VBA - Copy from Closed File paste to next available row on Summary Sheet - vba

This is my first post. Forgive me if i am doing something wrong here. I will be glad to correct any mistakes. I have found the web site to be very valuable as i am a baby in the field of vba. Please have patience with me.
I am a super rookie in VBA. I am learning as i go but have spent a lot of time on this. I find bits and pieces of information on the web but have trouble in putting them all together. I have learned how to make a vba macro that i can select a file and then run other macros.
I am using Excel 2013.
I complete a time sheet every week(sometimes more at end of month) of the hours i work and the projects i work on. I also include on that sheet when i am out and a code for the reason. I would like to copy three sections to a summary sheet.
Cell D1. This cell always has the date beside it. I would like to copy this to the cell in my first row.
Cells F3-L3 are cells where a code is put. I would like to copy this to the second cell in my first row.
The next range of cells aret the last cells with data in columns F-L. These vary as we have different numbers of rows for work orders each time but are always in columns F-L. I would like to copy this to a second row below the corresponding cells in the first.
For the next file I would like to copy to the next available row in summary.
I would like to copy this data so i can figure vacation days, sick days, etc.
I know i'm asking alot but would be extremely grateful for any help.

i'm giving you this as Example, you will still need to modify...
Option Explicit 'forces Programmer to declare variables
Sub Button_To_Copy () 'link this to a button or other action that launchs the sub
Dim Range_to_Copy as Range
Dim Range_Destination as Range
Dim Sheet_Data as worksheet 'sheet from where we pull the data
Dim Sheet_Destination as Worksheet' Summary Sheet
set Sheet_Data = Thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 'you might have to rename the sheetname accordingly to its name.
set Sheet_Destination = Thisworkbook.sheets("Summary") ' wild guess, correct to your summary sheet name
Set Range_to_Copy = Sheet_Data.Range("D1")
Set Range_Destination = Sheet_Destination.range("A1")
Range_to_Copy.Copy Range_Destination 'this copies from range A to B (basically A.copy B), but i changed variable names to make it easier...
'more code, copies
'you can simplify without variables like this:
'Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D1").Copy Sheets("Summary).Range("A1") <===== does the same as the above coding
End Sub
Note that i never used activate or select, wich macro recorder will badly use all the time, making bad habits to starters.
Also, by referencing hard cell location like "D1", the code is not dynamic, if you add more data, the sub will have to be changed, so use this just as a start maybe


Copy Range Excluding Blank Cells - Paste to Another Sheet

Ok, back again!
I have tried to search throught this and other forums to find a similar solution, but everything Ive found is either just different enough that I cant figure out the application to my problem, or super complex, and I cant translate it! So Im hoping someone can help me here. Thanks in advance!!
Here is the scenario. I have a database that Im needing to add data to. Quote Number, PO Number,SubSystem Part Name, Vendor, Material, Price, Qty. Etc.
Long story short, and without getting into the context of why I did it this way (mostly because I think I would botch the explaination and be more confusing than helpful!) ... I have essentially 3 tables right next to each other.
Table 1 is columns H and I. These all have a formula similar to =if(isblank(J4),"",$I$1) Where I1 is the PO Number (which will remain the same for this set of entries.)
Table 2 is a pivot table in columns J through M. Using a slicer the user can select what sub systems they need for this PO. The pivot table will repopulate with the appropriate part numbers and unique information contained in another table.
Table 3 is a regular table in columns N through R. These columns have some formulas like above that pull from a single cell (for entering the date), some pull information from another table based on information in column J via a VLOOKUP, and some information is entered manually.
That might be too much information, but better to have it and not need it eh?
So heres the goal. With a VBA macro, I want to copy the data and paste it onto another sheet, at the bottom of a database. The trick is, because that whole setup above runs based on information coming from a pivot table, the list changes length constantly. It will never be longer than a certain length (still TBD) but will almost always be shorter. I can copy the whole thing, and have it paste to another sheet below the last entry... but it pastes below the last empty cell in the database sheet. What I mean is this:
The longest the table could be would be range H4:R38 for example. So I copy that, paste it to Sheet2 starting at cell A2. Upon further inspection, we see that there is only actual data in the range H4:R11. However, when we pasted it to Sheet2 it pasted the whole range H4:R38. When I run the macro again, instead of the new data set being pasted to row A10 (the row after where the data should have ended), it pastes to something like row 36... because its pasting below all the blank cells.
I have no idea what to do or where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
Code I've Tried:
Dim fabricationrange As Range
Dim destination As Range
Dim LastBBUFabDatabaseRow As Long
Worksheets("Sub Systems").Range("h4:r38").Copy
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BBU Fab. Database")
Worksheets("bbu fab. database").Range("z" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
lastbbufabdatabserow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row = 1
Set destination = .Cells(LastBBUFabDatabaseRow, 2)
destination.Value = PasteSpecial.Values
End With
Untested but here's a brute-force approach to locating the first empty row:
set rngDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BBU Fab. Database").rows(2) '<< start here
do while application.counta(rngDest) > 0
set rngDest = rngDest.offset(1, 0) 'next row
Worksheets("Sub Systems").Range("H4:R38").Copy
rngDest.cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats '<< paste to col A

Removing links from copied worksheet

What I want to do
I want a code in my workbook (wbDestination) that opens another workbook (wbBosOriginal) and copies an entire sheet as values (wbBosOriginal has a lot of code in it, in modules and in the worksheet in question, and I do not want this code because it references stuff in wbB that doesn't exist in wbDestination). I have had great problems pasting as values, because it will not paste columns and rows that are currently hidden. So this is why I decided to import the whole sheet instead.
What I tried and what's wrong with it
Here is a block of code I used to copy the worksheet in the destination workbook, in the last index position. The problem with it is that some links still exist to the old workbook (Formulas, validation lists, conditionnal formatting). I have deleted all these links but STILL when I paste the sheet successfully, save and reopen, I have an error saying some content is unreadable. I believe there are still some elements linked to the old workbook.
Set wbBosOriginal = Workbooks.Open(strChosenPath, ReadOnly:=True)
With wbBosOriginal.Sheets("BOS")
.Visible = True
'Pastes the ws in last position in wbDestination
.Copy after:=wbDestination.Sheets(wbDestination.Worksheets.Count)
Set wsNewBos = Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
'Deletes VBA code in the copied sheet
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(wsNewBos.CodeName).CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, _
End With
The worksheet is successfully pasted with no code in it, with everything else it had previously. I then remove all formulas, conditionnal formatting, and validation lists. Even after removing those as well, I still get an error when opening the workbook.
My question
Apart from conditional formatting, validation lists, VBA code, and formulas linking a worksheet that was pasted to a new workbook, what other elements could cause the workbook from opening in repair mode every time due to existing links to the old workbook?
If my question is not clear, comment and I will clarify.
Dealing directly with VBE seems a bit heavy-handed to me. If your code is manipulating several workbooks, I would put the code in an add-in and not have it in any workbook. (Technically *.xlam addins are workbooks, but when I say "workbook" I mean normal *.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, etc.)
That said, if you're just copying cell values (which may be formulas) between different workbooks, you shouldn't have any dependencies other than cell references, named ranges, and user-defined functions in the original workbook. I would make sure there are none of those. Please also share how you are ensuring your formulas do not have broken references.
If the issue you are having is caused by trying to avoid hidden columns and rows not allowing pastevalues, why not unhide the rows and columns and then copy only the values to the new book?
Just cycle through each of the sheets in the original book and use the method .UsedRange.Hidden = False. As far as I am aware, this should unhide every cell on the sheet and allow you to do the original pastevalues calls
This works fast and smooth (it's harder to delete ALL the data Imo):
Sub tests()
Dim AllRange As Range: Set AllRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Dim ItemRange As Range
Dim myWbDestination As Workbook: Set myWbDestination = ThisWorkbook
Dim SheetDestination As String: SheetDestination = ("Sheet2")
For Each ItemRange In AllRange
With myWbDestination.Sheets(SheetDestination)
.Range(ItemRange.Address) = ItemRange.Value
End With
Next ItemRange
End Sub
Repair mode can be triggered by many factors, you would need to post the code you are getting to look for an explanation, it would be like asking why vba may broke

sumifs to loop all sheets

I have been searching different forums and cant seem to find my answer.
I have rather basic VBA knowledge and build most of my code from bits online!
Regardless of cell references as I would be able to work these out at a later date.
Please can you let me how I would make a sumifs formula reference across multiple sheets.
This is being build into a template and there would be a different number of sheets with different names each time it is run so I would be not be able to reference the sheets.
sorry thats a bit vague
thanks in advanced
Thanks, so for anyone else who needs this, this is how it was done in full
my original formula was
"=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT(" '"&Invoices&"'!"&"A2006:A3005"),A3,INDIRECT("'"&Invoices&"'!"&"B2006:B3005")))"
this worked when putting straight into a cell but as you can see, when adding it to VBA it reads it as a comment. To fix this, every time you use a " you need to add extra " as shown bellow (apart form before the" = at the start and after the )" at the end of the formula)
*****'list all the sheet names in cell AI1 of the sheet summary*****
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
Sheets("Summary").Range("AI1")(i, 1).Value = Sheets(i).Name
Next i
***'clear the first 3 entries in AI as i didnt need the first three sheet names***
***'select the first sheet name, which is in AI4 as we cleard the first 3 to the last used cell, e.g Ctrl.Shift.down***
Sheets("summary").Range(ActiveSheet.Range("AI4"), ActiveSheet.Range("AI4").End(xlDown)).Select
***' Name the range invoices***
Selection.Name = "Invoices"
' ***Formula to do a sumIf looping all the shets in the named range Invoices***
Sheets("summary").Range("B3").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT(""'""&Invoices&""'!$A$2006:$A$3005""),$A3,INDIRECT(""'""&Invoices&""'!B$2006:B$3005"")))"

How to use VBA to VLOOKUP across workbooks, sheet by sheet

my apologies in advance - I am relatively novice with VBA
I have a report generated daily, with several sheets (Let's say Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3). These sheets have tables where I track notes for each order line, and I would like to vlookup the notes from day to day.
The issue I am facing: I need to be able to repeat this for Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3, pulling from the previous day's respective Sheet1, 2, 3, and repeat this day by day.
Is there a way for the vlookup to recognize my active sheet name, e.g. Sheet3, and look back at the prior day's workbook and pull from that Sheet3?
Is this something that can be done?
Thank you for any help
Before you get where you are trying to go you need a consistent starting point. I would create a new workbook and hold your logic there. You don't need your macro to be in the workbook that your data is.
Like this:
Using named ranges is best in case you want to change the look of your control workbook, and you can create formulas for the file names so that they default to your current day and prior workday.
The code would launch both workbooks. Hopefully this is a valid starting point for you and gives you an idea how to proceed.
Sub mergeThese()
path_New = Range("path_New")
path_Old = Range("path_Old")
file_New = Range("file_New")
file_Old = Range("file_Old")
Workbooks.Open path_Old & file_Old
Workbooks.Open path_New & file_New
End Sub

User Inserted Rows/Columns Impacting Excel VBA

I am trying to determine how I can have a user insert columns and/or rows without it impacting the rest of the code in the macro.
Defining names for my objects and using r1c1 references in VBA does not seem to help as these inserted columns shift those references and names as well.
Am I missing something that should be completely obvious???
Or is what I am trying to accomplish not possible?
UPDATE: When I name a range in excel (without VBA) everything seems to work fine with inserted columns. However, when I name the range with VBA everything messes up. Here is a sample of some code to work with.
When this below code is run... I am not able to insert columns as my MSGBOX's don't realize the named cell has shifted to the right. HOWEVER, if I were to remove the first line in this code and just name the cell "GanttStartLocation" which is quoted out in the code... this seems to work fine.
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="DEFINENAMETEST", RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!R10C14"
Dim rGanttLocation As Range 'Range used to define where the Gantt chart begins
Dim iFirstRowGantt As Integer 'Defines the first row of the Gantt chart based on rGanttLocation
Dim iFirstColumnGantt As Integer 'Defines the first column of the Gantt chart based on rGanttLocation
'Set rGanttLocation = Worksheets(1).Range("GanttStartLocation")
Set rGanttLocation = Worksheets(1).Range("DEFINENAMETEST")
iFirstRowGantt = rGanttLocation.Row
iFirstColumnGantt = rGanttLocation.Column
MsgBox (iFirstRowGantt)
MsgBox (iFirstColumnGantt)
Use a named range for your cells so that addition of rows/columns are less likely to impact your code if rows/columns are added inside the range. For example: if D1-F10 was called testrange, executing the following subroutine will give red background color to the range
Public Sub Test()
Range("testrange").Interior.Color = vbRed
End Sub
If a new row and column are added to this range, and the subroutine is re-executed after replacing vbRed with vbYellow, the entire range (with new column and row) will turn yellow.
Outside of the named range, it's going to take decent amount of work to keep your Macro's generic, from what I understand.