Webstorm not recognising JavaScript file - intellij-idea

Webstorm doesn't recognize one of my .js files as a JavaScript file so I'm losing syntax highlighting and being able to add break points. I've looked in the workspace.xml file and the file in question seems to have similar settings to other .js files that work correctly.
If I change the name of the file it works ok. So somehow Webstorm is stuck on misinterpreting the type of a file that has this name. Where else can I edit the project?

So I see three possible reasons for the problem:
The file was marked as 'Plain text'
There is a pattern for 'Text files' file type that matches this file (or back: file type 'JavaScript' exclude this file name). See image below
There is a custom plugin that overrides default behavior for files with this name (unlikely)
Updated: after several years I've found one more reason for the behavior and most likely it the main source of the issues. When you create a file without any extensions the "Register New File Type Association" is appeared. And you can accidentally specify a new file type, for some file name. It is can be fixed with (2) but it is the reason why the pattern was added there.
Note: the solution works for all IDEA-based IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, RubyMine, PyCharm, PhpStorm.

File -> Settings -> Editor -> FileTypes -> Text files -> check for "ContentRepository.js" pattern there and remove it.

If the file was marked as "Plain Text", then this can be fixed as follows:
Right click on the file.
One of the menu options is "Mark as Javascript" . Just below "Delete".
Click that. Your file is now recognized as javascript by WebStorm.
Since WebStorm was not allowing screenshots after right click so couldn't add it here.

My problem was with Auto-detect file type by context

For me this did the trick
1) Preferences
2) Editor
3) FileTypes
4) Search for javascript
5) Add *.js to registered patterns

You can also try "Template data languages" (in file > settings) which will force a specific language synatax high-lighting on a specific file or folder. See screenshot below
For a block of code you can also use "language injection". Simply high-light the block of code, wait for the little lamp to appear then select the bottom choice and then the language you need (screenshot also attached)

In case it is helpful elsewhere (OMG this was scary).
For some reason IntelliJ was not recognizing any .js file in my project (even after .idea removal (rm -rf .idea)).
I went to Webstorm (in my case RubyMine): Webstorm > Preferences ... > Editor > File Types then went to Recognized Filed Types, picked Javascript (but whatever file type you are missing will do), then added back a Registered Patterns entry of *.js
Of course, press Apply and then Ok.
Wow, scary stuff. but solved my problem, hope it does for someone else.

I was always trying to add .js as a recognised file types, but somehow .js was added to Ignored Files and Folders.
I just removed .js from Ignored Files and Folders and it worked for me.
Ignored Files and Folders
Remove *.js

2022 update!
Right click on file and choose JavaScript


PlantUML file in IntelliJ autocomplete and color formatting not working [duplicate]

I have several django projects and several different files with name utils.py, however pycharm treats them as simple .txt files with no syntax highlighting or any other kind of parsing, how can I fix this?
Please see File | Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | File Types.
Look for your file name mapped to the Text type or to the Auto-detect file type by content type.
Remove the incorrect mapping and it will fix the issue.
If you still can't find the wrong mapping in the IDE settings, locate the options/filetypes.xml file in the Configuration directory. Close the IDE and either edit this file to remove the incorrect mapping or delete this file to reset all the file types to the defaults.
You can also use Revert File Type Override / Override File Type file context menu actions.
As CrazyCoder answered, my file also landed in an unintended association. In my case it was "Auto-detect file type by content". You can just try to add your file to the desired file type (e.g. Python) and PyCharm will automatically try to move the association.
FYI, a quick action to reassociate a file's type will be available in the context menu of the Project tool window in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (EAPs should be available publicly around May 2021).
In my case I had to right click the file in question (a django migration) and select Mark as Python.
I probably clicked Mark as Plain Text before by mistake.
I actually solved this by going to the Project section , and then clicking Override File Type by right clicking on the specific file. Then I selected the type of the file from the list of available file types.
That worked
For me, the file somehow forgot its type. This can be overridden by
Right click the file name --> Override File Type --> Select file type.

PhpStorm header.php file is greyed out

I'm using PhpStorm and for some reason in all of my projects the header.php file got messed up. It's just greyed out and PhpStorm doesn't recognize the PHP in the specific files named header.php. The rest is working fine.
It's driving me crazy and I can't figure it out. I already checked file templates, reset it to default. Nothing helps.
I would appreciate any solution, thanks.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | File Types
Locate Text entry in top table
Locate and remove header.php (or very similar one) pattern from bottom table and remove it.
Right now you have somehow told IDE to treat such file as Plain text and it does it for all files named header.php regardless of their location (quite likely it happened when you were creating new header file and forgot to enter .php part).

File named "auth_actions.dart" won't be highlighted in Intellij-idea

I created a file named "auth_actions.dart" in a dart project(either angular or not). The file content would have text colour being plain white, without any highlighted.
If I rename it to "auth_action.dart" or "auth_actionss.dart", the highlight will come back.
I did some experiments even from some random projects downloaded from github, all of them had this issue.
Anyone know how to fix it? Does anyone see the same issue using the name "auth_actions.dart"?
I assume you accidentally added the file to
Preferences > Editor > File Types > Recognized File Types > Text
Remove it from Registered Patterns to get hightlighting again.
You could accidentally mark it as plain text (the option is in the right-click menu). In this case, the option to mark it back as a Dart file is also in the context menu.

How to exclude a file extension from IntelliJ IDEA search?

Is there a way to exclude particular file extension from the results in IntelliJ IDEA's "Find in Path" dialog (invoked by CTRL + SHIFT + F)? I want to exclude all .css files.
In intellij 16 there is a section "File name Filter" to exclude an extension use !*.java. You can give more detailed patterns as well for example I use the pattern below to only return .java files except those with a name starting or ending with test.
Pattern: !*test.java,*.java,!Test*.java
In recent versions of Intellij the GUI has been updated a bit but the same still applies see the "File mask" on the top right hand corner see image below:
In "Find in Path" and "Find in Files" (Ctrl+Shift+F) you can use the "File mask" input.
For example, this would exclude all js, css and twig:
!*.js, !*.css, !*.twig
It's handy cause it also keeps a list of previous inputs, but it gets messy easily when you add a lot of extensions. If it gets too crowded, consider excluding some folders as well (right-click -> "Mark directory as" -> "Excluded")
You can create custom scope there:
In 'Find in Path' dialog you can check radio button 'Custom' and open scopes window.
There you can customize path and search pattern.
Examples of Patterns for Pattern field:
!file:*.css - exclude CSS files
file[MyMod]:src/main/java/com/example/my_package//* - include files from the directory in a project.
src[MyMod]:com.example.my_package..* - recursively include all files in a package.
file:*.js||file:*.coffee - include all JavaScript and CoffeeScript files.
file:*js&&!file:*.min.* - include all JavaScript files except those that were generated through minification, which is indicated by the min extension.
Or check the official documentation.
Good luck!
If you are like me that don't want to use the File Mask option or create a custom scope, etc. but just wanted to be able to add it to project settings one time and be done with it, then here's a solution for you.
I wanted my Find in Path to not search in lock files (auto-generated manifest file by package managers), here's what I had to do for that:
Goto File >> Project Structure (or just press Command+;)
Select Modules under Project Settings
Add a pattern or file names to the Exclude files text-box, in this case: *.lock;package-lock.json and hit Apply, and then ok.
Note The above option is available in IntelliJ 2019 and versions after that, not sure about older versions. For more info, https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/excluding-files-from-project.html
WebStorm 2021
CTRL+SHIFT+F and follow the pictures
For 2019.2, the pattern is not set in scope but in the right top windows "File mask" in Find in path dialog. You must tick it.
The syntax I tested are:
exclude files with extension css: !*.css
exclude all under out dir: !out/*
Patterns are separated by comma.
Reference: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/finding-and-replacing-text-in-project.html
For 2021.3.2, just right-click to the folder and Mark Directory as -> Excluded. This will work for logs etc but be careful about source folders.

How to remove BOM in Intellij Idea

I'd like to remove Bite Order Masks from my
UTF-8 files in Intellij IDEA, how can I do this?
The problem is that if I'm trying to do it via other editors (e.g. Akelpad),
when I modify the file later in IDEA it somehow remembers that BOM
was present and adds it to my file again (((
Tested on PHPStorm 8:
Right click on a file in the project tree,
click on "Remove BOM"
(Not sure if it exists on the base platform, comments will be helpful)
There is no such action to remove BOM from UTF-8 files in IntelliJ IDEA. There was a bug that BOM is removed, but it was fixed a long time ago.
When you remove BOM externally, make sure the file is synchronized with editor, try File | Synchronize.
If IntelliJ IDEA still thinks that this file has BOM, please file an issue with the steps to reproduce.
Intellij Idea has an option, File->Remove Bom, but it looks doesn't work very well, I got "This file has mandatory Bom" error
The following tips work for me
1) create new empty file (for example: temp123.java)
2) make sure that code-page/encoding for that file is UTF-8
3) copy whole content from original to newly created file (select all, copy, go > to another tab, paste) and save
I referenced link below, can be combined with Intellij Idea File->File Encoding-> Reload/Convert to UTF-8
IDEs Support: Remove BOM from file - how ?
I had the same Problem.
I found this issue and a "works for me"-fix:
Hope it helps