How to get console width without using ncurses? - cross-platform

What I need is only the console width, so it is better to not depend on another library that provides many other functions. In addition, the user of my library probably don't have ncurses dev headers installed; so if I remove the dependency on ncurses, there will be less claims from my user.
I have downloaded ncurses source code and had a brief look at it, but failed to grasp the key code for collecting the console width. I know fcntl() can do it, but Windows probably don't have it. Could anybody tell me how to get the width in a cross-platform way?

You find it in the COLUMNS environment variable.


I built webRTC but uncertain how to put it into project

So, the new webRTC has getCaptureSession, but cocoa pod version is old, and doesn't have it. I really could use that session. So I have a few options, 2 of which are "wait for cocoa pods" (not gonna happen), or 2) "Place library into project".
My main problem is, even though I somehow managed to build the libs for sim and device, I do not know if pasting just libwebrtc.a would work, and even so, I can't find the header files that go with it.
I fear my question comes from a lack of understanding of libraries more than this particular library, so I tried to make it generalized towards that. I do understand enough to add, create, fix bugs with adding most libs.
The sample project only has one .a file (libwebrtc), and google doesn't use the usual XCode workflow, so I spend inordinate amounts of time trying to figure out Google's custom tooling. (Try googling how to use Gyp files - I get they make xcodeprojects, and I can see the specs, but how to run them?)
Just to reiterate, I have successfully built the libs, but uncertain how to paste and get the header with the function I'm after, in the file avfoundationvideocapturer.h from Google's webRTC issue 4070 - so yes, it's in there.
You have to add it to the project as a file. Then include it in the Link Binary With Libraries section in the Build Phases of your target configuration.
Take a look at this answer.
For the header files, have a look at this. Header files are under src/talk/app/webrtc/objc/public/*.h or something like that.

How can I get the used configure commandline options for the installed Qt5

I want to check if Qt5 was compiled with or without some options, regarding supported image formats. I know about the QImageReader supportedImageFormats function but I want to know the configure options.
Is there a way to retrieve the used commandline options of the configure call dynamically?
No, there is not. You could fake it, if you still have the source tree. In qt5/qtbase you find two files: config.summary and config.status. Those contain the info you seek. However, these files are not part of a normal installation.

extract code from cgal

I would like to use the halfedge data structure of CGAL in my project.
Since it is licenced by LGPL, I would prefer to distribute this small piece together with my software, instead of requiring the installation of this big library on the user's system.
So my question is, is there something like boost's bcp for Cgal? I started to manually copy the halfedge source files but it looks fairly compicated.
thank you in advance
There is currently no automated way to extract only a subset of CGAL headers or just a package including its dependencies. You can try to do this manually though by just following all include dependencies.
Even if you do this, the biggest problem is that CGAL assertions require linking to libCGAL. You can avoid this by disabling the assertions through the CGAL_NDEBUG macro. It's also not easy to see from a CGAL distribution if a package compiles code into libCGAL, but neither Polyhedron nor Halfedge_DS do that, so you should be fine.

Set Version information for an existing .dll?

Need To Set Version Information on the existing .dll
I need to add these to dll
1.File Version
2.Product Version
Tried this free version.
does not work
any Idea ?
There is a tool named verpatch that does exactly that.
After you download it you can run it from command line as below:
verpatch your.dll /pv "product.version" /va "file.version"
There are many other flags that can be used to add extra information.
verpatch /?
There is Resource Tuner Console from Heaventools Software.
Resource Tuner Console is a command-line tool that enables developers to automate editing of different resource types in large numbers of Windows 32- and 64-bit executable files.
See specifically the Changing Version Variables And Updating The Version Information page for greater details.
I've created a tool for this purpose because didn't find anything that is enough easy to use and easy to automate. Developers find it useful.
I'm sorry if that might seem as a self-ad but I know how annoying is to sync versions...

Ada GPS IDE can't seem to find GtkAda

I have installed both the GNAT Programming Studio (GPS) and GtkAda. They both seem to work fine, but when I try to build the Simple Window project under New Project from Template, I get a bunch of errors saying "file not found." This seems to be a directory/dependency sort of problem - GPS doesn't know where to look for GtkAda. I'm running Windows 7, and have GPS installed at C:\GNAT\2011, and GtkAda installed at C:\GtkAda. I tried adding GtkAda to my PATH; at the moment my PATH user variable includes C:\GNAT\2011\bin, and my Path System variable includes C:\GtkAda\bin. Any advice on resolving this problem is greatly appreciated!
There are two things here.
First, "project" is key. Whenever you're building something that depends
on a library like GtkAda, it's much much easier if (a) you use GNAT
Project to manage it, and (b) you use the GPR(s) provided by the library
- always assuming it does, of course.
In the case of GtkAda, that means that your GPR needs to "with" GtkAda;
with "gtkada";
project Tinkering is
Second, gnatmake or gprbuild needs to be able to find gtkada.gpr.
The easiest way is to install GtkAda in such a way that gtkada.gpr is in
the default place that gnatmake/gprbuild expect to find GPR files. This
is $prefix/lib/gnat. GtkAda obeys this convention, so you could install
GtkAda under the same root as your compiler. I don't know why that's not recommended anyway.
If you don't want to do that, you can add the correct location to the
environment variable ADA_PROJECT_PATH, for example in your case set it
to C:\GtkAda\lib\gnat.
There is a lot of good stuff in the GtkAda README at, and in
the GtkAda User's Guide which I see from the README is also included with the
installed package at (in your case) C:\GtkAda\doc\GtkAda\gtkada_ug.