substring extraction in HQL - sql

There's a URL field in my Hive DB that is of string type with this specific pattern:
and I would like to extract the two Cat "types" near the end of the string, with the result being something like:
Basically, I'd like to only extract - as one lowercase string - the Cat "types" which are always separated by '_ and _', preceded by '-', and followed by '.html'.
Is there a simple way to do this in HQL? I know HQL has limited functionality, otherwise I'd be using regexp or substring or something like that.

HQL does have a substr function as cited here:
It returns the piece of a string starting at a value until the end (or for a particular length)
I'd also utilize the function locate to determine the location of the '-' and '_' in the URL.
As long as there are always three dashes and three underscores this should be pretty straight forward.
Might need case statements to determine number of dashes and underscores otherwise.

solution here...
LOWER(REGEXP_REPLACE(SUBSTRING(catString, LOCATE('-', catString, 19)+1), '(_to_)|(\.html)|_', ''))
Interestingly, the following did NOT work... JJFord3, any idea why?
LOWER(REGEXP_EXTRACT(SUBSTRING(FL.url, LOCATE('-', FL.url, 19)+1), '[^(_to_)|(\.html)|_]', 0))


TERADATA REGEXP_SUBSTR Get string between two values

I am fairly new to teradata, but I was trying to understand how to use REGEXP_SUBSTR
For example I have the following cell value = ABCD^1234567890^1
How can I extract 1234567890
What I attempted to do is the following:
REGEXP_SUBSTR(x, '(?<=^).*?(?=^)')
But this didnt seem to work.
Can anyone help?
It might (or might not) be possible to use REGEXP_SUBSTR() to handle this, but you would need to use a capture group. An alternative here would be to do a regex replacement instead:
SELECT x, REGEXP_REPLACE(x, '^.*?\^|\^.*$', '') AS output
FROM yourTable;
The regex pattern used here matches:
^.*?\^ everything from the start to the first ^
| OR
\^.*$ everything from the second ^ to the end
We then replace with empty string to remove the content being matched.


I have two types of URL's which I would need to clean, they look like this:
The outcome I want is;
I want to remove the brackets and everything up to SE, the URLS differ so I want to remove:
First URL
Second URL:
I can't get my head around it,I've tried this .*\/ . But it will still keep strings I don't want such as:
(1 url) =
(2 url) car?p_color_car=White?
You can use
regexp_replace(FinalUrls, r'.*\?|"\]$', '')
See the regex demo
.*\? - any zero or more chars other than line breakchars, as many as possible and then ? char
| - or
"\]$ - a "] substring at the end of the string.
Mind the regexp_replace syntax, you can't omit the replacement argument, see reference:
REGEXP_REPLACE(value, regexp, replacement)
Returns a STRING where all substrings of value that match regular
expression regexp are replaced with replacement.
You can use backslashed-escaped digits (\1 to \9) within the
replacement argument to insert text matching the corresponding
parenthesized group in the regexp pattern. Use \0 to refer to the
entire matching text.

Finding strings between dashes using REGEXP_EXTRACT in Bigquery

In Bigquery, I am trying to find a way to extract particular segments of a string based on how many dashes come before it. The number of total dashes in the string will always be the same. For example, I could be looking for the string after the second dash and before the third dash in the following string:
Currently, I am using the following regex to extract, which counts the dashes from the back:
The problem is that if there is nothing in between the dashes, the regex doesn't work. For example, something like this returns null:
Is there a way to use regex to extract a string after a certain number of dashes and cut it off before the subsequent dash?
Thank you!
Below is for BigQuery Standrd SQL
The simplest way in your case is to use SPLIT and OFFSET as in below example
above will return empty string for abc-defgh-hij--mnop
to prevent error in case of calling non-existing element - better to use SAFE_OFFSET

Find character sequence at specific position in string

I need to use SQL to find a sequence of characters at a specific position in a string.
I need to find 'atg' starting at character 7 or at character 7-9, either way would work. I don't want to find the 'atg' at the end of the string. I know about LIKE but couldn't find how to use it for a specific position.
Thank you
In MS Access, you could write this as:
where col like '???????atg*' or
col like '????????atg*' or
col like '?????????atg*'
However, if you interested in this type of comparison, you might consider using a database that supports regular expressions.
If you have a look at this page you'll find that LIKE is entirely capable of doing what you want. To find something at, for example, a 3 char offset you can use something like this
SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE [InterestingField] LIKE '___FOO%'
The '_' (underscore) is a place marker for any char. Having 3 "any char" markers in the pattern, with a trailing '%', means that the above SQL will match anything with FOO starting from the fourth char, and then anything else (including nothing).
To look for something 7 chars in, use 7 underscores.
Let me know ifthis isn't quite clear.
EDIT: I quoted SQL Server stuff, not Access. Swap in '?' where I have '_', use '*' instead of '%', and check out this link instead.
Revised query:
SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE [InterestingField] LIKE '???FOO*'

howto cut text from specific character in sqlite query

SQLITE Query question:
I have a query which returns string with the character '#' in it.
I would like to remove all characters after this specific character '#':
select field from mytable;
result :
So in my sample I would like to create a query which only returns :
I tried something with instr() to get the index, but instr() was not recognized as a function -> SQL Error: no such function: instr (probably old version of db . sqlite_version()-> 3.7.5).
Any hints howto achieve this ?
There are two approaches:
You can rtrim the string of all characters other than the # character.
This assumes, of course, that (a) there is only one # in the string; and (b) that you're dealing with simple strings (e.g. 7-bit ASCII) in which it is easy to list all the characters to be stripped.
You can use sqlite3_create_function to create your own rendition of INSTR. The specifics here will vary a bit upon how you're using