Yii framework getting error in configuration - yii

I am trying to configure my Yii framework and I am stuck in one step. I run command yiic webapp ..\..\yiitestapp and "many" of these to start the app but I got a same error every time.
yii is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program and batch file
I also set my environmental variable as ";D:\xampp\php"
And my Yiiframework location is "D:\Xampp\htdocs\yiiframework\yiiframework"
Can any one guide me for the right solution?

You need to run yiic webapp ....\yiitestapp from the Yii\framework folder.


backand platform: how debug server platform code localy

The documantion mention that there is a way to develop entire project localy and then upload it to back& platform for production. how can it be done?
There is sample code somewhere ?
The server side in Back& can be built with cloud JavaScript or with node.js.
Using Backand CLI and node.js you can develop any project in node.js and upload it.
The steps are simple:
Create new action with "Server side node.js code"
Run the action.init command (copy paste from the action page)
Use the backand shell project to build the node.js project
Run action.deploy command to upload and run the code on the server
for debug node.js localy :
first make sure you have action defind in the back& site under the section objects/[objectName]/action
project name: MyApp
with object call: Users
with the action files (for upload a images file)
In local terminal
1. go to project's root folder.
2. type backand login and follow the instraction (email & password).
3. type backand action init and follow the instration.
project name : MyApp,
object name : Users,
action name : files
to be continue...

VSDBCMD.exe not setting %ERRORLEVEL% when deploy fails

I am using VS2010 command line tool (VSDBCMD) to deploy SQL projects to specific environments via batch file.
My batch file first builds the database project using a User ID and Password that the user enters. I then deploy the project using the newly created dbmanifest.
When I purposefully enter a wrong password, I get an error on the screen but vsdbcmd does NOT set the %ERRORLEVEL% to 1. In fact no error message from the deploy set the %ERRORLEVEL%.
How am I to check if the deploy fails?
This is how I am running it:%VS_DEPLOY_PATH% /a:Deploy /manifest:%TAG%\%%a\sql\debug\%%a.deploymanifest /cs:"Persist Security Info=True;User ID=%DB_USER%; Password=%DB_PASS%;Initial Catalog=%%a;Server=%SERVER%" /p:AbortOnFirstError=True /q+ /dsp:SQL /dd+
Any help is appreciated.

Problems using CruiseControl.Net API : project not found

I am trying to retrieve Build Projects related information from my CruiseControl server through command line using cccmd.exe and passing the url and project name as command line arguments. The problem is when I am trying to use API's exposed by Cruise Control Service like
I am getting the exception "The project does not exists on the CCNet Server" for my local CCNet Server.
For my production build server, I am getting the exception "Key cannot be null".
Finally found the solution, had to copy the folders and foldername.state files that are created during project build process to the directory from where ccservice.exe was running.

database migration error in Yii

I am newbie to yii. I have made database in MySQL.After that I want to migrate the database.So for that I made a folder called migration under protected and from framework folder whenever I am writing command yiic migrate create --name=add_table in terminal.It is showing error like yiic: command not found
I am using ubuntu 11.04.So what is the problem behind that.
cd down to the folder containing the yiic file and try the command then. If that doesn't work try to put "php" in front of the command like:
php yiic migrate create --name=add_table
Or you could try:

yiic webapp problem

i'm still new to yii framework.
so, i want to try running yiic so that i could see the structure of the files created.
but, i could not run it in console. Does anyone have a solution? thanks.
I'm using wamp on win xp.
i go to the directory of the yiic framework
its in D:\wamp\www\framework\
and run yiic and any other variations per Larry Ullman's blog. but still got: "..." is not a recognizable internal/ external command...
How should i be able to run yiic? thanks.
just read this:
It's always better to follow yii official documentation.
You can find Installing Yii process step by step here
documentation> tutorial > The Yii Blog Tutorial > Testdriving with
Yii # Installing Yii
here is the link http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/blog/1.1/en/start.testdrive#installing-yii
If you getting this kind of error when you try to use yiic webapp ..\app-name
'"php.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Open the yiic.bat file under yii framework folder ( C:\wamp\www\framework ) and change the bellow line
if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=php.exe
if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16\php.exe
php5.4.16 this might be change accroding to you php version, please check in C:\wamp\bin\php folder before change