---------+ +-----------+---------+
| Customer_ID | Warning | | Seller_ID | Warning |
+-------------+---------+ +-----------+---------+
| 00001 | Test 1 | | 00008 | Testing |
| 00002 | Test 2 | | 00010 | Testing |
+-------------+---------+ +-----------+---------+
What I would like to do is one SELECT to retrieve only one row, and in this row will be the 'Warning' field for each of the tables based on the X_ID field.
Desired Results
So, if I submitted the following information, I would receive the following results:
Example 1:
Customer_ID = 00001
Seller_ID = 00008
| Customer_Warning | Seller_Warning |
| Test 1 | Testing |
Example 2:
Customer_ID = 00001
Seller_ID = 00200
| Customer_Warning | Seller_Warning |
| Test 1 | NULL |
What I Have Tried
This is my current code (I am receiving loads of rows):
SELECT c.Warning 'Customer_Warning', s.Warning AS 'Seller_Warning'
FROM Customers c,Sellers s
WHERE c.Customer_ID = #Customer_ID
OR s.Seller_ID = #Seller_ID
But I have also played around with UNION, UNION ALL and JOIN. Which method should I go for?

Since you're not really joining tables together, just selecting a single row from each, you could do this:
(SELECT Warning
FROM Customers
WHERE Customer_ID = #Customer_ID) AS Customer_Warning,
(SELECT Warning
FROM Sellers
WHERE Seller_ID = #Seller_ID) AS Seller_Warning

The problem is you're getting a cartesian product of rows in each table where either column has the value you're looking for.
I think you just want AND instead of OR:
SELECT c.Warning 'Customer_Warning', s.Warning AS 'Seller_Warning'
FROM Customers c
JOIN Sellers s
ON c.Customer_ID = #Customer_ID
AND s.Seller_ID = #Seller_ID
If performance isn't good enough you could join two filtered subqueries:
SELECT c.Warning 'Customer_Warning', s.Warning AS 'Seller_Warning'
FROM (SELECT Warnning FROM Customers WHERE c.Customer_ID = #Customer_ID) c,
(SELECT Warning FROM Sellers s WHERE s.Seller_ID = #Seller_ID) s
But I suspect SQL will be able to optimize the filtered join just fine.
it wont return a row if one of the ID's doesnt exist.
Then you want a FULL OUTER JOIN:
SELECT c.Warning 'Customer_Warning', s.Warning AS 'Seller_Warning'
FROM Customers c
ON c.Customer_ID = #Customer_ID
AND s.Seller_ID = #Seller_ID

The problem that you are facing is that when one of the tables has no rows, you are going to get no rows out.
I would suggest solving this with a full outer join:
SELECT c.Warning as Customer_Warning, s.Warning AS Seller_Warning
Sellers s
ON c.Customer_ID = #Customer_ID AND s.Seller_ID = #Seller_ID;
Also, I strongly discourage you from using single quotes for column aliases. Use single quotes only for string and date constants. Using them for column names can lead to confusion. In this case, you don't need delimiters on the names at all.

What I have seen so far here are working examples for your scenario. However, there is no real sense behind putting unrelated data together in one row. I would propose using a UNION and separate the values in your code:
SELECT 'C' AS Type, c.Warning
FROM Customers c
WHERE c.Customer_ID = #Customer_ID
SELECT 'S' AS Type, s.Warning
FROM Sellers s
WHERE s.Seller_ID = #Seller_ID
You can use the flag to distinguish the warnings in your code. This will be more efficient then joining or sub queries and will be easy to understand later on (when refactoring). I know this is not 100% what you ask for in your question but that's why I challenge the question :)


SQL query to match similar customers

I'm trying to find the query in order to match similar customers.
To simplify the situation consider this scenario:
I have a table which contains a customer name and product purchased.
customer name can have multiple purchases of same and different products.
So firstly I can take distinct customer name and product name, so I see all customers and all products they purchased at least once.
Now I want a query to show me a sort of matching customers, according to the product they both purchased, so I want to count the similar products they purchased.
So I want to see for each pair of customers (pairing all the table) the amount of similar product they purchased.
Lets say the raw data is:
CustomerName | ProductName
A | 1
A | 2
A | 1
A | 3
B | 1
B | 2
B | 4
C | 2
Then I want to see the result of:
CustomerName1 | CustomerName2 | CountSimilarity
A | B | 2
A | C | 1
B | C | 1
And so on for all pairs of customers that have at least 1 similar product purchasing
Any suggestions how to approach this query?
The environment is SQL Server.
Here is a self join approach:
SELECT t1.CustomerName, t2.CustomerName, COUNT(*) AS CountSimilarity
FROM yourTable t1
INNER JOIN yourTable t2
ON t1.ProductName = t2.ProductName
t1.CustomerName < t2.CustomerName
t1.CustomerName, t2.CustomerName;
Two records are joined together above if their products match. Note that the inequality in the WHERE clause ensures that customer pairs do not appear in duplicate.

Complex SQL Joins with Where Clauses

Being pretty new to SQL, I ask for your patience. I have been banging my head trying to figure out how to create this VIEW by joining 3 tables. I am going to use mock tables, etc to keep this very simple. So that I can try to understand the answer - no just copy and paste.
Supplies_ ID Item_Description
1 | PaperClips
2 | Rubber Bands
3 | Stamps
4 | Staples
ID SuppliesID RequisitionNumber
1 | 1 | R1234a
6 | 4 | R1234a
2 | 1 | P2345b
3 | 2 | P3456c
4 | 3 | R4567d
5 | 4 | P5678e
ID RequsitionNumber OrigDate TransType OpenClosed
1 | R1234a | 06/12/20 | Req | Open
2 | P2345b | 07/09/20 | PO | Open
3 | P3456c | 07/14/20 | PO | Closed
4 | R4567d | 08/22/20 | Req | Open
5 | P5678e | 11/11/20 | PO | Open
And this is what I want to see in my View Results
Supplies_ID Item RequsitionNumber OriginalDate TransType OpenClosed
1 | Paper Clips | P2345b | 07/09/20 | PO | OPEN
2 | Rubber Bands | Null | Null | Null | Null
3 | Stamps | Null | Null | Null | Null
4 | Staples | P56783 | 11/11/20 | PO | OPEN
I just can't get there. I want to always have the same amount of records that we have in the ICS_Supplies Table. I need to join to the ICS_Orders Table in order to grab the Requisition Number because that's what I need to join on the ICS_Transactions Table. I don't want to see data in the new added fields UNLESS ICS_Transactions.TransType = 'PO' AND ICS_Transactions.OpenClosed = 'OPEN', otherwise the joined fields should be seen as null, regardless to what they contain. IF that is possible?
My research shows this is probably a LEFT Join, which is very new to me. I had made many attempts on my own, and then posted my question yesterday. But I was struggling to ask the correct question and it was recommended by other members that I post the question again . .
If needed, I can share what I have done, but I fear it will make things overly confusing as I was going in the wrong direction.
I am adding a link to the original question, for those that need some background info
Original Question
If there is any additional information needed, just ask. I do apologize in advance if I have left out any needed details.
This is a bit tricky, because you want to exclude rows in the second table depending on whether there is a match in the third table - so two left joins are not what you are after.
I think this implements the logic you want:
select s.supplies_id, s.item_description,
t.requisition_number, t.original_date, t.trans_type, t.open_closed
from ics_supplies s
left join ics_transaction t
on t.transtype = 'PO'
and t.open_closed = 'Open'
and exists (
select 1
from ics_order o
where o.supplies_id = s.supplies_id and o.requisition_number = t.requisition_number
Another way to phrase this would be an inner join in a subquery, then a left join:
select s.supplies_id, s.item_description,
t.requisition_number, t.original_date, t.trans_type, t.open_closed
from ics_supplies s
left join (
select o.supplies_id, t.*
from ics_order o
inner join ics_transaction t
on t.requisition_number = o.requisition_number
where t.transtype = 'PO' and t.open_closed = 'Open'
) t on t.supplies_id = s.supplies_id
This query should return the data for supplies. The left join will add in all orders that have a supply_id (and return null for the orders that don't).
,s.Item_Description as [Item]
,t.OrigDate as [OriginalDate]
from ICS_Supplies s
left join ICS_Orders o on o.supplies_id = s.supplies_id
left join ICS_Transactions t on t.RequisitionNumber = o.RequisitionNumber
where t.TransType = 'PO'
and t.OpenClosed = 'Open'
The null values will automatically show null if the record doesn't exist. For example, you are joining to the Transactions table and if there isn't a transaction_id for that supply then it will return 'null'.
Modify your query, run it, then maybe update your question using real examples if it's possible.
In the original question you wrote:
"I only need ONE matching record from the ICS_Transactions Table.
Ideally, the one that I want is the most current
So the goal is to get the most recent transaction for which the TransType is 'PO' and OpenClosed is 'Open'. That the purpose of the CTE 'oa_cte' in this code. The appropriate transactions are then LEFT JOIN'ed on SuppliesId. Something like this
with oa_cte(SuppliesId, RequsitionNumber, OriginalDate,
TransType, OpenClosed, RowNum) as (
select o.SuppliesId, o.RequsitionNumber,
t.OrigDate, t.TransType, t.OpenClosed,
row_number() over (partition by o.SuppliesId
order by t.OrigDate desc)
from ICS_Orders o
join ICS_Transactions t on o.RequisitionNumber=t.RequisitionNumber
where t.TransType='PO'
and t.OpenClosed='OPEN')
select s.*, oa.*
from ICS_Supplies s
left join oa_cte oa on s.SuppliesId=oa.SuppliesId
and oa.RowNum=1;

SQL Query : Facing issues to get desired records from different tables

I have two tables
Calendar (Calname, CCode, PCode)
Lookup (LCode, Name)
Calendar table contains records like,
Calname | CCode | PCode
abc | O_R | P_R
xyz | C_R | P_C
Lookup table contains records like,
LCode | Name
O_R | Reporting
C_R | Cross
P_R | Process
P_C | ProcessCross
I have to fetch the records in a way where I can get the name of all codes from lookup table which contains the record rowwise.
Desired Output,
Calname | CCode | PCode | CCodeName | PCodeName
abc | O_R | P_R | Reporting | Process
xyz | C_R | P_C | Cross | ProcessCross
I can not apply simply inner join on the basis of code it will not give me desired output.
I tried to use subquery also but it not worked out somehow,
Can anyone help me out with this issue.
You can try joining the Calendar table to the Lookup table twice, using each of the two codes.
COALESCE(t1.Name, 'NA') AS CCodeName,
COALESCE(t2.Name, 'NA') AS PCodeName
FROM Calendar c
LEFT JOIN Lookup t1
ON c.CCode = t1.LCode
LEFT JOIN Lookup t2
ON c.PCode = t2.LCode
An alternative to Tim's answer would be to use scalar subqueries, which may or may not give you some performance benefit due to scalar subquery caching:
COALESCE((SELECT l1.name FROM lookup l1 WHERE c.ccode = l1.lcode), 'NA') AS CCodeName,
COALESCE((SELECT l2.name FROM lookup l2 WHERE c.pcode = l2.lcode), 'NA') AS PCodeName
FROM Calendar c;
I would test both answers to see which one works best for your data.

Getting results from two different tables using a join

Let's say I have the following tables:
| t_classroom |
| PK | id |
| | admin_user_id |
| | name |
| | students |
| t_shared |
| | admin_user_id |
| | classroom_id |
| | expiry |
I want to write a query that will pull all classrooms that an admin_user_id has access to. In essence, I want a union of classroom rows when I search by admin_user_id in the t_classroom table as well as classroom rows when I search by admin_user_id in the t_shared table. I made the following attempt:
admin_user_id = 1
t_classroom c
INNER JOIN t_shared s
ON c.id = s.classroom_id
admin_user_id = 1
Does the above look correct? Is there anything more efficient/cleaner?
Depending on how much data you have you could probably get away with just using an IN clause to look at the other table.
t_classroom c
c.admin_user_id = 1
OR c.id IN ( select s.classroom_id from t_shared s where s.admin_user_id = 1 )
Your union wont work because you're left-joining to the t_shared table and checking only the classroom admin user.
If you join the shared room you would also end up with duplicates and would need to distinct the result too.
Because of the large number of rows it might be better to use an exists check on the 2nd table.
t_classroom c
c.admin_user_id = 1
OR EXISTS ( select 1 from t_shared s where s.classroom_id = c.id AND s.admin_user_id = 1 )
Your solution is fundamentally fine, the only two problems I can detect when eyeballing your query are:
You need to write s.admin_user_id instead of admin_user_id in the last line to avoid an error message, because there is a column of that name in both tables. Best practice is to always qualify column names with the table names.
You might want to use UNION instead of UNION ALL if you want to avoid a duplicate result row in the case that both tables have admin_user_id = 1 for the same classroom.

sql insert value from another table with original nulls but not unmatched entries

OK. So this is a hard one to explain, but I am replacing the type of a foreign key in a database. To do this I need to update the values in a table that references it. That is all fine and good, and nice and easy to do.
I'm inserting this stuff into a temporary table which will replace the original table, but the insert query isn't at all difficult, it's the select that I get the values from.
However, I also want to keep any entries where the original reference was NULL. Also not hard, I could use a Left Inner Join for that.
But we're not done yet: I don't want the entries for which there is no match in the second table. I've been dinking around with this for 2 hours now, and am no closer to figuring this out than I am to the moon.
Let me give you an example data set:
| Inventory || Customer |
| ID Cust || ID Name |
| 1 A || 1 A |
| 2 B || 2 B |
| 3 E || 3 C |
| 4 NULL || 4 D |
Let's say the database used to use the Customer.Name field as its Primary Key, and I need to change it to a standard int identity(1,1) not null ID. I've added the field with no issues in the Customer table, and kept the Name because I need it for other stuff. I have had no trouble with this in all the tables that do not allow NULLs, but since the "Inventory" table allows something to be associated with No customer, I'm running into troubles.
If I did a left inner join, my results would be:
| Results |
| ID Cust |
| 1 1 |
| 2 2 |
| 3 NULL |
| 4 NULL |
However, Inventory #3 was referencing a customer which does not exist. I want that to be filtered out.
This database is my development database, where I hack, slash, and destroy things with wanton disregard for validity. So a lot of links in these tables are no longer valid.
The next step is replicating this process in the beta-testing environment, where bad records shouldn't exist, but I can't guarantee that. So I'd like to keep the filter, if possible.
The query I have right now is using a sub-query to find all rows in Inventory whose CustID either exists in Customers, or is null. It then tries to only grab the value from those rows which the subquery found. Here's the translated query:
insert into results
inv.ID, cust.ID
from Inventory inv, Customer cust
where inv.ID in
select inv.ID from Inventory inv, Customer cust
where inv.Cust is null
or cust.Name = inv.Cust
and cust.Name = inv.Cust
But, as I'm sure you can see, this query isn't right. I've tried using 2, 3 subqueries, inner joins, left joins, bleh. The results of this query, and many others I've tried (that weren't horribly, horribly wrong) are:
| Results |
| ID Cust |
| 1 1 |
| 2 2 |
Which is essentially an inner-join. Considering my actual data has around 1100 records which have NULL values in that field, I don't think truncating them is the answer.
The answer I'm looking for is:
| Results |
| ID Cust |
| 1 1 |
| 2 2 |
| 4 NULL |
The trickiest part of this insert into select is the fact that I'm looking to insert either a value from another table, or essentially a value from this table or the literal NULL. That just isn't something I know how to do; I'm still getting the hang of SQL.
Since I'm inserting the results of this query into a table, I've considered doing the insert using a select which leaves out the NULL values and un-matched records, then going back through and adding in all the NULL records, but I really want to learn how to do the more advanced queries like this.
So do any of yous folks have any ideas? 'Cause I'm lost.
How about a union?
Select all records where ID and Cust match and union that with all records where ID matches and inventory.cust is null.