What is Type Inference in Semantic web? not in programming - semantic-web

I want to know the definitions of type inference in the semantic web, but when i search it in google , i only find some definitions in the programming area.

I guess you are referring to a reasoning technique used in formal ontologies.
A simple example for inferring the type (also "class" or "category") of an instance in your knowledge base: your knowledge base has types like "person", "writer", "vegetarian" and instances like "Bob White" and "Dan Brown".
Instead of assigning the types directly to the instances you can use their properties (Dan Brown writes Inferno) to dynamically assign them to a type (therefore, Dan Brown must be a writer). See also "description logic".

First off, to clarify the context of the answer, the idea behind the semantic web is to have web pages that are readable by both humans and machines. Most web pages are good at the former, but not the latter.
I haven't seen the exact term "type inference" in the context of the semantic web, but what I can infer (no pun intended) is that it's referring to machine learning. For the most part, web crawlers have to make educated guesses about what kind of data is on a particular web page and what it means, hence the need for machine learning.


Differencce between interface and API

could you please explain the difference between interface and API?
I was looking for this information here and using google but I only find a special information for Oracle.
What I'm looking for is the general difference.
Much appreciated!
thank you all for the answers. My question was kept deliberately general because I
1) do not have the detailed information about the used programming languages (question based on a short information about one vendor's implementation in my project);
2) I wanted to understand the general high-level difference between the both terms.
Without further context, your question is a bit broad; but lets try; by looking up the definition of API on wikipedia:
In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building software and applications.
Then: API stands for application programming interface; indicating that well, an API contains all elements (plural!) required to create an application which wants to interact with the component behind that API.
Whereas an interface in its stricter sense typically denotes a "single specific entity"; like the List interface in java describes an ordered collection (without providing details about specific implementation).
But of course, there are certain commonalities - both terms are about the description of the "boundary" of a "system". Long story short: there is simply no sharp, precise separation between those two concepts. Thus, when using those words within a group of people, you might want to first "step back" and discuss terminology - to ensure that all people involved have the same understanding of such terms. Or as DDD puts it: you want to create a Ubiquitous Language in which such terms have a clear, well defined meaning.
Finally: it is also worth mentioning that the term interface has different meanings when using different programming languages. In Java, an interface is really a concept embodied within the language core; where as in C++, an "interface" would probably be seen as the content of a single header file; leading to subtle but important "flavors" of "interface" for those two languages.
Both, interface and API should not expose (too much?!) of the internals to the outside world.
Generally speaking, an API outlines a "component" (a complete "application" for example); whereas an interface might outline a "smaller" entity".
For your other refinement, about one company providing the API, and another the interface - I cant say anything. Because; as others have explained too: the definitions for those terms are really to unclear/fuzzy. We would need to know much more about the application and its requirements to even comment on your statement here.
The question "what is the difference between X and Y" is only meaningful when X and Y have single meanings and strict definitions. But "interface" and "API" do not have either single meanings nor strict definitions, so one cannot tell what is the difference between them.
For the most part, there is no difference, but there exist certain contexts where one would be suitable to use, while the other would be less suitable, or even unsuitable.
So, for example, a class implements an interface, never an API. On the other hand, an entire software system is more likely to be said to expose APIs rather than interfaces, though to say interfaces in this case would not be wrong either.
I wish there was some easy distinction, like "interfaces are small-scale, APIs are large-scale", or "interfaces are more specific, APIs are more nebulous", but there is no such distinction.

What is an engine in the context of object oriented design?

Everywhere one can read about all kind of engines (game engine, view engine rules engine...). Do Somebody know the definition of what an engine is? Is it a design pattern?
A software module is often called engine if it does a great deal of the work (calculation) but does not directly interact with the user.
The term is an analogy to a car engine that provides the power to move the car although the user (driver) does not have to know very much about it.
The term is not specific to OOP, however most engines are implemented as a collection of classes.
An engine is not a design pattern because it is too unspecific and not restricted to OOP. It is somewhat related to the layered architecture pattern where the lower layers often can be seen as the engine.

"Meta-logic" and "object-logic" (as word) definition in Isabelle

What is the formal and complete definition of the words "meta-logic" and "object-logic" in Isabelle? I see people keep using these but could not find any definition for these.
You don't find them because they are specific to Isabelle (as far as I know). "Object-logic" and "meta-logic" are terms introduced by Larry Paulson (as far as I can tell). In general, though not specifically, they are related to the general terms "metalanguage" and "object language", for disciplines like logic and set theory. Do a search on those and you'll get the standard wiki pages, because they're a standard part of logic.
Here, I'm looking at page 16, 2.2.3 Meta and object language of Logic and Computation - Interactive Proof with Cambridge LCF, by Larry Paulson, published 1987. At that time he was still conforming to standard terms, but then he switched. I forgot where I read it, but he made the switch somewhere to "meta-logic" and "object-logic", to clarify things for his own purpose. The two terms are in his papers and in the Isabelle distribution docs.
Others can give you their expert knowledge, but the meta-logic specifically is what you get when you import the theory Pure, in particular, a minimal set of logical connectives, ==>, \<And>, &&&, and ==. Discussion of these are spread throughout the Isabelle distribution documentation.
I know nothing much about intuitionistic logic, other than it doesn't provide the law of excluded middle, but you will read that they provide a minimal, intuitionistic logic.
Don't thank me. I've just read some things here and there, and listened. Others can provide expert knowledge.
My findings with regard this question are below.
I found in the Clemens Ballarin slides, slide 20.:
Meta logic: The logic used to formalize another logic.
Example: Mathematics used to formalize derivations in formal logic.
and it is put in parallel with:
Meta language: The language used to talk about another language.
Examples: German in a Spanish class, English in an English class.
Wikipedia has an entry on Metalogic, one section is Metalanguage - Object language:
In metalogic, formal languages are sometimes called object languages.
The language used to make statements about an object language is
called a metalanguage. This distinction is a key difference between
logic and metalogic. While logic deals with proofs in a formal system,
expressed in some formal language, metalogic deals with proofs about a
formal system which are expressed in a metalanguage about some object
And here is slide 21 from Ballarin:

Knowing what RDFA vocabulary to use

How do we know which vocabulary/namespace to use to describe data with RDFa?
I have seen a lot of examples that use xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" or xmlns:sioc="http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#" then there is this video that uses FOAF vocabulary.
This is all pretty confusing and I am not sure what these vocabularies mean or what is best to use for the data I am describing. Is there some trick I am missing?
There are many vocabularies. And you could create your own, too, of course (but you probably shouldn’t before you checked possible alternatives).
You’d have to look for vocabularies for your specific needs, for example
by browsing and searching on http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/ (they collect and index open vocabularies),
on W3C’s RDFa Core Initial Context (it lists vocabularies that have pre-defined prefixes for use with RDFa), or
by browsing through http://prefix.cc/ (it’s a lookup for typically used namespaces, but you might get an overview by that).
After some time you get to know the big/broad ones: Schema.org, Dublin Core, FOAF, RSS, SKOS, SIOC, vCard, DOAP, Open Graph, Ontology for Media Resources, GoodRelations, DBpedia Ontology, ….
The simplest thing is to check if schema.org covers your needs. Schema.org is backed by Google and the other major search engines and generally pretty awesome.
If it doesn't suit your needs, then enter a few of the terms you need into a vocabulary search engine. My recommendation is LOV.
Another option is to just ask the community about the best vocabularies for the specific domain you need to represent. A good place is answers.semanticweb.com, which is like StackOverflow but with more RDF experts hanging out.
Things have changed quite a bit since that video was posted. First, like Richard said, you should check if schema.org fits your needs. Personally when I need to describe something that's not covered on schema.org, I check LOV as well. If, and only if I can't find anything in LOV, I will then consider creating a new type or property. A quick way to do this is to use http://open.vocab.org/
A newer version of RDFa was published since that video was released: RDFa 1.1 and RDFa Lite. If you want to use schema.org only, I'd recommend to check http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-lite/
Vocabularies are usually domain specific. The xmlns line is deprecated. The RDFa profile at http://www.w3.org/profile/rdfa-1.1 lists the vocabularies available as part of initial context. Sometimes vocabularies may overlap in the context of your data. Analogous to solving math prb by either Algebraic or Geometric or other technique, mixing up vocabularies is fine. Equal terms can be found using http://sameas.org/ For addressing your consumer base's favoritism amongst vocab recognition, skos:closeMatch and skos:exactMatch may be used, eg. "gr:Brand skos:closeMatch owl:Thing" with any terms you please. Prefix attribute can be used with vocabularies besides those covered by initial context like: prefix="fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# vocab2: path2 ..." For cross-cutting concern across different domain vocabularies such as customizing presentation in search results microdata using schema.org guidelines should be beneficial. However, as this has nothing to do with specialization in any peculiar domain, prefixes are unavailable in this syntax. RDFa vocab have been helpful in such specific domain contexts that content seems to appeal further to participative audience while microdata targets those who've lost their way. For tasks that are too simple to merit full-fledged vocab, but have semantic implications, try http://microformats.org/ Interchanging usage of REST profile URIs for vocabs amongst the 3 syntaxes is valid, but useless owing to lack of affordable manpower to implement alternative support for the vocabs on the Web scale. How & why schema.org vocab merited separate microdata syntax of its own is discussed by Google employee Ian Hickson a. k. a. Hixie- the editor of WHATWG HTML5 draft at http://logbot.glob.com.au/?c=freenode%23whatwg&s=28+Nov+2012&e=28+Nov+2012#c747855 or http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121128#l-1122 If only Google had smart enough employees to implement parser for 1 syntax whose WG included its own employee also, then RDFa Lite inside RDFa would have been another course like Core Java within Java, & no need of separate microdata named mocking rip-off, but alas- our's is an imperfect world!

How do you write your QTP Tests?

I am experimenting with using QTP for some webapp ui automation testing and I was wondering how people usually write their QTP tests. Do you use the object map, descriptive programming, a combination or some other way all together? Any little code example would be appreciated, Thank you
Here's my suggestion.
1) Build your test automation requirements matrix.
You can use samples from my blog
2) Choose your automation approach
3) Write your testing scripts according to the approach you chose
Note. QTP Repository way or Descriptive Programming belong to GUI recognition part of front-end functional test automation. They matter in terms of robustness and maintenance.
Technically, it's nearly the same. In both cases you should understand GUI recognition concept well, or you will have problems no matter the approach.
You can store GUI object recognition properties in XML-like data structure and map the record to an English-like name. Whenever the original object's properties change, you update your record in repository, while a code still refers to a mapped name.
Or you can address GUI objects by directly putting same recognition properties into a function call. Whenever the original object's properties change, you have to do code change. But you don't have to maintain extra files along with your scripts.
A good framework should support both GUI-mapped and descriptive programming notations by operating at object reference level. I.e. you should keep object recognition and object interaction tasks separate.
Note that depending on context Descriptive Programming notation may slowdown performance of your scripts and it always demands extra maintenance effort while in other cases using Object Repositories only may lead to unwanted duplication of objects' descriptions or it may limit recognition of dynamically changing GUI.
I illustrate some points made above in the following article:
A little QTP performance test: Object Repository vs. Descriptive Programming
Straight code examples (for a practical automation I recommend GUI Function Wrapping).
Descriptive programming - addressing objects by physical description properties.
Dim sProfile
sProfile = "Guest"
Set objWebParent = Browser("title:=Select Profile").Page("title:=Select Profile")
Set objWebObject = objWebParent.Link("text:="&sProfile)
boolRC = objWebObject.Exist(0)
If Not boolRC Then
End If
Addressing objects by mapped GUI names
Browser("Select Profile").Page("Select Profile").Link("Guest").Click
Thank you,
Albert Gareev
I know I am late here, and you must already have what you are looking for, but I wanted to provide my inputs as well for anyone visiting this topic.
I generally never use OR, unless I encounter an environment where Descriptive Programming is a no-go. Just recently, I worked with a Mainframe Front-End GUI application that has absolutely no naming convention for objects. If you choose to use Descriptive Programming with such an application, the only way to work with its objects would be through Index or Location Ordinal Identifiers, which is not the best course of action considering 100's of objects in each pane.
So, the answer to your question really depending upon the environment and your experience with OR and DP. Most people I have worked with at my job, and on online communities prefer to work with Descriptive Programming whenever its feasible. However, I have also seen people work wonders with OR.
I have a few code samples, but, unfortunately, they are deal with Descriptive Programming. For instance, the following article talks about creating modular VBScript classes to divide application's functionality into small manageable components:
Similarly, this article shows how Descriptive Programming can be used to verify multiple properties of target objects through a single block of code:
Also, a demo framework is also available for you to view here:
The framework is built completely on the principles of Descriptive Programming, but in the next release, some functionality will be added that will enable users to work with ORs as well.
Thank you,
Anshoo Arora
(Thanks for linking to the original articles, Motti)