Any SIMPLE way to fetch ALL results from a PL/SQL cursor? - sql

The second part of the question: How to do the same (get ALL results, without any loops) with SQL*Plus.
I'm writing some PL/SQL scripts to test the data integrity using Jenkins.
I'm having a script like this:
temp_data SOME_PACKAGE.someRefCurFunction; // type: CURSOR
cursor := SOME_PACKAGE.someFunction('some',parameters,here);
Relsults look like this:
Sometimes the results are null, as in the 1st line. It doesnt matter, they should be.
The purpose of this script is simple - to fetch EVERYTHING from the cursor, comma separate the data, and print lines with results.
The example here is simple as hell, but It's just and example. The "Real life" Packages contain sometimes hundreds of variables, processing enormous database tables.
I need it to be as simple as possible.
Is there any method to fetch EVERYTHING from the cursor, comma separate single results if possible, and send it to output? The final output in the Jenkins test should be a text file, to be able to diff it with other results.
Thanks in advance :)

If you're truly open to a SQL*Plus script, rather than a PL/SQL block
SQL> set colsep ','
SQL> variable rc refcursor;
SQL> exec :rc := SOME_PACKAGE.someFunction('some',parameters,here);
SQL> print rc;
should execute the procedure and fetch all the data from your cursor. You could spool the resulting CSV output to a file using the spool command. Of course, you then may encounter issues where SQL*Plus isn't displaying the data in a clean format because of the linesize or other similar issues-- that may force you to add some additional SQL*Plus formatting commands (i.e. set linesize, column <<column name>> format <<format>>, etc.)
It's not obvious to me that a SQL*Plus script buys you much over writing some dynamic SQL that generates the PL/SQL script that you posted initially or (if you're on 12c) writing some code that uses dbms_sql to fetch data from the cursor that is returned.

The answer seems obvious. You currently have a function which returns a cursor itself returning a data set of hundreds (tho you show only three) fields. You want instead a single string with the comma-separated values. So change the function or write another one based on the same query.
package body SOME_PACKAGE
-- The current function
function someFunction ...
returns ref_cursor ...
-- create cursor based on:
select f1, f2, f3 --> Three (or n) fields
from ...
where ...;
return generated_cursor;
end function;
-- The new function
function someOtherFunction ...
returns ref_cursor ...
-- create cursor based on:
select f1 || ',' || f2 || ',' || f3 as StringField --> one string field
from ...
where ...;
return generated_cursor;
end function;
end package;
This isn't quite all that you asked for. It does save declaring variables (one instead of hundreds) to read the data in one row at a time, but you still read it in one row at a time instead of, as I read your question, reading in every row in one operation. But if such a super-fetch were possible, it would require massive amounts of memory. Sometimes we do things that just require massive amounts of memory and we just work with that the best we can. But your "requirement" seems to be only a matter of convenience for the developers. That, imnsho, lies way down in the list of priorities for consuming resources.
Developing a cursor that returns the data in the final form you want would seem to me to the best of all alternatives.


pl/sql procedure with variable numbers of parameters

I want to know if I can create a PL/SQL procedure that the number of parameters and their types changes.
For example procedure p1.
I can use it like this
p1 (param1, param2,......., param n);
i want to pass table name and data in procedure, but the attributes change for every table,
create or replace PROCEDURE INSERTDATA(NOMT in varchar2) is
num int;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT count(*) FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = :1'
into num using NOMT ;
IF( num < 1 )
dbms_output.put_line('table not exist !!! ');
-- here i want to insert parameters in the table,
-- but the table attributes are not the same !!
As far as I can tell, no, you can not. Number and datatypes of all parameters must be fixed.
You could pass a collection as a parameter (and have different number of values within it), but - that's still a single parameter.
Where would you want to use such a procedure?
If you need to store, update and query a variable amount of information, might I recommend switching to JSON queries and objects in Oracle. Oracle has deep support for both fixed and dynamic querying of json data, both in SQL and PLSQL.
i want to pass table name and data in procedure, but the attributes change for every table,
The problem with such a universal procedure is that something needs to know the structure of the target table. Your approach demands that the caller has to discover the projection of the table and arrange the parameters in a correct fashion.
In no particular order:
This is bad practice because it requires the calling program to do the hard work regarding the data dictionary.
Furthermore it breaks the Law Of Demeter because the calling program needs to understand things like primary keys (sequences, identity columns, etc), foreign key lookups, etc
This approach mandates that all columns must be populated; it makes no allowance for virtual columns, optional columns, etc
To work the procedure would have to use dynamic SQL, which is always hard work because it turns compilation errors into runtime errors, and should be avoided if at all possible.
It is trivially simple to generate a dedicated insert procedure for each table in a schema, using dynamic SQL against the data dictionary. This is the concept of the Table API. It's not without its own issues but it is much safer than what your question proposes.

Run an oracle SQL script twice with different parameters

I have an SQL statement in Oracle SQL developer that has some variables:
DEFINE custom_date = "'22-JUL-2016'" --run1
DEFINE custom_date = "'25-JUL-2016'" --run2
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE date=&custom_date
The real query is much more complicated and has many more variables and new tables are created from the results of the query. How can I create a script so that the query is executed twice, the first time with the custom date set as in the first line and the second time as in the second line.
In Oracle, the &variable is a "substitution variable" and is not part of SQL; it is part of the SQL*Plus scripting language (understood by SQL Developer, Toad etc.)
The better option, and what you are asking about, is BIND VARIABLES. The notation is :variable (with a colon : instead of &), for example :custom_date.
The difference is that a substitution variable is replaced by its value in the front-end application (SQL Developer in your case) before the query is ever sent to the Oracle engine proper. A bind variable is substituted at runtime. This has several benefits; discussing them is outside the scope of your question.
When you execute a query with bind variables in SQL Developer, the program will open a window where you enter the desired values for the bind variables. You will have to experiment with that a little bit till you can make it work (for example I never remember if a date must be entered with the single quotes or without). Good luck!
Define is used in TRANSACT SQL. To do this Oracle way, You can create anonymus PL/SQL block, similar to this:
p_param1 DATE;
p_param2 NUMBER;
CURSOR c_cur1(cp_param1 DATE,cp_param2 NUMBER)
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date = cp_param1
-- Execute it first time
p_param1 := TO_DATE('2016-09-01','YYYY-MM-DD');
FOR r IN c_cur1(p_param1)
-- Execute it second time
p_param1 := TO_DATE('2015-10-11','YYYY-MM-DD');
FOR r IN c_cur1(p_param1)
And in it, You create cursor with parameters and execute it twice with different parameter.
I do not know why You want to execute this query twice, so the script abowe does nothing with results, but it certainly should execute Your query twice, with different params.

Getting query result as CSV in PL/SQL using exactly the same command as in SQL with hint

I am able to get the result as CSV in Oracle by using this simple query with a hint.
SELECT /*csv*/ * FROM dual;
This returns
Now I would like to use exactly the same hint in PL/SQL in order not to reinvent the wheel.
cur sys_refcursor;
csv_line varchar2(4000);
open cur for select /*csv*/ * from dual;
fetch cur into csv_line;
exit when cur%NOTFOUND;
end loop;
close cur;
Unfortunately this prints only
which seems to ignore the hint.
Any way to do it that simple or do I have to write a special piece of code for exporting the data as CSV?
The /*csv*/ hint is specific to SQL Developer and it's sibling SQLCl; and is somewhat superseded by the set sqlformat csv option.
It is not a hint recognised by the optimiser; those are denoted by a plus sign, e.g. /*+ full(...) */ or less commonly --+ full(...).
If you're creating the output in PL/SQL you will need to construct the string yourself, adding the double quotes and delimiters. You can either have the cursor query do that so you can select into a single string even when you have multiple columns; or have a 'normal' query that selects into a record and have PL/SQL add the extra characters around each field as it's output.
It would be more normal to use utl_file than dbms_output as the client may not have that enabled anyway, but of course that writes to a directory on the server. If you're writing to a file on the client then PL/SQL may not be appropriate or necessary.
If you need to do some manipulation of the data in PL/SQL then one other option is to use a collection type and have an output/bind ref cursor, and then have SQL Developer print that as CSV. But you don't normally want to be too tied to a single client.

Script doesn't generate any output

I'm using the Oracle Developer Days image to get started with PL/SQL in SQL Developer.
Right now I have the following PL/SQL anonymous block:
v_country_name VARCHAR2(40);
v_region_id NUMBER;
SELECT country_name, region_id
INTO v_country_name, v_region_id
FROM countries
WHERE country_id = 'CA';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The country name is: ' || v_country_name ||
' and is located in ' || v_region_id || '.');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Your SELECT statement retrieved multiple rows. ' ||
' Consider using a cursor.');
This executes, but it doesn't do what I want it to do. The Script Output only contains 'anonymous block completed'.
I have tried to explicitly enable the output with DBMS_OUTPUT.enable; but this didn't make a difference.
What am I overlooking?
If you're running it as a script you can add set serveroutput on before your declare, which will show the output in the 'Script Output' window. This will enable output for the remainder of your session, or until you turn it off again.
If you're running it as a statement rather than a script, and don't already have (or don't want) serveroutput on, you can attach SQL Developer to the output. From the View menu choose 'DBMS Output', which opens a new panel with the same name. Running your code again will still produce nothing at this point.
Click the green plus sign (+) and choose your connection from the list. The next time you run it you will see the output. The first time it will probably show multiple versions as the previous runs will have stored the output in a buffer on the server, and they will all be retrieved. Subsequent runs will just show the new output generated by each run.
There's more in the SQL Developer documentation; and there is background in the PL/SQL packages and types reference, which you've probably already seen. Personally I only ever use the script output, partly because it's quicker, partly because it puts mixed output from SQL and PL/SQL in one place (if out of step), but mostly from habit and to maintain script compatibility with SQL*Plus.

How do I return all values from a stored procedure?

Forgive my naivety, but I am new to using Delphi with databases (which may seem odd to some).
I have setup a connection to my database (MSSQL) using a TADOConnection. I am using TADOStoredProc to access my stored procedure.
My stored procedure returns 2 columns, a column full of server names, and a 2nd column full of users on the server. It typically returns about 70 records...not a lot of data.
How do I enumerate this stored procedure programmatically? I am able to drop a DBGrid on my form and attach it to a TDataSource (which is then attached to my ADOStoredProc) and I can verify that the data is correctly being retrieved.
Ideally, I'd like to enumerate the returned data and move it into a TStringList.
Currently, I am using the following code to enumerate the ADOStoredProc, but it only returns '#RETURN_VALUE':
for i := 0 to AdoStoredProc1.Parameters.Count - 1 do
Call Open to get a dataset returned
while not StoredProc.EOF do
Use Open to get the records from the StoredProc
Use either design-time Fields, ad-hoc Fields grabbed with FieldByName before the loop or Fields[nn] to get the values.
procedure GetADOResults(AStoredProc: TADOStoredProc; AStrings: TStrings);
fldServer, fldUser: TField;
fldServer := AStoredProc.FieldByName('ServerName');
fldUser := AStoredProc.FieldByName('User');
while not AStoredProc.EOF do
AStrings.Add(Format('Server: %s - / User: %s',[fldServer.AsString, fldUser.AsString]));
// or with FFields and Index (asumming ServerName is the 1st and User the 2nd) and no local vars
AStrings.Add(Format('Server: %s - / User: %s',[AStoredProc.Fields[0].AsString, AStoredProc.Fields[1].AsString]));
//use like
GetADOResults(ADOStoredProc1, Memo1.Lines);
Note: Fields[nn] allows to write less code but beware if the StoredProc changes the order of the returned columns.
If your stored procedure returns a result set (rows of data), don't use ExecProc. It's designed to execute procedures with no result set. Use Open or Active instead, and then you can process them just as you are using Parameters:
for i := 0 to ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.Count - 1 do
BTW, calling Open and then ExecProc causes problems; Open returns a result set, ExecProc then clears it because you're running the procedure a second time with no result set expected. I also don't think you need the Parameters.Refresh, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
Take a look at this (just Googled it):
Basically, a SQL Server stored procedure always returns one return value, but it can also create a result set, which you need to process like the data set returned from a regular select statement.