Returning values from dynamic SQL by using sp_executesql with an output variable (Or) Error in appending the variable data at the end name dynamically - sql

I just face a problem while working on a stored procedure,
My situation is as below,
I'm calling a stored procedure inside another stored procedure like for example,
#stk_tran_no = #cash_purchase_no,
#stk_tran_date = GetDate(),
#tran_type = 'Cash Purchase',
#item_code = #item_code,
#quantity = #quantity
Currently in the above code we are passing current date to the parameter #stk_tran_date.
But now I need to pass date to #stk_tran_date by fetching that from some other table like,
select #stk_tran_date = Convert(datetime,cash_purchase_date,103) from Cash_Purchase_14 where cash_purchase_no = 'GOH-9/2014'
If you observe my table name is like Cash_Purchase_14 where 14 is a dynamic value which changes every year, as this is 2014 financial year so it looks like Cash_Purchase_14, next year it will be Cash_Purchase_15.
Because of this i use to write these quires first as string then I'll execute them as shown below,
declare #SQL nvarchar(4000)
set #SQL =N' Declare #cash_purchase_date1 datetime
set #cash_purchase_date1 = (select cash_purchase_date from Cash_Purchase_'+ #Financialyearpart +' where cash_purchase_no = ''' + #cash_purchase_no + ''')
print #cash_purchase_date1'
exec executesql #SQL
But I need the value of the variable #cash_purchase_date1 outside this block like below,
#stk_tran_no = #cash_purchase_no,
#stk_tran_date = #cash_purchase_date1,
#tran_type = 'Cash Purchase',
#item_code = #item_code,
#quantity = #quantity
but it is giving an error like, "declare the variable #cash_purchase_date1"
In Other case i tried like calling the stored procedure in side the string like,
SET #SQL =' Declare #cash_purchase_date1 datetime
set #cash_purchase_date1 = (select cash_purchase_date from Cash_Purchase_'+ #Financialyearpart +' where cash_purchase_no = ' + #qt + #cash_purchase_no + #qt +')
print #cash_purchase_date1
#stk_tran_no = ' + #qt + #cash_purchase_no + #qt +',
#stk_tran_date = #cash_purchase_date1,
#tran_type = ''Cash Purchase'',
#item_code = ' + #qt + #item_code + #qt +',
#quantity = ' + #quantity
exec executesql #SQL
In this scenario the value of #cash_purchase_date1 is not replacing it simply retains the same.
Please help to get the value of the variable outside the block.
How can I append the value 14 at the end of the table name dynamically using a variable.
I Tried like
Declare #cash_purchase_date1 datetime
set #cash_purchase_date1 = cash_purchase_date from Cash_Purchase_+ #Financialyearpart
I think i made the problem bit complicated while explaining. Please help me in solving the issue.
Thanks in advance.

You can return values from dynamic sql by using sp_executesql with an output variable:
declare #SQL nvarchar(4000);
declare #cash_purchase_date datetime;
set #SQL = N'select #cash_purchase_date = cash_purchase_date from Cash_Purchase_' + #Financialyearpart + ' where cash_purchase_no = ''' + #cash_purchase_no + '''';
exec sp_executesql #SQL, N'#cash_purchase_date datetime OUTPUT', #cash_purchase_date = #cash_purchase_date OUTPUT;
I think this will solve your problem.


sql server concating or replacing, which one is better (faster)

I have to generate a very long procedure every time for a reporting system, so i created a template for my procedure and replacing the parts are needed to, but i could do it with Concat or +(&)
for example:
set #query = '... and (
set #query = replace(#query,'--#InnerQueries',#otherValues)
set #query += ' and exists (...)'
if(#xxx is not null)
set #query += 'and not exists (...)'
with replace approach it's more readable and maintainable for me, but for sake of optimization, what about Concat and attaching string together?
with replace: there are a lot of searching but less string creation
and with concat: lot's of string creation but no searching
so any idea?
I assume you're talking about using CONCAT or REPLACE to build an SQL then run it. If ultimately you'll process fewer than 100 REPLACEments, I'd go with that approach rather than CONCAT because it's more readable.
If however, you're talking about using concat/replace to create report output data and you will e.g. be carrying out 100 REPLACE operations per row on a million rows, I'd do the CONCAT route
update 2:
there could be something missing here:
if i change first variable :#sourceText_Replace
to a max value of 8000 character, and continue to add to it:
set #sourceText_Replace += '8000 character length'
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
set #sourceText_Replace +=#sourceText_Replace
it works fine, even if go up until: 16384017 character length
so any idea here is as good as mine
orginal answer:
to summarize (and if i didnt make any mistakes):
if you are searching in a long text, dont even think about using replace, it took seconds not milliseconds, but for concat obviously does not make any difference
in the blew code, in first try(small text), i just used variables default values and did not append to them,
but for second try(long Text) , i just append result from previous loop run
for long text, i did not bothered to run the loop more than 20 time, because it took over minutes.
smallText: set #destSmallText_Replace =
longText: set #destSmallText_Replace +=
here is the code for test:
drop table if exists #tempReplace
drop table if exists #tempConcat
create table #tempReplace
[txt] nvarchar(max) not null
create table #tempConcat
[txt] nvarchar(max) not null
declare #sourceText_Replace nvarchar(max) = 'small1 text to replace #textToBeReplaced after param text'
declare #text_Replace nvarchar(max) = #sourceText_Replace
declare #textToSearch nvarchar(max) = '#textToBeReplaced'
declare #textToReplace nvarchar(max) = 'textToBeReplaced'
declare #concat_Start nvarchar(max) = 'small1 text to replace'
declare #concat_End nvarchar(max) = 'after param text'
declare #text_Concat nvarchar(max) = #concat_Start
declare #whileCounter int =0
declare #maxCounter int = 5
declare #startTime datetime = getdate();
declare #endTime datetime = getdate();
set #startTime = getDate();
while(#whileCounter <=#maxCounter)
--long text
set #text_Replace += replace(#sourceText_Replace,#textToSearch,#textToReplace + convert(nvarchar(10), #whileCounter)) + #textToSearch
--small text
--set #text_Replace = replace(#sourceText_Replace,#textToSearch,#textToReplace + convert(nvarchar(10), #whileCounter)) + #textToSearch
--print #destSmallText_Replace
insert into #tempReplace values(#text_Replace)
set #whileCounter+=1
set #endTime = getDate();
print 'passedTime ' + Convert(nvarchar(20), DATEPART(millisecond, #endTime) - DATEPART(millisecond, #startTime))
set #whileCounter = 0;
set #startTime = getDate();
while(#whileCounter <=#maxCounter)
set #text_Concat += concat(#concat_Start,#textToReplace + convert(nvarchar(10), #whileCounter),#concat_End) + #textToSearch
--print #sourceSmallText_Concat
insert into #tempConcat values(#text_Concat)
set #whileCounter+=1
set #endTime = getDate();
print 'passedTime ' + Convert(nvarchar(20), DATEPART(millisecond, #endTime) - DATEPART(millisecond, #startTime))

Adding a space to the data

I have a stored procedure like the following:
declare #mySymbol as varchar(32)
declare #myJID as varchar(45)
declare Div_csr cursor for
select distinct Symbol2, RefGroupID, jnl_id
from #TDRows td
WHERE TD_CompanyCode_AU = 'A'
open Div_csr
fetch next from Div_csr into #mySymbol, #RefGroupID, #myJID
while ##FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin
SET #InfoMessage = #InfoMessage +CONVERT(varchar(30),getdate(), 120)+ ' ' + #SPname
+ ': RefGroupID:'+ convert(varchar(20),#RefGroupID,101)
+ ' Sym: ' + #mySymbol
+ ' JID: ' + #myJID
+ CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
fetch next from Div_csr into #mySymbol, #RefGroupID, #myJID
close Div_csr
deallocate Div_csr
#mySymbol is the data I want to modified.
For example; #mySymbol is BXP PRB. You can see there is a space between BXP and PRB. I want to this space also show in the comment that was created using the stored procedure.
Right now, the commment's Sym: is parsed by data #mySymbol. But it does not have space now. I do not know why.. .
The comment looks like this:
"DIV2PAY Record receipt from CSH RecordDt=08/04/2017 Intended PayDt= 08/15/2017 Sym=BXPPRB Qty=-100 CashRate=0.328125 Kind= Cash Dividend RowID= 127278 CAEventID= 105226767
Could anyone help me with this?

SQL - Trying to add variable into string

I have a store procedure where I pass a path to the file like:
EXEC spMyPathFile
#PFile = 'C:\TFiles\Paths\Test_1.1_Version.txt'
What I'd like to do it loop through and be able to pass a number of versions of the file like 1.1 and 1.2 etc using:
DECLARE #a varchar(2)
SET #intLp = 1 WHILE (#intLp <2)
SET #a = '1.1'
ELSE IF #intLp = 2
SET #a = '1.2'
EXEC spMyPathFile
#PFile = 'C:\TFiles\Paths\Test_'+#a+'_Version.txt'
SET #intLp = #intLp + 1
For some reason I get "Incorrect syntax near '+'." which is just before the #a. I'm obviously not joining my variable to my string properly.
Could someone give me an example of how this should look?
EXEC spMyPathFile
#PFile = 'C:\TFiles\Paths\Test_'+#a+'_Version.txt'
declare #FileName varchar(100) = 'C:\TFiles\Paths\Test_' + #a + '_Version.txt'
EXEC spMyPathFile
#PFile = #FileName
From MSDN - Specify Parameters
The parameter values supplied with a procedure call must be constants or a variable; a function name cannot be used as a parameter value. Variables can be user-defined or system variables such as ##spid.

sp_add_jobstep in SQL Server

I have written this in SQL:
EXEC sp_add_jobstep
#job_name = N'Every 5 minutes log backup ',
#step_name = N'set T-sql command',
#subsystem = N'TSQL',
#command=N'DECLARE #fileName NVARCHAR(256) BACKUP LOG MM TO DISK =''F:\BackUp\Log\M-''' +dbo.UDF_Gregorian_To_Persian_WithDash(cast(GETDATE() as date))+'''-'''+ REPLACE(cast(isnull(convert(char(5), GETDATE(), 108),'''''') as nvarchar),''':''','''''') + '''.TRN''',
#retry_attempts = 1,
#retry_interval = 1 ;
but SQL says
"Incorrect syntaxt near +" !
Please help me!
You can pass variables into EXEC or literal values but what you're not allowed to use are expressions.
So do your string concatenation as a separate step first:
declare #cmd nvarchar(max)
set #cmd = 'DECLARE #fileName NVARCHAR(256) BACKUP ... ' + dbo.UDF_Gregorian_To_Persian_WithDash(...) + ' ... '
EXEC sp_add_jobstep
#job_name = N'Every 5 minutes log backup ',
#step_name = N'set T-sql command',
#subsystem = N'TSQL',
#retry_attempts = 1,
#retry_interval = 1 ;
A bit of a mess with those apostophes. What you want is:
DISK ='F:\BackUp\Log\M-x-y.TRN'
But by looking at the current string it would rather be:
DISK ='F:\BackUp\Log\M-'x'-'y'.'TRN'
So, I hope this will work better:
#command = N'DECLARE #fileName NVARCHAR(256) BACKUP LOG MM TO DISK = ''F:\BackUp\Log\M-' + cast(dbo.UDF_Gregorian_To_Persian_WithDash(cast(GETDATE() as date)) as nvarchar) + '-' + REPLACE(cast(isnull(convert(char(5), GETDATE(), 108),'''''') as nvarchar),''':''','''''') + '.TRN'''
A tip would be to print this line so you can see exactly how the output will be. In my example above the output will be something like:
..DISK ='F:\BackUp\Log\M-2015-04-27-08:31.TRN'
Not sure what UDF_Gregorian_To_Persian_WithDash returns, but unless it is a nvarchar you'll need to CAST() that too (updated my example above with the cast).

tsql Loop with external query

I am looping through all my databases and aggregating the results into an aggregates database.
In my loop I call
master.dbo.xp_cmdshell osql C:\whatever.SQL
As the loop progresses, the cmdshell takes longer and longer to execute. If I stop the loop and run a single aggregate for one database it executes quickly.
Is there anything I can add to my external SQL script to make it run faster? Maybe something to commit and free the records before the next loop? Or should I add some kind of a pause after every loop?
I want to use an external SQL file because it contains many update statements and it's more manageable for me.
Here's how I loop:
Update dbFoo.dbo.tblBar set Processed = 0
WHILE EXISTS ( SELECT ID FROM dbFoo.dbo.tblBar WHERE Processed = 0)
SELECT #aRow = MIN(tblBar.ID) FROM dbFoo.dbo.tblBar
SELECT #aFoo1 = Foo1 FROM dbFoo.dbo.tblBar WHERE ID = #aRow
SELECT #aFoo2 = Foo2 FROM dbFoo.dbo.tblBar WHERE ID = #aRow
SELECT #aFoo3 = Foo3 FROM dbFoo.dbo.tblWhatever WHERE Foo = #aFoo
EXEC RunPreAgg #Foo1 = #aFoo1, #Foo2 = #aFoo2, #Foo3 = #aFoo3, #RetVal = #aRetVal OUTPUT
SELECT returning = #aRetVal
UPDATE dbFoo.dbo.tblBar SET Processed = 1 WHERE ID = #aRow
Then the RunPreAgg stored procedure basically does this:
if db_id('db' + #Foo1 + '_' + #Foo2) is not null
--This bat file creates the SQL File
select #sql = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '''+#path+'wwwRunPreAgg.bat ' + #Foo1 + ' ' + #Foo2 + ' ' + #Foo3 + ''''
exec( #sql )
select #sql = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''osql -E -o '+#path+'output\tmp'+#Foo1+'_'+#Foo2+'.txt -i '+#path+'tmp' + #Foo1 + '.SQL'''
exec( #sql )
--This erases the SQL File
select #sql = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '''+#path+'wwwCleanup.bat ' + #Foo1 + ' ' + #Foo2 + ''''
exec( #sql )
Set #retval = 'Done!'
Set #retval = 'Err: No DataBase'
The variable names are changed to protect the innocent. The code works fine, I just need to optimize.
If it is the loops performance that is causing you trouble, you might try reducing the number of selects. Normally I dislike Cursors, but your loop might benefit from one. You can select all the values you need for the loop into memory, then loop through those values without having to run 3 or 4 selects per loop (of course if the performance hit is occurring inside the RunPreAgg SP, then this won't help):
SELECT tblBar.ID, tblBar.Foo1, tblBar.Foo2, tblWhatever.Foo3
FROM dbFoo.dbo.tblBar
INNER JOIN dbFoo.dbo.tblWhatever
ON tblWhatever.Foo = tblBar.Foo
WHERE tblBar.Processed = 0;
OPEN cFoos;
FETCH NEXT FROM cFoos INTO #aRow, #aFoo1, #aFoo2, #aFoo3;
EXEC RunPreAgg #Foo1 = #aFoo1, #Foo2 = #aFoo2, #Foo3 = #aFoo3, #RetVal = #aRetVal OUTPUT
SELECT returning = #aRetVal
UPDATE dbFoo.dbo.tblBar SET Processed = 1 WHERE ID = #aRow
FETCH NEXT FROM cFoos INTO #aRow, #Foo1, #Foo2, #Foo3;
CLOSE cFoos;