Reformatting a Phone Number in Access - sql

I'm in the process of uploading data into an access database, and some of the data has phone numbers listed in the format of 9999999999 and others are listed as 999-999-9999. I would like for all the numbers to read 9999999999 so that way they can be cross referenced. I've been trying to run an update query on the numbers that are in the undesired format, but I am having no success. Blow is how I have the query set up:
Field: Wireless Number
Table: Table to be updated
Update to: Mid([Table].[Wireless Number],2,3)+Mid([Table].[Wireless Number],7,3)+Right([Table].[Wireless Number],4)
Criteria: Not Like "**********"
Obviously, I'm not sure how to go about this, so that set up is a shot in the dark. What is the best way to go about getting the format that I need ?

This SQL function should work, replace [wireless num] with your field name:
test: IIf(Mid([wireless num],4,1)="-",Left([wireless num],3) & Mid([wireless num],5,3) & Right([wireless num],4),[Wireless Num])
If the 4th character is a -, that means it is undesired. In that scenario, it extracts each section of the phone number as substrings, concatenates them, and displays them as one string.
If the 4th character is not a -, we can assume the phone number is in the desired format.
This should also work:
Replace([wireless num],"-","")
It searches the Wireless Num field for -, and replaces it with a zero length string.


How to replace some characters after a specific character to another specific character in one big sql line in notepad++

I have a big sql file with thousand user something like this:
('','{SSHA512}JWHCqHzazH2vGneLPfhMKkoAamzvxdNCWYOlhZ+uDx36jHdoMXwQmbEemvUMn7ZG6c9+22noXjjb2hAb99/5A/slscDJPKav','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal','',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2020-03-19 13:15:58','2015-08-03 06:11:53','2020-03-19 13:15:58','9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone1'),
('','{SSHA512}UoMeyocmdC2DxM0S7B4WFdjnCNuvkngzzLus33h9nugKVlvdhlcboKmMDDuAkCHEyLBUgf8DicKWFPJVS7EOF/ytv27MQ3Ch','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal','',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2015-12-17 12:27:35','2015-08-03 06:44:10','2021-06-08 06:55:33','9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone2'),
('','{SSHA512}A6ToCf4OfP3XNEU9ngEmGN/LDquH9+s9Qxme3SoJaDyVvxiWpnwwTiAALSdnmhIxDB2VQK0zhdF+jP8ARvh0N3IDL0Xv/KmL','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal','',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2018-04-03 12:31:09','2015-08-03 06:50:01','2018-04-03 12:31:18','9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone3'),
('','{SSHA512}t7/JbUPQ+rtKeRTgWRH6KlETr2JsqYORBOZouzOzs4Wo6YfHYLoy0m+U4kZXk+AeNgMep2hGZSodPZdK2l2bn9MhOKHOuF/L','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal',''0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2020-03-18 07:48:26','2016-11-14 06:59:04','2021-06-08 05:54:28',9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone4')
And now I need to delete the last word ('someone1' , 'someone2' , 'someone3' , 'someone4') for every user which adjoining to 1. It will be looks like
....9999-12-31 00:00:00',1)
not like in original
....9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone1')
....9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone2')
But don't forget they are not in different lines. All this is in one big line and this makes me to ask you help. Thanks a lot.
It seems that (from your examples) the rows do not contain any parentheses except their start and end characters. So you can search for one quotation mark ', and a number of letters and/or digits, and one quotation mark ', and than ).
To do this;
Open Replace window in Notepad++ by using ctrl+h shortcut
From Search Mode section select Reqular expression
Write '[a-zA-Z0-9]*?[-,_,.]*?[a-zA-Z0-9]*?[-,_,.]*?[a-zA-Z0-9]*?[-,_,.]*?[a-zA-Z0-9]*?'\) to Find what box
Write '\) to Replace with box
Click Replace All button.
This works if user names consist of letters or digits and _, -, . at most 3 times.
Be Sure that you have a copy of original file as a backup. And also be aware of that the regular expression that we use may find unrelated parts if any row contains closing parentheses except end of it.

TRIM or REPLACE in Netsuite Saved Search

I've looked at lots of examples for TRIM and REPLACE on the internet and for some reason I keep getting errors when I try.
I need to strip suffixes from my Netsuite item record names in a saved item search. There are three possible suffixes: -T, -D, -S. So I need to turn 24335-D into 24335, and 24335-S into 24335, and 24335-T into 24335.
Here's what I've tried and the errors I get:
Can you help me please? Note: I can't assume a specific character length of the starting string.
Use case: We already have a field on item records called Nickname with the suffixes stripped. But I've ran into cases where Nickname is incorrect compared to Name. Ex: Name is 24335-D but Nickname is 24331-D. I'm trying to build a saved search alert that tells me any time the Nickname does not equal suffix-stripped Name.
PS: is there anywhere I can pay for quick a la carte Netsuite saved search questions like this? I feel bad relying on free technical internet advice but I greatly appreciate any help you can give me!
You are including too much SQL - a formulae is like a single result field expression not a full statement so no FROM or AS. There is another place to set the result column/field name. One option here is Regex_replace().
REGEXP_REPLACE({name},'\-[TDS]$', '')
Regex meaning:
\- : a literal -
[TDS] : one of T D or S
$ : end of line/string
To compare fields a Formulae (Numeric) using a CASE statement can be useful as it makes it easy to compare the result to a number in a filter. A simple equal to 1 for example.
CASE WHEN {custitem_nickname} <> REGEXP_REPLACE({name},'\-[TDS]$', '') then 1 else 0 end
You are getting an error because TRIM can trim only one character : see oracle doc (last example).
So try using something like this
And always keep in mind that saved searches are running as Oracle SQL queries so Oracle SQL documentation can help you understand how to use the available functions.

Big Query Regex Extraction

I am trying to extract a item_subtype field from an URL.
This regex works fine in the to get the first item item_type
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT('info?item_type=icecream&item_subtype=chocolate/cookies%20cream,vanilla&page=1', r'item_type=(\w+)')
but what is the correct regex to get everything starting from 'chocolate' all the way to before the '&page1'
I have tried this, but can't seem to get it to work to go further
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT('info?item_type=icecream&item_subtype=chocolate/cookies%20cream,vanilla&page=1', r'item_subtype=(\w+[^Z])')
basically, I want to extract 'chocolate/cookies%20cream,vanilla'
In your case, \w+ only matches one or more letters, digits or underscores. Your expected values may contain other characters, too.
You may use
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT('info?item_type=icecream&item_subtype=chocolate/cookies%20cream,vanilla&page=1', r'item_subtype=([^&]+)')
See the regex demo.
item_subtype= - this string is matched as a literal char sequence
([^&]+) - a Capturing group 1 that matches and captures one or more chars other than & into a separate memory buffer that is returned by REGEXP_EXTRACT function.

Converting symbols from outside of alphabet caused by copying text in different encoding

In my database I should only have data written using Polish alphabet but sometimes there are symbols not included in Polish alphabet (words copied from source with different encoding) that correspond to Polish letters in another encoding. Is it possible to somehow convert symbols outside of Polish alphabet to corresponding letters?
The only solution I figured is to manually find and replace those characters but maybe you have better solution to my problem.
Question concerns Oracle SQL Language.
I don't have database in front of me but as I remember correctly the example could look like this - two rows from my db:
and what I need is to convert Ú that doesn't belong to Polish alphabet to Ś.
You can try this. Experiment with it first to see if it works.
If I want to change every occurrence of the letter z with a j in a string, I would use the translate function: translate(text_string, 'z', 'j'). I don't have to use the letters z and j; instead, I can write translate(text_string, chr(122), chr(106) - to find out the character code, I use select ascii('z') from dual;. For example:
SQL> select translate('banzo', chr(122), chr(106)) from dual;
This changes every occurrence of z to j in text_string.
Now, you will have to find the code for the characters you want to change (both the "from" and the "to" characters) in your character set - it should be your session character set, not the database character set. (At least I think this is correct; experiment with it or read the documentation for CHR and perhaps for TRANSLATE - CHR returns the character code in the DATABASE character set unless you indicate otherwise, while I believe TRANSLATE uses the session character set.)
The function ascii may or may not work for non-ASCII characters, but if you google the name of your character set, you should find a character set table that will show you the codes for all the letters available in that character set.
Then, if this works, you can do the translation in one shot - translate(text_string, 'abcd', 'qrst') will change every 'a' to a 'q', every 'b' to an 'r' etc. And with chr(...), instead of 'abcd' you can write chr(97) || chr(98) || chr(99) || chr(100).

SQL cannot search

In my SQL table Image, when i perform a search query
SELECT * FROM Image WHERE platename LIKE 'WDD 666'
it return no result(using other column to search then no problem).
The all the column data was inserted by C# code. (If enter data manually search works.)
now i suspect that the words WDD 666 wasn't english alphabet. is this possible?
In c#,
the plate number was generate by using tesseract wrapper string type.
what should i do to search the plate number?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English.
Since your case matches, I'm going to rule out Case-sensitivity.
There may be leading or trailing blank spaces - Try this..
SELECT * FROM Image WHERE platename LIKE '%WDD 666%'
Try running this command:
SELECT '*'+plateName+'*',len(plateName)
FROM image.
I suspect platename has some non-printable characters in the field.
It appears to be a CR/LF at the end of the data. You can use
UPDATE image SET plateName = replace(plateName,char(13)+char(10),'')
WHERE plateName like '%'+char(13)+char(10)+'%'
If you get a positive row count, you'll know there was CR/LF data and it was removed. If you run the select afterwards, your lengths should be 7 and 8 based on your sample data