Viewing Data from two tables while linking multiple tables in SQL - sql

I am trying to set up a view in a database I want to see all the data in the PERSON table and three columns from the NON_PERSONNEL table for a program from the PROGRAM table. This is what I am trying now, the query runs without errors but doesnt give me any results. All 4 of the tables listed below are imperative to derive the answer
person.person_id = personnel_role.person_id
AND personnel_role.program_id = programs.program_id
AND programs.program_id = non_personnel.program_id
AND programs.program_name = 'Fake Program'

you need to use left join, so you get all persons but description and amount can be NULL if that person doesn't have records in other tables
Also use explicit join syntax.
SELECT person.*, non_personnel.description, non_personnel.amount
FROM person
left join personnel_role
ON person.person_id = personnel_role.person_id
left join programs
ON personnel_role.program_id = programs.program_id
AND programs.program_name = 'Fake Program'
left join non_personnel
ON programs.program_id = non_personnel.program_id

This really depends on your schema and the data in the tables. The way you have it written now means that only records that match in every table (according to your WHERE conditions) are passed into the result set.
This means that you have to have all program_id's in your programs table that you want returned in the results ALSO in your non_personnel table. They must also ALL be in your personnel_role table. And all person_ids in your personnel_role table must be in the person table. You get no results back, so this is probably not what you meant to write.
My guess is that you want to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN here. LEFT OUTER JOIN says "Take all records from one table and ONLY records from the joined table that meet the criteria in your ON statement".
Because you are wanting information based on a particular Program, chances are you want to start with that table:
SELECT person.*,
LEFT OUTER JOIN personnel_role ON
programs.program_id = personnel_role.program_id
personnel_role.person_id = person.person_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN non_personnel
programs.program_id = non_personnel.program_id
programs.program_name = 'Fake Program'
This is a bit of an assumption since I have no idea what your schema is or how your data is built, but I'm betting it's what you are after.
What this FROM clause says is:
1. Take all records from Program (where program_name = 'fake program') and only reocrds from personnel_role that share the same program_id
2. Take only the records from person where the person_id matches the records we just got from the personnel_role table
3. Take only the records from non_personnel where it shares a program_id with the results from the program table.


Trouble executing multiple left joins in query?

I have four tables where I am trying to left join the 2nd-4th to the one on the left in this picture. From left to right:
1st table (jobs) is a table of jobs
2nd table (applications_jobs) is a bridge table to link jobs and application IDs
3rd table (applications) is applications
4th table (candidates) is candidates based on those applications
I want to get some columns from 1st table (jobs) and 4th table (candidates). I want to get job name (name) and status (status) columns from jobs table. I want to get first name (first_name) and last name (last_name) from candidates table.
Here's what I've tried:
name, status, first_name, last_name
jobs, candidates
left join
applications_jobs aj on jobs.job_id = id
left join
applications a on aj.job_id =
left join
candidates c on a.candidate_id =
but get a error:
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "applications_jobs"
HINT: There is an entry for table "applications_jobs", but it cannot be referenced
from this part of the query.
any ideas?
The items you are selecting should be identified by the table they are coming from when you are performing joins, though it is not always necessary if the tables don't share column names. By writing it out, it would help to prevent the confusion you're having with the FROM clause.
The FROM clause can only be from a single table. In this case, it would be your 'jobs' table. Also, to properly reference your columns in your query, the first join should be application_jobs aj ON aj.job_id =, and your second join should be applications a ON aj.application_id =
"jobs".name, "jobs".status, "c".first_name, "c".last_name
left join
applications_jobs aj on aj.job_id =
left join
applications a on aj.application_id =
left join
candidates c on a.candidate_id =
If you are still getting NULLs for the first and last names, Then you don't have candidates that have applications for that specific job. If you want to omit results that would otherwise be NULL, you can do an INNER JOIN on candidates so that it only returns records that exist on both sides of the equation.

SQL query wrong index when where on join

I have a query with joins that is not using the index that would be the best match and I am looking for help to correct this.
I have the following query:
from purchaselines
left join vendors on = purchaselines.vendorId
left join contacts on = vendors.contactId
left join equipment on = purchaselines.equipmentId
where = 12345
The table purchaselines has an index on the column vendorId, which is the proper index to use. When the query is run, I know the value of which is joined to vendors.contactId which is joined to purchaselines.vendorId.
What is the proper way to run this query? Currently, no index is used on the table purchaselines.
If you are intending to query a specific contact, I would put THAT first since that is the primary basis. Additionally, you had left-joins to the other tables (vendors, contacts, equipment). So by having a WHERE clause to the CONTACTS table forces the equation to become an INNER JOIN, thus REQUIRING.
That said, I would try to rewrite the query as (also using aliases for simplified readability of longer table names)
contacts c
join vendors v
on = v.contactid
join purchaselines pl
on = pl.vendorid
join equipment e
on pl.equipmentid =
where = 12345
Also notice the indentation of the JOINs helps readability (IMO) to see how/where each table gets to the next in a more hierarchical manner. They are all regular inner JOIN context.
So, the customer ID will be the first / fastest, then to vendors by that contact ID which should optimize the join to that. Then, I would expect the purchase lines to have an index on vendorid optimizing that. And finally, the equipment table on ITs PK.
FEEDBACK Basic JOIN clarification.
JOIN is just the explicit statement of how two tables are related. By listing them left-side and right-side and the join condition showing on what relationship is between them is all.
Now, in your data example, each table is subsequently nested under the one prior. It is quite common though that one table may link to multiple other tables. For example an employee. A customer could have an ethnicity ID linking to an ethnicity lookup table, but also, a job position id also linking to a job position lookup table. That might look something like
employee e
join ethnicitiy eth
on e.ethnicityid =
join jobPosition jp
on e.jobPositionID =
Notice here that both ethnicity and jobPosition are at the same hierarchical level to the employee table scenario. If, for example, you wanted to further apply conditions that you only wanted certain types of employees, you can just add your logical additional conditions directly at the location of the join such as
join jobPosition jp
on e.jobPositionID =
AND jp.jobPosition = 'Manager'
This would get you a list of only those employees who are managers. You do not need to explictily add a WHERE condition if you already include it directly at the JOIN/ON criteria. This helps keeping the table-specific criteria at the join if you ever find yourself needing LEFT JOINs.

How to join 4 tables in SQL?

I just started using SQL and I need some help. I have 4 tables in a database. All four are connected with each other. I need to find the amount of unique transactions but can't seem to find it.
transaction_id pk
Partyinvolved pk
type (buyer, seller)
Companies pk
pk = primary key
The transaction is unique if the conditions are met.
I only need a certain sector out of Companies, this is condition1. Condition2 is a condition inside table Partyinvolved but we first need to execute condition1. I know the conditions but do not know where to put them.
FROM group
INNER JOIN groupB ON groupB.group_id =
INNER JOIN companies ON = groupB.company_id
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 ;
I want to output the amount of unique transactions with the name.
It is a bit unclear what you are asking as your table definitions look like your hinting at column meanings more than names such as you are probably meaning the column that stores the relationship to PartyCompany column Id......
Anyway, If I follow that logic and I look at your questions about wanting to know where to limit the recordsets during the join. You could do it in Where clause because you are using an Inner Join and it wont mess you your results, but the same would not be true if you were to use an outer join. Plus for optimization it is typically best to add the limiter to the ON condition of the join.
I am also a bit lost as to what exactly you want e.g. a count of transactions or the actual transactions associated with a particular sector for instance. Anyway, either should be able to be derived from a basic query structure like:
Companies co
INNER JOIN PartyCompancy pco
ON co.PartyCompanyId = pco.PartyCompanyId
INNER JOIN PartyInvolved pinv
ON pco.PartyInvolvedId = pinv.PartyInvolvedId
AND pinv.[type] = 'buyer'
INNER JOIN Transactions t
ON ping.TransactionId = t.TransactionId
co.sector = 'some sector'

SQL like clause is not returning any results

I have following query, but it doesn't return any results for where clauses, even when there is row with that kind of name what is queried. If I remove where clause, then all records in Company table which have OfficeLocation table are returned. What is wrong in my query?
FROM [MyDb].[dbo].[Company] AS c
INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[CompanyOfficeLocation] AS col ON c.Id = col.CompanyId
INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[OfficeLocation] AS ol ON ol.Id = col.OfficeLocationId
WHERE ol.Name like '%Actual Name In This Table%';
Table structure :
etc ...
etc ...
Two things for a record to show up given your query:
The OfficeLocation you specified (given the ol.Name value) must have an Id value that is used by a record in the CompanyOfficeLocation table in its OfficeLocationId.
The CompanyOfficeLocation record that you got in #1 must have a CompanyId that exists in the Company table.
If any of those two criteria are not met, then no records will show up in your query result. The INNER JOIN is essentially an 'AND' clause. If a record could not be related to at least one INNER JOINed table, then that record will not show up at all.
If you want a record to show up despite not having any related records in the joined tables, you may want to consider using OUTER JOINs. A RIGHT JOIN in your case to be exact.
I do not find any mistake however I'd suggest you switch the columns after ON when joining to maintain standards.
Instead of - INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[OfficeLocation] AS ol ON ol.Id = col.OfficeLocationId
Do - INNER JOIN [MyDb].[dbo].[OfficeLocation] AS ol ON col.OfficeLocationId = ol.Id

How do you combine multiple rows of data on same line

Basically I want to take all the names (RequiredAccount, RequiredContact, RequiredOwner) for all the rows with a matching activityid and put them in there own column. So in short, I want to take multiple rows of data and put them in a Column. Basically I want to do what this person is doing ( but I can't seem to get it to work.
Appointment.ActivityId, Appointment.ScheduledStart, Appointment.OwnerIdName, Contact.AccountIdName, Appointment.new_ContactPersonName,
Appointment.Subject, Appointment.new_ColderNotes, Account.AccountId, Contact_1.ContactId, SystemUser.SystemUserId, SystemUser.FullName AS OptionalOwner,
Contact_1.FullName AS OptionalContact, Account.Name AS OptionalAccount, ActivityParty.PartyId, ActivityParty.ParticipationTypeMask,
Contact_1.FullName AS RequiredContact, Account.Name AS RequiredAccount, SystemUser.FullName AS RequiredOwner, Account.new_BusinessUnit
Contact AS Contact_1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN
Appointment INNER JOIN
ActivityParty ON Appointment.ActivityId = ActivityParty.ActivityId ON SystemUser.SystemUserId = ActivityParty.PartyId ON Account.AccountId = ActivityParty.PartyId ON
Contact_1.ContactId = ActivityParty.PartyId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Contact ON Appointment.new_ContactPerson = Contact.ContactId
And what I want if for the three Required columns to be in one column if there ActivityID Matches. So the first two rows would have two names in the new column.
Any ideas, help, etc.
Big Thanks!
Simulating group_concat in sql server 2005
There are a couple of working examples in that thread, none of them are very pretty though :-/